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55903573 No.55903573 [Reply] [Original]

This age is strange because it’s now the first time when I’m basically not attracted to women my own age and want to date younger, women are starting to hit the wall bros

>> No.55903630

Im 36 and I notice the women my age starting to hit the wall at 24

Personally I feel like I hit the wall at 28ish

>> No.55903647
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I like chicks in their 30's. They're not annoying and usually know when to shut up.

>> No.55903667

you might be low t, unironically
i find as i age, the range of attraction expands but never contracts
late 30s now and i'll want to fuck any good looking thing between 11 and 60

>> No.55903694

Glad im attracted to milfs and fat girls
Feels good

>> No.55903703
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I haven't talked to a woman outside of work in multiple years

>> No.55903713

This is literally me in my living room.

>> No.55903716

Isn’t it nice that they went and became vaxxies right at the start of our prime?

>> No.55903732
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Wait until you see 40s women.
They become impossibly fat.

>> No.55903748

>27 male virgin
>makes 53k a year
>gambling in shitty stocks / cryptos to cope with the inadequacy feelings.

Being a single income household sucks dick.

Being a possible undiagnosed sperg sucks bros

>> No.55905037

It’s happening to me and I’m only 25.
All those harsh chemicals in the makeup had left them getting wrinkles and looking “dried up” un-ironically.

I usually have sex with females the same age or above, but last weekend I had sex with a 19yr old and it was amazing like holy fuck. That pussy literally gripped and her body and face were just so different to the baggies

>> No.55905060
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>few months before turning 26
>only a few months left to do degen shit like club all night multiple nights in a row
>19 year old girls already see me as old
>COVID lockdowns nuked 2 years of my youth away

>> No.55905373

I’d only want a girlfriend so rent would be easier

>> No.55905440
File: 22 KB, 267x266, 8E44396C-7542-4AC7-A5FE-ABF0C68A094C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28 here. I never thought it would happen to me but the corners on my front hairline look like they’re finally moving back ever so slightly. I don’t wanna rub cremes on my head daily or waste money on hair replacement surgery. It’s over for me bros.

>> No.55905480
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It only gets better from here if you’ve been taking care of yourself.

>> No.55905501

Yeah but most of them their brains are destroyed from internet porn so they're not as fun in bed as the younger sluts

>> No.55905509

If you're smart you'll knock up the next 19 yo you bang