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55893848 No.55893848 [Reply] [Original]

The older I get, the less "colour" life has, everything is magical when you're young and experiencing things for the first time, but now everything is "meh". Is this normal to experience at 30 or am I ((depressed))?
I can't be the only one here

How can I profit off of this financially and businessly?

>> No.55893876

I barely experienced anything in life and nothing was ever magical

>> No.55893884

Wow, I forget that some people have shitty lives, that's such a shame man. You're missing out on unique feelings and experiences that you only get to experience once in a lifetime.

You're living life blind

>> No.55893886
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I've gotten to the point where I really don't even like being around anyone OP. I like a few of my direct family members and my dad's neighbor, that's it. Everyone else disgusts me. I don't even really like my friends...

>> No.55893897

It is what it is, too late now. Life goes on.

>> No.55893904

Embittered to the world around you, I get it man. Society has really been going down the past 2 decades, ignore whatever the media tells you. I truly believe we're entering the weak times or are in it

>> No.55893925

>How can I profit off of this financially and businessly?

Find a solution...

>> No.55893958

You and me both anon. I’ve wasted this weekend away doing nothing.
All the women I wanted have thrown themselves away, now that I’m financially stable enough as a potential mate.
I thought I finally recovered mentally from all the shit in 2020/21 but reality feels crushing once more. I don’t know how much longer I can keep showing up to work even though I’ve powered through it all this far

>> No.55893963

Profit by socialising. Meet friends and family more and have meaningful interactions. Meeting people frequently opens you to new opportunities and experiences. If you don’t already, find a woman to have sex with.

>> No.55893971

Deep inside I know this is the answer, but I don't have friends left to go to events with to meet new people, I have no idea how to break out and get out there

>> No.55894024
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Ya. I'm just gonna stop putting myself in situations that just cause me a headache. I went to a water park yesterday and it was just a horrible experience personally. Fat white trash, disrespectful kids, nasty food and shit everywhere, everything expensive as hell, 30 - 45 minute lines to get a pretzel, or go down a 20 second water slide.

It wasn't worth it at all. I'm just going to recluse and stop interacting as much as I can with the outside world. I'm going to work, exercise at the gym, walk on the park/at the beach, fish and swim. I'm tired of people.

>> No.55894041

I understand you 100% lol, I think being a recluse brings its own set of problems so I wouldn't overdo that personally

>> No.55894050

Go balls deep in some pussy, works wonders for making life fun again

>> No.55894058

Join a hiking group or something, it’s easier to make friends if you’re forced to be with others for a whole day. Otherwise, work

>> No.55894074

Use a clear and rational mindset to create a plan and stick to it.

>> No.55894091

I'm 33, felt like you did op. Just move. Move away. Sell your shit and move away.

I went from NC to NV and I gotta tell you, everything is different in the desert. It's kinda cool seeing new lizards and shit

>> No.55894119

Im a deadend wagie but I live within my means and save money. Got about 50k net worth. I keep myself busy with hobbies and dont let people waste my time.

>> No.55894150
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>everything is magical when you're young and experiencing things for the first time
That's true, and you can capture that excitement about life again by slowing down and practicing gratitude. Humble yourself before God. You'll find a similar peace and awe in the common things and simple pleasures of life.

Get in touch with your wants and needs and make sure they're in alignment with God's love and gratitude for life and the people you love. It's a lifelong project, we're always being drawn into the affairs of the world. Just remember current conditions and perspectives are not permanent or unchangeable and take time to unwind every once in a while.

You should remember that lots of people are suffering like you are and try to be more forgiving of others faults. I'm not very social either, I completely get it, but I know this is part of a broader social collapse and my own affairs are the only thing I really have control over. Just be careful not to burn bridges, you may be able to repair relationships in the family.

>> No.55894180

Thanks anon, I quit smoking cigarettes few days ago and my brain is rewiring itself so this temporary depression/anxiety is what led me to reflect on my life. You're right about practicing gratitude, but sometimes it's hard to be aware when you're sucked into the daily routines

>> No.55894219
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It's because we are supposed to be married with kids and enjoying seeing our kids find that magic instead. Like living vicariously through them.

>> No.55894245

Just a 3/4 life crisis. The final 10 years will improve.

>> No.55894260
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Are you implying he's going to die at 40?

>> No.55894282

W..what final 10 years anon?

>> No.55894289

frogtards really have no creativity

>> No.55894292

life is overrated bro, its probably best that the elite are finally wrangling it all in

>> No.55894304

It's not normal. Capitalism has taken a creature that evolved to live in the wild and driven us into smaller and smaller boxes starting at synthetic lights eating synthetic food taking synthetic drugs.
I'm not saying these things are bad per se but capitalism makes our consumption of them extremely high

>> No.55894305
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Relax bro.

>> No.55894391

I saw a giant UFO three nights ago, I literally watched it fly into a portal in the sky. This has restored my childhood sense of wonder to say the least. Everything has looked colorful again to me the past few days.

>> No.55894398
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>> No.55894411

i'm 37 and every day feels greater than the day before

this anon is right
i screwed up the dadpill but i date much younger women, hitting that sweet spot between daughter and wife where you get to enjoy both in one person

>> No.55894414

You guys say this but deep inside youre emotional scared little boys "oooh i want to find my true love i want a girl that says she loves me and many friends and be popular and go outside"
You dont know what its like to truly not give a shit and not feel anything anymore

>> No.55894423
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There are 8 billion of us.
Any notion that your life is special or even necessary should be right out the window.

>> No.55894472


>> No.55894510

you have a thyroid issue and probably several vitamin/mineral deficiencies

>> No.55894619

Yes op I agree with you

I am doing very well financially, girlfriend house etc

But everything has lost its colour. Truly. Sex, Music, films, Vidya. Idk. I feel wageslaving, aging and life experiences have slowly killed my soul forever

I lift weights and workout compulsively to feel a slight dopamine rush and feel settled for the day. Eating still brings me some comfort. I feel like an animal who only wants to eat and sleep

>> No.55894671
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Good job man. Keep it up! I'm doing the same thing. My only problem is, every now and then I crave going out and being around other people, but almost every time afterwards, I regret it. My dad and mom are both the same way, they don't really like most people either lol.

I'm saving up a lot as well.

>> No.55894735

>You're missing out on unique feelings and experiences that you only get to experience once in a lifetime
Worse case scenario you just reincarnating again, not exactly the same but still.

>> No.55894768

Yeah it sucks

>> No.55896069

You're alexithymic
most ((depression)) is just a misdiagnosis of alexithymia, unfortunately the cure to alexithymia is to break the social conditioning that men shouldn't feel a full spectrum of emotions.
The primary mode of coping with emotions you ignore when you're alexithymic is to convert them into some specific emotion for your own condition. My brother, any emotions he feels he converts straight into rage. I do the same with sadness, and that's why I was on ((depression)) diagnosis and medication for a decade that never helped.
I've cried during a few emotional parts of movies lately and it's actually helped me. Any hyper-masculine anons who think emotions aren't real can shove something up where they won't feel anything anyway.

>> No.55896082

You are coping with negativity of boredom by dulling the entire spectrum of your emotions. It makes the boring aspects of life bearable, but it makes the enjoyable things more bland.

>> No.55897421

>walk on the park/at the beach

Don't worry, dog owners will ruin that for you too. People carry around bluetooth speakers now.

>> No.55897457

yeah they're everywhere. I like dogs generally, no hate towards them, but I can't walk without dogs everywhere and also the dog poop I have to dodge. I want to enjoy a park without DOGS. I remember growing up and living in an even more populated area, we'd go to several parks every weekend, but I don't remember there being so many dogs.

They're banned at the local beach but only for 2 and a half months when everyone else is at the beach. They pee everywhere on the beach and poop too. Since it's nice sand, you might accidentally step in it.

>> No.55897475
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I’m 32 and I’ve fucked 170 Thai hookers. Hookers will help you out.

Get a spinner like this in pattaya.

>> No.55897481

Keep trying new things. I skydived for the first time a few weeks ago that was pretty rad. It's probably your male bilogical clock telling you it's time to start a family

>> No.55897501

please show me some more hot ones anon
these phone piks seem more real

>> No.55897530

feeling the same op, I'm almost 29 and life peaked age 14-15 for me. It went way, way down fromm there. I pray for making it next cycle and then basically starting over. A complete fresh start in a new country. If this doesnt work out I can always kill myself so there is nothing to lose really

>> No.55897548
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For me it's 1/3 life crisis

>> No.55897552

From patient to therapist in 1 post lmao.
>>55893876 really fixed you up quick

>> No.55897556

Dont worry I'll buy you a house son

>> No.55897571

I've felt like this my entire life. Nothing ever made me feel joy or any kind of motivation. I just stumble through life with a cloudy brain and feel like shit all the time. Now I'm 32 and it's just getting worse as I become even more isolated with people I knew rapidly disappearing.

>> No.55897574

Microdosing LSD helps with this. Also try new things and have new experiences

>> No.55897610

that's just adam's song

>> No.55897669

Wow good analysis. I feel that's true. My jobs really boring and over time I feel like I shut my brain down to keep sane

>> No.55897674

I found cutting out porn and masturbation solved the cloudy brain issue. Videogames give you brain fog too

>> No.55897847


Whitest thread on /biz/ right now.

>> No.55897865

>The older I get, the less "colour" life has, everything is magical when you're young and experiencing things for the first time, but now everything is "meh".
Try a few shrooms

They magically make the world seem all alive again, particularly if you're looking at wild life stuff whilst tripping a bit

Albert Hoffman noticed the same after effects from LSD and its an underunexplored area; e.g. what if you could create a drug that produces a similar effect without the tripping (some people may not like that part, both ways around)

>> No.55897911

I feel like this is the missing key element here...

>> No.55898091

Yeah, this is what drives me on these days, to make my kid experience stuff, this is what makes me happy nowadays

>> No.55898134

You just need to get horribly brain injured and chased around with doctors trying to summarize your psychology for eight years as the world turns without you before getting so pissed off at it all that you open one of your six mouths and sing the song to end the world as we know it and then you wake up and it was all a dream and things are actually kinda nice again, like what I went through. How can I profit from this?

>> No.55898150

Unironically skip to 12:21 and listen to the captains advice on getting older and losing the magic feeling. It's normal brah,


>> No.55898312

you guys should seriously consider meditation. when you get good at it start exploring spirituality and your connection to the world. experience being one with the universe. you become calm, get feeling of fulfillment and happiness. you look around and see how amazing it all is, regardless of your life situation. would recommend.

>> No.55898325

>Ya. I'm just gonna stop putting myself in situations that just cause me a headache. I went to a water park yesterday and it was just a horrible experience personally. Fat white trash, disrespectful kids, nasty food and shit everywhere, everything expensive as hell, 30 - 45 minute lines to get a pretzel, or go down a 20 second water slide.

i hate these kinds of places where you're supposed to have 'fun'.

>> No.55898386

i want to move away to some other city/country but family is going through a financial crisis rn so i can't do that

>> No.55898388

When you're young, you don't really need a lot of money to have fun because everybody in your social circle is young and hot and still figuring things out. By 30, you should have your shit together because by that point, most people are disillusioned and fed up with stupid bullshit and they know what they want out of life, relationships etc. It's not so much that people become withdrawn at 30+, its more so that they just don't wanna deal with people they don't relate to unless they have to at work or something. It's also the point where all the losers and retards with no planbfall apart and really start going downhill.

>> No.55898910

You're on the cusp of your first Saturn Return.
The cycles that humans first started basing things off of were based on the moving stars, and the longest cycling moving star that is visible with the naked eye completes it's cycle after 29.4 years. While the distinct traditions are long dead, the seeds of their influence are still present.

>> No.55898971


>> No.55899861

please elaborate on the saturn return

>> No.55899911

lol, how young?

>> No.55900427

People think I am an introvert because I don't socialize but honestly, I am an extrovert who just hates people after the covid hoax revealed their true nature.
Life has much less color as a result, but what am I going to do? Go hang out with vaxxies and maskers who will report me to the Feds if I don't tow the line the next time jews on TV tell them I am a grandma killer?
I deleted my faceberg end of 2020 too. Which was honestly my source of relationships. Women who liked me would stalk me on faceberg and send me a message. Now without that they can't do that. But I don't want their spike protein encrusted flaps anyway. I bet 99% of women are vaxxed now since they are biggest gobblers of jewish psyops in existence (maybe behind boomers, not sure)
The world is shit since covid.

>> No.55900550

Just move outside of the US pussy prison and you will feel better.

>> No.55900584

nah you're just shit and making excuses for being a depressed fag

>> No.55900681

Have you tried having sex?

>> No.55900707

oh vaxxieeeee