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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55900610 No.55900610 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55900624

Are you saying I should all in and finish my 1 BTC stack rn or wait til later this year?

>> No.55900625
File: 27 KB, 750x120, 51CCF927-A5BA-445E-8569-D7135DE575D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know.

>> No.55900712

it was 15 at covid crash, rn is at 20
this account is stupid

>> No.55900720

>Buying before Septembear

>> No.55900740

i hope english isn't your first language (unless u r pumping my bags)

>> No.55900751

>please buy my bags
will not touch btc anywhere above $20k

>> No.55900783

Then why didn't you all-in at 17k?

>> No.55900795

>Then why didn't you all-in at 17k?
kek baggie keep coping

>> No.55900816

I'll admit I was waiting for $10k but this time I'm sure I'll be able to buy sub $20k

>> No.55900825

You mistake me friend. While you were all shitting yourselves over "10k soon" I was regularly buying the 16k-17k range. But keep shilling your alts as they bleed to zero.

>> No.55900841

That's why you won't get it. You had your chance, and now every bobofag has the same mindset as you. Just regularly DCA instead of trying to outsmart the market.

>> No.55900875

What is this app / website? I want data but too lazy to produce it myself, and most of the apps I know are designed with the lowest common denominator in mind (I.e. making sure the user does not hurt himself while using his phone)

>> No.55900886

>he can read english but not rsi

>> No.55900899

alts? I am all in cash and will be buying bitcoin when it drops into the 900 usd range. keep coping with your 17k bags lmfao

>> No.55900917


>> No.55900920

screw you I’m buying btc at $1

>> No.55900927

Doesn't mean shit though

>> No.55900973
File: 230 KB, 1347x749, Screenshot 2023-08-21 130724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fucking retard. the keyword here is *since.

prior to dropping down to ~18.6 on the 18th, the previous lowest RSI on the daily SINCE covid was June 18 2022, before that, the lowest the daily RSI was SINCE covid was Jan 22, 2022.

>> No.55900986

this is retarded

>> No.55901131
File: 48 KB, 163x195, 1667572865129012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55901222

Now compare the volume, retard

>> No.55901231


>> No.55901608

the cope from bulls while bitcoin enters its first recession and expects it to miraculously pump

>> No.55901735

Why didnt emthey highlight the 3-4 other times it was this low, without a Celsius or ftx happening, its a retarded measure

>> No.55903653

finish it. yes. top up. I just topped up my LTC to make it status.
become a whole coiner.