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File: 158 KB, 1500x1000, purchasing-power-3f0ccb6f11444f9aa5e36839e55cf7e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55915336 No.55915336 [Reply] [Original]

I am a 28 year old software engineer
I've been making at bare minimum 100k my entire career
Last year, I made over a quarter million dollars

I cannot comfortably buy a condo in my MCOL city (Atlanta, Georgia) without being overleveraged/underwater

groceries are $100 for the week and I'm getting less; I'm buying hood niggas' Food Stamps to supplement

to say I cannot afford my dream condo, on a 250k annual income, when the condo was 285k in 2019 is absurd...or is it the new normal?

where the hell did my purchasing power go? I've literally been buying pussy the past couple of weeks because the dollar is fucking worthless.

>> No.55915362
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this is a reply to this tweet


>> No.55915896

>dream condo
are you a faggot? Why do you even want to live near negroids

>> No.55915905

>disgusting greased down front hair
Do shaniquas really...

>> No.55915935

>makes a quarter million a year
>complains about purchasing power
I wish we could exchange lives so you could fill your life with the joy of never bring alle to make more than 20k a year in europoor land

>> No.55916104

Hey fucktard, you realize the inflation you’re seeing is caused by dumbfuck overpaid “engineers” like you?

>> No.55916156

Just save as much as possible for 5-10 years and retire in a low cost of living area. Why do you choose slavery?

>> No.55916683

>inflation caused by overpaid engineers
We're not to blame here, we're just higher up on the wave, man, it's gonna break no matter what.

>> No.55916692
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I didn't, all my opportunities to buy a condo (2015) and (2019) I didn't pull the trigger because of absurd HOA feeds that you will have to pay "forever" and the advice of "don't buy condos"

I already own a generational primary residence, but COVID made living with folks unbearable. I tried to move out, but the entire market was fucked. I am now renting a 1BD on the outskirts of my city when I used to be able to live in a 2bd in the middle for the same price ($1200)

When I do the math, I missed out on 100k to 200k of appreciation - all I had to do was buy, a $1800 mortgage for a 2bd condo is platinum right now - would have been fucking hoes left and right

I was making 100k+ actually being a technical architect at Delta Airlines - pre-COVID; again, 2019

250k is the new 200k
100k is the new 50k
a double cheeseburger from McDonald's in Atlanta cost $3.50 fucking cents. I come from the Dollar Menu era.

let's play a game, guess my ethnicity based on my taste in women (lol)

>> No.55916698

>I cannot comfortably buy a condo in my MCOL city (Atlanta, Georgia) without being overleveraged/underwater
Society doesn't owe you a house.

>> No.55916702
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disgusting, I know

>> No.55916738

In the dollar menu era, 250k was the salary of the CEO of the company you work for. If you aren't lying and that is really your annual income, then you are more than well compensated for the inflation and you are just terrible at money management. Plenty of people with less than half of your income can easily afford a nice house after 5-10 years of working.

>> No.55916745
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Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.55916761
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>> No.55916774
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now? in 2023?

just because I can "afford it", doesn't mean I can actually afford it

I need to be able to sustain everything on a 100k a year salary
200k is a good year, but I can guarantee 100k and not have to slave away

I used to be able to do that until shit literally skyrocketed overnight

when I look at Tax Records for Fulton County, and also recently sold units....based on TRUE NOMINAL APPRECIATION, 2bd 2ba condos near Allen Plaza should be worth $375K MAX

the historical data proves this, I just want to know who the fuck is buying this shit for 450k to 500k, and what their mortgage is?

>Verification not required.

>> No.55916788
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forgot link


>> No.55916804
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1970: $0.5T
1980: $1.5T
2000: $4.5T
2020: $15T
2023 $20.8T

Asset prices aren't driven by income, but by debasement, even the stock market has been flat for years factored for debasement

>> No.55916818
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I didn't know as soon as I started making 100k, I needed to become housepoor

I didn't know I had to become a professional level economist in additional to a professional level engineer

my fucking mistake

over 10 years, I missed 100k-200k of appreciation

maybe I should have bought that dump near Georgia Tech after all

>Verification not required.

>> No.55916829

Americans think earning 250k US dollars is some big deal. Mutts don't realize their cost of living and inflation makes their currency worth shit. So don't 'flaunt' your dollarinos here dumb IT faggot, it means shit to the rest of the world where Zimbabwean tier dollars are actually looked at with disgust.

>inb4: reserve currency status
>inb4: we own the UN n shietz

>> No.55916831
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why keep working when my currency is debasing?

Food, Gas, Housing

what the fuck is going on? or is everything fine and dandy because YOU have a house?

I know there are people who make less than me who own homes....I genuinely wonder how they fucking afford it

>> No.55916841
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a six figure software engineer was KING from 2014 - 2019

the currency literally halved over the course of the past two years......where is the public outrage? The price of NEEDS have doubled, wages haven't kept up....what the hell is going on?

I am genuinely a engineer and I'm not trying to pay $4k for a fucking condo when the mortgage for my house is literally $1200

what the fuck is fucking going on out here?

>> No.55916962

I'm a late 20s black SDE too op, but I cant even get interviews anymore. Can I get a referral? Whats ur discord

>> No.55916976

sounds like you spent all your money on dumb shit

>> No.55917080

you're an idiot

I was in position to buy as late as 2019, as early as 2015

>> No.55917220

>value producers making fair pay is the cause of inflation
lmao you retard. First blame the fed kikes who debased our currency for decades. Then blame feckless politicians who let corprotocracy take over. Finally blame business owners who participate in race to the bottom play where they hire the best minds in the world to have them work on fucking marketing algorithms.
Don't ever blame engineers or laborers for causing economic distress.

>> No.55917432
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Your biggest problem is not having a gf or wife.

That's why people buy 400k houses, because the average income of an educated couple is easily 250k.

You can sit on the sidelines waiting, but there won't be a big -50% crash. Best case there will be a 20% drop but at the same time you won't buy because your scared of losing your job or your stock value has plummeted.

The best time to buy was yesterday, the second best time today.

>> No.55919110

Anon, you're bad with money. I live on the outskirts of the same metro making ~330k at a FAANG and I'm saving 150k+ per year while paying a mortgage, traveling overseas 2x per year, and paying for all kinds of dumb shit.

How are you spending so much and saving so little?! You should be able to buy/build a nice home for ~350k in that area and pay it off within 3 years with that salary.

>> No.55919376

>where the hell did my purchasing power go?
it went to you unprofitable software fags getting paid doctor salaries to make socioeconomic vaporware

>> No.55919557

>why keep working when my currency is debasing
You shouldn't. They will continue debasing as long as you the worker puts up with the theft.
>I know there are people who make less than me who own homes....I genuinely wonder how they fucking afford it
They bought in the past, they couldn't afford it now, and because they believe their asset inflation is wealth and not debasement they'll continue to accept sub-inflation raises and pay, suppressing your generations income further.

>> No.55919578
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what is your mortgage, and where do you live?

follow the thread, I am complaining that 250-350k condos are now priced AT 400K+ overnight, and I've only had one 200k year

I should have bought in 2019 if I knew I would priced out overnight

also, Kadeem? lol

>> No.55920671

I live in a rural-turning-suburban area north of Atlanta. If what you're saying is true, just save for another year, find a good builder in the area, and build north if you're willing to commute 30-60min.

>> No.55921986

Its nothing compared to whats going on around the world. Check last few year's inflation rates

>> No.55922053

You make $250k a year and you're complaining about $4 hamburgers? I'm calling bullshit. You could spend $100 on food every single day and still live comfortably, even in downtown Atlanta. This is just another demoralization thread

>> No.55922835
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>I'm just not going to work
Nobody gives a shit. You have no useful skills anyway.
>Enjoy trying to maintain civilization
Name a single critical piece of infrastructure you're capable of maintaining.
Can you even machine a basic engine component, or install a substation transformer?