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File: 232 KB, 1200x628, US_Debt_to_GDP_Shareable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55900870 No.55900870 [Reply] [Original]

Why does no one give a shit that our national debt is increasing exponentially? Are we even paying any of this back?? I hope none of my taxes go to paying the interest rate or compound interest rate for this pile of shit debt. Wtf are these retards in our government doing?!!!!

>> No.55900881

Because so long as you can service total debt payments the overall debt literally doesn't matter.

>> No.55900914

The retards in government will die of old age before the effects materialize, it's not their problem so they don't care.

>> No.55900923

But we can't service the debt payment. We raise the debt ceiling every year. No one is big their brains and are just a bunch of complacent non thinking morons.

>> No.55900999

The US services its debt payments every single year and if they didn't that'd be defaulting on their debt, what are you talking about? The payments are going up but they're still being paid.

>> No.55901029

There is no debt, they owe it to themselves. They own USD, can print indefinitely.

>> No.55901035

There's no point in being fiscally conservative anymore because if you refrain from spending when your party is in power the other side will just rack up trillions on the bullshit they want as soon as they get in, so you might as well use the credit card on your priorities when you have the ability to do so as well.

>> No.55901798

And what are us white men getting out of it for paying taxes towards it? I don't see how in anyway this benefits us. The US government should just cancel all national debt, wtf are the banks going to do anyway? They have no power without the support of the government so we might as well do it.

>> No.55901822

Yes but there is a tipping point where inflation will fuck the currency raw dog and $1 will be worthless.

>> No.55901848

Most of the debt is held domestically and calling it debt confuses people. You have to make debt to create new currency, you sell that debt to other people and countries and institutions, they hold that debt because it's one of the most attractive investments on earth, and in return they get paid a percentage on the total amount of debt they hold. Every country with a fiat currency operates in the same manner and units of that currency become proof of violence and solvency tokens rather than currency when they are minted. So long as you can still do violence and are solvent it'll trade and be tradable against basically everything else. The US is beyond 100% debt to GDP (pretty sure it's about 115-120% by now) but since rates are high and staying high and the economy is back up and running the dollar is holding relatively strong even with as much of it in existence as there is. There's also the fact it's used for international trade to a huge extent so a lot of the cash that's in existence isn't traded in the US, and most of it isn't in an accessible cash or digital form regular people would use for regular purchases.

Pretty much the only people that chimp out about the national debt are retards or those preying on retards.

>> No.55901855

Once we get into office we'll just peg gold to the US dollar and the banks won't be able to make anymore loans after that. That would fix our problem straight away. Any bank that loans money without having at least 95% of that money in gold in their banks will be committing a crime and all shareholders will be put in prison for life, we'll treat it the same way these kikes do when we don't pay our shekels to them, better known as "tax evasion".

>> No.55901888

Anyone how doesn't care about the national debt is either a jew or a retard. I for one want to own a a decent house at a reasonable price without ever having to make a loan or even worse having to get a mortgage, not have to lose half of my money to taxes, not have a country where nothing is fixed and everything is overcrowded because all money is allocated to paying interest to a bunch of kikes.

>> No.55901899
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>> No.55901910

>thinks tricking the world into holding your bags isn't worth having to pay taxes and get a mortgage to have a house
Confirmed retard

>> No.55901982
File: 98 KB, 804x933, 1619798231038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of you don't understand that we live in a late capitalism world where you need to keep taking debt to keep making more money. That's why the US debt is never going away, in fact, we'll only take more and more debt. But don't worry, this won't stop the trillions from coming.
The same thing happens with crypto. Why do you think the people who debtmaxx are the ones who make the most money? because you need to take more money to make more money. Works on altcoins as well, i took a 20k loan to buy more x.com and now i sit in a comfy pile of 50k thanks to the bank's dollars.

>> No.55902055

The closest analogy would be if you bought and staked a coin and used the earned rewards to stack sats like BTC or something, that's basically what everyone does buying treasury bonds. Buy an assload of debt bond shitcoins and use the staking rewards from them to buy other shit. Everyone plays along because that debt bond shitcoin pays out a reliable percentage unless the world is literally ending and it pays out in a currency everyone needs for various reasons. It's not even tricking anyone, USD debt bonds are just extremely stable and reliable investments and everyone buys a ton of them for that reason. As time goes on the system needs more money so more debt gets created to meet that need, the only time to actually worry would be if the national debt skyrocketed overnight but it's been following the same exponential curve everything else is so all is well.

>> No.55902068
File: 2.19 MB, 250x254, aris hi why don't you play tekken anymore question mark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i hope my taxes don't go towards this

kek do you know how governments work? how else do you want the government to fund all the nice things you take for granted?

>> No.55902083

>Servicing the debt through taking on further debt.

This is an iq test and you've failed.

>> No.55902120

>tries to tell someone else they're stupid
>doesn't understand exponential growth curves

>> No.55902299

>line go up forever
>you don’t understnd how markets work

>> No.55902324

Line has only gone up since the beginning if you zoom out far enough, every downtrend along the way was just establishing a new floor for support on the next jump. On a long enough timeframe it's objectively correct.

>> No.55902354

>muh immortal fiat
>line go up forever
have you ever considered investing in private bridge ownership?

>> No.55902381

Have you considered actually presenting an argument rather than just acting like a retarded child, or is that above your paygrade as demoralization poster #42069 on ID number eight of the day?

>> No.55902408

there’s no argument here. you’re simply wrong. I’m just laughing at you.

>> No.55902566

>there's nothing else I can say so I'll just call you a dummy and say I'm laffin
o I am actually laffin at this cope, so crazy it popped up like a week out from the BRICS conference on the 24th for some IRL cope posting.

>> No.55902574

because the dollar is already past its sell by date. We are due for a reset and a lot of this debt will be wiped, just not your debt.

>> No.55903906

Yeah just ignore the countless number of people who did take out a loan and now they're in eternal servitude. Also those the rich people don't take out personal loans they take oit loans for their companies which get bailout if they can't default on their loans and they also get government subsidies which they don't have to worry if they can't pay it back since the government takes care of their problems anyway through tax payer money. So you're fucking retarded. Also this started back in 1913 so idk wtf what any of this has to do with late stage capitalism.

>> No.55904550

Not my problem. 90% of my money is in gold and silver.

>> No.55904922

The thing is the "debt" is a big ass joke. Money anymore is nothing but a bunch of digital zeros and ones spat out by a computer at Treasury. Someone at Treasury says "We need 3 trillion". Poof, the computer creates it. Where do you think the covid money came from? Therefore to "clear" the debt all that would be needed was for that same computer to create 33 trillion extra. The wrinkle is this; actually using that extra fake money to clear the debt. Those fucks in congress would blow it in seconds not to clear the debt but on dumb shat. Consider this; They moan "Meh debt, meh debt" Yet they flip around and send Ukraine money without a word. (several billion now). It's all a big joke.

>> No.55905024

Yea it’s magic… why aren’t we all rich?

>> No.55905075
File: 198 KB, 500x698, goyim-were-born-only-to-serve-us-jews-without-that-4418969(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the talmudic money magic is used to keep you poor and enslaved

>> No.55905150

Debt is good you moron. It's not the same when you own money to some thug who's gonna come knocking in the middle of a night.
National debt is an assurance that more transactions are gonna take place to "pay off" that "debt".

>> No.55906569

You don't have to get debt to create new currency. You can just print it

>> No.55906579

What nice things?

>> No.55907067

because npcs don't even understand inflation is an expansion of the monetary supply, nothing to do with anything else but thieving your purchasing power away. Until they wake up to this fact, they won't do shit but allow themselves to be robbed and defend the bankers who rob from them.

>> No.55907072

they already default every fucking day since Nixon took America off the find standard. Holy shit this is why NPC's get fucked every single time, they refuse to educate themselves. If you could think for yourself you woke understand that America details every day on it's obligations because they print currency to fulfill their debts but this does not deliver the purchasing power and is inflationary, hence a default but people are too stupid or lazy to look at the casino that they're in.

>> No.55907137

The debt ceiling is rated in nominal figures, not a percentage of gdp. It's a retarded metric

>> No.55907157

>Are we even paying any of this back?
Uhhhhh, no. How about we never pay our debt, and if someone wants their money back we'll destroy their country? Naw we would never do that. We'd need a pretty powerful military to do that. There's no way it'll happen.

>> No.55907197
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>> No.55907268
File: 412 KB, 1630x772, 05onfire1_xp-superJumbo-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The market doesn't care about things until it cares about things. It will all suddenly matter in a major way out of the blue.

>> No.55907272

They're going to default

>> No.55907825

They're IOUs issued by the government, which is you, to the investor who purchased them, likely also you, through an individual account, pension, social security, etc...

Government debt is an IOU to yourself.

For extra fun, also paying management fees to wall st to "manage" the IOUs to yourself.

>> No.55907858

The interest on debt is over the military budget at this point and is continuing to refinance at the current rates.

By next year the interest on the debt will be over half the tax dollars coming in.