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55902886 No.55902886 [Reply] [Original]

who are the good guys of crypto?

>> No.55902902

None of them.

>> No.55902903
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>> No.55903006


>> No.55903016

There is only one man in crypto who truly has good intentions

>> No.55903021
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There is only one good guy and his name is Sergei

>> No.55903168

Jesse Powell
Brian Armstrong

No one else gk2ap

>> No.55903403

wow he's just a normal guy like me and you, with cargo shorts, a tshirt and his hands in his pockets!

>> No.55903413

>Lex Luthor

>> No.55903437

>the good guys in crypto
Ultimately crypto is just finance. You will try to convince yourselves that crypto is "good" because muh central banks or whatever, but at the end of the day central banks are just the form that finance takes to meet its own ends. Crypto is just a competing form, a second head on the same snake. Mark my words, money is alive, and it is evil.

>> No.55903489

Bitcoin is ZeFi, aka Zero Finance
Finance is a synonimous for scam, finance is all about debt and usury

>> No.55903500


>> No.55903515
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The Bitcoin Maxis unironically.

>> No.55903516



>> No.55903538


>> No.55903542

>global impact for good
>runs away with your money
with ___ you lose

>> No.55903600

with poos you lose?

>> No.55903625
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>> No.55903652

to this day i still don't understand the kind of normalfag who looks at this dysgenic jewish face, the obvious malice hardly concealed in the best positive expression a pr shot could muster, and thought "that's it. this super shady guy, that's the guy i'm going to trust blindly, in the space that's supposed to be trustless"

>> No.55904102

lmao no. Satoshi is just a made up name the NSA came up with.

>> No.55904109


>> No.55904123

arthur hayes

>> No.55904129
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>> No.55904132
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>who are the good guys of crypto?
Leemon Baird.
Not Mance though, he's a snake.

>> No.55904142

satoshi was using cypherpunk lingo and put a poker software in bitcoin source code
it's not NSA
i would say its some cypherpunk

>> No.55904152

Agreed, also:
Patrick McCorry
Nader Dabit
Patrick Collins
whole Chainlink team with special shoutouts to Benedict, Ari and Steve

>> No.55904155

Yeah satoshi was totally one guy
JFK was killed by one guy
Truth is in finance there are no "good" guys everyone is out to fuck over stupid weak gullible idiots.

>> No.55904178

Mance without hair, each photo looks like he was saying "yeah man, I could go for some hookers and tacos."

>> No.55904225

None except Satoshi himself and Bizonacci.

Both are most likely dead.

>> No.55904239

maybe lobes (BAT and brave) but he's extremely safe and scared of any risk (which I guess shows he isn't a scammer) and he's so slow at developing the product(s) and bad at marketing it

>> No.55904491

CZ and the hungarian guy who is satoshi, forgot his name

>I want to make the biggest global impact for good
It' s like a mishmash of all the jewry scammy bizzwords into one half sentence

>> No.55904507

Fighting the SEC - based in my book.

>> No.55904515

Yea pretty much

>> No.55904535

Elon Musk when he made the Twitter logo into a doge. He pussied out though

>> No.55904724
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Seriously, I like the Coinmetro dude. Seems sincere, informative.

>> No.55905026
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that's like saying will there be a cyanide pill that you can take that's good for you and cure you of gay

>> No.55905031

I love Bizonacci. I wasn't doing crypto at all back then, but I laughed so hard at the videos. Shame I didn't buy lel

>> No.55905160

Imagine trusting a jew named bankman.

>> No.55905173

He, and the Shib devs are some of the few fighting for real decentralization with this Shibarium development.

Founding ShibArmy as the first ‘digital nation’ in crypto seems like a marketing move, but is deeper than that.

>> No.55905186
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>> No.55905195

me (founder, of a startup that will save the world)

>> No.55905199

lmao even

>> No.55905291

didn't he literally admit in an interview his whole 'spiel' was just to score brownie points with the right people and he never once believed any of it?

>> No.55905569

Money is not evil, it is an extremely useful technology that, like so many others, have been spun into evil uses. Money is amazing but it's not worth worshipping, though it is worth protecting. Kikes have simply corrupted the systems we've built to utilize money and we're so far gone we can't imagine another way of being

>> No.55905604

this guy had a net worth of 28 billion at one point. L M A O

>> No.55905856


>> No.55905989

He's based solely for hating fags and taking a stand.

>> No.55906221
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Verification not required.

>> No.55906283
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Some researchers, psychologists, criminologists, etc. They refer to the look of the psychopath as “a look that goes through, that dazzles you, that obscures you, that seduces you, that captivates you due to that implicit intensity.

>> No.55907174

Not money anon, finance.
>Kikes have simply corrupted the systems we've built to utilize money and we're so far gone we can't imagine another way of being
Finance dictates the american economy and therefore its politics, this is not finance "corrupted", this is finance's natural form

>> No.55907220

>it is a useful technology
>it is evil
are not mutually exclusive statements

>> No.55907234

This, most other ones are either greedy, just autistic or straight up evil jews

>> No.55907394
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Olaf Carlson-Wee

>> No.55907502
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>> No.55907712

him, but unironically

>> No.55907740

No such thing.
No such thing,

>> No.55907742


>> No.55907746

unironically this shithole board

>> No.55907765
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>> No.55908123

yeah bro this nigger who got sued for trading against his own customers and liquidating them is such a good guy

>> No.55908560
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Free my Niggar, OP. Keep trolling Anons on the biz while I'm busy owning and monetizing my own health data on wearables via Brainstem Health, Fag.

>> No.55908567

I wouldnt say theres any good guys in crypto its all just a moneybro scheme.

I'd vote for vitalik though because hes a bonafide autist that just likes it

>> No.55909158

>rewriting history

>> No.55910425

basically this

>> No.55911462


>> No.55911466

the jews

>> No.55911556
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Herbert R. Sim and all the cypherpunks are the only real good guys left in crypto OP. Anybody telling shytoshi and ryoshi forget they also are cypherpunks. Why do you think they're pushing for x.com?