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55869523 No.55869523 [Reply] [Original]

Coinmetro thread
Boundless optimism edition

>> No.55869733
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>> No.55870015


>> No.55870085

What's so optimistic... Still not getting funding...

>> No.55870928


>> No.55871147

The yuri foundation takes distance from this statement.

>> No.55871343
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should i sell my xcm i bought at 63c for 9c to buy kadena at 43c
still didn't receive ignum repayment, probably won't receive august's either. talking to the pajeet support the past three weeks makes me want to kill myself
I have no other fundsu

>> No.55871358
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>I have no other fundsu
Get a job

>> No.55871510
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>min wage $11USD/hr equivalent
>$1,760/month, $21,120 annually full time 9-5, $18,000 after taxes
>>monthly expenses
>$700 rent
>$100 public transit pass - car would be 2-3x more expensive due to insurance monopoly
>$50-$150 food/water depending on how much I fast
>$50 bank/phone
>$100 jeffery benzos and dates with femboys (female)
a whole dang $700
would you get out of bed for $700/month ?
not to mention the 2 hour unpaid commute to and fro, cramped together with all sorts of different creatures

>> No.55871542

that's $8000 and a 10x away from $80k.
Not saying I would, but perspective for desperate situations. One year of working might just change your life.

>> No.55871561

>femboys (female)
Wait how does this work?
You like girls who dress up as feminine boys?

>> No.55871569
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>would you get out of bed for $700/month ?
I think my take home pay was about half that when I was putting money into crypto. Very little starting money can go far in crypto.
Are you prepared to break the law? Are you cute? Kneepads? Drug dealing? I am sure you can earn more than $700 per month doing those things.

>> No.55871576

There is always the posing as a girl and asking for donations on dating websites option. I think you would be good at that given your flair for degenerate walls of text.

>> No.55871629

I think a fraudulent go fund me could work pretty well. Can't say I'd approve, but it would probably be effective. Who knows, maybe with "russia sucks give me money so i can flee to ukraine and fight against russia" would work.

>> No.55871638

I was only askin' since I view xcm like a stablecoin and the only rimsk is Kevone going insolventmetro
whereas kadeba can easily go -60% more from here and there's too much ambiguity as to wot is even going awn but is the bigger moonshot
I get roughly $1,300 USD equiv gibs so it really doesn't make any sense for me to do so unless I develop a really kewl skill. they'll stop spooning me in 6 months so I'll have no other choice but the cagey. Even then I'll probably just resort to selling my crypto rather than my soul like in 2019
Do you consider tomboys homosexual ? hwhat about fantom (ticker: FtM ) ?

>> No.55871656

I am a man of Christ
I did this in 2021 during the Ukrainal fakewar. found some random family and Larp'd hard but couldn't sleep properly after getting a few hundreds bucks so donated it all and prayed for forgiveness

>> No.55871665

>during the Ukrainal fakewar
Looks pretty real to me. Putin is the one who is fake and gay.
>found some random family and Larp'd hard but couldn't sleep properly after getting a few hundreds bucks so donated it all and prayed for forgiveness
If you felt remorse and took action against yourself then I think you should find it in your heart to forgive yourself and not do it again.

>> No.55871921

Aren't burger Christians supposed to work until they are dead?

>> No.55871989
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I'm neither a burmger, Christian or yours to exploit

>> No.55872808
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What the fun it's happening to the Market

>> No.55872837
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I love shitcoins.

>> No.55872896
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The shitcoin holocaust is finally here!

>> No.55872931
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There is an unfilled gap at $3500

>> No.55873027

anonfiles is kill

>> No.55873136

Why isn't IPFS more popular? We have the technology for people to say "hey i like this file i want to help preserve it".
A convenient site like anonfiles could still exist where people upload to an IPFS node and others can pick files they want to also host when they see them out in the wild and found it valuable.

>> No.55873156
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I KNOW that Kevin is a pure salesman confidence trickster. I KNOW I've been swindled. I KNOW I'm fucked, that I've fucked up my life in a way that cannot be recovered from. I understand all of this on a rational, logical, level. BUT, I still feel a sense of reassurance after yet another AMA where no funding and more employee layoffs is announced. It lasts two or three days; then I go back to planning to kms my self. At least I'll die with empathy for the people who join cults, I guess.

>> No.55873182

>At least I'll die with empathy for the people who join cults
Did you look into the jonestown cult? Quite fascinating. Some of the children there knew their parents were doing something insane and suffered a lot.

>> No.55873235
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There is a lot of despair going around, I have not been saved from despair.
The markets have to straighten out at some point.

>> No.55873253
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> I have not been saved from despair.

>> No.55873306

Yes; you may enjoy this:

>> No.55873322
File: 571 KB, 1583x2048, F0g0-GAaQAECSgr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New evolution:
I figured out that increasing playback is not the end game. I've now started watching multiple things at the same time, it's very much in the spirit of horizontal scalability, call it multicore watching. Both video streams at increase playback speeds of course.
How it works? Simple, speculative retention, the point of watching something is to understand the point, so you can simply take in the info from both sources and speculate on the content thereby getting an understanding of both.
I think it's a skill one can train, so while right now the input is slightly bottlenecked, at some point one should have no issue with it, even being able to increase the amount of input sources.
It's a great way to enjoy more anime for example.

>> No.55873392
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I was wrong, there's always a bigger bottom.

>> No.55873625

I enjoyed this.

Qredo is pumping.

Fortunately this is retarded enough that I know you're joking.

>> No.55873660

bros the outside world is highly frustrating

>> No.55873674

>this is retarded enough that I know you're joking
you really think so?

>> No.55873759

Times are changing.

>> No.55874657

Finally some good financial advise on this board
This will save me a lot of time, which is the most valuable resource

>> No.55874833

>A convenient site like anonfiles could still exist where people upload to an IPFS node
A centralised entity
>others can pick files they want to also host
Lack of CP resistance.

Centralised free speech sites that lack CP resistance will be raided by CP bots until the owner is forced to shut it down like what happens to all the small chan sites You either need total decentralisation or CP resistance.

>> No.55874880

>A centralised entity
Yes, but when the centralized entity goes down the files are still available for use if people pinned the files they liked. It's the best of both worlds. It's like a torrent tracker, the torrent isn't dead just because one tracker is.
>Lack of CP resistance.
Not true. There would be the exact same moderation if anonfiles ran on IPFS as a single centralized server and then people pick and choose what they want to also host, which isn't gonna be CP. Anonfiles would have to moderate the same amount as before.

>> No.55874933
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>Anonfiles would have to moderate the same amount as before.
Anonfiles shut down because they couldn't keep up with moderation requirements so you kind of just proved my point. I guess you could say theat the files would still be available for download after the site dies but there would be know way to find any of them. We already have a huge problem with media disappearing from the internet forever because even if they were uploaded to some obscure forum nobody can find them, the recent trend of using Discord servers instead of forums to host things makes this much worse

>> No.55874954

>I guess you could say theat the files would still be available for download after the site dies but there would be know way to find any of them
That was my point though, the files that people truly cared about would still be there. Best of both worlds.
>the recent trend of using Discord servers instead of forums to host things makes this much worse
I fucking hate this. One youtuber made me join a discord server to download a torrent. Infuriating.

>> No.55874970

>but there would be know way to find any of them
Also this isn't true, if the links psoted publically were IPFS links then those links would still be valid which would be great.

>> No.55874984

Another thing that drives me insane. The amoujnt of people on nyaa uploading a fix in the fucking comments via google drive. Why? What the fuck is the point. Put up a torrent you fucking imbeciles. Sometimes the file isn't even available anymore, fucking idiots.

>> No.55875036

>Best of both worlds.
I don't see the advantage over torrents here. Maybe I am missing something. It is better than current solutions but not much. I am not a member of any but I am sad to say I think the future is in private trackers. I really should join some and leave a client running to build a reputation so I am not struggling to join one when it is too late but I am too lazy.
How do you find them? Search engines will block them and I can't imagine their being a universal site for them given how many different types of files there are.
>know way
Time for bed.
People don't upload to nyaa because they are fans of decentralised file sharing. They use it because everyone else does. It is a miracle fansubbers haven't moved to Discord so I can't complain.

>> No.55875066

> I am not a member of any but I am sad to say I think the future is in private trackers. I really should join some and leave a client running to build a reputation so I am not struggling to join one when it is too late but I am too lazy.
Fuck that. Private trackers don't even work, the copyright trolls know of all of them and have access to all of them. Several private trackers for anime outright BAN several publishers because private trackers don't work long term. I for one believe everyone should get access to files and as such I will not partake.
>How do you find them? Search engines will block them and I can't imagine their being a universal site for them given how many different types of files there are.
I mean for when you find a dead forum link, but it's not actually dead because John 32 in California decided to pin it and also host it 8 years ago and after the original server went down, John is still hosting it and the IPFS link still works preventing linkrot.

>> No.55875094

Private trackers are a psyop to make files less accessible to discourage piracy.

>> No.55875102

I haven't been following private trackers. I assumed they still worked fine and just had annoying requirements. I also avoid them because I think secret clubs are gay I just assumed they were more censorship resistant than public trackers.
>John is still hosting it and the IPFS link still works
But why not just use a magnet link?

>> No.55875114

Both are fine, but I think because IPFS is somewhat ideal because it is easier to open directly in browser.

>> No.55875160
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More like online day care centres for people who enjoy the process of hoarding data more than using it. Once the American empire falls there is either going to be a golden age of piracy since sites like Megaupload can set up in sovereign states that don't respect burger copyright law unchallenged or a balkanisation of the internet. I believe the former is more likely.

>> No.55875324

How did XCM/KDA fall apart like this? I thought it would be my ticket to financial independence.

>> No.55875383

Always remember that you must have no expectation of profit from the work of others. Especially me. I do not work for you. I have never worked for you. I will never work for you. If you want good things to happen you must make them happen yourself. Always and forever. Get to work

>> No.55876738
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all my friends are contrarians, they rarely do things I recommend, and every time they do it's immediately followed up by "you were right!"
One of them even started making it a meme, said "why does he always have to be correct"

the worst part is, if they see the same thing I told them on their algorithmically generated feed of choice, they without fail, listen to that as if it were gospel.

Perhaps I'm not persuasive or swole enough.

>> No.55876792

left out the contrarian explanation, one of them specifically doesn't like when I recommend something to the point he stays away from it.
Buy crypto! now he especially is not going to buy any. Not always thought, when I told everyone I knew to watch mia, everyone did.

I need to learn how to make people think that they came up with an idea.

>> No.55876964
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Make better friends.

>> No.55877104
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I think people in general don't like being "told" what to do. What I find strange though is the consistency in which they end up surprised about how they ended up enjoying my suggestions.
>let's play x
>nah I'm not feeling x
>let's play a single round, you will enjoy it
>he ends up having a good time playing multiple rounds in a row

I don't need friends, I need a female version of myself. I'm not gay btw.

>> No.55877299
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> people in general don't like being "told" what to do.
Most people like being told what to do by people they perceive as authority figures. You just aren't one.

>> No.55877532
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Nuh uh, I always host the lobbies.
Jokes aside that's exactly what I'm trying to say, how to fix?

>> No.55877914

>>let's play x
>>nah I'm not feeling x
You have bad friends if they never want to do what you want to do, but you could be more thoughtful of their needs as well by asking if they want to play x instead of saying what to play.

You're officially my financial advisor now.

>> No.55878025
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Well it's not "never" at least, I do not like to think that they are bad friends at all.

>> No.55878116

Ditch that and swap in Krest tokens to grab that Peaq airdrop and since it's bringing real-world application, the future is bright. It's a double win for you, anon.

>> No.55878401

you loser incel nerds are all alone on yet another Friday AHAHAHAHAHAHA
while your kike devs continue dumping 4M tokens every month on your retarded assholes AAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAGAGGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGAGA

>> No.55878405
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>are all alone on yet another Friday

>> No.55878411

I ate at a restaurant alone again this friday.
Have you tried it? It's pretty relaxing. Suppose maybe you're too insecure to do it.

>> No.55878789

I have to work at my mom and dads Chinese restaurant.

>> No.55879268


>> No.55879284

>But when Binance launched Checkout.com’s platform in the first half of 2020 it did so without implementing 3D-Secure, a security feature designed to mitigate risk of money laundering and ensure Checkout’s clients complied with the European Union's Payment Services Directive, regulatory standards intended to secure payment transactions and protect consumer data associated with them.

>> No.55879302

>Shortly after the launch, Visa alerted Checkout.com to a flood of fraudulent transactions on Binance — approximately $10 million, according to two people familiar with the incident. (Checkout said this figure is “inflated and inaccurate.”) Binance's refusal to deploy Checkout's 3D-secure measures had left the platform vulnerable to credit card fraud, and a European organized crime syndicate had taken full advantage.
Remember this? Good times, the coinmetro mafia made a lot of money that day.

>> No.55879379

>honestly a lot of coming across as male online is having a ton of unearned confidence and doing things wrong while thinking you’re correct
Is this really true?

>> No.55879623
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>and doing things wrong
Yeah it's true, I for example always do things wrong, people think I'm retarded but it's all part of a greater plan to come across as male online.

>> No.55881248

Buy a rolex and a Ferrari. Date a gold digger. Join a country club. Dress like Richard Heart.

>> No.55882905

>there is an unfilled gap between your legs
and that gap must be filled?

>> No.55883491

there is an unfilled gap in my bed if you know what I mean

>> No.55883759

>country club
What is that

>> No.55883767

It's a big club and you ain't in it.

>> No.55883804

It's a "club" out in the "country", he's bullying you for being gay again.

>> No.55883864
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>he's bullying you for being gay
I am not a bully. I just want him to be honest with himself.

>> No.55884013
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my ex called me, too sensitive, that's a different way to say gay right?

>> No.55884312

Thoughts? I saw KDA I got kinda interested. Same awful vesting so it might pump.

>> No.55884685


>> No.55884849

Benchods are crossposting now, they are learning...

>> No.55885077
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>> No.55885698

is this posting while wearing it or posting about it

>> No.55885788
File: 120 KB, 849x601, __kinomoto_sakura_and_kero_cardcaptor_sakura_drawn_by_chrisanother__sample-7cb38995e7271030652fc69344533e7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like it would be a bit of a waste to crossplay just to post on 4channel. To answer your next question: If I was going to crossplay I would dress up as Sakura.

>> No.55885796
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wtf I wasn't about to ask that!

>> No.55885826
File: 576 KB, 707x1000, __kinomoto_sakura_cardcaptor_sakura_drawn_by_kamitsurugi_ouka__ca3d5873ef96937718c3acbce965ac79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How embarassing.

>> No.55886393


>> No.55887027
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>she still reads here