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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 393 KB, 634x2662, 1453311473104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55870975 No.55870975 [Reply] [Original]

Is your life on track?

>> No.55870989

How is that a guide to life?

>> No.55870992

I hate boomers so fucking much

>> No.55871012


>be broke and a debt slave

>> No.55871020

I'm almost 30 and I haven't even passed age 15. I think I'm going to kms.

>> No.55871022

Yea actually. I'm 29, just had my first kid, retired a couple years ago after making a couple million, and now have started my own software business.

>Inb4 seething chuds screech 'NOOOO anyone's who's not a loser is muh LARP'

>> No.55871030

the only thing i can cross off is the full time job, which i first got at the age of 28

>> No.55871042
File: 384 KB, 1080x789, 42-sS5wrsJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>age 30: start earning average wage
>age 37: start earning 40k per year

>> No.55871056

Boomers deserve the rope.

>> No.55871063

This chart is fucking insane. How do you have a wife, 2 kids and buy multiple houses when you aren’t even earning 40k per year? Is this chart from 1957????

>> No.55871065

Not normies, britbongs.

>> No.55871070
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Zoomers don't know how much money was worth back in my day (born in 1984 here).
A nickel would buy you a steak and kidney pie, a cup of coffee, a slice of cheesecake and a newsreel, with enough change left over to ride the trolley from Battery Park to the polo grounds.

>> No.55871077
File: 559 KB, 634x2756, real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Age 15: First kiss
>Age 19: First full time job
I was a year early on this
>Age 20: Pass Driving Test
Done at 18
>Age 21 First Holiday with friends
>Age 22: Buy First car
Bought my car at 19
>Age 22: Move out
I fucking wish
>Age 23: First Holiday with Partner
>Age 23: Be a Best Man
>Age 24: Rent on your own
2k/month for a studio with 1 bed and bath
>Age 25 (You are here): Get Engaged/Rent with Partner
Yeah that's not happening.

>> No.55871191

Even accouting for the fact that this is a britbong chart, that's pretty bad income for a 37 year old. I'm making 63k US dollars plus bonuses at 33 and I feel poor.

Passing drivers test at 20 is pretty late. You can easilly do that before you leave high school. I owned my own car at 19. It was a hand me down. I didn't buy it, but still. I was 15 when I had my first job. Don't remember when I had my first full time job. I had a lot of different part time jobs though.

Was engaged at 30. Don't remember when my first kiss was but my first fuck was at 19. Still living with parents though. Only now starting to think about kids. School was a bitch. Took me a while to get my shit together and graduate uni but I didn't major in something stupid. Hoping to catch up pretty soon. I have a good career. Just starting a little on the late side. I've lived a pretty full life so far. One night stands, vacations, parties, graduated college, etc.

>> No.55871204

>age 37
>start earning 40k
what the fuck?
what's going on in the UK?

>> No.55871259

This, is this chart from 1975 or something?

>> No.55871571

what do you do?

>> No.55871642
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Incredibly lame infographic. Be a nice little conformist consumer and do exactly what "they" tell you to do.

>> No.55871679

Ever heard of the UK, mongoloid?

>> No.55871760

Predatory loan company wants you to know you're missing out on life. Get the loan goy, turn it all around.

>> No.55871770

Most people top out at like $60k in their 50s & 60s while /biz makes six figures working ten minutes a day

>> No.55871810


Was this made by Indians?

>> No.55871819

no wonder Americans are fucked in the head

>> No.55871892

>start earning 40k a year
>Aged 37

>> No.55871990
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>Move out

>> No.55872010

>>age 37: start earning 40k per year
lmao even

>> No.55872717

Sometimes you have to kick your kids out to teach them independence

>> No.55872784

Wait how the fuck are you all so poor? Is this real? In Los Angeles anything below 70k is poverty tier and even 100k barely gets you a dignified life

>> No.55872795
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Is this a scam?

>> No.55872979

>software business
what software do you sell?

>> No.55873197
File: 764 KB, 634x2662, stages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not doing to bad I guess.

>> No.55873209

>full time job at 19
>first holiday with friends at 21
>moving out at 22

This has got to be bait or some weird american shit

>> No.55873215

Its like the "20 year something thats good with money" chart that pisses people off

most people go on holiday with friends when they are 16

also how the fuck are you gonna work full time at 19, this means you graduated college at 18? what the fuck

>> No.55873688
File: 676 KB, 624x2672, Amigoloans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe no ones posted the real anon chart.

>> No.55873692

>40k a year
kek do brits really

>> No.55873699

all that matters is generational wealth before 30
if not, who cares what else you do?

>> No.55873758

Even still, £40k isn't that much any more.
I'm on nearly £90k tc and I'm only 30

>> No.55873902

I'm 21 and have been working full-time since I've been 19. I just never went to college and I don't regret it at all. I wouldn't have any BTC or LINK for the 2025 bullrun if I went to college.

>> No.55873930

lol wtf "start earning 40k" after buying second house being manager at work etc?
Im a bong and I started on 40k, couldnt buy a first house till I was 36 and was on a salary of $80k+ with my wife who is on £90k, and we had two kids before that point whilst renting. But somehow you get to 40k and amigo thinks you made it? 40k is NOTHING in the UK.

>> No.55873938

Imagine the amount of managers if everyone became one at 34. Oh wait, that's why everything is going to shit.

>> No.55873977

I started howling when I saw $40k by age 37 how the fuck are you upgrading from a starter home making 40k per year holy shit are Brits okay?

>> No.55873996

Noteven hiding

>> No.55874003
File: 82 KB, 1080x1080, average age of first kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55874011

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.55874635

don't tell me you couldn't save up for a down payment you white trash retard

>> No.55874805

my favorite part of this edit.
the kids are there for the ages of 28 - 31.
and then they're gone, like they got a job or something.
then mom & dad hit 39 and just wait to die.

>> No.55874821

So based

>> No.55874834
File: 44 KB, 181x186, 6469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only path to homeownership is waiting for the boomers to fucking die off

>> No.55874848

I was confused about why it included renting and flats, then I realized it's the shithole known as the UK

>> No.55874856


Name the company, or you're a LARPing retard.

>> No.55874864

It only gets worse from here

Your recovery will go to shit at 30

>> No.55874881
File: 23 KB, 600x630, IMG_2217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that chart

>> No.55874882

It's almost like this chart was made by a boomer or something idk

>> No.55874922

> Age 35: Start earning 40k a year

Sounds about right

>> No.55874943

>Is your life on track?
life doesn't have a track, my father has the same job he had 40 years ago, he had all his kids by the age of 26 and he had an house at 19, our lives are completely different base on the circumstances of our birth, inheritance, upbringing, place of birth, health and beauty, so many things can affect your outcome... not 2 lives are equal

>> No.55875003
File: 22 KB, 250x250, 1616186100435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>27 years old
>didn't kiss anyone until 17
>didn't have sex (with a girlfriend) until 20
>never went on a holiday with friends
>never been a best man
>sharing a two bedroom apartment with someone else
>not engaged or married
>don't own a property
>will likely never have a child
Earn more than the average wage though, got my driver license early, and did rent on my own previously. I'm sure they will make up for the crippling lack of life experience I have as a 27 year old.

>> No.55875130

I'm about 5-10 years ahead aside from the relationship side of things. I'm making ~$350k at a FAANG remotely living in my house that I built on my rural property. I suppose I haven't been a best man, only a groomsman, and I'm not engaged.

People can shit talk this guide all they want, but I grew up living in a trailer on food stamps. This path is a dream for most.

>> No.55875202

I went to college, and I'm holding those coins while accumulating ROSE, GLMR, NXRA and many other promising alts

>> No.55875218
File: 27 KB, 419x444, 1660336538237595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys bot

>> No.55875226

this is for the 1920s
someone conjure up the hellish one for the 2020s

>> No.55875235

>have kids
at 40 maybe
at 35 got my first gf ever... and the first time I had touched a pussy in a loooong time
chart makes me want to kms lmao

>> No.55875251

How? They give the property to their kids as inheritance and they just become landlords.

>> No.55875260

It's worse. It's guarentor loans. Even more predatory

>> No.55875310

virtual kneepads

>> No.55875311

>37...40k a year
lmao the absolute state of bongland

>> No.55875312

Not buying property cheaply in up and coming areas

>> No.55875325

It's to shill loans to poor people who think 40k is making it

>> No.55875326

>globohomo art
it's VERY recent

>> No.55875384

Kissed at 16. It's over

>> No.55875385

>maximum APR of 49.9%
lmao how is that even legal...the absolute state of bongland

>> No.55875395

Definitely not

My life has been something like
16: Start drinking and going out
Get shit ton of rejection from girls
18: Try pot, start college, to places, get rejected
24: Give up and use hookers
35: I want to kms
38: Unemployed and really wanting to kms

>> No.55875404

I mean it's for people who have such shitty credit no other companies will offer them a loan.
And the suckers they get to agree to be the guarantor...

>> No.55875425

I gave my then gf anal with 15. I already won this game.

>> No.55875437

well...i see they are "no longer lending" ... who knew that giving unpayable loans to people with credit in the dumpster would be unsustainable!

>> No.55875442

>first holiday with partner
So, so fucking sick of this soulless faggot word

>> No.55875454
File: 595 KB, 634x2662, 1692325600096341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just a late bloomer is all yeah that's it

>> No.55875477

The chart doesn't include dying at the end and losing it all

>> No.55875489

a deano made this

>> No.55875686

Only those without common sense will think going to school isn't a good thing, and I see that you have eyes for good alts

>> No.55875705

That image is really pissing me off.

>> No.55875827
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>> No.55875867
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>They give the property to their kids

>> No.55875894

Nigga you need to be making more than 40k at age 37 wtf

>> No.55875935

>Aged 37
>start earning 40k a year
kek I was making twice that at 27
Who made this bullshit chart anyway?

>> No.55876073

My life is almost fully automated now i just sit comfy with blackswan making trades for me while I play vidya and look at apartments to rent in south america

>> No.55876086
File: 121 KB, 640x640, CAF2D6D2-554D-45F1-8044-F6B3E4B6423C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never kissed a girl
>never had a full time job
>dont know how to drive
>never been on a Holiday with friends (dont have any)
>still living in parents basement
>never bought a car
>never been on a Holiday with a Partner because never even had a girlfriend
>never been a best man whatever that is
>never rented
>never got engaged because as I mentioned never even had a gf or sex
>never paid rent with a gf because again,no gf ever
>never got married obviously
>never bought my own flat
>dont have kids because I'm still a virgin
>never bought a first house
>never earned an average wage whatever that means
>never gotten that second child because I was still a KHHV at 31
>never had a brand nee car because still no drivers license and nowhere to drive to anyway
>never became a manager at work because still never had a job at 30+
>dont think about starting a business

I'm turning 36 soon, probably wont move to my "second" house as I'm still living in my parents basement.
how can I catch up? is that even physically possible at all?

>> No.55876098
File: 458 KB, 600x1000, 84257202-97EA-4F17-8AF6-6BB73187C67C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never had a first kiss

>> No.55876107

Prove it, post your trades, you shill

>> No.55876142

I am 26 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.55876163

What do you spend your time doing?

>> No.55876172

Wait for your parents to die and spend your inheritance in Thailand. There are thousands of coomers over there with the same life story having a last ditch attempt at living

>> No.55876201

At least you have a basement to be in

>> No.55876212

>Brings up Americans out of nowhere like clockwork, when this obviously some euroshit chart.
>Pass driving test Age 20
Yea no. Average Americans depending on location pass their driving test at 16/17.
Gonna be exceptions on whether youre poor, live in a city, or autistic or not, but I'd say most Americans are driving in highschool.

>> No.55876224

4chan, playing old videogames, watching youtube, browsing the internet.
thats pretty much it.

>your inheritance
It wont even be enough to buy that ticket

>> No.55876231

My first kiss was from some ginger chick who lived down the street when I was 10. I promise it wasn't special or meaningful

>> No.55876269

Seems like the chart goes into hyperdrive at 27

>> No.55876298

I never had anything like this and I spend my entire life bein lonely

>> No.55876317

At least your parents don’t expect anything from you just curious why you on biz

>> No.55876368

this graphic must be a troll

>> No.55876543

>27yo: "buy" first flat
>29yo: "buy" first house
With (((who's))) money?

>> No.55876589

The only thing I did on that picture is pass the driving test

it's over

>> No.55876592

>They give the property to their kids as inheritance

>> No.55876609
File: 52 KB, 526x529, 1690929609426841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amigoloans .co .uk
>most "milestones" would require taking on debt in order to achieve

>> No.55876694

He thinks that all debt is bad, no matter what...

>> No.55877022

If not American it's British or Aussie, which is essentially the same. No other nation on Earth has such a simple minded approach to life.

>> No.55877365

Was good up to 24, but not getting engaged delays a lot of those big time.

>> No.55877634

Half of this stuff is romance, which nobody here will experience
>lol 40k btw

>> No.55878136

I previously made some money with crypto, nothing life changing but maybe I catch a 1000x and become a millionaire and can buy all the experiences that I missed

>> No.55879050

>expected to take until 35 to become a manager
>can't buy a new car until 32
>also expected to go on a holiday with a significant other by 23 and to buy a house while also having a newborn within a year one each other while also being two years since buying a flat
What a bizarre graph.
What a bizarre graph.

>> No.55879179

> Start earning 40k a year

I was seething at the chart uncontrollably until I saw that point towards the end. Nothing to seethe at, I'm fine.

>> No.55879877

it's a uk chart from 10+ years ago when the pound was strong, the burger equivalent would be like 75k

>> No.55880416

>t. boomer who will be beaten by niggers in the cheapest black-mold-infested retirement home available

>> No.55880469

You can't be independent
You are dependent on customers/someone else all the time
why is it bad if it's your parents?

>> No.55880487

I had my first kiss at like 10, the girls who was the daughter of a friend of my mother initiated it, saying we could pretend it was like in the movies, we made out for about an hour. I remained incredibly naive when it came to women for pretty much my entire childhood and large parts of my adulthood despite never being single for more than a week since I was 16.

Girls would regularly invite me into their homes and their bedrooms as a young teenager and I just never took the hint, at all.

>> No.55880718
File: 753 KB, 936x936, SedFsW9[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. You have all the time in the world then. Get your basic shit in order. Health, exercise, diet, supplments. Learn some proper skills over time you can earn money with online, since that's your safe space. Other than gambling magic internet money or stocks.
Get some shilajit or something to get the ball running.

>> No.55880739

>40k a year

Do Muslims really?

>> No.55880744

your a loser with no life. your not allowed

>> No.55880788

>absolutely nothing happens in your life between 39 and 60


>> No.55881875

Anon, I wouldn't even be on this crypto rollercoaster if it weren't for college, believe it or not. Investing in BTC, RAIL, FET, and PEPE made the difference

>> No.55882915

>how to be a good goyim

>> No.55883031
File: 3.91 MB, 270x263, 1473105916235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life is (like it is)
>on crack

>> No.55883297

Is this a new shitcoin?

>> No.55883318

>be married with kids by 28
>buy 2 houses and a new car while earning less than 40k
Damn this has aged horribly

>> No.55885068

>I've lived a pretty full life so far. One night stands, vacations, parties, graduated college, etc.

Your children will likely get assaulted, raped, killed or enslaved and genocided by nonWhites. Were the parties and sex worth it?

>> No.55886907

Rent your first house by yourself before you rent with your partner?
With what money, it says he becomes a manager like 5 years later

Renting a whole house to yourself in brisbanes like 500-800 a week, if you’re not a manger or have qualification to get a high paying job you’re renting a room in a cuckhouse most likely

6 rooms rented individually and real estate just packing it with whoever as long as they pay rent

WE NEED Living space,

>> No.55887022

>Retire at 60

lmaaooOOOOOOoooOOOoooOOoooo, zoomers are going to be working until 74 minimum

>> No.55887066

Are you okay?

>> No.55887088
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>> No.55887102

How the fuck did it get this fucking bad?

>> No.55887158

Retirement savings are a little behind the curve but otherwise on track at 35. Married, own a house, and household income breaking $500k this year.