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File: 637 KB, 1170x874, 9F321388-4ED7-4CB7-9071-203A1FF516CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55880014 No.55880014 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55880039

The jews.

>> No.55880045

Not enough africans

>> No.55880173

The US is a third world shithole with a gucci belt

>> No.55880187

Because Europe isnt blowing up american pipelines
But maybe we should think about getting tougher with them
Fucking cunts

>> No.55880197

Europe is not artificially printing euros and pumping them in euro stocks to make number go up

>> No.55880268

because they decided to import tens of millions of benefit seekers and stop having children while also having uncompetitive, high-taxed, overregulated, protectionist economies and sanction their biggest exporter of raw materials for hurting their feefees.

>> No.55880286

kill yourself, CIA nigger
God willing. Your time in Europe comes to a close

>> No.55880293

genocide browns, set up a few tech companies, and the margin narrows a lot. remove the social support system europe has and the margin disappears.

>> No.55880312

if the average citizen is retired, there is not gonna be any money to invest in startups. the most simple solution is to build a time machine and tell Europeans of 25 years ago that having children is good actually and more valuable than getting your holes filled at Ibiza every summer until you retire at 38 (retired a few years later than the European average to focus on your career).

>> No.55880325
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lol, lmao even. 3 guess on who pioneered all the things you just listed, and more!

>> No.55880332

Cool story, CIA nigger
Then why do y9u need to instigate wars in Europe and blow up european infrastructure, if Europe is so out of luck?

>> No.55880340
File: 100 KB, 273x366, Liberators-Kultur-Terror-Anti-Americanism-1944-Nazi-Propaganda-Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is the Great Satan

>> No.55880354

harsh regulations and bureaucracy

>> No.55880458

Instead they artificially printed euros to buy up PIGS government bonds and let regular businesses go bankrupt.

>> No.55880471

I think they're retards but earth would be even more of a hellscape without their regulations. Thye're still a rich people with tons of extra cash to spend so a lot of their regulations have effect on how companies make products for the whole world. Still retarded but also thanks for saving Earth I guess.

>> No.55880485

this news channel looks sussy

>> No.55880500

Oh also confederations are retarded unless you're trying to win one battle against the orcs or something Euros. Federalize.

>> No.55880509

ok fed

>> No.55880983

The nazis lost, Germany is now diverse and progressive. Why would any sane person join a loser ideology?

>> No.55882334

Sanctioned their biggest energy provider and pay 3x for American lng which destroyed their heavy industrys ability to remain competitive

Has been true for years now and recession hasn't happened until late last year

>> No.55882352
File: 58 KB, 640x480, Riot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look whos talking

>> No.55882369

Should have let the DDR win. The areas in Germany that are above 90% white all coincide with former DDR borders

>> No.55882378

They are though, ECB rates are only at 3.75% now after being in the -0.4 (yes negative rates) to 0.5% since 2008. Eurozone growth has only been driven by inflation for years

>> No.55882399

Are you seriously trying to say that youths being youths justifies racism? Fucking cringe smoothbrain

>> No.55882404

They look all like blacks to me

>> No.55882411

Of course the media only shows Black people in order to insinuate crime. I guarantee you there are just as many if not more white people there

>> No.55882412

Growth and inflation are not the same thing, smooth brain

>> No.55882420

Different types of youth are youthy to varying degrees, to put it in your words.

>> No.55882424
File: 767 KB, 640x360, Nig York Teens Union Square Riot 2023.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No there werent, dumbfuck




>> No.55882431

Again, nice cherry picked image dumbfuck

>> No.55882436

It was in the ECB's statement for NIRP to achieve growth by going into negative interest rates.

>> No.55882441
File: 510 KB, 1027x1200, Happy-Merchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every image and video is cherrypicked

>> No.55882448

The basic outline from Investopedia.

>> No.55882453

Every central bank on earth lowers interest rates to spur growth. Dumb nigger

>> No.55882458
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>> No.55882466

And negative interest rates cause inflation to what?

>> No.55882469

What has that to do with 99% of these riotors being black and you unable to refute that?
All you do is deny all obvious evidence.

>> No.55882498


>> No.55882510
File: 157 KB, 520x629, chud btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so racist when it's obvious they are just kids messing around? And your FOX news rotten brain immediately blames it on their race

>> No.55882522

taxes, useless parasites that parrot the muh free healthcare muh free education muh walkable cities mantra fed to them by bureaucrats making 10k a month tax free, endless need to cope about america by doing the exact opposite of anything that makes money

>> No.55882524

every unsustainable system has its breaking point

>> No.55882534

Sounds like you live on twitter, stupid nigger

>> No.55882538

ECB prints money out of thin air to buy gov bonds of every country
PIGS era is over, now every single country is on monetary heroin
And socialism, collectivism and communism is spreading like a cancer
Taxes are raising, while politicians that are totally disconnected from reality get more and more privileges
No wonder innovation and private wealth is dropping to zero
Add niggers to the mix and...

>> No.55882544

I live in Europe you useless neet, and the government steals 4k a month from me

>> No.55882548

You realize blacks are like 10 times as criminal as whites?

>> No.55882558
File: 202 KB, 880x460, World_map_of_median_wealth_per_adult_by_country._Credit_Suisse._2021_publication (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>private wealth is dropping to zero
Where do you niggers come from?

>> No.55882568

All our cities are walkable by design, you stupid nigger

>> No.55882625

i raise the average and i'm forced to maintain 20/25 stupid&useless communist neets on UBI-like programs cause the criminal state takes a 60% cut on my 30k gross salary and wire it to them
and since the proportion is not even 1:25 but 1:60, they even increase public debt and prints a bunch of money i'm forced to use and they tax me on top an additional 10% inflation robbery tax

>> No.55882643

Ask him about negative interest rates and growth.

>> No.55882950

Dutch here, our goverment maintained a 50-60% gdp debt ratio. Mean while USA debt went from 90->130%.

Also importing useless human thrash from around the world. Spending alot on diminishing our co2 output, and having high taxes.

>> No.55882968

USA is like Bitcoin, when shit is bad we suck up all the wealth from our vassal states to prop up our own failing banana republic.

>> No.55883285

and yet they seeth the most about immigrants, kek

>> No.55883339

it's intentional, the goal is to harm the price of the link token

>> No.55883358

europe is focusing it's resources into being achieving it's climate change mitigation goals, that's not a growth strategy, because renewables have high material input and low energy output, renewables will never be cheaper than coal, the reason they are is artificial, taxes are making fossil fuel much more expensive than it actually is, but only europe is actually doing that... it's like trying to run a race with china and america with your feet tied down

>> No.55883551

Browns are outperforming u cuz ur dumb whore women just want to party and get fucked by chad instead of putting in effort and work into building a future with someone competent.

>> No.55883663
File: 200 KB, 1200x550, 1674759199969658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK vatnick your still not white

>> No.55883711

fake news. all ok in my country
> spaniard

>> No.55884027

>Thread about Europe
>Literally a quarter of the posts are anons bringing up America completely unprovoked
Jesus fucking Christ you animals are actually obsessed. Maybe if you thought more about your own economies and got America's cock out of your brains you'd be doing better right now, like fuck me it's pathetic seeing how much you cunts instantly deflect to America
>t. Aussie that's fucking awestruck at how much Euros obsess over Yanks

>> No.55884178

Europes problem is its arrogance. They thought they could isolate themselves from the world and its competitive pressures because their market was big. Pull up the drawbridge, it doesn't matter if we're uncompetetive because the "brussels effect" will mean everyone else around the world will have to match us anyway. It was an attempt to create a race to the bottom by over-regulating EVERYTHING for the sake of making everyone else regulate everything -statism gone mad. It failed because it couldn't keep up with the growth of the rest of the world (because it was overregulated) and because the Brussels effect is overhyped - markets outside the EU are the growth markets which business wants to tap into now - Asia, US etc. So EU is lagging in the dust. Brexit killed them really too they lost what little free-market influence the Bongs gave them and have retreated even further into a protectionist shell. Will get ugly in Europe.

>> No.55884216

They can't help it, the fact that a former colony of theirs completely surpassed them to the point of having a larger economy than the whole continent and basically turning it into a series of vassal states will never stop bothering them. They literally cannot stop seething about America and never will, because America alone proves their old ideas of utter supremacy incorrect. The very existence of America is a complete slap in their faces every single day they wake up.

>> No.55884297

this, as a euro I find this obsession fucking pathetic.
The EU itself is an attempt at copying the US where it doesn't make sense, the dollar? let's also create a single currency even though it makes absolutely no sense in Europe.
Migrants? America can take a lot of immigrants and assimilate them quickly and so can europe! (even though migrants in europe don't integrate, suck up welfare money and form ghettos)

>> No.55884362

Europe has been controlled by the USA for almost 100 years now.

>> No.55884532
File: 167 KB, 736x657, 1619118452029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just statistics

>> No.55884575

and its "breaking point" was what I described, the cheap energy that made its industries possible went away

>> No.55884584

>muh free trade

>> No.55884694

Read what I wrote, you stupid nigger
How Is the US severing Europe from Russias resources not related to Europes economy?
You fucking subhuman cunt?

>> No.55885025
File: 69 KB, 1170x1319, europoor - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because our continent is a fucking joke.

Europoors getting poorer by the day.

>> No.55885036

America is attacking and trying (successfully) to destroy any momentum european industry build up, that and the absolute retard politicians that rather have a "green" europe than any industry (though the production is only moved elsewhere not made any greener but that they dont care)

>> No.55885928

Holy fuck

>> No.55886231

>ECB prints money out of thin air to buy gov bonds of every country
>PIGS era is over, now every single country is on monetary heroin
Right, it now makes a lot of sense why the German 10Y bond yield cannot seem to break above 2.7%. ECB is most likely buying them up.

Yeah Europe never recovered from 2008, and at this rate they never will.

>> No.55886803

No. See: https://richardpoe.substack.com/p/how-the-british-invented-communism
Everything you hate about jews and americans was actually the british

>> No.55886829 [DELETED] 



We are still here

~$25k mcap


>> No.55886867

Europe is full of archaic people that cannot survive in the modern world. All their ideas, customs, and ways of thinking are incompatible. Unlike America, they have nothing to offer.

>> No.55886961

Where do you subhumans come up with this bullshit? Do you have any idea how much is made in Europe?

>> No.55886978

What does Europe make, other than criminally overpriced cars and designer brands?

>> No.55887028


>> No.55887050

kill yourself, american fuckass


>> No.55887089

The Euro has been inflating at the same rate as the dollar. It's actually funny how exchange rates are exactly the same as they were 5 years ago.

>> No.55887156

neoliberal finance capital has been deindustrializing the first world since the 80s and youre surprised?

>> No.55887345

>It's actually funny how exchange rates are exactly the same as they were 5 years ago.
You could have spent 20 seconds opening an EURUSD chart and realize this is not the case. Last year was the first time since 2002 that the euro traded below parity against the dollar. And this year's uptrend screams dead cat bounce to me.

>> No.55887929

Wealth per adult doesn't indicate anything about private wealth you fucking moron.

>> No.55887961

wtf do europeans even make anymore other than luxury goods that most people can't afford

>> No.55888736

If you're going to seethe about immigration it's better to do it when you're 90% white rather than when you're 40% white.
The former is proactive, forward-thinking, and nips it in the bud, the latter is reactive, no-thinking, and a token resistance that is only raised once the situation is beyond repair.

>> No.55888753

Found the rusnigger

>> No.55888756

Cool, you saw the same youtube recommended video that everyone else did.

>> No.55888826

They buy american food, oil and lately weapons
They donated some billions to Africa too

>> No.55888831

Found the rich gay JEWenstein

>> No.55888841

No I didnt. What the fuck, you stupid nigger

>> No.55888934
File: 86 KB, 600x577, 1498947797531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Europe even do besides tourism?