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55878728 No.55878728 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Bottom signals.

>> No.55878741


>> No.55878766

Who is this fucker and why is he posted so much?

>> No.55878799

Oliver Anthony. posted so much because it makes the long noses seethe

>> No.55878814

And why is he a bottom signal?

>> No.55878823

he isn’t. that’s just a seething long nose trying to convince you to buy his bags

>> No.55879274
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>Bottom signal

>> No.55879749

>Comes out of nowhere
Oh, anon.. haven't you learned from tate and other whack a moles. These are by design.

>> No.55879947


>> No.55880594

He's recently become a millionaire with his first check from youtube.

>> No.55880619

we pay for their dilation sticks but my friend with MS (a real disease and she's really in pain) who's only pain med is marijuana isnt covered. genius society.

>> No.55882262
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>> No.55882321

So glad Dan Bong Gino can astroturf a rich kid to becoming a multi millionaire while midwestern faggots like me struggle to get by who have done more for the conservative movement than these wannabe faggots.

>> No.55882342

brother he's a cookie cutter money magnet prop. the same type that pops up every couple weeks. you think he's some ubermensch paragon?

>> No.55882362
File: 120 KB, 609x1148, E1062FB2-6326-4922-8335-3A65E68F0416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a top signal thread now

>> No.55882388

wtf is this? Is that a tranny / furry thing?

>> No.55882393
File: 1.05 MB, 900x900, A78205BE-F479-4FE9-A3F9-119E47A44B2D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is letting loose the dogs of war

>> No.55882403
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>its probably just one guy
The dog pile is much deeper than you think anon.

>> No.55882413

I can't wait to kill myself for fuck sake.
not gonna let some god damn furry faggot tranny kill me, I won't let them have the satisfaction.

>> No.55882433

Why would (((they))) let him have a youtube playlist all about how the jews orchestrated 9/11? He literally had a playlist called
>Vids to make your noggin bigger
>First vid: Dancing Israelis
You’re probably right though, but it begs the question. Are these people false flags planted by kikes, or does their rapid fame cause kikes to freak out and plant shit on these people to make them less credible? Probably little bit of column a and b, but the fact that leftists hate this guy is funny enough for me.

>> No.55882440
File: 848 KB, 869x1296, A63D5321-5587-4810-A754-75C5497E535F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t do it dawg, you have so much to live for, like serving in ukraine

>> No.55882455
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It's not gonna "rile" this "pup" up I've got cancer I can barely walk let alone die in some old faggots war, but I sure as fuck won't let some gay ass furry faggot drone strike me for lawls while he sits on his RGB keyboard covered in tranime pictures.

>> No.55882462

out of all the degenerate weirdos out there, furries are among the least degenerate. those fursuits cost like 5000 bucks. they at least have money unlike some other worthless leech neets

>> No.55882476
File: 989 KB, 636x1396, B5DE4B39-1BFE-47BE-982F-DB14453FE718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t you want to save democracy, like Iron Man in The Avengers? Plenty of non combat roles will allow you to serve your country while receiving chemo Anon, don’t be selfish.

>> No.55882492
File: 2.60 MB, 498x278, 5454A29C-F2EE-4C49-BD8D-4D0014DDAC52.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You implying the elites don’t regularly eat babies for their adrenochromes?

>> No.55882495

For who?
The people you're posting?

Are country had a coup, and it was the most fucking pathetic shit to exist.

>> No.55882503

>Taking shitposting seriously
Anon, I..hope you kick cancers ass.

>> No.55882546

Oh I know you are kek just making a point I'd rather die riddled with cancer and shoot myself if one of these faggot dogs was outside my door.
I won't die from cancer we're all beyond fucked I hope you guys realize that.
I hoped things would be different, evil consumed this fucking planet.

>> No.55882572

Anyone else just not relate to this faggot's whiny song at all? I'm not really remarkable at all, but I got a good degree, got a good job a couple years ago, and was able to buy a comfy home last year. I'm not rich, but I feel extremely content. Honestly just having hot water and AC makes you a king compared to the way most people on Earth are living.

>> No.55882607

True, you have to respect your country and military to fight for it and right now they deserve none. Throughout history it’s always taken some big event to draw america into war which is why I expect Ukraine to attack the US and blame it on Russia to draw us in and make normies think it’s some heroic fight.

>> No.55882613

What do you do anon?

>> No.55882630

Faggot fatigue is too high you could literally nuke the midwest and people wouldn't bat a fucking eye.

>> No.55882780

more like the retards in DC want to start a war with China. It doesn't matter if it makes no sense, the 20 pajeet consultants from Mackenzie told them that it'll boost the economy. They live in their own bubble. All I have to say is don't be in the Navy or Air Force.

>> No.55882793

and youre happy with just that you pathetic manlet shitbag

>> No.55882846

Why the fuck are people obsessed with this shit? It’s just another boring ass song.

>> No.55882937
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>> No.55883015

Because they want you to believe in that so you segregate yourself from society.

>> No.55883022

Actual kek u can't make this shit up

>> No.55883078


>> No.55883226

>Kanye West
Are you people really this dense?

>> No.55883258
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>> No.55883415

>Makes a song about fat not being a disability
yep definitely an industry plant, not like (((they))) are the ones pushing fat acceptance
Go back to developing your space lasers

>> No.55883430

Hey jewbot, recalibrate your auto replies, nigger

>> No.55883445

Anyone who makes kikes and city slickers Seethe is fine with me
The guy doesn't have to be a fucking martyr or whatever half you fags expect, he delivered a message that resonated with millions of people who are struggling.
No one gives a particular fuck about him or thinks he's a musical genius. Even if the cunt is a plant the songs message is still giving hope to people and bringing them together. Seethe uncontrollably you disgusting cut dick faggots.
If the feeling doesn't resonate with you, you are part of the problem

Tick tock moshe, the gas Chambers are about to fire up once again none of you will be spared :)

>> No.55884987

Polcels minds are so buck broken by Jews they think everything is a psyop and that the Jews are invincible. Complete loser mentality that anyone who doesn’t wave a swastika flag and scream kike is a 4D chess move by them to discredit it. This guy has done more than all of /Pol/ in the past 6 years lol. Is it really that hard to believe a man can right a song that lots of people relate to when it comes from a place based on frustration and pain?

>> No.55885011
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Oliver posting will resume as long as long noses continue seething.

>> No.55885319

They are promoted by conservative INC,
but this is why the right will always lose, they get a win, maybe not by the most organic means, but still a win and they reject it cause everything has to be a conspiricy, the left will lie cheat and steal to take any win they can get, and the right will reject a win almost always cause they are fucking idiots

>> No.55885370
File: 1.16 MB, 1201x675, 1686431180693443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oliver Anthony.
You mean Christopher Anthony Lunsford
Hmm, let's see
>performs under a fake name
>sings using a fake accent
>Twitter account was made just before the song was uploaded
>over-the-top and exaggerated stereotypical country boy imagery, might as well have filmed the video at a Cracker Barrel
>instantly gets aggressively shilled by every large right-wing news media outlet as soon is it hits the internet
There is absolutely nothing authentic or soulful about this production

>> No.55885416

he had songs posted 3 years ago, conservative inc promoted him

>> No.55885574


>> No.55885643
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>> No.55885701

But its ok when the left astroturfs pozzed messages tho right?

Shut the fuck up you dumb shill. If the right is learning the same tricks as the left to get their message out I 100% support it.

>> No.55885713

has he said any of this stuff?

>> No.55885722

That song really rattled you noses didn't it? Just think how fragile the house of sand you live in is then if thats all it takes. Maybe it means you should stop. But you won't though.
Of fucking course not. This song terrified them though so shills are flinging any shit they can at it to suppress it. Not so much for the song itself but what it represents.

The fire rises.

>> No.55885883

This thread could've been a great collection of "obvious in hindisight" market bottom signals, but it's just schizo pol shitflinging.
Have fun throwing "no (You)" at each other till death you fags

>> No.55885934

>This millionaire is based because he made a reference to Jeffrey Epstein and welfare queens!
Holy cope
Guarantee you if you interviewed him about black lives matter or gay marriage he'd have the same canned faggot answers as an LA liberal

>> No.55885939
File: 122 KB, 779x772, big tech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This yokel singing, The Sound of Freedom & the "Try that in a small Town" song are so funny because they're just silly, mediocre vaguely anti-regime media and yet they make libs absolutely seethe. They're not even pushing some hot-button culture war talking points.

"Rich Men" is just a goofy song. It's not a great song by any standards. Even conservatives make fun of it. Why are neolibs seething so hard about it? (I know the answer, it's a rhetorical question)

>> No.55885951
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>> No.55886280
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I'm not even gonna bother to click the thumbnail kike

>> No.55886289

>the real enemies are the rich and powerful, not each other
If that's actually the message, then libtards should be championing this song. Curious how that's not happening

>> No.55887374

Imagine being a ginger male unironically.

>> No.55887393

If Weasley had so much power around him, why did he stay a ginger?