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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55906134 No.55906134 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have $15 to give me? I am going through financial difficulties and as I live in a shithole country this would help me a lot right now.

>> No.55906141

eth wallet:

btc wallet



love u guys
sorry mods, I know this shit is boring but yeah my life is fucking miserable and now I'm desperate

>> No.55906145
File: 31 KB, 154x201, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55906149

I need you to make up a story first

>> No.55906153

i do, but i will give it to you only on one condition. you have to find and post the link to an adult video where a burglar breaks into some chicks home while she's on a treadmill, shes wearing black lingerie and a brunette i think, and they have sex. OR the link to a video where there's a girl with purple hair who comes by some guy's hotel room to sell books (or sell pizza for school books i cant remember) and they have sex. it has to be the same video i watched. ive been trying to find these videos for years. good luck

>> No.55906160

What's your favorite anime?

>> No.55906168

I don't think there's anything sadder or more creative I can come up with that makes up for the fact that I was born poor in a poor country.

and yeah its a real story.

>> No.55906177

death note.

>> No.55906183

Go suck dick for $15.

>> No.55906190

i cant unfortunately

>> No.55906225


>> No.55906229

but you do apparently have one good working hand

>> No.55906232

i wish i could help you but we're still in a bearmarket and my balance is oblitered

get a job at mcdonalds or your local kebab shop

>> No.55906287

I wish you had a gun so you could kill yourself anon. However if you had a gun, you would just end up selling it and run back to /biz 3 days later asking for Gibs.

>> No.55906321

You got an internet access and you can speak english. Now tell me how you spent all your youth jerking off and playing vidya instead of applying yourself and I'll think about sending you some.

>> No.55906342


My computer in my youth only ran tibia and age of empires 1 bro lol

>> No.55906345
File: 16 KB, 303x273, 1690230191731772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, Gustavo, you lying macaco, you have $63 in ETH in your wallet. Secondly, you've posted this kind of thread before and your behavior is pathetic, as well as lazy. Terrible showing, I guess this is the caliber of the people of South America

>> No.55906356


help me find out where that 63$ is, it would literally save me bro
your lack of time is impressive and your lack of common sense in judging others about what you do the most is pathetic. go fuck yourself. You're an even worse monkey, because you're a failure and it's 1000% your fault :)

>> No.55906363
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 1630427530769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trolling me? It's in the ETH wallet you posted at the beginning of the thread. Also, you can call me a monkey all you want, but I have $2700 on chain in total retard shitcoins, so compared to you I'm a rich monkey.

>> No.55906397

tell me where that money is because i really don't know. maybe it's monkey stuff, like what makes you sad in an anonymous forum, right?

Hmm...oh, considering you live in a much richer country, that's quite an achievement indeed. But I wonder if someone really minimally successful would literally monitor someone on an anonymous forum at alternate, random times. This is bizarre, my guy. And you apparently have a huge pepe's gallery on your computer. Oh, computer boy, you're fuuunny, huh? haha

>> No.55906405
File: 19 KB, 657x527, 1626718789082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not monitoring, it comes up when I google search your wallet address. Either I'm being elaborately trolled or you really don't understand how your wallet works. The money is in your wallet, if you're using a hot wallet like Metamask you should be able to simply send it to Binance like you did the other times.

>> No.55906410
File: 34 KB, 800x360, chrome_MOrVn9EnUK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, here's a screenshot of your wallet. The money in there is from a month ago, no one has sent you anything.