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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55914718 No.55914718 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe this is a /pol/ post but this is going to affect your money so hi /biz/ bros.

So no matter how old you are if you're a burger and likely anywhere in the west, the best days are behind you.

This has been in motion for some time but the Ukranian sanctions and reaction to Covid have guaranteed this.

Basically, the trade war with the Chinese and the removal of production from Uyger slaves is going to be very inflationary. The only reason why we didn't have inflation here post-2008 is because we exported all production to Chinese child labor and cheap oil.

In comes a bumbling retard called Biden. As a candidate that fucking moron told Oil companies he was going to put them out of business. He then said to the Saudis, the Prince is a dipshit and I'm going make sure he is shunned globally. What was the reaction to this? The Oil producers stopped investing in new wells and infrastructure, why would they if they're going out of business? The Saudi's started trading in Yuan which threatens the Petrodollar.

The sanctions against Russia were nothing less than insane. Imagine if the Japanese seized Bill Gates' yacht because burgers invaded Iraq. Even worse, the US stole all of Russia's dollar reserves and cut them off from Swift. That essentially ends any country wanting to hold wealth in dollars. Too risky now Not buying US debt, very inflationary.

The overreaction to Covid and the printing of 50% of all money in existence is another complete fucking mess that is self explanatory.

>oil prices up
>production costs up
>nobody buying US debt =rates up
>too much money in the system

it's so fucking over. There will never be another bull run like we just saw. There will never be another period of extreme prosperity like the 2010s. The world you knew is gone. Down only from here on out. Buy a gun and gl.

>> No.55914773

So where do I move to? If America is never going to recover isn't every single other country in the world going to be worse to much worse?

>> No.55914819

No you stupid burger, you deserve the shit that you will get. There won't be a place where you'll be welcomed, you are literal trash and everyone is going to treat you as such

>> No.55914862

Yes but not only that, everyone hates the us, they're also the laughing stock of the world, they're poisoned, they don't have real citizens, they're literally a tribe of fat man children and sluts falling for random propaganda, this country is a total embarrassment and it needs to break down very fast, it will become like Europe with multiple countries probably, or they will die because of the chemicals they have in them

>> No.55914895
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>Its over
(Yawn) welcome to the roaring 20's zoom zoom. The blow off top comes near the end. This isn't what a blow off top looks like.

>> No.55914979

If the USA falls the entire world falls. No exceptions,not Russia, not Chyna not some pipe dreams about global top down commutardism
Then it's over for a good 100 years and more

>> No.55914986
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anywhere between the Rockies and the Mississippi River should be a good spot

Whatever shit hole you live in will be worse. I only address burgers because I don't care about the rest of the world per usual. You'll continue to smell our farts in poverty.

>> No.55915022
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Watch and learn
look at any chart of any indices over the last 10 years. My brother in Christ, it's already happened. Now it goes down.

>> No.55915042
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I know. I never said anything about the rest of the world because I don't give a shit about those coping eurofags, ausfags or street shitters. It's going be bad here and worse there. I don't make the rules

>> No.55915078
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Boomers aging out. The largest generation in history is going to go from producers to takers. They will add zero value to society and will not add any capital investment to the markets as they're going for safety and security to make sure they don't get rugged on their way out. Boomers going to cash out of stonks and into bonds. We'll be lucky if the next 20 years here look like what the Japanese have been dealing with since 1990.

>> No.55915130

I will flee here when the time comes

>> No.55915477
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Give me real options here, what economies are relatively stable? What businesses have relative stable incomes? What about war scenarios? What about cold war scenarios?

>> No.55915506

America you dense fucker. This is the daily JIDF demoralization thread. If the U.S. falls the whole world ends we are the protagonists. Have been since the WW1 arch. This century will suck but it will suck less in the U.S. compared to everywhere else.

>> No.55915525

sorry bro but I dont trust that reasoning, just pretend this thread doesnt exist so I can get real replies okay?

>> No.55915542

Countries which are currently shit, and have nowhere to go but up. Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria are all prime options. I'm also bullish on traditional nodes in the Silk Road.

>> No.55915545


>> No.55915548

Ultimately, demographics are destiny, and the US is rapidly becoming a non-white nation. The white man's burden an only get too large, and the US is tantalisingly close to the Brazil and Latin American scenario. I think we'll see the US collapse sometime in the 2030s. Earlier if Trump doesn't become President.

>> No.55915549

Whatever dude have fun getting stuffed into a suitcase.

>> No.55915565

This. And as the dollar becomes worthless they'll lose the only leverage they got left, so they're gonna be priced out even in the third world. It'll be glorious.

>> No.55915615

hey dude is not that I have no faith left in the US but I prefer to see whatever options I have, but if a war comes or SHTF then america is the main protagonist but of a shitstorm, better bail out before that

>> No.55915640

bullish for crypto

>> No.55915661
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yeah and the reason they go from producing to taking is because everything is so god damn inaccessiably expensive for every day person so they just dont feel the need to work hard

>> No.55915682

If you must leave, Argentina. They’re isolated enough from the rest of the world and have natural resources and ability to grow food. If there is a war it’ll take place in the northern hemisphere. As for work, jobs that have been around for centuries, cobbler, blacksmith etc. learn something useful and productive if you’re afraid of tech going to shit or something like that.

>> No.55915696
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So bullish.

>> No.55915697

You're like those faggots trying to compare everything to the avengers or harry potter, jump off a bridge and dive head-first into the concrete, cocksnorter

>> No.55915705
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Not sure if you’re being sarcastic or if you’re retarded.

>> No.55916095

No way muslims moving out actually affected china in any serious economic way. How old are you?

>> No.55916123

Now that I finished reading your post I do agree that it's downhill from here. I personally don't think America will have another "golden age" for a century or two. I'm guessing by the time we're old men prosperity might reappear but probably somewhere like Switzerland. China should be making big gains once it's finally allowed to go hogwild in africa without white ethic organizations holding them back. But it's still too early for that. But yeah it's gonna be a dark time.

>> No.55916638

If the dollar becomes worthless of course number go up
The usa is the worst country already

>> No.55918618

Say mean things about me daddy

>> No.55918684

We, christian whites, the true savior of humanity, will go to Armenia to crusade and purge the barbarians there, save our christian brothers, annihilate our devilish ennemies and extract their ressources.

This will be 2030+, will save our civilization by starting a new age. Screencap this and start getting ready folk, this is the way

>> No.55919038

>There will never be another period of extreme prosperity like the 2010s
What country where you living in? There was no prosperity under obongo. It was absolute fucking hell if you were a working age adult.

>> No.55919134

this, americans are cringy manchildren

>> No.55919602
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>The only reason why we didn't have inflation here post-2008 is because we exported all production to Chinese child labor and cheap oil.
we exported all production to China in the 1970s, I don't know why you think that happened in the 2010s

>The Oil producers stopped investing in new wells and infrastructure
USA oil production is currently 12,662 barrels per day, literally the highest it's ever been

>There will never be another period of extreme prosperity like the 2010s.
the 2010s were practically a lost decade, I don't know what you're smoking

>Boomers aging out. The largest generation in history is going to go from producers to takers. We'll be lucky if the next 20 years here look like what the Japanese have been dealing with since 1990.
people retire every day, I don't know why you think boomers retiring is somehow different

OP you're kind of a dumbass, go back to your quarantine board

>> No.55919666

sorry I forgot to add thousand

12,662 thousand barrels per day

>> No.55919796

DR; voting for Joe biden, I trust he'll make America great again like he already has been picking up the other fat old man's shite

>> No.55919867

>8 posts
>Nothing of value
Cope, seethe and dilate. Your women hate you, your politicians want to erase you from their voting cattle, your society is failing from the inside out while countries organize themselves to overcome dollar/murrican monopoly.

You will be forgotten and the children of the people that's replacing you will hate your guts eternally.

>> No.55919887

If you manage to get a remote US tech job and live in a cheap country and save 50/50 USD/BTC you literally can’t lose. If the USD abroad continues to moon all your expense become less and you’re fine, if it crashes BTC will moon. It’s retarded to think some foreign currency that like the Yuan will replace the USD when BTC exists.

>> No.55920588

Welcome to the party.

>> No.55920637

Stop driving your pickups and you won't be devastated by a little more expensive fuel

>> No.55920703

>a little
It's like double what it was when I got my first car.