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File: 1.27 MB, 900x753, 1599794150513.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55907988 No.55907988 [Reply] [Original]

>eastern europe has 10/10 cuties with god-tier genetics from centuries of famine, live in relative poverty but still enjoy life
>americans have obese angloid defects that demand a 6 figure income, chronically addicted to corn syrup and anti-depressants

How does "wealth" make you happy again? I'd rather live in a poor country and enjoy premium pussy than live in the center of Manhattan surrounded by niggers and subpar women.

>> No.55907995

OP is still a faggot whichever country he goes

>> No.55907998

That's an 8

>> No.55908019


i already know polina wouldn't even look in my direction without a LINK suicide stack in my Trezor wallet

>> No.55908037

that's a heroin addict under a bri8gd8ndge

>> No.55908090

What really drives me up the wall is that you see cuties like this posted everyday, but Disney still refuses to cast attractive women and try to convince us the Goblin they got to play Snow White is beautiful. This has to be some kind of demoralization technique by the WEF, right?

>> No.55908094

>without a LINK suicide stack
So you're not just deluded about women

>> No.55908099

Your grandparents starving doesn't make you skinny. Also most Russian women are short and really ugly.

>> No.55908127
File: 1.57 MB, 1280x720, Polina.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55908147
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, Polina2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the clam on this trad virgin qt

>> No.55908229

>center of Manhattan
>subpar women

>> No.55908253
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buy an ad.

also LINK is scam tier ponzy bullshit.

>> No.55908326

ruined by the retarded nose ring

>> No.55908368

Slavs and eastern european women in general are insane and desensitized to violence. Do you really want some bitch who was raped by Chechnyan rebels and thinks about it while beheading chickens on her farm, to be the mother of your children?
Not to mention even pretty ones have about 10 years shelf life max before the go Babushka mode. Dutch, German, Scandi, etc are all better options, and there's no stigma against fucking teens like in the US so you can still get a virgin

>> No.55908371

She has already fucked 5 vatniks

Definitely a catch for a westerner

>> No.55908429

every eastern european woman lives on a farm?

>> No.55908571

>fucked 5 vatniks
video source or gay n fake

>> No.55908646
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, Polina3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She has already fucked 5 vatniks

not Polina, she's waiting until marriage

>> No.55908658

check her IG . turned out to be kinda of lilsluty with tats,nose rings and western cringe clothes

>> No.55908693

so another brainwashed retard.
what a shame.
stop enabling women by giving their accounts views.
marry your pastor's daughter.

>> No.55908718

I can save her.

>> No.55908761

>check her IG

>> No.55908781
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you can't even save yourself, let alone her.

>> No.55908785

>Dutch, German, Scandi, etc are all better options, and there's no stigma against fucking teens like in the US so you can still get a virgin
there isn't a stigma against sleeping with 18 year olds in amerca if you avoid aging women and soi males

>> No.55908796

>there's no stigma against fucking teens like in the US so you can still get a virgin
anon... if teens can have sex there, then it's even more difficult to find virgins, unless you are talking about toddlers or something

>> No.55908838

Back to the op’a topic
Honestly building wealth is starting to lose its appeal to me. You work hours and hours a day, slaving over excel sheets metrics and busy work. There’s a sense of urgency that isn’t really real. You consume corn syrup sugar loaded products all for what? Trading your time an irreplaceable resource for units of currency that isn’t even real in the 1st place. Playing a game where others have an extreme unfair advantage. For what? A house made out of cardboard? Shiny shit? New fabrics? Like a horse with a carrot over its face…

To buy trinkets and things? I’m really not believing the hype anymore

>> No.55908882

You're genuinely buttfuck retarded if you think globalism and thus smartphones hasn't washed even eastern yuro women's brains who live in rural areas.
No, they won't suck your 1st world cock. Yes, you are an ugly incel chud even in their eyes and they rather be alcoholics and OD on pills then to settle with you faggot.
Welcome to the real world. Give me your address pussy, let me fucking break your face so you get a proper reality check. Don't care if you got a gun, I'd break your arms in 6 places faster than you'd get your greasy fat finger on the safety.

>> No.55908932

thats THATS A MAN!

>> No.55908979

a girl who wants to become an actress is a red flag. it screams narcissism

>> No.55909012

>women in general are insane

>> No.55909084

but imagine her beaver


>> No.55909191

I thought it was a czech porn scene at first but she seems too pretty for those.

>> No.55909252

exactly this. this is why im researching traveling to third world countries to impregenate healthy humans not addcited to 99% thc, vaoe pens, drinking every weekend. flouride in water, on birth control, eating gmo food, having more prescriptions than my grandmother. etc etc..

on my list south america, thailand. and euerope

although i think slavs are sub.

>> No.55909257

they actually hit the wall the hardest
they look like 60 at 35 and cook disgusting food

>> No.55909262

all non american women are whores

>> No.55909278


ever been to usa?

>> No.55909293

there once came a girl to my door.

she was selling education books.

when i opned the door i made eye contact with her.

i immedealty started to get an erection. she invited herself inside..

i listened to her talk for a while. she was sitting on the floor and i was sitting on the couch

she was from, czexh republic. she would come for summers selling books.

she asked me if i can give her a ride that night. i agreed. i got her email and met up with her.

she gave me the best blowjob ever. and i never bought one of her stupid overpriced boooks. she was so so so hot.

tall slim green eyes. tan skin. wow. i would marry her and let my freinds all fcuk her.
i want to own a slut that i can pass around.

>> No.55909480

I know, you've never met the bourgeois whites
These whites hate everything beautiful in the world, their hatred for beauty is only matched by their hatred for the America experiment. Once you meet these people the conspiracy theories actually start to fade away because it occurs to you that no no, there's no elite cabal, it's just these prissy ass rich kids who have more money than God, and they are so incredibly bored. America and it's system bores them. They want to shake up the world because they are bored. They are removing beauty not to demoralize you, but just because they think it somehow ties in with American exceptionalism and is part of what makes them so bored with life.
I implore you to meet some of these whites, you can find them for a short period at universities like Harvard or MIT, and they will interact with you too. They are very proud of their stance on the world and it will blow your mind as they rattle off every single thing you thought was a conspiracy theory over the past 10 years.

>> No.55909511

Why would a bot write a made up story like this?

>> No.55909540

A self hating white kid didn't just occur. He's been brainwashed

>> No.55909607

what compels a grown man to lie like that?

>> No.55909630

>Nose ring

4/10 who hated her father and will never get married or enjoy a good relationship.
Only girls with decent relationships with their fathers make good wives.

>> No.55909631
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slav nookie

>> No.55909650
File: 46 KB, 849x340, Screenshot 2023-08-22 at 9.00.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i still have the email

from 2017.

>> No.55909884

Kinda sorta not really
They don't consume the same media we do, they don't face the same propaganda we do in schools. They receive real education with real curriculums that are structured and taught by people who enjoy it.
Where they learn this stuff is by visiting Paris and Germany multiple times before age 10 that "traveling" bores you as a teenager, they already rode in 12 Ferraris by then too. They've been to all the amusement parks and they've owned every stuffed animal they ever wanted and they did all that before they turned 15
Essentially these kids live what we normals deem an entire life before they even turn 12
So yeah by the time they are 20, they have some whacked out, hyper blurred view of the world. What? Your family didn't take you on vacations to France and Italy? Why not? Why do you still value beautiful women in this world? I've been around these boring women my entire life and dated one in high school they are okay.
And there it is, the gay shit, the nigger shit, the ugly shit, it's all right there. They lived out "normal life" in a matter of a decade or so and as they turn to adults they are bored of the "normal" world, and try to bring spice into it because they have deemed that everyone must also be just as bored as they are. It's not a /pol/ conspiracy, it really is just a bunch of extremely rich and powerful kids who grew up bored with the world.

>> No.55909990

I don't even care about the actual IG so much.
I want to know how you fags find these as if it's nothing.
It's a useful /biz/ skill to have.

>> No.55910056

there's zero chance that fag found her ig

>> No.55910115

Answer: I was happy 10-15 years ago as a teenager when american women were not so obese and there was still the illusion of hope for the future.

>> No.55911589

not op you are replying to but there it is @pelagea.vishnevskay I just typed "polina what are your life goals instagram" in google and looked by images

>> No.55911795
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>man hands
>skele arms
>tunnels for eye sockets

>> No.55911836

>Pierced nose

>> No.55911928

It doesn't. Like your time and energy it's just another asset to use to reach (more of) what does make you happy.

>> No.55911953

well that's disheartening. wanted to be an actress ended up being a whore.

>> No.55912867

new yuckers literally sweat corn syrup and diffused sewage (the smell that permeates new yuck shitty)

>> No.55912950

>septum piercing
very based, much trad, she probably only has 3 black ex bfs

>> No.55913318

Why are you watching Disney garbage as a grown adult male?
>inb4 BUT I DON'T
So then why do you give a shit about shit you don't watch anyway?

>> No.55913337
File: 757 KB, 576x1024, wall.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slavic women meet THE WALL so young

>> No.55913340

>followed her
a little disapointed in her looks and style but she's pretty. the nose piercing tho is a negative to me.

>> No.55913361

if you have kids its not unheard of

>> No.55913394

you don't build wealth by working you build it by investing wisely the only part you need to work for is your initial seed capital which everyone should be able to do in 10 years max

>> No.55913562

As beautiful as they look they have lower average IQ than West. Europeans or Americans

>> No.55913590
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>> No.55913612
File: 278 KB, 667x1000, 1000_F_138129186_2rzc1uc8xZe3xJUFyCScL2uqGM9dacXT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHERE SAUCE? anon please I'm fapping right now

>> No.55913632
File: 65 KB, 519x878, 1612256365253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

russian bros how do i get a polina? im a hispanic that's not a manlet, not fat, and have a head full of hair. also have 6 BTC.

>> No.55913728

Blyat. Just get a hispanic girl. Similar shit.

>> No.55913834

go here >>55911589