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55912026 No.55912026 [Reply] [Original]

Is it finally happening? Am I going to own a house?

>> No.55912047

Because OP is gay


>> No.55912052

Chinese housing bubble is the largest of all time, the Canadian and Australian housing bubbles are literally just spill over from it.

>> No.55912073


>> No.55912142

Damn, this is profound dude

>> No.55912155

Government won't let the housing market collapse. They will print money again the first sign that housing goes down. There's no shortage of losers who don't own a home praying for a crash and low interest rates.

>> No.55912173
File: 39 KB, 512x421, 1640888041334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada is unironically going to be what pops the global bubble. It's going to be wild.

>> No.55912189

I don't think we're relevant enough for that

>> No.55912215

The thing all these idiots don’t realize is that the housing market only crashed BECAUSE NOBODY WAS ABLE TO BUY A FUCKING HOUSE. Nobody could get a mortgage, people were pulling back spending like crazy, job losses left and right, crazy high unemployment.

The only people who can buy in this environment are cash buyers. I barely know anyone who bought a house at the bottom. As soon as people start actually come in and start buying houses again prices immediately shoot up.

If there is a huge crash, 99% of the people who were cheering it on will not be able to take advantage of it and buy the bottom

You also won’t even know when the bottom will be, you will buy at a 20% discount and then prices will drop another 20% putting you underwater

>> No.55912278
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Contagion, my dear Leaf.

>> No.55912299
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If you're American you can easily buy with a mortgage right now. 4.125% rate with no money down.

You just have to live outside a major metropolitan area and it's adjacent suburbs, which 85% of Americans are unwilling to do.

>> No.55912322

Because there’s no good jobs

>> No.55912445

Chinese are escaping at a record pace and buying up properties in Canada, Australia, Dubai and Thailand. They have over a million millionaires. Now tell me if the bubble will pop

>> No.55912463
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Fuck no. Your people will keep voting in pro immigration politicians and will keep living like serfs.

Cucknadians deserve everything they are getting.

>> No.55912466

You'd have to be low income yourself lol how is that supposed help the median American who ISN'T fucking poor dude.

>> No.55912481

Yeah he's saying you won't be able to if the market collapses.

>> No.55912524

I'm just not going to live in the wasteland of rural Ohio waiting for the next train of peace to dump toxic waste into the water supply and air, sorry

>> No.55912788

Feels good knowing my house would have to burn down to be worth less than I bought it for :^)

>> No.55912872

>make $20k/year with my McJob
>move to rural Oklahoma to afford a house
>38-year loan that absolutely no one would refinance
>equity growth over a decade is negative
>lose my job because I don't live near civilization anymore
>house is repossessed
>become a strange fruit on the nearest tree
Sounds great, sign me up.

>> No.55913949
File: 30 KB, 979x266, usda income limits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

88k is considered "low income"

>> No.55914005

>thread about Canada
>If you're American

>> No.55914027
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Then get in your car and drive 10 minutes to places where there are jobs.

>> No.55914033
File: 2.71 MB, 2328x1926, canada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadians should be doing whatever they can to migrate to America.

>> No.55914133

Dont worry they can prevent a crash by importing yet more third worlders

>> No.55914310

It's hard to say, they are bringing so many new people in. If they weren't doing that, I'd say absolutely, but we might just see the complete reformation of society, where foreign families just buy million dollar houses and then live two to a room, and that will just be reality now. I really want a little home that I can buy outright and leave the world behind.

>> No.55914433
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>mfw I'm canadian

>> No.55914658

I make too much to qualify. Which is crazy because I've been poor my entire life and have a negative net worth thanks to student loans.

>> No.55914667

Brown people are like magic fairies that instantly make economies thrive. It's weird how all their countries suck given that they have magical economy healing powers.

>> No.55914676

This. People don't want to admit it but there is patently some bleed over into the US market as well.

>> No.55914684

>they are bringing so many new people in. If they weren't doing that, I'd say absolutely,
Many of them will leave if the economy crashes. That's the part people leave out.

>> No.55914686

>Chink economy is mostly manufacturing and real estate
>Their RE is a giant ponzi scheme with people buying unfinished projects for retirement, which then start new projects to finish the first one
>Chinks realize they can invest in Canadian properties, mostly BC and Ontario
>Curryniggers do as well
>It's so easy to buy a house with generational wealth, the bugmen own several income-generating properties
>Poos stuff 3 generations of people into a house built for 4
>Instead of fixing fundamental issues, the solution is to just build more dense housing, such as commieblock apartments
My town had a survey 5 years ago showing they were almost at capacity at the water plant. So what did they do? More social programs and diversity shit. Now we can't built new houses so there's an artificial floor in place

>> No.55914720

Canada and Australia are Chinese colonies these days

>> No.55914730

I thought you all worked remote and made 300k a year?

>> No.55914754
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No, they won't. If the Western economy crashes the economy in their home country will be even worse off, and without the 1st world standards. These people come to live at the bottom of our society because even our bottom is better than their place back home.

>> No.55914791

There is nothing keeping them here. They have somewhere to escape to. We do not.

>> No.55914805

How does the bubble pop if there’s nearly infinite demand of people ready to buy as home prices drop? There’s going to be tons of people at each step of “this is the lowest it’s going to go I better buy right now” price point

>> No.55914827

Fucking fr. 30 new people joined us at work the other day and no cap 90% were chinese.

>> No.55914836

>infinite demand

>There is always more people so that means everything always goes up

>> No.55914847

Nice FUD, going to buy another house. As long immigration is this high and money is flooding into Canada prices will only rise.

>> No.55914848

only when the earthquake happens. so people leave canada and stop coming.

>> No.55915017

Totally delusional. You're at the bottom of your society. The chinks and poos coming over here are your landlords and bosses at work.

>> No.55915555

lmao no, run along now pajeet

>> No.55915570

Port Huron is a shithole where the only thing people do is overdose on drugs and work at mcdonalds. You should have compared Detroit and Windsor, that one is the best.

>> No.55915581

And this is precisely the problem. All that "value" that got sucked out of the West when China and India began to industrialize came back in a demented illiquid form. But what's something worth if nobody has anything to trade for it?

>> No.55915600

holy fucking cope timmy. we are literally the professional class, and make more money than you. look at the statistics.

>> No.55915678


Holy fucking cope, browncel. Don't you have an Andrew Tate video to watch?

>> No.55915718

There aren't more brown professionals than white ones you retarded shitskin. That browns have a higher percent of them belonging to the professional class than whites do it no big surprise given you are generally admitted due to useful skills and not how quickly you can rape a small village girl or get run over by a train.

>> No.55915748

attempt speaking like that in a tiny village, sir

>> No.55915764


No, Canada has total net immigration in the world by several fold between economic migrants, tfws, students, illegals, refugees, etc.

8 pajeets will live in a Ontario basement and all pay 1k for the privilege to do so. They'll also work your jobs for minimum wage.

>> No.55915879

don't worry rajeev, that shithole your parents left to allow you to live in white people land? they're coming to live with you! all the comforts of home. shitting streets, gang rape, honor killings, corruption, useless social services. this is your culture.

>> No.55916689

There was infinite demand in every housing run up ever, until there wasn't. It evaporates as soon as people think the cycle is over. Investors are obviously out if there's gonna be a five year bleed, but they aren't stupid and getting out takes time. They pay for marketing saying everything is great to drum up exit liquidity and try to stretch out the sell window. We're at that stage. When fear kicks in, retail sells their vacation home and end their little one or two rentals hobby. Heavily indebted mortgagers then go underwater and just decide to stop paying.
The stats on there somehow not being enough housing for everyone is propaganda. Watch the prices keep falling.

>> No.55916984

yes, who would like to live in canada?

>> No.55917002

at worst it will drop 20-30% from ATH. even at that price you will still never afford one. it will never going back to 1960s prices.

>> No.55917017

Im fine with 2011 prices

>> No.55917020

>rents for another year
>rent increases the following year
>spends 70k renting for 3 years
>Gets evicted and house prices go up

Any day now... Any day house prices will drop 50% whilst the population increases 500% :^)

>> No.55917129

Timmy fuming

>> No.55919356

>The stats on there somehow not being enough housing for everyone is propaganda
How can there possibly be enough housing when millions of immigrants come in each year and they pool their money to buy or to rent, which pushes market rates higher?
Even with something like a 2 bedroom, you put 4 people in each room, charge them $1k/mo, and that's $8k/mo and then the rent for every 2 bedroom across the whole market goes up because people are paying 8k/mo. That makes the investment look more attractive, which means more investment speculators will be willing to take on $7-8k/mo mortgages, putting prices further into the millions.
The result is clear, prices become completely out of reach for average workers that aren't willing to share a bedroom, the quality of life for everyone drops to the point where unless you own you're forced to live with roommates or flee the country.

>> No.55920255

If you have to ask, no.

>> No.55920375


>buy a $400,000 house in a region where the average income is $20,000


>> No.55920402
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I'm a beaner that never left Mexico, I lived through a couple nasty ass recessions and you first world niggers have no fucking clue how far it is from being over, get this into your faggot minds, you're not America, no body gives a fuck about your country, your government craves for big money cock, they will sell your asses to chinks faster than you can heal from the last assrape, I've lived through inflation so bad our coin had to lose three 0s and never recovered, at the lowest of the interest rates, there was no bank or entity that would lend us money for less than 9.6% interest, you complained like bitches for 3% mortgage but those were the good times, your grand kinds will only ever imagine what would that be like, your woke ass ideals will turn Canada into a shithole like Mexico, your salaries will barely meet your needs, working for local business will be hell, the only way to have a chance will be to work for America, you'll be a manufacturing country and you are gonna like it.

>> No.55920447

the entire global economy is based on your second theorem.

>> No.55920490
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Like most analysts, EVG's timing was off but the logic is sound, if you want to be able to buy a house in the next monetary system, theres only one type of money that will get it for you.