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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55906904 No.55906904 [Reply] [Original]

and its bullish as fuck
>90% team funds burn
>all 270,000,000 minus like 3 percent will go as fair mining/staking
>extremely sexy emission curve
>standard node requirements
>mexc confirmed
>kucoin confirmed
>10% boost on presale buys

discreeeet bros we win again



>> No.55906909
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oh yeah and mainnet is Q4 this year, get fucking ready lads

>> No.55906916
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>> No.55906918

Nah I'm cool lil bro

>> No.55906932
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It's 100% worth it to become a validator. It'll literally print 100's in the first few days if prices go as expect, especially with the burn of the team now only owning up to 3%.

Redpill on Aurem (DISTs magic consensus sauce):

Aurem is a confidential proof-of-stake ("CPoS") mechanism that builds on the work of Aleph Zero's AlephBFT and Dusk Network's PoBB mechanism. It DAG-based aBFT consensus that ensures three vital parameters in digital currencies.

- Complete privacy of your bid (stake) making sure no network participant can see how much currency was staked.

- Instant finality in a round, ensuring fast, reliable, confirmation of a transaction.

- Unpermissioned committees, allowing anyone to become a validator through Aleph's randomness beacon with the head minter selected based on their bid.

Aurem also enforces ring-member selection enforcement at the consensus layer, guaranteeing transaction uniformity to the distribution, selected by the decoy selection algorithm ("DSA"), and provides stronger guarantees that all clients conform to the specification. This greatly mitigates the effects of dusting/flooding attacks for the network, and helps increase privacy for older unspent UTXOs.

>> No.55906945

>Once mainnet is launched, $DIST will not be immediately listed on CEXs. This allows good opportunity for validators to familiarize themselves with the staking process prior to $DIST becoming tradeable on CEXs.
It's going to dump on launch

>> No.55906946
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What are the odds that this shit actually rockets to 60$ as people say and I 30x my shit on launch? break down the math for me

>> No.55906958
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fucking amazing holy

probably the more realistic play is that it bumps up to 20$ once all the exchanges do a launch and their whatever fucking airdrops and then it rockets to whatever its gonna ATH at and the settles somewhere at 30$

>> No.55906973

That'd be a 120x if you invested at $0.50. It's not going to do that anyway it'll probably fall to $0.20 then slowly climb back up until CEX launch where it'll pump to $2 then fall slowly bleed back to $0.50

>> No.55906974
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My thesis:
>Frederick said they were going to the Alibaba Cloud event in China in September
>This means they will probably host their own archival nodes, network will be fast
>Consensus will be fast
>Validation entry will probably be somewhere between 10-25k (15k is my realistic guess).
>There are about 58 wallets with over 25,000 EDIS or BDIS
>The committees on staking/validating are 20-50 in size.
>On genesis, there will probably only be 10-20 stakers.

If you start staking early, the make it back, to be guaranteed making hundreds of $'s (assuming this moons), and that they don't list on CEXs the EXACT same day that mainnet launches, you can easily make another 5-10k DIST from validating between mainnet launch and CEX listings.

>TL;DR: buy the now confirmed 20k DIST to validate early and money farm.

>> No.55906996

Nah, you're plain wrong on this one L2's 10x on account of being L2's, L1's 20x (minimum) on account of being L1s

It ain't rational economics, its crypto bro

That is surprisingly not horrible, probably one of the best allocations for a programmable L1 ive seen since 2018.

>> No.55907006


>> No.55907015

So basically, 20k, buy some fucking server and move SBF island?

>> No.55907028
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We literally can't stop winning

>> No.55907044

Where do I get it?

>> No.55907051
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Theres a presale going on with a 10% airdrop once its over/launches in Q4

Literally just go to their website

>> No.55907099
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Thats extremely fucking based, like better than I wouldve expected

I think this is the play, look at pic rel and the drop in the first reduction, if we assume at worst blocktime is 15s then it will take ~1 year (0.95 years) to reach the 40% drop from 5 DIST per block to 3. So the play would be just to get 20K initially and farm the fuck out of it for the first 12-32 months and then retire

Now then question is do i up my stack another 10k (or like 9600 with the 10% airdrop I guess) from the presale or do I wait until its hits a CEX

>> No.55907113
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Fucking high IQ take

>> No.55907280
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okay fuck it whats a suistack? do i buy with ETH or BNB through their presale portal thing, any advantage of one over other?

>> No.55907299


>> No.55907325 [DELETED] 

this. Same thread everyday

>> No.55907375
File: 166 KB, 900x1200, 1673146367570019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought $DIST via ETH why can't i see it in my metamask wallet?

>> No.55907408

because fat freddy pulled the rug already. kek baggies.

>> No.55907434
File: 221 KB, 1070x845, 1668773191752845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you didnt click the big fat "add to metamask" button underneath you mouthbreather

add it manually it to metamask, the EDIS contract address is in their FAQ or just ask on TG

pic rel

>> No.55907436

All these attractive fake deals won't reach the opportunities there are in investing in the winning indices of crypto. You just gotta have to find those winning indices on platform like AstraDAO and invest the hell in.

>> No.55907437

>winning indices on platform like AstraDAO and invest the hell in
Holy fuck commit not alive anon please immediately

>> No.55907463

you don't need to have a server level machine by what I read

>> No.55907488
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If you can give me exact specs on what I need to run this to become a validator and farm it then I will buy 20k right the fuck now from the presale

Technical specifications sections just says
>"Hardware for the validators should have a modern multi-core processor capable
of computing the required zk-STARK proofs in an appropriate amount of time."

Ok, cool so like an i7?

>> No.55907574

literally just get any AWS instance and you're good, or if you dont know how servers work at all, just google "VPS" and you'll see how easy it is to get a server that meets these specs

>> No.55907659
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My god such a fucking whitepilling paper, its the closest you can get to a fair launch

>Launches Q4
>Biz will fade this like they did KASPA
>It will 25x
>Pink wojaks
>The cycle repeats

biz never finds the hidden gemmies.
meanwhile sitting on my comfy dist stack

Good point anon

>> No.55907759
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>> No.55907982 [DELETED] 

what's a make it stack gents?

>> No.55908033

>>It will 25x
Hasn't the expiry date for KASPA pumped passed after their integration announcement? Nexera Exchange token was the only green candle on Kucoin since yesterday...

>> No.55908103
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Anon, it's a launch of a chain not a half-dead biz meme

Based distchan poster

/biz/ will never learn, and then there is endless complaining

>> No.55908105

>mexc confirmed
>kucoin confirmed

Where the fuck does it say this? This isn't confirmed anywhere.

>> No.55908166

feels good to hold this, but I'm impacient to wait until nov/december

its like buying fantom in 2019 isnt it?

>> No.55908259

They're bullshiting to try and increase sales
>why would they want to increase sales if it doesn't affect the prices?
Exactly, this thread is full of team members trying to convince /biz/ to give them a million dollars, as if all the losers here combined would have that much.
The three exchanges are:

>> No.55908336
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Did you get in on Fantom? Considering this, but still reading the paper, have a small understanding of basic cryptography this shit is above what I can understand


>why would they want to increase sales if it doesn't affect the prices?

Absolutely retarded logic
>more market participants = more liquidity
>if not sold out, supply will literally go to team so thats a nil argument
>team members trying to pump their bags,
Man I wish

This is what reading biz and no tradfi does to your scrambled neurons. Absolutely zero graymatter post.

Is 20K the make it stack now after this announcement?

>> No.55908373

so tl;dr: lambo?

>> No.55908394

This has to be the most cringe thread that has been on this site

>> No.55908400
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>> No.55908605

Poorfag cope

>> No.55908625

Use an ai to read and understand quickly retard.

>> No.55908634

bought fantom when it was 2cents around 2019 but I'm not a tecnical guy

>> No.55908662
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27% of pre-sale funds left. I wonder if that'll be sold before mainnet launch. Looks like 300,000 DIST (150k USD) worth was sold in the last 72 hours

I contributed at least 1% of that

Gonna keep stacking till I reach 20k

>> No.55908709

Someone give me a rundown on this?

>> No.55908717

CCP ID. Glory to Xi.

>> No.55908757

I'm buying more. I might as well become a validator

>> No.55908784
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9k stack here. How much to be a validator?

>> No.55909328
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Tell me right now if I should fkn ape, I spent all of 45 minutes on research

>> No.55909385
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Fade this and seethe later

>> No.55909494
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bought another 2k DIST :^)

road to 20k to validator heaven

>> No.55909595

Skip this L1 and buy the next ERC20 shitcoin

>> No.55909679
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Obligatory: Seraphis will be implemented before mainnet launch (as per their development update posted a few days ago). Their modus operandi is to support various tx types, so Seraphis will be used for bridges/swaps where multi-sig is required, I think they worked with Sarang on the Triptych paper to address the multi-sig issue, because it's active right now, and I looked over "Discreet Core" (their C++ cryptolib) and it's a modified one of the initial PoC that was published.

The reason I'm bullish and decided to bunch a dump of BNB into this is because it's so fucking rare to see a team actually work towards something useful. I think you have a point that 86k tx/s is not gonna mean automatic adoption, but when Discript comes out, with their grants they have talked about, then it's very obviously likely to attract ADA developers that got treated as exit liquidity by IOHK.

If AZERO (which Aurem, their confidential proof of stake protocol) is anything to go off of, fees will be really slow because hotseat comittee + inexpensive hardware to validate blocks = cheap fees while still being manageable for validator node operators.

I'm in, I don't care if it goes nowhere, I'm happy to hear they got the CEX listing, we need more privacy coins regardless, and for once I'm happy in 6 years of browsing /biz/ that there's a coin that's not poopoo. I'm in the testnet group right now, and it's filled with (non-team) developers trying to build shit, so that's a good sign. An earlier thread I read had an API setup that was public-facing and there's talks of independent web/mobile wallets.

Community is good, discussion about a project is good, especially if it can catch the eyeballs of other developers for that ecosystem. Once IOHK goes the way of Enron, that's gonna be... exciting. I will post this every thread out of spite for the anon that wrote it.

>> No.55909770
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>when Discript comes out, with their grants they have talked about, then it's very obviously likely to attract ADA developers that got treated as exit liquidity by IOHK

Interesting point, I wonder how much they'll allocate for devs to rewrite contracts in zk language

probably need fucktonnes of examples

>> No.55909852
File: 98 KB, 1800x1145, 1692396831778828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh anons?


Discreet and Chainlink is partnered? Bullish?

>> No.55909954

- stop acting like you just found this, pajeet
- discreet uses Chainlink. nice "partnership" you got there
>We’re excited to announce that Discreet—a programmable, privacy-focused layer-1 network—has integrated Chainlink Automation live on BNB Chain and Ethereum mainnets.
lol. lmao, even.

>> No.55910079
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It's 20k DIST but you can stake any amount I think

>> No.55910117
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Whats a sui stack fellas?

>> No.55910158

What is this NIGGER shit srs.

>> No.55910173

200 sui
2000 make it
20k generational wealth

>> No.55911366

I’m buying 15k right now

>> No.55911912
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It's nothing anon, dont worry about it

>checks chain
The madman actually did

>> No.55912080
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That is fucking overpowered, since the paper states it wont be listed on exchanges immediately on launch (when block validation begins) then its pretty much a mafia of the people who buy now?

My fomo is out of this world, should I get the last 7k to validate, it cant take them fucking 1 year to launch on CEXs right?

>> No.55912505
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>My fomo is out of this world
Let me tell you my dark secrets, anon.

>> No.55912604

If I put 10k into this, what is the theoretical maximum a validator could make per day?

>> No.55912782
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depending on price action, thousands fren

>> No.55912849
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The tokenomics are absolute gold, its already dipped from 27% to 26% on the presale page which was about 6 hours ago, so it'll probably go to 0% relatively quickly

Posting distdragon

>> No.55913055
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I'm honestly just happy this isn't ANOTHER fucking Chainlink thread. Looks interesting, will research.

>> No.55913158
File: 382 KB, 1400x1980, 1687904418493873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone wanna buddy up and get 20k to co-validate? We will build an esoteric validation lair

>> No.55913249
File: 10 KB, 365x603, Discr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you sir found the contract address on my Etherscan page and added mnully to metamask wallet. My first crypto ever btw, was a little bit stressed but at the end fixed it.

>> No.55913529

>if we assume at worst blocktime is 15s then it will take ~1 year (0.95 years) to reach the 40% drop from 5 DIST per block to 3
how the fuck did you arrive at 1 year. please share your calculation. it might take 5 years desu. not so bullish.

>> No.55913953
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>first buy ever is Discreet
holy mega BASED.

>> No.55914116
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Down to 25 soon, buying the legendary stack soon (50 ETH)

>> No.55914642 [DELETED] 
File: 553 KB, 534x711, 1690231445600632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a make it stack?

>> No.55914814

do it faggot

>> No.55914906

Will be interesting to see how they implement Discript given its UTXO based and no global state, so probably not as shit as ADA but their Discript language

>> No.55915012

You'll make 4 DIST per block
A block is validated every 24 hours
4 DIST will equal $1 @ ATH
That's $1 a fricking day!

>> No.55915020

Not trying to FUD, genuine question. The project is interesting, but I just read the tokenomics and wonder whether it's worth grabbing a bag if it's too small to be a validator at this point. Seems to me like the inflation rate will be high early on. Wouldn't it be better to wait?