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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55874767 No.55874767 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55874792

there's already a digital payment system and it's called crypto currency.

>> No.55874813

This is for CBDC’s numb nuts

>> No.55874869

why would this affect some defi summer altcoin?
link isn't ever going to be used or adopted outside of on-chain degenerates.

>> No.55874905

>muh china
You're 4 years late tankie

Enjoy your country's collapse :-)

>> No.55874936

Now this is some linkcel cope

>> No.55875046


>> No.55875074

>We show that truthful reporting about the realization of a publicly observed event cannot be implemented as a unique equilibrium in a completely decentralized environment
>A completely decentralized system can only function well when agents have no stake in it. While we express this result as an impossibility theorem, it really points to the limit of decentralization: the decentralization of the truth has to be handed to a group of agents who have no other stake in what the truth is than the payment they receive to do their jobs.

>> No.55875107

>bunch of irrelevant thirdie countries
They still have to use swift

>> No.55875119

It says they bypass swift retard

>> No.55875135
File: 537 KB, 1036x1302, 1691786351310712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who received even a rudimentary education in philosophy knows that it is not possible to establish the truth of statements like these:
>there is no way to implement contracts that pay out based on an observed state without a trusted source.
>A completely decentralized system can only function well when agents have no stake in it.
You cannot prove a general negative in this form. You can prove that a theorem is false but you cannot prove universally that something cannot be done.

>> No.55875136

and I say you're a brown subhuman

>> No.55875159

Wow nice screepcap let’s see when it was posted

>> No.55875177

What is your buy in price bagcel

>> No.55875187

$0.3 average
cope harder jeet

>> No.55875196

And he still didn’t sell LMAO this is some fine grade linkcel cope

>> No.55875217

it still blows my mind that there's people wasting their lives spamming a board with fud attempts all day every day, this thread which has been shat on several times for example
they always seem angry once they get into writing their replies, and if it's paid work it's very poor quality with no real reach or impact considering how dead the board is in general

what a life these retards must lead lmao

>> No.55875238

Yet you didn’t even refute the OP statement curious

>> No.55875284

already been done the last 6 times you tried pushing this angle apparently so why would i bother? but i guess the point is more to just try and shit up the catalog with fud in the hopes that the 20 people left on this board see it rather than have any of it make sense or be effective so i guess it's moot to point any of this out anyway
you gonna start samefagging now? or you just gonna bail and remake the thread again later

>> No.55875299

Refute the statement

>> No.55875307

>already been done the last 6 times you tried pushing this angle apparently so why would i bother? but i guess the point is more to just try and shit up the catalog with fud in the hopes that the 20 people left on this board see it rather than have any of it make sense or be effective so i guess it's moot to point any of this out anyway

>> No.55876121

thats fine for you and your little poorfag friends but countries need a real solution, sweetie

>> No.55876245

Chinas gdp > US

>> No.55876263

How many coins?>>55875187
I want to calculate how many hundreds of thousands / millions you lost bc you are in a cult

>> No.55876266
File: 9 KB, 236x291, gil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bis you said? mbridge you said?

>> No.55876270

KEK good one rub that piece of shits face in his mistake

>> No.55876277

>appeal to emotion

Reddit style arguments dont work here. Also, chart

>> No.55876296

it's unironically over, not even memeing anymore
that was the final nail in the coffin for me and no amount of 2018 hopium is going to change my mind
fuck this shit and fuck this board

>> No.55876303


>> No.55876307

>already been done the last 6 times you tried pushing this angle apparently so why would i bother? but i guess the point is more to just try and shit up the catalog with fud in the hopes that the 20 people left on this board see it rather than have any of it make sense or be effective so i guess it's moot to point any of this out anyway

>> No.55876323

LINKchud seething, kek

>> No.55876340
File: 138 KB, 830x512, Screenshot_20230818-110121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon guys read the abstract at least.
BIS is literally saying "oracles are needed"

Fudders will say "Its over, no swift = no link" but SWIFT needs the oracle problem solved for heterogenous environment interactions (cross-chain/offchain communication)

Chainlink is the only valid solution for their security requirements.

The kicker is and what this paper is saying, is the oracle problem is inherent to all systems.

>> No.55876356
File: 137 KB, 788x693, Screenshot_20230818-111345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In conclusion, pay up

>> No.55876383

4 year cope. Look at this nerd "YOU CAN'T PROVE THAT A THEOREM- ACK"

>> No.55876404

When they have to fud Swift in order to fud a coin, that coin belongs in the top 3.

>> No.55876519

But why would OP and these posters lie!? What possible reason could they have to purposely mislead people about this cryptocurrency project. This is a real mystery!

>> No.55876568

>dude they need oracles because uhhhhhhh they just do duuuude

>> No.55876574

Checked and here >>55876340 the source material already does. Maybe if you had read it instead of coming here to fud you'd know that. Also it doesnt matter if its SWIFT or BRICS, link connects them all like a jewy middleman finding both sides. You lot may actually be killed for fudding. I dont think those posts are jokes anymore. Were you here for the thread about the dude found in pieces in the toilet? Im glad I'm not taking on the karma of trying to shake people out of an investment and justifying it by claiming I am the one who gets to decide if theyre wortht of their future riches.

>> No.55876575

Let’s check the chart

>> No.55876595

Lispy dude poster is probably on the list, along with phimosis Thomas id imagine, and whoever replies to this post calling it an incel revenge fantasy >:}

>> No.55876607

This is textbook cult intimation speak
>duuude if you don’t join our cult well chop you up into pieces duuuuude

>> No.55876621

Get help seriously you are IN a cult. Don’t drink the koolaid when the time comes

>> No.55876713
File: 90 KB, 1300x351, 878678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gilly boy runs their hotdog stand

>> No.55877439

>ctrl+f "chart" 0 results

not interested

>> No.55877459

>incel revenge fantasy

that's...because it is, and extremely cringe

>> No.55877615

>someone actually read it
Sorry fuddy, but the dudes at the BIS say its necessary

>> No.55877837

Time to ditch the LINK hype and shift focus to projects with real-world impact. Peaq's where it's at, driving that economy of things. Let's get practical anon.

>> No.55877970

>14pbtid all fudding
>ignores the fact that OP article endorses the concept of Chainlink, and isn't even valid fud
How much link do you own?

>> No.55879401
File: 19 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't "also, chart" an appeal to emotion

>> No.55879483

Chart is based in reality baggie