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55891312 No.55891312 [Reply] [Original]

I'm done waging sitting in front of my fucking 4 monitors 12 hours a day. I want out. I'm 21 years old for fucks sake and have been a wagie for 3 years now. I want to sail on a fucking boat to an exotic place and just do shit with my hands. Just get me the fuck out of here.

How do I do that? How do I find a job on an island in the pacific ocean or fucking Madagascar, I don't know. Is it even possible? Can I pull this off, being this young? Is this just my repressed primal anger coming out, because of how kiked the world has become? I don't have tradie skills that would allow me to be a mechanic or a carpenter or something, I can be an apprentice or assistant, I don't care, I don't even have to earn money, they can just pay me enough to cover col. I want to experience life.

Is it doable, has any of you ever done something like this? Is it just a dream that would quickly crumble by the time I left the country?

>> No.55891318

Join the merchant navy

>> No.55891325

a lot of broke people in 20s travel around and regret in their 30s not working hard and making money

>> No.55891333

>having a mental breakdown after 3 years
buck up, lil nigger. you only have another 46 years of wageslavery to go.

>> No.55891373

Madagascar is the type of place where even the most expensive accommodations will still give you a disease.

>> No.55891402

How did you get a job that requires you to be sitting in front of a computer with 4 monitors at 18?

For that reason alone... I'm calling this a massive larp.

>> No.55891481

Its easy, but the job wont pay much and will be hard, but the biggest thing is you wont be able to organize this from your pc, you have to there, live there and search for a job there

It will be shitty and hard but can be worth it

I know a few people that did that a few years, all over europe and some french islands in the Carribean

>> No.55891491
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Luck. I was sending hundreds of applications and calling people and managed to land a wfh in customs, imports/exports. I have nothing to complain about, work is easy but boring as fuck and I'm at home 24/7. I'm sick of this shit.

My body is telling me that I need to get the fuck out into the world. I'm sick of waging just to dump everything into btc and repeat month after month. Never meeting anyone. Sitting by meself at the desk in my fucking room all the time.

>> No.55891598
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I wish I could just board the first ship to the Caribbean and just fucking go and do whatever odd jobs stumble my way.

>> No.55891744
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I used coolworks.com to find a seasonal job when I was 21 in the mid 2000s and needed to escape. worked in national parks in the summer, ski resorts in winter. basically like a big summer camp. the only jobs that paid well then were server/bartender. very easy to get sucked into drinking and partying. I wouldn't recommend the lifestyle for more than a few years tho

>> No.55891809
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This is me. People my age tell me how envious they are that I've been to 30+ countries but now I'm 36 and have never had anything that resembles a career. Now I'm busting my ass to catch up but you can only make up for so much lost time, especially when you're older and things like relationships and responsibility get in the way.

My honest advice though is to find the middle path. I'm quite sure that the regret of wasting your youth at a desk would be at least equally painful, if not more so. Go and travel and collect experiences, but make sure to always hold on to at least one major thread of personal development. Language proficiency can open doors for you. Sales/communication skills are valuable in all industries. Networking and making connections has the highest potential payoff versus effort involved and can take you to places you could never imagine. If nothing else, pursue tech skills on your laptop while you travel. Just make sure you're doing more than soaking your brain in booze and chatting up Aussie sloots (as fun as that is).

Most of all - do it now. I took an international trip this past spring and it was depressing to see how overdeveloped and overrun places have become in just the last 15 years. That trend is only going to continue. The old world is rapidly disappearing.

>> No.55892140

>learn how to dive
>get to the highest level of diving
>be a diving teacher pretty much anywhere you want

>> No.55892178

The only experiences I regret missing out on in my youth is having a girl friend and sex. Shit is really hard on your mental health being an incel approaching 30.

>> No.55892192

You reap what you sow I hope you never make it

>> No.55892193

What kind of work did you do in front of 3 monitors without degrees

>> No.55892196

>hasn’t done it yet
>doesn’t get laid to do it

Kys loser

>> No.55892200
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>> No.55892205

Rage masturbate to blacked and gaped while doing weeeeeeeed bro

>> No.55892216

Backpack SEA and South Pacific islands. Hang out at bars near marinas. Impossible to not meet with sailboats, and it’s not uncommon for them to need a hand, as people often come and go.
I did this at age 25
Literally nothing stopping you from doing it. Take the leap.

>> No.55892253

after college I travelled and worked abroad for ten years. had the time of my life, incredible memories.

turned 33, had only a couple grand in the bank. decided it was time to build a life. got a CDL, used that to wageslave my way through flight school and now I'm a CFI only 500 hours away from going straight to the majors as a $180k/year FO at 36 years of age.

have your cake and eat it too OP. go see the world and make memories and create relationships with people all over the planet. do not throw away your youth wageslaving.

>> No.55892300

I don't understand how any of the old fucks in this thread could feel ok with spending their youth not building up a career
I'll finish my studies at 25 years old and already feels like I'm incredibly late to the rat race. Not having a job right after that makes my blood boil as well
I need to get in QUICK for fuck sake, I don't want to be a slug

>> No.55892322

>I'll finish my studies at 25 years old and already feels like I'm incredibly late to the rat race.

they want you to feel this way. its why the media is so eager to promote 30 under 30 lists and other prodigyworship bullshit. its a demoralization tactic to get you to throw away your youth. its not your fault you feel this way.

>> No.55892457

Customs. You have to learn everything on-site and college provides 0 advantage. They literally hired a second guy for the same position as mine, we do exactly the same shit, and get paid the same. He did 4 years of college and I didn't.

>> No.55892502

Can you really do this? How much money did you bring with you/had in bank acccount? Were you doing any work there or just backpacking, exploring? Can you get by on english only?

>> No.55892798

Yes, you can. Get a passport, book an airline ticket, book the first 2 nights of a hostel in whatever big city your destination airport is located. Upon landing, you have 2 days to figure out your next step.
It’s an adventure, don’t overthink, just dive in.

>> No.55893114

this is why people come back to 4chan all bitter about travel being a waste. they overplan.

just buy the ticket for like...idk 6 or so months from now...save as much fucking money as humanly possible in that time then go. obviously do some research and familiarize yourself with where you are going, and definitely allow yourself to excited and make a mental list of stuff you think you want to do, but don't actually book anything other than a place to stay your first few nights and a flight.

$10k is a reasonable minimum. you can go a lot lower though if you know what you're doing. a nice high quality backpack is a must, for a first-timer I wouldn't go outside a 35-48L range (I can elaborate on this if you want).

other than that? just err on bringing less than you want to bring, but slightly more than what you'll absolutely need.

>> No.55893123

Thank you anon. Deep down I know you are right, but I doubt I will ever act on those thoughts.

>> No.55893241

>sorry sir, your 40 litre backpack is too large to carry on. you may pay 400 dollars to add it to your checked luggage

amateur move

>> No.55893370


>> No.55893402

you can 48L in the overhead very easily. problem is now all the airlines charge for fucking carry-ons so the goal is to try and sneak personal items on.

>> No.55893442

I just want to own a house so I can walk around totally nude in it without roommates catching me buck naked

>> No.55893520
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Just GO!
Sell everything, take ONLY what you need to survive, put the rest in a s&P500 index fund.
Buy a one-way ticket to a tropical island.
Spend your days hanging and chilling with the locals, fuck tourist night.
If you ever REALLY need it the money you left behind in your portfolio will take care of you.

>> No.55893610

what are good places to go?

>> No.55893651
File: 191 KB, 930x360, 05-A-tour-through-the-most-spectacular-Philippine-islands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are good places to go?

Depends on what languages you speak and what cultures you are comfortable with.

Philippine islands are great if you are an American.

>> No.55894077

women's hands typed this post

>> No.55894125

seriously, it almost doesn't matter. warm and affordable, but you can even compromise on one of those two. albania, colombia, nicaragua, philippines, new zealand, florida, south africa, brazil, namibia, thailand...just does not matter. what matters is that you go.

>> No.55894146

same bud
I saved about $200k which isnt a lot but is enough for me to fuck off for a while
When I come back I will never climb the ladder, I will never ascend, I will never do anything but the bare minimum to have enough money to pay for food and shelter.

>> No.55894243

Idk man, i've been thinking the same thing for years and now i'm in my 30s

it doesnt get any better, idk how i still tolerate it. sitting in an office for 8 hours wasn't what we were meant to do.

>> No.55894879

>I saved about $200k which isnt a lot but is enough for me to fuck off for a while
>When I come back I will never climb the ladder, I will never ascend, I will never do anything but the bare minimum to have enough money to pay for food and shelter.
Why burn through it just to go back to waging for scraps? Those are always the worst kinds of jobs too.
Why not just wage a few more years, keep the 200k invested for an easy 8k-16k/year that will compound, and then retire living comfy for the rest of your life? Are you really that much of a short term thinker that you want to saddle the rest of your future life working some shitty job hand to mouth instead of just waging for another few years?

>> No.55894951

if you dont do it now you'll never do it
you'll get promoted, or married or have kids or live beyond your means and then you'll stay locked in for the rest of your life thinking of what could have been
we're all dead - im doing what I want right now and fuck "retirement"

>> No.55894973

>When I come back I will never climb the ladder, I will never ascend, I will never do anything but the bare minimum
You'll spend the same time at work as me but make less. But at least you're not a sucker huh!

>> No.55895023
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>When I come back I will never climb the ladder, I will never ascend, I will never do anything but the bare minimum to have enough money to pay for food and shelter.

Imagine how someone getting hate-divorced feels. 50% taken, they told EVERYONE about all your 'secrets' and did everything they could to destroy your reputation and relationships.

You have NOTHING to fear about possibly returning in a decade or two.

>> No.55895042

Jokes on you I'll be dead after ODing on blow with some thai hookers
enjoy your retirement

>> No.55897014

Take a vacation my young friend.

>> No.55897064

Grass is greener I guess.
You book a plane ticket and fucking go there. It's not hard, quit your job and go travel. You won't regret doing it. You will regret not doing it.

>> No.55897081

One option - crypto. BTC will save your life. Start DCAing now, and also in alts like AstraDAO that have index trading and passive income rewards attached. Thank yourself later.

>> No.55897090

This is me too
Maybe I'll become a merc and either die horribly or get cucked by the UN
Mite b fun

>> No.55897099

>she wants
>he gives
If the man doesn't assert his wants and frame the relationship at the start, of course it's going to be doomed.

>> No.55897185

>be a pushover bitch
>woman runs all over you

>> No.55897207

I’m 32 and work as an overnight security guard making 4200 a month after taxes (I “work” 60 hrs a week) and I’ve fucked 170 Thai hookers.

I work for a year, max my Roth IRA and then fuck off to Thailand for 6+ months. Use my 6 month emergency fund as a cushion when I come back, replenish it, max my roth, then save the rest for cooming.

I’m sure by the time I’m 40 I’ll be so jaded and have coomed in so many whores that I’ll just settle into one job until I retire at like 60-65, but for now I can’t stand being in America longer than 2 years before I snap. There’s nothing enjoyable about living here

>> No.55897230

learn to code fuckin dorker

>> No.55897235

I have this job at 24. It's called power engineering, aka 8 months to get a certificate to be Homer simpson

>> No.55897310

Agree generally however I believe some preparatory research is in order. My suggestion is for Anons to immediately start researching all countries in SEA and LatAm. Look for locations with very low cost of living, that are intrinsically interesting to you, and that has some kind of immigration path that you could qualify for. Then go explore the handful of countries that meet these criteria.

You're spot on about the hostel thing though, and that this will be a great adventure for all Anons that still have some balls and a little bit of fight left in them.

>> No.55897329

You aren't promised tomorrow. There are plenty of careercels that spend their whole life climbing the ladder to get divorce raped, struck with illness or disability, legal trouble, etc etc. For all we know we could get drafted or the earth salted worst case, best case the entire world becomes the same shade of gray which it already is.

I was just a babby, but I wish I could have got to experience Japan in the 1990's. Theres oldheads now just getting to visit Paris and its nothing like the it once was. They waited 40 years just to go and then get raped by migrants.