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File: 470 KB, 1125x1469, 461F7033-9C76-4578-A218-AC355C7C690A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55888180 No.55888180 [Reply] [Original]

The man who lives in your head 24/7 has returned. He owns you

>> No.55888195
File: 171 KB, 1004x884, 71423C4A-4274-42F7-B38D-2B154AFF2B4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He went away for what, like a week? The culties were so obsessed, anyone who posted anything critical in a Link thread, they preemptively respond with their Thomas collage. He owns THAT much real estate in their heads. Complete ownage hahahahahahaha

>> No.55888207
File: 324 KB, 1125x1148, 2BAD6D82-212B-472C-ACAB-37C6768AAAA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhhhhhhhhh Linkies

>> No.55888267

how about you just log off.. go live a quiet life off the internet. you can still recover from this. don't make it worse

>> No.55888271

literally who

>> No.55888286
File: 521 KB, 1080x2340, 1682439267929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then there's pic related, who made adem the mouthbreather delete his twitter twice

>> No.55888288

this is how you spend your Saturday nights huh

>> No.55888299

meh these fud4free chuds are nothing compared to the real scammers in this space like Bankless who have made billions more dumping on retail. 9/10 Bankless listeners are poor as fuck ask them yourself

>> No.55888309

Not this tired anti-semitic tripe again anon you know full well Bankless donated billions scammed from retail to Israel last quarter. Touch grass.

>> No.55888324

wait just one cotton picking minute why would Bankless Nazis scamming retail to fund the fourth reich donate money to Israel?

>> No.55888326
File: 80 KB, 1080x1080, 1670804620514231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already panic in the telegram
there is a chainlink telegram chat thats not as dead as the token itself? all seem to be inactive with only bots spamming in them.

>> No.55888344

Checked. I prefer to spend my Saturdays nights listening to dreamy vaporwave https://youtu.be/QRMPfEnltdM

>> No.55888354

Baseless Bankless are boring af no cap. We need more based fast talking witty English board game reviewers for crypto like shut up and and down but for crypto

>> No.55888364

Checked. Listening to this now nice. Any recommendations?

>> No.55888367
File: 485 KB, 2456x2063, 1673780552348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its always projection from fudcucks
see pic related

>> No.55888372

Chainlink is cringe and this 'drama' is even more cringe.

I miss DetectiveAnon.

>> No.55888373

shut up and sit down will never review your scams faggot seeth and kill yourself

>> No.55888384

>We need more based fast talking witty English board game reviewers for crypto like shut up and and down but for crypto
Imagine if based English gents like SU&SD reviewed scams unironically

>> No.55888908

Will he "link" with Francisco?

>> No.55888945

He left?

>> No.55889090
File: 1.76 MB, 1399x1622, whatasurprise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his real name and pic was posted so he deleted his account a second time and came back after a few days
the first time he deleted his account was when his coomer habits were revealed
the next step will be to inform his family and friends about what he's like probably

>> No.55889105

>light mode
what the fuck is wrong with you bro. you stare at spotlights all day?

>> No.55889328

just about the kind of people id expect to hold link lmao

>> No.55889365

>link baggies so scared of a single man posting fud they dox him
biggest community of cuck faggots on the internet

>> No.55889419
File: 16 KB, 350x272, 1661213243523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third world paid stockbasher cockroach constantly makes twitter posts about the fud he spams on 4chan
>fellow cockroaches start acting outraged and surprised when it backfires on him

>> No.55889520

>got raped so bad on his investment he has to dox people making fun of him
Subhuman behavior

>> No.55889595
File: 6 KB, 485x216, 1685289529055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bored trolls troll a literal third worlder larping with a white dudes name and trying to force himself as a meme on biz
i know you're seething and coping on behalf of your dim-witted friend but he fucked around, found out, and got attention - not the kind he wanted, but definitely the kind he deserved
now he really is a meme on here - a lolcow

its not even a big deal that hes the fud spammer mascot so dont worry
its not like you losers make much of a difference outside of just being meaningless noise anyway lmao

>> No.55889607

Question - were you saying this while looking in the mirror? Lmfao at linkies projecting a successful life while being in a cult that rapes them

>> No.55889614

Youre here too though. Is irony just completely lost on the cult

>> No.55889619

Did you actually ruin him though, or is that part of your incel revenge fantasy?

>> No.55889625

Also lmao at how “hard” you talk online. I can tell youre 150 tops dripping wet. You couldnt hurt a fly

>> No.55889648
File: 78 KB, 680x564, 1685728856162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahaha suck shit FUD tranny

>> No.55889670

>beta low T passive aggression
Thats what I thought

>> No.55889682
File: 382 KB, 1125x1364, 4A47300F-28AB-4F6A-84C7-2AA16A1BDADF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh linkieeeeeees

>> No.55889695
File: 1.10 MB, 1125x1889, ABDCC4F6-FC52-469F-A1E0-EEE249A1727A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy shit linkies are getting btfo harder than logan paul right now. THE cuckolds of crypto. NOBODY knows about cuckoldry like a linkie

>> No.55889700
File: 26 KB, 581x596, 1680343497347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adem Kayser
He shut down his twitter @chainlinkthomas immediately after the pic was posted along with his name. His twitter used to be @geoxadem when his porn addiction posts were discovered and he shut his account down and scrubbed it the first time. Matched up on linkedin with netherlands location and "crypto investor" role at a very shady looking netherlands company (The Success Factory) that apparently tried to run a failed DAG ponzi.

>> No.55889709
File: 696 KB, 1125x1682, A883FD23-A1B5-4A15-9FEC-40907046C195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>j j j just give free samples bro

L M F A O…is this what they taught Serg in sociology school?

>> No.55889725
File: 501 KB, 1125x1906, 05024D62-6074-4825-96DE-EB64A6E0310B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he cant
>reports that twitter is “shut down” despite literally just seeing posts from today

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH jesus man linkies have THE lowest IQ. Dude you could have checked for yourself. Bro my dog has higher iq than you, and also isnt a fag (like you) for whats its worth

>> No.55889736

>he cant read**

>> No.55889747
File: 612 KB, 1125x1866, 4FF2371B-DB5B-4106-A6E2-8A984310B609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le hiding strategy
>tweets 100 times daily begging for attention

Pick one


>> No.55889759
File: 570 KB, 1125x1759, F5D09338-E890-4C19-905C-EF500606959D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention Linkies: show us on the doll where Thomas touched you.

Also, do you ever find it weird that you keep a catalogue of another mans jerkoff habits? Bahahahahahah, fags

>> No.55889770
File: 1.82 MB, 1684x1122, 4free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 pbtid
Increasingly I'm beginning to think paid shill groups like The Success Factory would ideally like to spam projects they're paid to "organically" promote, and that biz is an ideal place to do that because it's all anonymous, but ever since Chainlink came along it's practically all anyone here wants to talk about. We're genuinely not that interested in many other projects, so everything they try to shill gets slid or ridiculed. They're probably at least in part motivated to fud link because our memetic dominance is impacting their bottom line. If someone wants to shill a shitcoin other than link here it's a huge uphill battle.

>> No.55889995

So neo boomer.

It's X.

>> No.55890028

>If someone wants to shill a shitcoin other than link here it's a huge uphill battle.
Paying a janny is tough to conceptualise yes.

>> No.55890069

You know what’s funny? If what this person said was false he’d just be ignored, but linkers trying to silence him makes it obvious that sergey is a scammer and linkers are in a cult

>> No.55890076

Maybe that's what they've always meant by "shitting up the board". Taking mindshare away from the things they'd like to shill instead.
Which is why they had to pivot to Chainlink-adjacent projects like API3 to try and leech directly from the oracle meme.
But you look at Honeycomb, CLCG, API3, and it's just a list of embarrassing failures.
I guess the most infuriating part of being a brainlet is that in the end, you just can't win.

>> No.55890322
File: 162 KB, 678x822, 1663058528010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine telling someone who is so desperate for attention that he has to promote his twitter posts on a malaysia basket weaving forum just to get a little extra hit of dopamine by someone replying to him to go outside
anon I...

>> No.55890330

kek getting nostalgic, send him some pizzas

>> No.55890337

I don't get why people let this shit fuck with them so badly. just fap and get it over with and move on with your day instead of obsessing about not doing it 24/7 fucking retarded freak.

>> No.55890439

>deranged turdnisian schizo babble spam
>femenine calls for attention aka lengthy posts loaded with emotions like onomatopoeia ("HAHAHAHA")
>when called a faggot and a nigger he goes "you talk hard but you wouldn't say that to my face"
Yep, the coombrained shitskin faggot got found out. Did this board get under your skin, third world imposter? Go on, post another barrage of mindless vomit kek

>> No.55890884

They *hate* being here anon, so of course they're upset when they get messed with. The more they post the more I think it's paid work, honestly. Not very well paid, but if they genuinely think that link is a scam in the same way that I think xrp or bsv is a scam, I try to put myself in their shoes and there just isn't enough motivation to sit around on biz shitting up the catalog with the same lies every day, even on holidays, only to be met with contempt and derision.

>> No.55890888

well that is real and is how sergey conducted business
you cant deny that the team itself is doing its very best efforts to kill their own holders

>> No.55890911

And this is a perfect example of how poorly equipped they are to argue in this place as paid bashers. They flood biz with this garbage as if people holding link are holding stocks or shares rather than a utility token which is actively used as the network grows. They don't understand why people on here just don't give a shit about chart.png. Being 50x up and seeing the writing on the wall with swift gives a level of insulation that they can't do anything with because all they know is what they were told when they arrived here in 2021.

>> No.55890919

>dumps another 5%

>> No.55890928

>buys 100 more linkies

>> No.55890948

>Sergey dumps another 7 million and laughs at you

>> No.55890955

altho true there is still no reason for sergey to drive his holders to suicide and he should be hounded for it every minute he continues to do so
again by his very own actions, the only thing in the entire history of chainlink to ever influence the team was all the bitching after the 2 year staking lock up
so by their own actions they condoned the fud them into pieces until they start taking holder profits seriously

i mean come on posting that article during the recent dump below support how they are gonna increase the monthly dumpage while moaning about the btc halving their entire article
how it that not torturing and spitting in the face of your own investors
sergey still doesnt get exactly what kind of dangerous game he played courting the fringes of the internet and thinking he can ride off into the sunset after it all

>> No.55890967

is this cap a meme? sirgay stole $600m from bagholders???

>> No.55890971

He betrayed and he will betray again.

>> No.55890984

>buys way more linkies at a cheaper price right before banks use those 7 million tokens

>> No.55890992

>b-but what if sergey scam! sergey is driving holders to suicide! its true i asked in a survey in my discord! arent you feeling fear, uncertainty, and doubt sirs?
Doubling down on the script doesn't work on someone who knows how retarded and dishonest you are, Adem or whatever your western name of choice is today lmao.

>> No.55891044

Chainlink allocation
>35.00% is allocated to Public Token Sale.
>35.00% is allocated to Node Operators & Ecosystem.
>30.00% is allocated to Company.

Treasury calculation
>350 million link sold at $0.11 = $38 million
>Current token circulation is 50%, this means Sergey sold an additional 150 million link at an average price of $25
>150 million link sold at $25 = $3,750 million
>Total $ in treasury = $3,750 million + $38 million = $3,788 million

Let’s assume Sergey operated with debt from 2013 to 2017 and his operating costs were $100 k per week (massive waste)
>operating costs 2013 to 2017 = $26 million

Let’s assume from 2018 to 2023, Chainlink had 100 employees and paid them $100k per year, while increasing the operating costs to $200k per week
>operating costs 2018 to 2023 = $122 million

All in all:
>Chainlink has gained $3,788 million from selling link tokens
>Chainlink has spent $148 million in operating costs from 2018 to 2023

This means the Chainlink labs company still has $3,640 millions in its treasury.

Assuming the operating costs remain the same as 2018-2013 ($20 million per year), he has 182 FUCKING YEARS OF RUNWAY.


>> No.55891067

>a braindead latefag pleb's math on what he thinks spearheading the 4th ir should cost
>he thinks he can just pretend that he knows what their costs are

>> No.55891099

Oh operating costs are more than what I outlined? Is that somehow bullish for the price token you dumb faggot

>> No.55891111

hi thomas nice to see you still grinding that clout anyways kys

>> No.55891119

>and the green id
yea I'm selling

>> No.55891133

>gets caught out making shit up so he just pivots to his angry top buyer moonboy angle
Color me shocked.
You're way too retarded to be doing your "job," my little brown friend.
Maybe you should clean toilets or something instead? There would be more dignity in that imo. Maybe actually contribute to your host country in instead of being a parasite.

>> No.55891146

Fight me with hard data, not with gay comments

The reality is that the token price is shit and Sergey has no incentive to change that. You can pout, cry and be a faggot as much as you want, it won’t change the truth.

Why would you defend the lardass? Do you like being dumped on? Do you enjoy seeing links price go down?

What a strange behavior, what’s your objective?

>> No.55891177

>fight these figures i mostly just pulled out of my ass bro
>w-why wont you just sell this speculative asset based entirely on my anonymous lies when legacy finance openly endorses it?
See how dumb you sound? Is that why you're getting more angry? Because you realized that you actually have nothing? Just drop the act and beg me to sell outright. I'd consider selling you a single link token for $500, which is an absolute bargain considering what the price will end up being.

>> No.55891187

there may be something to this

>> No.55891196

>fight these figures i mostly just pulled out of my ass bro

The dumps are public, are you retarded?

>Just drop the act and beg me to sell outright. I'd consider selling you a single link token for $500

Holy stinky delusion hahaha, link can barely stay above $6 and you’re waiting for it to go to $500?

hahahhah I just LMAOOOOO

I give up man, please do keep buying link and subsidizing the lardass big macs

>> No.55891205

>hard data
>let's assume
>let's assume
>speculation with no links to actual expenditures, just the initial allocation plus average price showing that link is 3.6 billion ish dollar networth company
>can't even get the amount of employees right (see https://www.linkedin.com/company/chainlink-labs/))
he's right
you're definitely a fucking retard
that being said, i'm proud you figured out how to use a calculator despite the "math" you created with it

>> No.55891215

sergey did exactly that, while directing rory to post in discord about token selling. That happend

>> No.55891217

>seethes uncontrollably and runs off
What a twist. Never saw that coming

He's clearly upset because he probably spent ages trying to come up with half of that and had it shat on immediately.
The absolute state of these "people."

>> No.55891221

Oh wait he just switched ids. Welcome back, retard.

>> No.55891223

ok post your math then

>> No.55891243

What math? Should I also just invent what I think their costs are with no access to that kind of info and pretend that it's fact? Making figures up to spin lies is more your thing, not mine, halfwit.

>> No.55891250

so its okay to make up figures for the price of the token EOY but when you try to estimate operating costs and how bad CLL is being run thats bad?

>> No.55891260

Still here, waiting for you to post your hard data. Where are you getting the $500 link figure?

From where I’m standing you’re losing and Chainlink labs is winning. Why are you defending a company with billions on its treasury? Is this where the cuckold linker meme comes from?

>> No.55891305

didn't even deny the samefagging and he's pretending pretending like they're spitting out "hard data" while clearly not understanding what that phrase means at all
these fudcucks are so fucked in the head it's unreal
it's like arguing with pajeets trying to run a refund scam, now i'm reminded why so few people bother

>> No.55891315

why would i deney it when you wont believe me anyway.All i did was state a fact, Those things happened, its not even an attempt to fud. Its okay though go ahead and deflect instead of just admitting to it

>> No.55891320

You’re totally winning my man. Sergey is pumping the price to $500 out of the goodness of his heart.

It isn’t like he’s running a business-first, crypto project-second and he would have reasons to hate most people that hold Chainlink in the chans and would like them to suffer. Hint, he’s pro refugees, he’s not like you at all and probably hates your guts

>> No.55891339

+ keep holding if you want dude, but it’d be a good idea for you to think long and hard about if the $500 price goal is coming from your own thoughts (it’s not) or if it was implanted by a twitter advocate. Seeing that you cannot provide even a basic napkin math prediction for links price, you’ll be massively disappointed next run if there’s even one during 2025

>> No.55891396

they probably get paid per reply or sth... so just stop giving it to them if you know theyre lyin i think
its basically just spam mail on biz but for fuddin

>> No.55891445

Some corrections:
Chainlink allocation
>35.00% is allocated to Public Token Sale.
>35.00% is allocated to Node Operators & Ecosystem.
>30.00% is allocated to Company.

Treasury calculation
>350 million link sold at $0.11 = $38 million
>Current token circulation is 50%, this means Sergey sold an additional 150 million link at an average price of $25
>150 million link sold at $25 = $3,750 million
>Total $ in treasury = $3,750 million + $38 million = $3,788 million

Let’s assume Sergey operated with debt from 2013 to 2017 and his operating costs were $100 k per week (massive waste)
>operating costs 2013 to 2017 = $26 million

Let’s assume from 2018 to 2023, Chainlink had 100 employees and paid them $100k per year, while increasing the operating costs to $200k per week
>operating costs 2018 to 2023 = $122 million

All in all:
>Chainlink has gained $3,788 million from selling link tokens
>Chainlink has spent $148 million in operating costs from 2013 to 2023

This means the Chainlink labs company still has $3,640 millions in its treasury.

Assuming the operating costs remain the same as 2018-2023 ($20 million per year), he has 182 FUCKING YEARS OF RUNWAY.

Now, as for operating costs, openAI costs $700k to operate daily. Link below:

Even if Sergey had spent $700k DAILY in operating costs from 2018-2023 ($1,533 million) + 26 million from 2013 - 2017. Total = $1,559 million. He’d still have $2,081 million in his treasury. That’s still 8 YEARS OF RUNWAY AT FUCKING $700K DAILY OF OPERATING EXPENSES

We know Chainlink is not at the level of openAI, that would require world wide adoption, so c’mon. Let’s all admit that the fatass is loaded and doesn’t care about holders. You do you though, and FUCK YOU ALL

Thank you

>> No.55891452

Top of the morning bros. I see our cuckold baggies quadroupled down on their conspiracy/i i its a brown guy angle. Not a very creative bunch, but why would they be, they joined a cult

>> No.55891458

Hence why LINK is a cuckold HR pension coin

>> No.55891468

Even if Chainlink had the same operating costs as openAI ($700k DAILY) for the last 6 years, Sergey would still have 2 billion dollars available, enough to last him for almost a decade

>> No.55891479

No clue how to change “light mode” or even what that is. Shut up nerd

Lmao yep. Thomas owns a continent worth of real estate in the cults collective heads

Nailed it. They hated Thomas because he said the truth

What a cringe writing style, man that was hard to read

You care a ton about the chart. Also Thomas’ posts bother you, I can tell

>> No.55891496

lmao with the low iq damage control, Adem

>> No.55891504

It seems to be a subsidization project for Sergey’s expensive lifestyle, that’s for sure. Have you seen the pic of his dad driving a lambo Sergey bought for him? Shit’s crazy, I don’t know how linkers see stuff like that and still defend the fatso

>> No.55891525
File: 226 KB, 1382x1455, 60D34F1B-2147-470C-9409-A0482B2F0A27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon points out that there's obvious fuddie samefagging in here
>it angrily ramps up
I just find it funny at this point. I feel sorry for Adem Kayser though, dude's probably gonna get v& post singularity just for a laugh.

>> No.55891528

Is this the thread where we boost thomas? You know the account only 100 people would view if he wasn't posted here?

>> No.55891571

Yes, please take a s(h)it

>> No.55891655

thomas is alright, I used to talk to him in dm. still a delusional linkie who lost 90% of his nw, but at least he knows he's being fleeced unlike the rest of the retards I talked to.

>> No.55891662

All joking and obvious retardation aside, I hope you anons who participate in the mindless driveling FUD realize that you're setting yourself up to be haunted for life by other anons who can easily find you especially when you shitpost carelessly on twitter

>> No.55891670

I don't see any proof that thomas and adem are the same person, nor do I think someone is a loser for trying to get rid of his porn addiction almost a decade ago

>> No.55891682

The token simply isn't needed.

>> No.55891686

Oh? I thought Chainlink was going to $500. Why would multi billionaires care about fudders when they’re rich lamo

>> No.55891747

His name is definitely Adem Kayser
He immediately shut down his twitter @chainlinkthomas when a pic from his facebook was posted along with his name. His twitter used to be @geoxadem (literally had his first name in it) when his porn addiction posts were initially discovered and he shut his account down and scrubbed it the first time to change it over to @chainlinkthomas. Now it's back up and he's trying to pretend nothing happened even though he still stupidly referenced deleting his account when he said he was "back" and going to war with an equally retarded faggot, CLG. Also has a linkedin with a netherlands location in the same city that he lives in, listed as a "crypto investor" at a very shady looking netherlands company (The Success Factory) that apparently tried to run a failed DAG ponzi / MLM pyramid scheme style grift and was busted.

>> No.55891825

I know where he lives and I'm like 40 minutes away.
dubz decide wat do

>> No.55892026

Eh I think things are bad enough for him at the moment without someone doing extra. He has definitely been angrily doing damage control here (when in reality if it was just some random it would have had no effect on him whatsoever.) Clearly very upset. Maybe give him a chance to rethink his life before he really commits to being made into a retarded lolcow.

>> No.55892083

go take a shit on his lawn

>> No.55892089
File: 63 KB, 218x221, 1692546433757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based. Is that basedthomas?! He is way more based then cringezach (chainlinkgod). Dont @me

>> No.55892168

ITT only adem posting with alts. biz is so dead

>> No.55892206
File: 269 KB, 385x385, 577756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO. Guys here why dumping billions on linkies heads is a GOOD thing. You know why? It makes sergey survive longer. Meanwhile your portfolio is in the toilet. Also CL labs has between 500-700 employees by now. Just INSANE the amount of mental illness I encounter on biz.

>> No.55892364

nice try thomas/adem but you're a loser

>> No.55892399
File: 1.31 MB, 1125x1853, 2662FD13-5F60-445F-84F6-4C47D1D7ED61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when you paid for this, bitch

>> No.55892404

I didn't pay for that shitty drawing

>> No.55892414
File: 694 KB, 1125x1910, 891FF573-7193-434C-A647-4CB1B2F12F28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your dad walks into your room
>hey son, hows that bitcoin game going?
>he looks at your screen, its a compilation of some random dudes jerkoff habits from years ago
>dad slowly leaves room, tells wife hes headed out for a pack of smokes, never seen again

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh linnnnnnnnkieeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.55892422

>incel revenge fantasy
Bahahahahahahahhhahaha. You prob cant even bench your weight. You arent dangerous, youre just a fucking loser

>> No.55892430

anyone who talks about suffering from a porn addiction online is a loser
in 2023, apparently this is a controversial statement? the west is so fucked
i guarantee chinese people understand

>> No.55892436

Hahahahaha exactly. Imagine finally becoming rich and then throwing it all away over an internet beef with a random guy that trolled you. This is the brain of a link cultie. Most guys would permanently log off and go enjoy life, but a deranged cultist doesnt think like that

Thankfully for culties theyll never have to actually deal with this dilemma because, well….you know, the chart

>> No.55892446

Ohhhhh but you did my deluded linkie. Who do you think funds his entire life? Where exactly did you think your donations went? It was you Charlie, it was you

>> No.55892460
File: 902 KB, 498x272, 3898390B-F2A9-485A-9F0E-EA60901680D3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. But you know how I know youre gay? You keep a catalogue of another mans jerkoffs lmfao what a fag

>> No.55892873
File: 64 KB, 1092x1037, 1692553700590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no..link sisters.... What are we gonna do. Thomas is back and stronger then ever.. The porn spam is not working sisters.... He.. Won...

>> No.55893192

his average dumping costs were way lower than 25 dollarinos
also a lot of that volume went to nodes to directly subsidize them
i do believe cll itself never gave an update on the ratio of tokens dumped between company and node allocations
and from the looks of it they will use most of it for direct cash injections to the nodes
not that any of it matters at all, but sergeys own fortune probably comes from having taking the ico tokens for himself, the real public sales was far less than 35%

>> No.55893213

fuddies are sad souls

>> No.55893327

the fact he's really so shameless as to keep doing this is really something.
i think it's indicative of the genetic stock of humanity in general.

>> No.55893369

It's a psychological addiction thing. Nobody sits down expecting to edge for 9 hours until your entire cock is beet red and bleeding. It just happens. For most people jerking off a few times a week is no big deal. For most people having a beer a couple of nights a week is no big deal. For some people, that jerkoff turns into daily hours long edging sessions and that one beer turns into a fifth of vodka.

And the worst part about porn/erotica is it's no longer something that's in an adult bookstore or behind the counter at a gas station. It's everywhere. You can't use 4chan without seeing tons of pornography even on blue boards. Most of the rest of the internet is the same way because society doesn't have the same rules against using erotica and pornography in advertisement that it does for other potentially addictive substances (alcohol, cigs, drugs, etc) and experiences (gambling and increasingly gaming)

>> No.55893399

kek, so true

>> No.55893437

all they have to do is stop edging and just finish. christ. you know, people used to have real problems

>> No.55893525

Link niggers are chimping out at the wrong person
and would rather act like simps to mcnastyslob than rightfully blame him for the poor performance of the chainshit token

guess that's why link niggers are the esl cuckolds of crypto

>> No.55894691

nah you just start browing the web and then some whore gets posted and ou get hard again. I used to cum five times a day. Thank god im getting old now and my libido is dying

>> No.55894752

Linkbros....our strength is growing with each FUD thread

>> No.55894791

is this mixed arab/white?
He looks disgusting

>> No.55894921
File: 752 KB, 476x498, 1692572652101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could say the same about link shills shameless shilling despite causing the entire board to baghold down 90% while also missing out on the entire bullrun

>> No.55894942

You guys are like monkeys in a skinner box lmao. I jack off like once every other week. Most adults are too busy to become some giga coombrain gooner, only neets have that ability.

>> No.55895050

are you just naive or do you not understand what it is like to be digitally gangstalked?

>> No.55895187

yah. i agree with you being a neet is shit and i would not recommend it to anyone. I would rather be a wagie(i am now)