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File: 1.50 MB, 1440x2256, 1692679814352551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55906476 No.55906476 [Reply] [Original]

What will the economic effects of more lockdowns be?

>> No.55906483

but why? arent covid cases like 0?

>> No.55906499
File: 26 KB, 752x277, UK vaxx deaths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American presidential election
Excuse to turn the money printer back on
Mail in voting scam
Non stop propaganda about how racist White men are killing grandma
>Other reasons
Humiliate the population
Please submissive leftoids by expanding the police state
Killing useless eaters with the vaccine

>> No.55906547

Also facilitate the transfer of wealth to the global 'elite'

>> No.55907438

Universe needs to end, this is just embarrassing

>> No.55907457

Need lock downs for mail in votes. Trump polls just get higher with every charge

>> No.55907570

The sustainability agenda is designed to make you feel good about living with less. It is also designed to keep you happy consuming non traditional things like bugs.
The covid agenda is about tackling the over population problem. Not that there are more people because governments routinely fug the pop stats but that the average person is becoming more affluent and more demanding lessening the gap between us and them. They want prestige they want status. They want power. You don't sell your soul to the devil and be happy seeing bob down the road happy like you with his soul and just sit down and take it. The psychopaths in charge believe they have a god given destiny to shape humanity as they see fit to their whims. Schizos see this. Schizos are unorganized pattern seers. They see what is happening and try to reveal these patterns to others. But people do not care they are happy with the lie. Schizos could shape reality and manifest destiny for the benefit of humanity but psychos leverage the patterns and create the conditions under which the suggestion of an idea is very powerful like cult leaders. They do not need to poison but they still do because this is a real game of life and death to them and their delusions that became reality.

If a schizo sees a pattern and realizes it then tries to tell others does that pattern become real?

For covid it was chinks dropping death from what we were led to believe was the virus but really it was probably the vaccine, or was it the idea of the vaccine/virus being dangerous they were trying to sell using paid actors? Pay a few news casters to drop dead on stage for a quick payday and you have manifested an idea. Will people notice and what would this do to their minds?

Look up apoptosis in the context of a regulated cure to (((overpop))) frens and you'll see what I am getting at. Ideas shape reality.

>> No.55907608

Kek I can’t believe there are retards out there who believe things like pic related just because Twitter told them to. I hate this world.

>> No.55907708

bullying the povvos is fun

>> No.55907736

I sincerely fear for the anons on this board sometimes. I had covid once and it was the most powerful and terrifying time of my life. After battling such a vicious illness for 2 weeks, I finally made it out alive. But that was not the end of the war. Even after receiving 3 vaccinations I still struggle with very noticeable symptoms of long covid. I hope that the posters on this board will open their eyes to how real this is and think twice about posting misinformation.

>> No.55907745

retard you had a bad covid because of the vaccines you took, peak midwit

>> No.55907770

This is the type of misinformation I am talking about. The vaccine saved my life and it saved the lives of everyone who took it. The pandemic would have been a lot less severe if more people took the vaccination.

>> No.55907778
File: 548 KB, 1078x1561, vaxxoid deaths fact check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smug retards like you are the reason this world is such a terrible place.
Check it yourself and then next time you think about voicing your opinion hopefully you'll remember that you're actually a fucking moron.

>> No.55907812

>the numbers are presented in a way that is "highly misleading"
How does it feel to be misled?

>> No.55907821

Quality post

>> No.55907834

>plainly stated accurate numbers are highly misleading because le fact checker thinks people will draw wrongthink conclusions
The irony of your post is palpable

>> No.55907929

Let's assume everyone in UK is vaccinated, and for sake of argument that the life expectancy in the UK being 73.
Doesn't it stand to reason that 1 in every 73 would die each year?

It's like the "riddle": a father and son are in a horrible car crash that kills the dad. The son is rushed to the hospital; just as he’s about to go under the knife, the surgeon says, “I can’t operate—that boy is my son!”

At no point did they mention anything about vaccines doing the killing, yet everyone assumes it, including you and because of your disbelief in the anti-vaxx narrative you dismiss the facts.. but the facts are probably true, it's just being posted in a context where people automatically fill in the blanks.

>> No.55907989

Interesting. I caught COVID too and it wasn't anything special. I did have 2x vaccinations and I'm in good health generally speaking (exercise a lot, good diet). Given how horribly unhealthy most people in the West and particularly the US live, I wonder how much of these rough COVID illnesses are really just a consequence of shitty overall health prior to getting ill. Hard to say.

>> No.55908079

I had the same experience but I was afraid to speak up on this board, there are too many right wing extremists that want to silence us!

>> No.55908089

>Doesn't it stand to reason that 1 in every 73 would die each year?
UK death rate in 2019 was 0.8% (530841 deaths in estimated 66768807 population mid 2019) or 1 in 125. It had been declining yearly for some time.
1 in 73 is a death rate of 1.37%.
That's a big increase. Something was (is?) killing the vaccinated at rates above and beyond normal, I'll leave the conclusions to the reader.
I've got to go now but all of this information is freely available.

>> No.55908095

funny how retards like you used the exact flip argument for so called Covid deaths

>> No.55908107
File: 86 KB, 1024x1024, 1688850328134714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>masks are back
>COVID extremists are trying to lock everything down again

>> No.55908113

>2X vaccinations
go back

>> No.55908189
File: 11 KB, 480x360, Learnding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American presidential election
>Excuse to turn the money printer back on
>Mail in voting scam
>Non stop propaganda about how racist White men are killing grandma
>Other reasons
>Humiliate the population
>Please submissive leftoids by expanding the police state
>Killing useless eaters with the vaccine
The vaccine is just saline water.
Sick people got sick because they were already in shit health.
What purpose would they have for wasting money actually making some fake vaccine? It's all smoke and mirrors.

>> No.55908520

everyone I know got the vac, and no one died or experienced any secondary effects yet (that we know of). You'd think half of us would be dead by now if you believe the schizos

>> No.55908546

What's with all these genetic weaklings?
I caught covid last year and was back to drinking beer a week later. I've been lifting again and currently crushing my PRs
BTW I wasn't vaxxed, never will be :) so maybe it's the vaccine that has something to do with it? Nah, couldn't be....

>> No.55908766

>Even after receiving 3 vaccinations I still struggle with very noticeable symptoms of long covid.
You leaned in too hard on the bait at this point, you had a good initial setup, but your swing needs work.

>> No.55909222

I know man. Those 2 or 3 years were truly the gayest period in human history and they're trying to bring it back, and there are faggots who are happy about it.
>zoomers are already feeling nostalgic towards the jewflu years and want to go back
What a fake and gay generation.

>> No.55909237

>breaking news: people that eat bread are dying!

>> No.55909245

thats not how vaccines work retard

>> No.55909251
File: 57 KB, 669x425, 1692717336092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked but picrel Xcrement account is retard

>> No.55909260

Your post is more spot-on then you realize. They're putting the vaccines in the bread (and water, produce, etc.)

>t. knower

>> No.55909274

i stopped eating bread a couple years ago. feeling nicer than ever. bread is unironically bad for you health-wise

>> No.55909280

the point is that when 90% of the poppulation gets vaccinated its more than reasonable that 1 in 500 dies because alot of those people were already old and sick

dumb retards

>> No.55909302

Dude I was just joking but you're starting to make me suspicious with how defensive you're getting...

fuckin bread jews, I'm on to you

>> No.55909375

>I had covid once and it was the most powerful and terrifying time of my life. After battling such a vicious illness for 2 weeks, I finally made it out alive. But that was not the end of the war. Even after receiving 3 vaccinations I still struggle with very noticeable symptoms of long covid.

I had the same experience with the Covid illness. Mine was diagnosed and treated by local doctors so I know it was covid according to their tests. Don't think it was a normal cold/flu.

I never took any vaccinations before or after. I've got lingering symptoms going on 2 years now. Still have shortness of breath issues, chronic fatigue. When I cough or try to clear my throat from a feeling of congestion, I get get really dizzy and light headed sometimes like I'm about to blackout. Medical advice websites indicate it could be related to a lack of oxygen in the system.

Could be other causes maybe, I suppose. Have not been to a doctor for an updated diagnosis of my condition because im afraid it could be bad news.

apparently lung conditions are virtually untreatable and only get worse until you die. Lung conditions are terminal.

YOU DO NOT WANT THAT. if your body is susceptible to being significantly affected by Covid, this is fucking scary shit.

I do not advocate for or against any of the vaccines or masks or other measures because im not a doctor or an expert in ant way.

best thing anyone can do is get informed opinions from doctors you can trust, if there are any available to you.

>> No.55909390

priced in unlike last time. in fact the lockdowns NOT happening would be the thing not priced in in a bullish way

>> No.55909428
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>> No.55909542

Nobody will go along with it unless they start handing out free money again like they did last time. The free money payoff was the only thing holding back the dam from bursting into total politician death.

>> No.55909548

>vaxxie cope
vaxxie cope

>> No.55909553

Commercial real estate going to 0 (nice)

>> No.55909555

You won't do shit.

>> No.55909687

>The automatic 1pbtid bot reply
(((its afraid)))

>> No.55909707

Naw he’s right most people are utterly broken and will not do anything

>> No.55909736

>his other 1pbtid friend now engages in a failed attempt to seem real

>> No.55909778

>total politician death.
Kek, I almost think it had to be intentional how they radicalized otherwise normalfag boomers. So many braindead boomers suddenly came alive and were calling for all kinds of extremist shit during the jewflu years

>> No.55909791

you will wear the cuck muzzle and you will be happy

>> No.55909857

Don't you wish that one of these reporters would just go rogue one day and post an article that says some shit like "Why we Love to Hate Niggers (and thats a good thing!)"? Lol

>> No.55909881

>get angry at my low IQ bait

>> No.55909919
File: 59 KB, 1080x1086, 20210525_101733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in the corporate office of a large Fortune 100 investment bank in Lower Manhattan: today I've noticed a significant amount of coworkers wearing masks.
Granted, it's the usual cases (e.g. blacks, fat women, effeminate men, Indians), but still – more people are masked than usual today – including regular office workers, kitchen staff, and security guards.

>> No.55909937

I flew to DC two weeks ago and I noticed more people wearing masks in the connecting airport and in that shithole of a city. Likely the first move is requiring masks again on flights.

>> No.55909957

Yes lol
Or I just wish someone would hack one of their twitter accounts and post links to fake articles with headlines like that lol

>> No.55909970
File: 55 KB, 750x697, ErIGePVXEAEuuX2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2020 permanently broke people's brains.
Immediately after the Floyd riots, I saw otherwise normal, level-headed friends on Facebook calling for anarchy and destruction of cities.
Then once Biden "won", they did a 180 and called for peace, healing, and claimed there were never any riots in 2020.
Suffice it to say, I've cut off ties with most friends and family.

>> No.55909973

The vaxx was obviously a kill shot.
I find it interesting that the gov is selecting for survivors who are instinctively rebellious rather than obedient, but maybe they don't have a choice.

The most ugly periods of history are one of two, when a civilization reaches peak decadence and peak immorality, and when a civilization runs out of all natural resources and cannibal wars break out.

On top of everything else happening in the world, we are depleting are resources faster than ever.
Everything has a cost and raising these major population centers like China and other parts of the world out of poverty means we will burn through our resources that much faster.

>> No.55909994

I’ve had an immensely different experience. I’m glad you didn’t. I know a lot of people who died or are permanently injured after taking it.

>> No.55910005

That 180 flip flopping in public opinion is just project METAL GEAR.

METAL GEAR was and is a black project by the USA military (and now every major military in the world) named after the video game that inspired it, that leverages advanced AI and sock puppet accounts with human managers to spam social media with fake opinions to control public consensus in political affairs.

There are as of today no natural public trends, every social trend is artificially manufactured.

>> No.55910014
File: 137 KB, 1002x1024, 20210624_171034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I wouldn't give to see some she/her "journalist's" Twitter get hacked to post Babylon Bee articles.

>> No.55910042

kek, biz isn't what it used to be if you managed to bait so many with a post so obvious

>> No.55910055

It's becoming a bigger problem across the entire site unfortunately

>> No.55910061

summer time zoomers.

>> No.55910073

>apparently lung conditions are virtually >untreatable and only get worse until you die. >Lung conditions are terminal.

>best thing anyone can do is get informed >opinions from doctors you can trust, if there are >any available to you.

God I really hope you're baiting us, and are not actually that fucking retarded.

>> No.55910164

Brilliant post and of course nobody responds.

>> No.55910224


>> No.55910240
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>> No.55910242

4chan is mostly bots and low IQ neets

>> No.55910281

>they're trying to induce apoptosis in order to depopulate
Yeah that makes a lot of sense.

>> No.55910282

Yeah I appreciate the effort he put into his post but I don't really understand what he's trying to say lol

>> No.55910290

>Pay a few news casters to drop dead on stage for a quick payday
time for meds bro

>> No.55910304

How can numbers be accurate but misleading?

>> No.55910309

He's saying
>schizo based
>covid wasn't real it was just a hollywood psyop to make us think it's real because meme magic means that enough people think it's real it will manifest on it's own
it's not brilliant, just a schizo take.

>> No.55910319

They can cause you to draw wrongthink conclusions. Numbers should be interpreted by leading experts, not presented without commentary.

>> No.55910334

wtf that could be true though
>get mad and annoyed at normalfags becoming mask-police; but they just keep increasing in intensity
>dropped out of society and ignored jewflu coverage and all other news; suddenly mandates and shit disappeared
Damn it really could be like that....

>> No.55910958

>low IQ bait
>all of those replies
Think again, bucko

>> No.55911075

>60k people die a month on average
>there are 60mil people in the UK
>Nearly half of people taking the vaccine have serious medical conditions or are old
The fact that people dont understand the difference between correlation and causation is hilarious. Cough syrup is more dangerous than getting a vaccine.

>> No.55911181

There's no scientific basis to support the claim that "elites" are manipulating apoptosis to depopulate the world. Apoptosis is a natural cellular process that has been occurring for as long as complex life has existed. Using it as a mechanism for broad population control would be, from a biological perspective, implausible.

It's essential to approach such conspiracy theories with skepticism and seek out reputable sources of information when trying to understand complex topics.

>> No.55911216

I'm willing to upgrade the assessment to medium IQ bait.

>> No.55911361

Lockdowns serve to purge the market of overproduction.

>> No.55911383

The vaccine saved my dog from a certain death.
Oh you don't need a vaccine, you are already made of sillicon.

>> No.55911433

maybe the republicans could try fielding a better candidate?

>> No.55911531

Enjoy your nano-brainchip, cattle.

>> No.55911567
File: 398 KB, 640x356, 1686197057733549.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tales from the basement
>volume 6

>> No.55911611
File: 64 KB, 442x442, 1e54f46cab3b2b736c1d17905c6372fb5d2b224e532177d80f4ec89c55023955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Covid cases aren't coming back chief, stop spreading misinformation. You're worst than the guys fudding x.com and elon musk because they read some shitty copypasta on facebook

>> No.55911621

>Boomer uncle got both jabs
>Is in his early 60's, never goes to the doctor and is 30 pounds overweight.
>Supposed to inherit a little over 1 million when he dies.
>mfw it's been 2 years and he's still fine.
I don't want him to die but I can't help but feel conflicted.

>> No.55911686

100% of people die holy shit!
People who ever had the sun rays hit their skin have a 100% chance of dying
What the fuck!
People who drink water also have a 100% chance of eventually dying
Schizobros what do!!!???

>> No.55911694

Not going to happen

Hollywood is the most pozzed institution of earth. The only reason you are reading about this is because most of the studios never even ended their mask faggotry.

>> No.55911895

No. They never stopped. We had record cases just a year ago and now there is a new covid DLC. The propaganda outlets either chose to tell you to worry about covid or they do not. Now they will be switching to telling you to worry about covid and you will mask up like an NPC.

>> No.55912395
File: 270 KB, 873x1024, 1690616882867566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Lmao

>> No.55912532

Most based /biz/ poster

>> No.55912616

Why the fuck am I hearing about fucking covid again!? FUCK OFF WITH THIS BULLSHIT!!!!

>> No.55913042

Why arent you showing the years before 2020 kek do you even into stats?

>> No.55913086

2015-2019 are the baseline that the +/- percentages are in relation too. Looks like I found either a double digit IQ retard or an actual dickmutilated shill

>> No.55913096

Hopefully you die from the common cold next faggot

>> No.55913110
File: 179 KB, 729x365, Sign-of-Vitamin-D-Deficiency-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fatties with vitamin d deficiency go outside

>> No.55913208

this fren knows

>> No.55913270
File: 89 KB, 1024x473, vax prebunking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't waste your time with vaxxies (or worse : glowies), they are a lost cause fren.

>> No.55913292

>people didnt die before 2015
>T-This is the b-b-baseline because I said so!
So it has absolutely nothing to do with boomers coming of ripe age
Total anti scientific retard we got here

>> No.55913296

I genuinely refuse to believe society will accept another round 2 of this clown circus. People were already beyond fed up with the 2020 bullshit, it's not gonna fly again.

>> No.55913390
File: 97 KB, 768x1024, IMG_0542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You chuds won’t do shit the left will neuter/molest/groom your kids, steal your elections, throw you in jail for protests while they burn down your cities and destroy your history, inject you with mystery juice etc. and what do right wing Chudcels do? Post on platforms controlled and censored by the left “IMAGINE IF THE RIGHT DID X TO THE LEFT!”

Just bend over and take it like a good submissive little chuddy. At this point I think they’re masochists that have humiliation fetishes.

>> No.55913399
File: 2.78 MB, 464x848, 1692387017111460.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So it has absolutely nothing to do with boomers coming of ripe age
Correct. The sudden deaths are not in the boomer age group. Evidence has already been posted itt.

>> No.55913410

It's been long enough since it "ended" that people are already starting to get nostalgic for those times and are saying that they hope it happens again

>> No.55913460

right so schizos are the mystics and psychos the magicians.

>> No.55913464
File: 49 KB, 606x1080, 7RGgrGLZEj7sqD6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you better get vaxed for this new variant!

>> No.55913491
File: 74 KB, 1200x930, UK_Population_Pyramid.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg im so retarded I dont understand how numbers work

>> No.55913522

Yes you are. That graph doesn't contradict anything that was said.

>> No.55913657


>> No.55913691

Buy an escootiepuffjr and camp out of a van in downtown Manhattan. Ubereats and dd will be back big. Prob make 6.5K a week on 40 hours.

>> No.55913700

Idiot, whatever the teevee says is the truth. keep watching.

>> No.55913725

I never caught Covid. I wasn’t that careful either

>> No.55913773

It doesn’t matter. We’re coming up on an election year and need a reason to re-pause student loan payments. I’m all seriousness though, I know the sudden increase in these posts are from Russia, China, or Israel. But it would be so funny to see this all happen again. The cattle deserve it and just observing their reaction will be highly entertaining.

>> No.55913787

94% of adults in the US have at least one jab. Your propaganda is failing, Ivan.

>> No.55913789

Go outside son.

>> No.55913842
File: 54 KB, 316x631, kike_killer_kyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you won't do sh-ACK!

>> No.55913857


You have the right idea with the schizophrenic talk but the covid agenda was a mix of infighting as well

>> No.55913865

I'm just going to assume they know the economy is about to fucking implode so they're going to try lockdowns and stimmies again.

>> No.55913880

this is exhibit a in "schizos are terminally online and can only contextualize politics within their own distorted permanently online worldview".

>> No.55913921

At this point "covid" is just base rallying for ultra PMC libs. The chance of returning to "lockdowns" is precisely zero. In fact I would say post covid the chances of an actual disease running free because of social distrust of lockdowns is actually higher

>> No.55913924

Woooohooooo! A chudcel shot and killed one person! You PWNED THE LIBS!!!!!! Meanwhile the left steamrolls you left and right and all you do is shitpost in your moms basement.

>> No.55913970

>Meanwhile the left steamrolls you left and right and all you do is shitpost in your moms basement.
Funny, they said the same thing about you. America as a political machine is breaking down, the wheels are falling off so people have to metabolize politics as a game that they are losing. Mass politics are already dead and everyone feels alienated from voting (libs believe 2016 was stolen conservatives believe 2020 was stolen) so they have to metabolize politics in a way that they are helpless. BUT they are still locked in this two party paradigm where the only options are vooting (and jacking off online to sonnenrad webms) and not vooting, so they BOTH SAY THEY ARE GETTING THEIR ASSES WHOOPED because all of the above means that ACROSS THE AISLES self-victimization is the only way most people can even conceptualize politics.

>> No.55914040

>It is also designed to keep you happy consuming non traditional things like bugs.
Just claim that you're Muslim. Eating bugs is literally considered a sin to them.

>> No.55914108

>he went on his phone to samefag
Fuckin lol, the cherry on top is you not comprehending basic statistics.
Incorrect, Muslims are allowed to eat bugs
However part of Islam is raising, slaughtering and eating/donating meat, so you can easily use this excuse.

>> No.55914119

I don't work for the TSA or a multi million dollar movie studio attached to whatever company so I think the vast public won't be effected

>> No.55914198

>Muslims are allowed to eat bugs
No, they aren't.
Surah al-A’raf, V: 157; Sunan Abu Dawud, no: 3806
Muslims are forbidden from eating bugs outside of an extrreme survival situation.

>> No.55914204

It fucking is. Most the population just took multiple poison shots. Plan worked flawlessly.

>> No.55914231

>Surah al-A’raf, V: 157
Completely unrelated verse that has to do with prophetic lineage and does not prohibit insect consumption.
>Sunan Abu Dawud, no: 3806
This sunnah is followed by a specific sect in Islam as it is considered a weak hadith. To prove this point:
> If a fly falls into one of your containers [of food or drink], immerse it completely (falyaghmis-hu kullahu) before removing it, for under one of its wings there is disease and under another there is its antidote.
This hadith clearly shows that bug consumption is not only permissible, but also part of the sunnah.

>> No.55914241

The reason they NEED social distancing/stay at home bullshit to come back is so they can point at Trump's 50,000 person rallies and say "Biden could easily have these rallies too, all his supporters are just at home social distancing because they believe in THE SCIENCE unlike those Trump supporters."

>> No.55914246

No one cares about Trump anymore

>> No.55914254

lol he's dominating every poll and could easily fill a 100k person stadium. Biden could barely get 7 people standing in their cuck circles to listen to him.

>> No.55914258

I didn't take the vaccine and i got really sick as well I was also really afraid of long covid because it took me some time to recover but you know what i am a fucking man and learned from it that i am stronger than i thought you are just a cuddled pussy faggot, liberals like you don't deserve the world

>> No.55914326
File: 88 KB, 268x262, 2234542623462344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>covid fearshill bots got turned back on

>> No.55914368

two criminals* and removed the bicep of a pedophile
every time that jew rubs one out to a child, his twinging arm is going to make him remember the one child that fought back

>> No.55914402

I just got covid for the second time a week ago and it totally put me on my ass.
I'm unvaxxed btw
The first time I got it in 2020, it wasn't bad at all.
This time was much worse, and I was absolutely miserable for 5 days straight.
It made me wonder if these jew/chink animals are continuing the gain of function work to make covid more and more deadly in order to scare more people to take the vax that is just as deadly, if not moreso.

They were pissed that a significant number of people saw through the charade of the pandemic and had the nerve to ignore their demands.
As 2030 agenda creeps further to completion, they're going to amp up the evil and really put the entire world into a bad enough position to make their globalist hellscape system seem like a reprieve when it's put into place.

I'm a pretty healthy guy, and if this variant gave me such a hard time, I can only imagine how hard it will be for these fat, slovenly cattle-people to deal with.

Shit is about to get scary

>> No.55914413

the same thing that happened due to the last lockdowns, except 9 times 11

>> No.55914548

What a strange moment in time

>> No.55914584
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>but why? arent covid cases like 0?
Jesus Christ imagine being this fucking ignorant nearly 3.5 years into this fucking clownfest

>> No.55914589
File: 977 KB, 700x700, (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No argument, constant ad hom, constant replies.
Into the trash it goes.

That's exactly what a russian would say.

>> No.55914617
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What a mighty odd development

>> No.55914666


Ok glowie

>> No.55914849

Honestly? I've had covid at least once, probably twice. One of those might have been west nile though. Boss didn't want to let me take PTO, so I had to work on the occasion that I know it was covid. It was pretty rough.
The worst part was the headache. Other than that that it was pretty standard flu stuff, dizziness, sweating, fatigue. I'm glad I'm pretty healthy.

>> No.55914865

Obvious shitposting

>> No.55915537
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He killed a convicted child rapist named Joseph Rosenbaum, and literally everyone on the left got angry because it hit too close to home.
Shitlibs are all faggot pedophiles, and the Rittenhouse incident proves that all of the Soros money in the world won't make you bulletproof.
No tweet nor snarky Reddit post ever stopped a bullet from a gun.

>> No.55915620

Honeslty man, I talked a lot of shit about the vaxx early on but then people I know IRL started getting covid and they got really sick. I made a decision to get the vax / boosters and I don't regret it at all. I think the people replying to you in a negative way are just miserable scared little bag holding faggots looking to take their anger out on someone anonymously online. Hope you feel better bro

>> No.55915655

I hate niggers so much it’s unreal

>> No.55915695

Eh, you baited a bunch of zoomers

>> No.55915701

All three of the people he shot were white, but whatever.

>> No.55915775
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They were (((white))), but the average leftoid thinks Rittenhouse shot up Basketball Americans because it happened at a mostly peaceful Burn Loot Murder protest and they never look into things for themselves.

>> No.55915817

well the uniparty is going to arrest the only candidate that matters, so there's that

>the republicans

nobody on the right gives a fuck about the GOP anymore, cuckolded party that shares more in common with the Democratic party than with any conservative

>> No.55915831


it's hilarious how many people thought he shot nogs. Also he would 10000000% be in jail had the dudes he shot been black, even if every other fact was exactly the same. The media uproar would've been too hot, there would've been riots etc.

>> No.55915859
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All three were jews. How'd you reconcile that? I mean what is the statistical probability? I wonder how normies would react to such news or if they would react at all.
Also I shouldn't have to say this but jews aren't White.

>> No.55916023

yeah jews ain’t white buddy

>> No.55916234

jews say this about themselves I don't know why there is still confusion. Weird.

>> No.55916589

No refunds vaxxie kek

>> No.55916641


>> No.55916859

Cases are up actually just no one reports on it and its not lethal to anyone at this point.
>consuming non traditional things like bugs.
>muh bugs
>muh water bugs taste good though
Im not eating bugs because they actually arent economic to produce. If they make a paste out of it you would never know. They already use stuff like that for fillers and no one noticed.

>> No.55917546
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>fats and boomers will get culled
>comfy remote work will be back
>normalfags seething
>economy gets even worse, causing more happenings
Peak comfy

>> No.55917594

I'm convinced that the government is doing the best it can to bait people into violence through the use of lies and the destruction of representative government, so that they can justify their response of overwhelming force. They hate us and know everything they're doing is wrong and are daring people to do anything about it.

>> No.55917625

Serious question: are leftists just too stupid to think for themselves? For the last 3 years it was “LE COVID IS GOING TO END THE WORLD!” and now they think it magically disappeared (like trump said but we don’t want to talk about that do we?) just because the MSM and Biden aren’t screeching about it anymore. I’m serious, this is like the 3rd time I’ve seen a leftist be surprised Covid never left

>> No.55917667

It was also the greatest opportunity. A chance to escape the daily materialism. I say thanks for breaking the spell. We have the legend to the map now.

>> No.55917751

It doesn't matter, they just label whatever they want covid.

>> No.55917854

R wing fear propaganda

>> No.55918354

Desu. Like cockroaches

>> No.55918386
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The PCR test is not a diagnostic tool

Get your ducks in order lads, shit is going down

>> No.55918425

Well well well, it looks like /biz/ has a new Russian mod

>> No.55918570

>are leftists just too stupid to think for themselves?
yes. it genuinely does not occur to them that they've about faced their beliefs and opinions, because they lack the ability to think critically. they don't even experience any cognitive dissonance about it unless a critical thinker with half a brain confronts them on how plainly, obviously retarded they are for blindly believing whatever they're told by (((authority figures))), even if it's polar opposite to what they were told to believe yesterday. all "thoughts" they have are fed into them by msm, and they genuinely believe it unquestioningly. they have no other option, and they don't even know any better.

>> No.55918717

Daily reminder that germ theory is fraud.

>> No.55918812

This is why you only marry girls who are in church every sunday and participate in choirs or whatever. If they're atheist they will give you ultimatum to join the cult just like every cult member does.

>> No.55918848

>94% of adults in the US have
Know of at least one person dropping dead suddenly since the vax rollout.

>> No.55918884

I have the new covid DLC and it wasn't as bad for me as the coof I got in 2022. I felt sicker the 1st time and with this one I was out or work for two days mostly because of being very tired and having brain fog. The actual sickness felt was significantly less severe than a typical flu. My only regret was that I slept till 2 pm both days and moped around unproductive. I did build a bike wheel for muh mtb tho.
>unvaxxed chad

>> No.55918902

>one time I was playing a slot machine and I touched the top right corner of the screen and then won $10, it's no coincidence that touching the top right of the screen triggers a win
>no, I haven't been able to get it to work again, but I'm going to keep trying so I can figure out the precise moment I need to tap it
retard alert
>heh, one person dropped dead from the vaccine, any day now and 94% of US adults are going to drop dead from the vaccine also, just you wait and see!

>> No.55918915

>HAHAHAHAHA!!! Fuck red deer!! Red deer debunked!!!!
>OMG!!! Why isn’t anyone working???!!!! Reeeeeeeee!!!

>> No.55918917

even when you kindly tell them provable facts they're conditioned to just yell and call you an ist

>> No.55918935

Settle down anon, you don't want to have a heart attack.

>> No.55918950

I accept your concession

>> No.55918978

Non playable characters have limited dialog options anon. They have their programed set of responses and nothing more until the next patch. The current patch has Ukraine dialog options. This replaced the previous covid dialog options. Rumor is a new patch will become out soon with more covid dialog options. I just hope the devs create new content instead of just recycling the old covid dialog.

>> No.55919027

Yeah I don’t want to work anymore schlomo I want to organise anti government projects and will use the people that are cucked next lockdown out of their jobs.

>> No.55919082

Dang, we've been found out! How did Russian intelligence become so advanced? Now, if only they could figure out how to conquer a third world shit hole.

>> No.55919104

fucking hell so many tranny glowies in this /thread

>> No.55919148

They do the same thing with "climate change" lol

>> No.55919734

I haven't had any vaccinations in my life and I literally haven't been sick in nearly a decade.

You are insane.

>> No.55919743

I have had all vaccinations in my life and I literally haven't been sick in nearly a decade.

You are insane.

>> No.55919804

Not happening

>> No.55919953

>mask mandates = lockdowns
what retarded shilling agency was hired to keep spreading this retarded bullshit and why do they keep trying to keep their clients (Pfizer) stock high?
no one is buying your shit, faggots.

>> No.55920281
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Never underestimate the American vooter.

>> No.55921403

doublethink is the new normal goy

>> No.55922048
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Leftoids are cowardly pack animals. They do whatever the herd tells them to do because in their weak minds approval from the mob = safety.

>> No.55922299

Modern leftoid ideology is inherently conformist and herd-like

>> No.55922841

>94% of adults in the US have at least one jab.
Your propaganda is failing, Shlomo.

>> No.55922864

Those are official stats from the CDC.

>> No.55922921

Rightoids unironically believe in a magic man in the sky that tells them they’ll burn forever if they masturbate

They are the most uptight, cucked motherfuckers I’ve ever met

>> No.55922930

thanks ChatGPT

>> No.55922936

You believe in whatever the hell the television tells you to believe. You are beyond cucked.

>> No.55923004

I’ve never owned a television

>> No.55923015
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>btw us leftoids totally aren't a cult

>> No.55923033
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they say it when it's convenient. when blaming whites for oppression, they identify as jewish and distance themselves from whiteness as much as possible. oppressed one day, white the next.

>> No.55923042


>> No.55923045

>these are the people vatniggers are losing to

>> No.55923060

stocks and crypto on discount + more dead republican retards

>> No.55923115


>> No.55923120

>dead republican retards
They're going to be the ones taking the clotshot this time?

>> No.55923135

I can't believe you would respond to that bait

>> No.55923138

Excess deaths are 43% higher in republishart states compared to democrat states since the vaccine rollout.
Who woulda thought that taking medical advice from actual doctors instead of rednecks and antivaxx grifters (who are fully vaxxed and boosted) was a better call?
Enjoy your AIDS

>> No.55923177

Lol, you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.55923190
File: 75 KB, 750x625, winter_of_death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Joe Biden told me I would suffer and die in 2021 because I didn't take the clot shot
>still here
Explain that liberals

>> No.55923212

>politicizes medical science
>wonders why he caught a virus that turned him into a brain damaged mutant
Let me guess, your "portfolio" includes meme stocks and PMs among many useless shitcoins, right?
And why are you listening to politicians for medical advice you actual fucking retard? lol

>> No.55923226

It was never about that, it was always about destroying the middle class

>> No.55923238
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Really organic replies in this thread. Makes you think.

>> No.55923308

Glad you approve

>> No.55923337

Sure, whatever. I don't know anyone who got sick and died except for deranged leftoids though

>> No.55923339

Anyone here just goes out at night and fights people? My life was boring as fuck so I started going out and just fighting people. I started putting on a ski mask and at first it was only homeless people then it evolved to high school kids and now I’m picking fights with grown men. I even have a nemesis. I beat up the same guy a couple times, found out where he works so I catch him off guard after he gets off work. He’s been posting on Facebook about catching me at night and giving me what I deserve. Dude drives around at night with a shotgun trying to kill me. My life is so much more exciting now am I crazy for doing this?

>> No.55923358

Im gonna catch you mother fucker!

>> No.55923374
File: 180 KB, 736x853, mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The (((experts))) politicized medicine before the pandemic even started. If I can't trust the (((science))) because (((experts))) justify lying to the public about the importance of masks by saying they had to keep people from panic buying them all how do I know when I can trust them?

>> No.55923379
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>> No.55923403

I wonder what caused them to 180 on that so quickly. We knew for a long time that covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze prevents you from spraying other people, but they went from denying that to acting like the masks are sacred talismans that protect you from curses.

>> No.55923431


>> No.55923447


>> No.55923548

This thread is the kremlin's last cry for help before the collapse

>> No.55923580

>1 in every 73
ngl that's not a bad death ratio. Gotta pump those numbers up! let's see 1 in 10

>> No.55923632
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>> No.55923653

>94% of adults in the US have at least one jab. Your propaganda is failing, Ivan.
have you considered that some of us lie?

>> No.55923677

These companies would get absolutely screeched at by their employees if covid was spreading around the office and they didn't try to implement masks. It's not a big deal, lockdowns are not coming back.

>> No.55923700


>> No.55923738

oh well that settles it then. god what a faggot.

>> No.55923748

>forever breathing in our hearts

>> No.55924431

I would never trust a Russian. There was a Russian kid that came to one of our LAN parties back in the day and the nigger was using wallhacks in Day of Defeat and put a spindle of someone's CD-Rs in his backpack lmao. Of course he played dumb, he claimed the walls must have been a bug and the CD-Rs must have fallen into his zipped backpack. In fact, the only thing I trust about Russians is that they will lie or cheat every chance they get.


>> No.55924676
File: 30 KB, 480x320, mask wearing pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh. i still have chicken pox scars that can easily bleed if i pick at the craters. quit being a pussy

>> No.55924700

How fat you? Post hand right now, you faggot piece of shit.

>> No.55924826

Bleak. Anyway we can start exploring the stars instead? Seems humanity has small aspirations this cycle.

>> No.55924855

The aliens told them no and that we're confined to this planet until we learn whatever alien lessons they want us to learn from these alien psyops

>> No.55925414

this is epic

>> No.55925446


>> No.55925462

based and nightstalker pilled

>> No.55925890
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You can't even define what a woman is without having a PTSD attack.

>> No.55925976
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>lmao dumbass conservatives taking horse medicine for the coof
>btw you can take horse medicine to give yourself an abortion ;)

>> No.55926578
File: 66 KB, 803x803, IMG_3520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor larp. Forensics would send your ass to jail for a long time.
>pic or didn't happen

>> No.55926935

>aahhhh people dont believe the covid scam anymore! I know well call them kremlin bots! That will help!

>> No.55927781

Why did the Trump administration spend billions of taxpayer dollars developing operation Warp Speed to fast track COVID vaccines? Were the republicans in on the COVID scam? Your propaganda just doesn't make any sense. Your plan to get NATO out of Ukraine failed. It's over for you, vatnigger.

>> No.55927809

why are you like this?
why do you behave like a violent hateful rabid ape-brain baboon?
you people are demented.

>> No.55927855

On one hand you have incels, who have this sort of ongoing revenge fantasy on society at large because women don't want to have sex with them, like they're some sort of badly written batman villain.

On the other hand you have russians/bots who are pushing extreme ideology on the incels who serve as sort of a "devil on the shoulder" whose goal is to stoke the flames and get them to act on their bitterness. They want to divide America politically by posting propaganda and disinformation while getting a large number of americans to vote for their puppets (GOP) so they can continue Putin's plan to restore the motherland without NATO interference. Some of the GOP are even blatant about "staying out of Russia's business". Trump wants to "end the war" by allowing Russia to invade other countries.

>> No.55927899

holy giga-tard

>> No.55927914

lol people so triggered by this, but long covid is real, sorry dipshits. You fucking retards would 100% rather believe in lizard people infiltrating the gub'ment than an actual flu variant. Idiocracy was a prophecy.

>> No.55927923

schizos in shambles

>> No.55927950
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Fact check: true

>> No.55927960

lol, this is where I'm at, full time remote, vidya and trail running daily. Pandemy was the best thing that ever happened to me

>> No.55928023
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>> No.55928368
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>> No.55929363

>tfw no vaxx addled gf to look at you like this while sucking your dick
feel bad man

>> No.55929622

You are connecting dots that arent there. You dont have the necessary proof to make the logic jumps that youre making. Take your meds this post gave me an aneurism.

>> No.55929965

Solidus did nothing wrong