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55873077 No.55873077 [Reply] [Original]

Saylor lost 500 million dollars in one day

>> No.55873088

ee sold? I dont think, unfortunately...

>> No.55873089


>> No.55873118

Value lost is value lost regardless of whether he sells or not. The "not a loss until you sell" meme is retarded. Sure he might make it back, or he might lose even more. It makes no difference.

>> No.55873165
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>bought the top again

>> No.55873221

t. retard that has never invested in his life

>> No.55873266

Are you trolling? If not you need to educate yourself before you make a terrible financial decision.

>> No.55873300

technically, you still have the same number of shares but they are worth much less.
its not a good spot to be in. especially if you're close to a margin call.

or are you implying nothing of this matters? funny way of coping with reality there...

>> No.55873312

Found the dumbest poster on /biz/

>> No.55873314


>> No.55873316
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you don't lose until you sell

>> No.55873328

The real question is whether he can even sell at all. Those 100M whale transactions on twitter aren't really people selling for cash, it's just shifting crypto around. When someone tries to exchange eight figures worth of btc for dollars, they nuke the price to by 30%. Happened with 3AC and Tesla/SpaceX. There really isn't much liquidity in crypto.

So what's Saylor's game plan to sell? Nuke the price 40 times in a row as you sell in $100M increments? Beg Binance to give you some sweet OTC deal, which they absolutely wouldn't?

He really believed $60k BTC was the new normal, in fact he probably thought it was just another launching pad to $100k.

>> No.55873369

Holy shit the state of /biz/.
All assets you hold form your wealth. If the value of those assets drop, your wealth is now lower. You have lost money.
If does not matter what form those assets take or whether you exchange it from one to another. It has consequences for tax calculations and risk of further fluctuations, but that's it. It has no bearing whatsoever on your wealth whether you sell or not after a loss or gain. The only thing that matter is the sum of the purchasing power of all your assets at any given moment in time. And if that sum is lower than it was yesterday, you have lost money, by any logical definition.

>> No.55873397
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>> No.55873425

Doesn’t work like that with unfettered greed and 20x leverage

>> No.55873449


>If I buy bitcoin at $20k, it drops to $10k and later back to $30k this means I have lost 10k


just stop

>> No.55873456

It means you lose $10k and later gained $20k, for a net gain of $10k. Are you being stupid on purpose?

>> No.55873461

The second half of your picture literally proves you wrong you dumb fuck

unless you are literally planning on hitting every entry and exit perfectly, it is true that you dont lose money if you dont sell

>Buy bitcoin at $26k
>It drops back to $25k
>Next week it's at $27k

Now, did you win $1k, or did you lose $1k?

You dumb fuck

please leave and never come back you are ngmi if you think these small changes in price matter

>> No.55873465

Oooh so you do actually understand! Good

>> No.55873473

Listen up, you didn't lose your money, you have your...

Technically you kinda lost your money

>> No.55873484

??? The fuck did you think I was saying?
Good that you at least agree that he has lost money, then.

You're right, the real value of his bag is actually significantly lower than the book value, because he wouldn't be able to sell it all for that book value.
As for his plan: He has none, other than wait for the supposed "hyperbitcoinization" where this ceases to be an issue. He is balls deep all-in and if bitcoin does not rise so much in value and liquidity that his stack can actually be fully sold for a profit, he is bankrupt.

>> No.55873488

No he has not lost money, unless he sells now at a loss.

>> No.55873490

of course. it goes up later, you get it back.

what if youre on leverage?
what about opportunity cost?
what about your mental health?

fucking retard.
if a hedge fund said sent out an e-mail saying "you dont lose if you dont sell" they'd be out of a job the next day.

you guys are just salty because you have no fucking clue about what youre doing so you sit and grip on to coping phrases like this to make you cope with your inadequacy.

>> No.55873495

>what if youre on leverage?

you should never use leverage on crypto, but if you do consider the money already lost

>> No.55873497

Ok, so you are trolling, then. I admit that's a 7/10

>> No.55873548

he has lost though.
the person who lost 20% has lost 20%.
unless he is a mentally ill person who thinks that he is already in the future 2 years afterwards when the price has recovered.

still, even I wouldnt recommend selling after a violent drop since price almost certainly recovers.
if you catch the drop in its' early stages AND you do nothing, you are just putting yourself into a very uncomfortable position. that is all.

this board is a mecca for mediocrity and coping.
there is very little discussion about how to actually make money.
blindly buying shitcoins is not investing, its gambling.
an investor would dollar cost average first of all.
he would have a timeframe over which to allocate capital over more than a year.
most of you dont bother with any of that and later have the nerve to say "you dont lose if you dont sell"
you know what? I hope you sell at the fucking bottom.

>> No.55873571

i'm not saying its easy or anything.
I just doubt the level of adequacy of those who use this phrase.
its the ultimate signal of incompetence

but again, investing or trading is one of the most difficult things you can do so I am not going to blame anyone. its just that this phrase is so fucking corny that its not even funny.

>> No.55873598
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500 million in 2023 is nothing

He lost 13.5 billion in 2001

>> No.55873617

well, there you go

>> No.55873663

you don't lose until you sell, Faggot. It's an opportunity for oldfag like myself to DCA in low caps like KREST, QAN, and DIA.

>> No.55873675
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He's an impression for Normies. I got to focus on owning a fraction of Teslas on Eloop via Polkadot and earning from their daily generated revenue.

>> No.55873693 [DELETED] 

He's a retarded kek who has no idea how the market works. He is unaware that DePINs allow Anons to own and monetize their health data on wearables via Brainstem Health.

>> No.55873782

>You give me $10 today
>Tomorrow I pay you back $10

>you have now lost $10

based retards

>> No.55873787

>>Buy bitcoin at $26k
>>It drops back to $25k
>>Next week it's at $27k

It's just an opportunity to DCA on it as well as fuck in some LTC, SYLO and FOX

>> No.55873794

>he still measures value in USD
1 BTC = 1 BTC

>> No.55873797

kys jeet scammer

>> No.55873816

OP is a woman

>> No.55873821

I wonder what that faggot with 1500 eth who posted here a few weeks ago is doing right now. He's lost almost 300k for wanting to have exposure to eth instead of doing as i asked.

>> No.55873826

>tomorrow is the same as next year.

how about this?
where is my fucking money??
>uh its in a bear market
a what market?
where is my fucking money???
hello?? you speak english?
I said, where is my fucking money???

>> No.55873829


OP is a woman

>short term thinking
>emotional response
>unable to tolerate risk

if you are a male OP, I suggest you chop off your cock and start the transition ASAP
you are a woman

>> No.55873833

another woman
>the future doesn't exist, only now matters
>where is the money TODAY

>> No.55873851

no, i am definitely not a woman,
you on the other hand, are a retard who is too dumb to understand what I am even pointing at.
no one would give you even 5 dollars for you to manage for them.

>> No.55875332

You are right, and I think now is the best time to start buying the dip of promising alts like GLMR, ROSE, and NXRA before BTC starts pumping again

>> No.55875379
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>> No.55875708

Only those that are buying the dip will make it
How much did you lose?

>> No.55875740

>puts a list of multiple cryptos and one shitcoin and thinks we wont notice eventhough he posts it in every thread

kys jeet nigger

>> No.55875767
File: 430 KB, 1021x1785, !dumbjeetbanhimmods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at this fucking retard lmao

you seriously think shilling so obvious goes unnotice?

How much do you actually think you can rug by typing this?

>Wow bro you are totally right about whatever subject this thread is about. Personally I accumulate BTC, ETH and SHITCOIN900 I am very bullish!

wow bro, you mention these succesful coins and also that one shitcoin, wow bro! Im gonna buy your scam now because you put it in the same lists as actual cryptos.

Wow bro this looks so legit

If I ever come across one of you fucking pajeets in real life im gonna beat you to fuckign death, you hear me? to fucking death.

>> No.55875778

also this is just the tip of the iceberg, its full of the same goddamn crypto youtube tier spam comments

im so mad right now im gonna walk outside to cool down

fuck you

>> No.55876138

>he doesn’t understand what realization of investment is
Can’t tell if this is a troll post or you’re just retarded.

>> No.55876180

>he hasn’t lost it if he never sells
>no the value doesn’t have to go back up
>it could go to zero and never go up again and he still hasn’t lost anything if he never sells
crypto traders are a special bunch

>> No.55876192

Yes, IF it goes to zero, but the chance is bigger it goes up in the long term

>what is realized vs unrealized

>> No.55876215

>but the chance is bigger that it goes up
based on what? your opinion?

>> No.55876247

okay so youre actually retarded

>> No.55876274

>line go up forever
>that’s how markets work
>you must be retarded
kek never sell and you’ll never be poor

>> No.55876289

Time in the market beats timing the market

but yeah you are right bro, im sure you have bought every dip and sold every top perfectly

honestly if you think btc dropping from 28k to 26k means you lost your money you are either a retard or are baiting

>> No.55876314

weird how a super crypto trading pro like you isn’t fabulously wealthy yet.

>> No.55876367

because i know its actually impossible, and i bought during the ftx collapse and will hold for a few years until the next bullrun

you know... like most people that arent actual idiots

>> No.55876397

well I’m sure that it will work out just fine for you and you won’t lose every penny you have.

>> No.55876432

>for the 10000th time in the past 10 years, bitcoin is dead this time for real!

>> No.55876483

>look at this retard who doesn’t know that line go up forever
enjoy your first recession in the markets. just kidding, the markets are stock. you’re just gambling

>> No.55876502

>invests money
>is down the next day
>aaaaa quickly sell everything at a loss and never invest ever again!

top kek

>> No.55876541
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When I said people lost interest in bitcoin, it was based on this: BTC Volume is slowly disappearing, down >85% from the peak.

As volume drops, manipulations become easier but, at some point, manipulators will need to exit.

This is how Open Ponzis implode.

>> No.55876544

High IQ grey shirt using everyone as a meat shield

>> No.55876604

>ignores looming recession
>calls it “fud”
>line go up forever

>> No.55877980

You forgot

>bitcoin is digital gold
>crypto is a store of value.

>> No.55877989

Imagine being in an asset that can be tracked and traced during a time of unprecedented government tech control, censorship, and tracing.

>> No.55878486

Now is the time to DCA and I'm sure Saylor would be back in the greens when the bulls return. I'm doing mine on alts like Rpl, Dua and Ldo which earn me passive income in the space.

>> No.55878757

You're wrong anon

>> No.55878777

unrealized loss, unrealized profit
his net worth is $0 by your logic

>> No.55878785

>noooooo you can’t make it work both ways
>it only works one way
>unrealized losses
>line go up

>> No.55878872

I'm with you on Dua anon. It's a low cap token, but since their wallet will be the official one for AllianceBlock, it makes a lot of sense.

>> No.55880686

BTC would definitely have another shot in the next cycle. Chads are already taking advantage of the present price levels to accumulate, while others like Dot, Inj and Krest are also on my radar for future gains.

>> No.55880797


Posts like these are great for getting broke boys to out themselves

> Nah bro it's totally coming back, that is why I dollar cope average

Tell that to your landlord loser

>> No.55880871

What a loser. If you have some billions why gamble? You and your family have made it for generations to come. WHY are humans so
Greedy? Is it really Jews’ influence ? Do jews inspire and manifest the worst in humanity with their Saturn worship ?

>> No.55880889

anon the chatbots are sentient to an extent. They chat about the subjects their programmers have made priority. /biz/ is mostly jew bots at this point because the kikes are too lazy to shill shit themselves these days

>> No.55880891

>How much did you lose?

2x up on KAS
56% down on FET
3x up on QANX
30% down on INJ. Technically, I'm on profit and I see more pump with the upcoming QAN private blockchain lunch.

>> No.55881523

This. Only bagholders say otherwise

>> No.55881540

this thread is being overrun by third worlders

>> No.55881545

It does in fact make a difference

>> No.55882082

Says the ultimate low life. post hands jeet.

>> No.55882116

Owning a fraction of Tesla is based anon. Reminds me of Tesla models in a platform which lets users experience in-car Vr entertainment.

>> No.55882118

This is how foolishly most retarded can act due to the bear. They don't see any good in any project atm until the market bounces back. I'm still buying regardless. I'm looking at Krest and Agix for now. expecting an peaq airdrop just by holding Krest token.

>> No.55882121

>2023 volume higher than 2020
Nice chart fag

>> No.55882126

>All the seethe from this post
Yeah its all jeets and wsb redditors on this god foresaken board now

>> No.55882166

Trust Monero, Railgun, and Firo to give you total control. No tracking.

>> No.55882309

Saylor lost billions the moment he clicked the buy button. I wonder if he'll make it back.