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55902464 No.55902464 [Reply] [Original]

went out on a date with a girl and she shamed me for saving money by living with my mom and not being a "grown man" and having my own place (aka wasting capital on rent)

why are women financially retarded

>> No.55902476

women are retarded

>> No.55902498

Because women want a man, a man that is on his own, not a little boy that lives with mommy. That is your parent's house. "SHhh honey, we can't make noise, mommy is sleeping." Give me a break man!

>> No.55902499

>Good game+she's gay ID
It's not you, it's her.

>> No.55902508

Women are biologically driven to seek out providers, why would she want you if you can't even provide for yourself?

>> No.55902512

>"hey, I get that you wanted to come over to my place but we can rent a hotel room instead, whaddaya say?"
It's literally that easy.

>> No.55902534

>Women are biologically driven to seek out providers, why would she want you if you can't even provide for yourself?
Are you Stefan Molyneux? Big fan Stef!

>> No.55902543

I don't know zoomer youtubers.

>> No.55902548

i moved out and spent a lot of money on "becoming independent" just to get women and it was a waste of time. not worth it.
I would have been better off staying with my parents and spending the money on videogames.
BUT, in retrospect, it was inevitable. after spending years alone, i had developed an unhealthy obsession with getting a gf, having sex and experienced romantic love. it was driving me crazy. I had to do it.

>b-but demoralization! SHILL!

>> No.55902567

OP's pic is not accurate
I have never heard anyone refer to a female fast food worker as strong & independent, not even feminists
That's one job that is universally looked at as being dead-end and pathetic no matter who it is

>> No.55902618

Who cares. Jerk off if you can't handle the hormonal rage of no gf. Acquire capital, buy assets, discard wet holes and "their" opinions.

>> No.55902763
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based anon

>> No.55902831

This. Your bitcoin is yours. You woman, well you're just renting it. Your bitcoin is something that actually belongs to you.

>> No.55902869

It's only worth it if you have the pharma prescriptions for her when the lights start to flicker

>> No.55902907

You just weren't handsome enough

I live in a 2 bedroom apartment with my mom and sister and no girl has ever given a shit about it

>> No.55902912

18+ to post here retard.

>> No.55902924

Man I wish I had normal parents I could enjoyably live with. Both of them, but especially my mother, are batshit insane egotistical narcissistic maniacs.
I moved out as soon as I could and whenever I visit them for a day or two I immediately remeber why I left.

>> No.55902945

>hey bitch i didn't come on this date to get scolded, see ya. pay for your shit.

>> No.55902949

but i'm providing for my mom (not OP)

>> No.55902963


>> No.55902981

they should have thought about that before they decided they wanted to dilute the workforce, make labor cheap, and therefore ruin everyone's chances of buying a house. At this point the only people who can afford houses are the ones buying them to flip them to other rich people or buying them so they can be landlords and parasite any savings away from working men (while further driving up housing costs by diminishing supply)

>> No.55903045
File: 363 KB, 750x436, 7410A4A3-83DF-4423-92BF-2FDAECD272F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent is way too unreasonable for me to move out as much as I would like to. My qol is shit but I’m saving so much by staying

>> No.55903153

Unless your parents got a villa just move out man

>> No.55903165

women have two modes
1. sex mode
2. whore mode

Most men never activate the sex mode, so all they get is the whore mode.

>> No.55903173

your woman wants to rebel yell while getting fucked DEEP by your manly independent cock you dumb monkey. if you had a soaking pussy you'd want a chad with his own pad not a cuck hanging off daddys nuts. women are impeccable and impregnable and you will slurp their hot boxes you fucking worthless monkey niggers

>> No.55903253

>hot boxes
Are you referring to their vaginal crevices?

>> No.55903412

>hot box
Are you referring to their roast beef flaps?

>> No.55903426

I can't imagine being 18 and still wanting to live at home.

>> No.55903445

>they should have thought of that
Stopped reading there. They didn’t.

>> No.55903637

i am referring to their cheesy meat pies

>> No.55903753

Maybe when you grow up to become 18 you’ll realize why zoomlet


Never put ur mouth near a vagina

>> No.55904088

>Never put ur mouth near a vagina
Why? I’m sure there are some heath benefits to it

>> No.55904098

you can get oral cancer from herpes infection

>> No.55904243

> ID: Gg+sGAYb
Nigga u gay

>> No.55904249

nigga ur momma and ur daddy gay nigga, should kill urself lil nigga, broke nigga, goofy looking ass nigga, nigga nigga nigga

>> No.55904253

OP Wuz Gay Kangz

>> No.55904271

Watch a few wildlife docos on animals mating. We aren't different from them.

>> No.55904299

You just have no rizz and are mid tier in looks
My little brother makes decent money but lives with my mom at age 26 to help her and save up. He is 5'8", but pulls more pussy than anyone I've ever known. So yeah stop being ugly

>> No.55904300

mcd is a great brand and company
someone has to fix their image

>> No.55904993

Best idea I ever had. I Bought my house nearly outright and now I live a pretty free lifestyle compared to my friends. I have enough spare income to go on holidays where ever the fuck I want, buy whatever I want, do as much cocaine as I want, go out on dates with bitches and fuck in my own house wherever the fuck I want.

Life is good and I’m only 25

>> No.55905073

That’s extreme. Always have sexual motivated intercoursal relations with a non whore and always make sure to take them to a centra care to get tested for STDs prior to snacking on their vaginal orifice

>> No.55906039


>> No.55906115

How the fuck does that even work

>> No.55906292

Women don’t want to run alongside you in the marathon of life. They want to wait by the finish line and fuck the winners.

>> No.55906618

she got mad because she wanted to have sex with you

>> No.55907117

His mom and sister watch, and, most of the time, participate

>> No.55907134

How can she live in your house if its your parents house?

>> No.55907139

I moved out and wasted a lot of money on rent. Not having my parents around and getting laid occasionally was nice. Living with loser friends with mental health problems was not nice. I will never flat or house share ever again no matter how expensive it is.

>> No.55907151

I have basically infinite money for middle class stuff now but I don't know what I want. What kind of shit do you buy? No cloths or jewelry thanks.

>> No.55907307

It’s not about that. If its not your living situation, tomorrow it’s your car, the next day it’s how often you vacation, the food you eat, your phone, etc. She’s signaling that she’s a gold digger without having to use the label. Take her self assessment seriously and find another. There’s always another.

>> No.55907363

you should probably stay out of the dating and reproductive pool

>> No.55907404

Other than becoming independent what did you do ti acquire a woman? Are you a likable person?

>> No.55907411

GG gay boy id

>> No.55907425

>she shamed me for saving money

She is a pump and dump. Enjoy.

>> No.55907450

Not all woman are like that. Just find someone who likes you for you and not for your material possessions and fake ego things like jobs or living alone

>> No.55907452

They’re all like this when the society promotes it

>> No.55907462

you should go back to r*ddit

>> No.55907470

Name one then.

>> No.55907514

Are mothers not women?

>> No.55907524

unless you’re in a 100% npc, female or a psycho environment don’t use the word we

>> No.55907527


>> No.55907529


>> No.55907545

>own place
do women really?

>> No.55908173

My Ma lives in a room, my sister lives in a room and I sleep on the couch.

>> No.55909318

a top tier gym membership, bikes, and a pimped out van

>> No.55911070


only in America are offspring pushed out of the nest---most other cultures children stay with parents until married ?