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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55884417 No.55884417 [Reply] [Original]

Why did getting rich made me miserable?
I had a normal mechanic job before that paid well and i was debt free

My grandfather was a fisherman with a trawler boat and some quotas.
He died and i inherited it.
Sold everything. The boat was big but didnt yeld much except 200k euro. The fucking salomon quotas sold on auction for fucking 3 mill euros...

>all friends got greedy
>family got greedy

Dont want a lambo or anything fancy
Made me fucking miserable

>> No.55884436 [DELETED] 

because you don't deserve it. wealth should go to something with some balls, someone like me

>> No.55884439

because you don't deserve it. wealth should go to someone with some balls, someone like me

>> No.55884453

Wow you realized all people are parasites looking for ways to drain you can’t believe how slow normies like you are how long did it take for you to realize this

>> No.55884473

>2 kids later
thats why and not the massive amounts of canola fried foods she consumes and farts out by my guess constantly

>> No.55884499

You just didnt realize how little moral people generally have. Most of the people are bottom of the barrel, its a big big bottom.

>> No.55884507

Why did you tell them ? That was your mistake.

You know their true value now.
Either you ditch the money and enjoy your life amongst wolves.
Or you leave and recreate yourself.

With 3 millions, I would go to japan and live as a regular remote worker, learn the language and learn about the culture without any stress. What a life !

>> No.55884547

>the most honest narcissistic psychopath in history

>> No.55884559

I love this webm because I fucked this one girl way back when and she was thin and pretty hot, we stopped seeing each other and went about our lives. Years go by and I'm telling some friends at the bar a story and she was involved, and I say oh yeah man she was hot let's pull up a pic and there she is like 300 pound looking meth faced mess completely unrecognizable from her pictures 10 years ago and everyone is always like SO WHICH GIRL DID YOU FUCK LOL and everyone always rags that it's the current one but yeah some girls age like warm milk in the sun

>> No.55884572

Not cool, that’s someone’s daughter you’re talking about.

>> No.55884623

That someone should be in prison for his crime

>> No.55884642
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poor muscle tone + high volume tissue is a telltale sign of a bitch that's gonna blow up when she's older. obesity is programmed in them

>> No.55884669

>>all friends got greedy
>>family got greedy
Lol, why are you still talking to poor ppl?

>> No.55884749

Lol no it’s your fault as a man constantly lying to her for the last 2 years so you avoid conflict because you’re scared of being alone.

>> No.55884796

i don't give these women opportunities in the first place because i can spot a future fatty from a mile away

>t. skinny bitch lover

>> No.55885118

this. you can tell she had a fattie face

>> No.55885313

i could've tell she was prone to gaining fat in the first place..chubby cheeks is always a give away

>> No.55885798

Morals are at the top of the self-actualization pyramid so that's not really surprising.

>> No.55885808
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>> No.55885812

>sigh financial security...soo depressed...

>> No.55885822

a "future fatty" is practically any woman on the pill

>> No.55885832

No, morality is 100% genetic.
It's not something that you develop, you either have it or you don't.