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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55867749 No.55867749 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55867796

Ruh roh

>> No.55867805

i thought this was contained months ago

>> No.55867831

What is evergrande

>> No.55867842
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>> No.55867843
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>> No.55867844

It has begun

>> No.55867846

And I told you months ago that it was like lehman bros. The actual happening isn't until half a year later.

>> No.55867849

china's second largest property developer

>> No.55867874
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What happens if ching chongs collapse?

>> No.55867885

Evergrande is one of the top 5 largest real estate developer in China (maybe the 2nd largest). Since its founding it has ventured into many other businesses like sports and until recently bottled water.

Evergrande is so tied into the financial markets in china that it's collapse equals the collapse of enron / lehman brothers in 2008

>> No.55867994

My job that is highly related to big companies fired off a shitload of people at the beginning of the year and these weeks they were talking about things going better and hiring again.

I thought recession and bad times was over bros what happened

>> No.55868028

New Ariana Grande tour.

>> No.55868035

Mommy I’m scared

>> No.55868052

>2 weeks
>it finally happened

>> No.55868104

why is it always the Chinese that crash it one last time before the bullrun
not that I'm complaining

>> No.55868135

If ccp can see that the population is dropping why would they keep building houses?

>> No.55868182

houses are fun

>> No.55868195

>US Bankruptcy protection
I don't understand finance. Is this like trying to flee the country so the communists don't kill them?

>> No.55868220

Investment vehicle speculation kind of thing.

>> No.55868326

Communists aren't even human so don't expect logic and reason from them

>> No.55868327

It's not the CCP, it's average chinks who are sick of currency manipulation, looking to hold onto any asset. There are entire empty cities built that no one loves in so the average chink can dump their life savings into something that isn't even faker and gayer than the dollar. It's very cyberpunk.

All of the third world is similar to this, where they would prefer the dollar over the inflated shit they have. We don't suffer like they do. But that will change.

>> No.55868488

mommy is scared too

>> No.55868530

So what are the cascading effects gonna be?

>> No.55868593

Massive pussy market deflation, a rape correction has been in the making for a long time

>> No.55868617

based. it means they want to default to some hook nose money lenders

>> No.55868629

or the collapse of occultrock in usa for 2024

>> No.55868637
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Ummm Xi bros?!

>> No.55868651

Evergrande has defaulted 3 times now

>> No.55868671
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>There are entire empty cities built that no one loves in
There are full cities as well that no one loves in

>> No.55868686

This is bullish news anons

>> No.55868708

kukuku... time to eat ze bugs

>> No.55868767

>(jade gao afp)
don't post hook nose media. post loud and proud Caucasians

>> No.55868785

that means they didn't pay back hook noses 3 times which is based

>> No.55868791

We will see Xi's head on a pike in our lifetime


>> No.55868885

Country Garden literally this week bro

>> No.55868905

>Evergrande is so tied into the financial markets in china that it's collapse equals the collapse of enron / lehman brothers in 2008
Michael Burry tweeted recently about finding this cycle's Enron. Maybe this is it.

>> No.55868918

Nothing is ever really contained

>> No.55868940

To prop up their GDP?

>> No.55868964
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>> No.55868970

Muh shibe is going back up though

>> No.55868990

That would be tomorrow

>> No.55868989

Also have another madoff happening right now too

>> No.55868992


>> No.55869034

But they're lying about their GDP anyway...

>> No.55869065


>> No.55869073

Yeah by building houses nobody wants to live in, on the cusp of a demographics collapse no less

>> No.55869096

Because it's the only "safe" investment in China. That's why they would build ghost cities. People who don't even live there would buy an empty apartment because they would always go up in value. Serpentenza did a video covering this

>> No.55869105

Anon Chinese men are lonely because of fucked male to female demographics on the mainland, you know what you must do.

>> No.55869112

>Chink economy collapses
>Shilling on 4chan instantly goes to zero
What are the chances?

>> No.55869126

The /int/ shilling will cease

>> No.55869164

Imagine being a white dumbass talking about chinese "demographic collapse"
when you literally can't even find a straight normal white person in a major city anymore

>> No.55869166
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>thing is built
>nobody even uses thing by design
>people invest their life savings, a few organs, and their child in said thing to get more meme money
>there are unironically legions of people who genuinely believe this retarded, doomed to fail system shouldn’t be burned to ashes

>> No.55869174

I'm glad this shit is finally going to explode. I'm tired of seeing so many filthy chink projects in Skyscrapercity and other architecture forums, I'm hoping I can finally only see aryan building threads in there.

>> No.55869185


Its also the only "safe" investment in USA as well. :)

>> No.55869213


Its just beginning anon. Housing market hasn't crash yet. Especially the USA one. Once that happen. Look out below!

>> No.55869224

Kek in all fairness it's a lot of chinks' only option. I guess a rich chink could buy a property in Canada or something

>> No.55869228


Probably blackrock will collapse next year. Get ready anon. Get ready. Its over.

>> No.55869283

US is not an ethnostate and im not some racist minority

>> No.55869339
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>2 weeks is up tomorrow

>> No.55869511

There's a word for that here in America: it's called Cincinnati.

>> No.55869524

yeah but nothing will happen lol

>> No.55869527

A house in Cincinnati is 10k though not 500k

>> No.55869557

Kek fpbp

>> No.55869566

They want to avoid people suing them in US courts for over seas assets.

>> No.55869567

>There are full cities as well that no one loves in
Nema ljubavi u centru grada, ali ima cevapa...

>> No.55869596

If I were a patriotic judge, I would deny all their bankruptcy claims kek

>> No.55869601

Two weeks bros, I kneel

>> No.55869692

I saw you in the other thread too.
I don't get what you think the value is in your whataboutism.
I'm assuming that you think this is about just shitting on your home country, but don't worry, Chang. We're aware of and discuss western collapse as well.
I'm in Australia for example. I think the stats are 1 in 3 'citizens' under 25 were not born here. Artificial population growth to maintain housing prices.

But that doesn't change your situation. Quality of life /cost of living has gotten bad enough that your population is shrinking. I personally am entirely for natural population correction, nations shouldn't function like tumours. But it does mean significant financial collapse, because those systems are fake and gay and require constant growth.

>> No.55869732

I love you man. Can i add you on disc? I promise i will send you a pm everyday.

>> No.55869744

I used to live in an inner city apartment in Australia. 35 story 'luxury' building. They built it after selling 60% off the plan to Chinese investors. Even after the whole place was built and everything bought, at least half the building was empty most of the time. Their collapse could correct (crash) housing here, but I expect it won't extend out to anywhere I want to live, just the city and the closest most expensive suburbs

>> No.55869945

this will be bidens excuse for his shit economy
hopefully trump will call him out on it

>> No.55869954

Bros how can chinks file for bankruptcy in our country??

>> No.55869958

That's sweet but no thx man, a (You) a day keeps the gay away

>> No.55870012
File: 3.05 MB, 360x640, How Much I Spend In A Day Working On A Cruise Shiip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yellen announces unlmited bailouts
>Evergrande files for US bankruptcy protection

>> No.55870501

>tether 0/0


>> No.55870514

Finally. This company took... what... two years to go bankrupt?

>> No.55870540

The world economy. It falling means Great Depression 2.0

>> No.55870573

Gold and silver bros.... we made it

>> No.55870596

A meme from 2020. Kind of like gamestop and XRP.

>> No.55870608


Is it really the next Enron when the entire country is closed to audits?

>> No.55870650

didnt this happen already?

>> No.55870688


Nothing is gonna happen, like nothing happened last time with Evergrande. Everyone was screaming crash, but the everything went back to normal.

>> No.55870694

What is the effect of this outside of china?

>> No.55870726

you will see, in fourteen days.

>> No.55870730
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holy based and checked finally this is where it all begins the nukes start falling all of the happenings begin this is it kekistanis shadilay!

>> No.55870761

Saw from videos of Chinese flooding and their trashed rice fields fields were full of locusts. They might literally have to eat ze bugs, lel.

>> No.55870780
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It's over

>> No.55870790

Is California going to collapse?

>> No.55870858

But the Reds might make the playoffs this year

>> No.55870879
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The expert market analyst has spoken.

>> No.55870904


why would it? Would the us housing market in general collapse? Doubt it.

>> No.55870925


2 more weeks

>> No.55870926
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Free money from investments because "le real estate always grows in the end!"

That's how the entire country of China invests their savings for retirement.

We're about to see what happens when 1/7th of the world loses their life savings

>> No.55871045

Housing market is starting to crack and it's going to be much worse.

>> No.55871057
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It's been 2 years nigger. It's been priced in. Every US ban/hedgefund already got out in 2022.

>> No.55871081


Now? I mean sure it will happen. 2 more years obviously.

>> No.55871107

Well it's stagnant already because sales dropped not sure how many percent and with economy being a total crap on government life support many people that have mortgage payments will have to give up on chasing the American dream meme.

>> No.55871129
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>Real estate bubble making some Chinese cities among the most expensive to live in on Earth even ahead of places like Tokyo and New York
>People invested their entire life savings into this bubble
>Government projects and individual investments funded almost entirely by debt, to the point that debt is over 300% of GDP and still growing
>Higher than almost any developed nation but China's about on-par with Mexico in most metrics
>Population starting to rapidly decline as people have less kids due to how expensive it is to raise them in their ultra-high-cost cities
>Worse than anyone expected, literally 10 years ahead of schedule and already below the UN's low-birthrate forecast that it had for the country 10 years ago
>Declining population in a country that necessitates its wealth growth by generating real estate speculation via a mountain of debt
>Real estate bubble finally starting to pop, causing the one asset people bet their whole lives on with that huge debt to rapidly depreciate, with less internal mechanisms to drive prices back up because of how inflated prices already were and the fact the population seems to now be stuck in terminal decline
>And the population isn't just declining, it's rapidly aging with nearly 40% of China's population expected to be over 65 by 2050 using the UN's MEDIUM birthrate projection, if birthrates continue to remain this low estimates are easily above 50%
>By the way China has the highest infertility rate in the world at nearly a 5th of their population and rapidly rising
You people don't even KNOW how bad things are about to get for China

>> No.55871207
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On the bright side this may mean less pollution and overfishing.

>> No.55871211

Mexi Chad (5 BTC currently holder) do Asian women like Hispanics? I can fix their population crisis pretty fucking easily. Financially speaking of course.

t. Hyperspermia, loads are about 20mL.

>> No.55871349

Don't infect the gene pool with kids that will look like brown chuds with Asian eyes

>> No.55871396

They're called Filipinos, ok?

>> No.55871477
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Me Chinese me pray joke me put peepee in your, residential housing market, U.S. agricultural and food producing industry, and U.S. government backed debt securities Coke. Crashing the world economy and equity markets with no survivors.

>> No.55871514
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Man i just wanna sell hotdogs

>> No.55871531

youd think people would listen to those who are going through it, wouldn't you? but i guess race baiting is more important to you, you fucking faggot

>> No.55871556

shit, looks like it might go up, or it might go down. thanks for sharing

>> No.55871581

china selling off US debt and foreign exchange reserves to try and keep its economy solvent

so they will call in debts they are owed from other countries and foreign companies, who are also all broke/overleveraged, and this is how it will Ripple outwards potentially causing a "Liquidity Event" or "Credit Crunch." one way some people are hedging against this is by diversifXRPing into alternative asset classes like neutral bridge assets designed to be very liquid

>> No.55871595

>3 TRILLION (plus derivatives lol)
chinese local and state government/bank debt is the real time bomb though.
and of course don't forget all those loans they made to countries in SEA, Africa, S America, Europe, central asia...

>> No.55871616

do you think she has ever accepted money in exchange for sex

>> No.55871621

Whites don’t even know they’re going extinct tho.

>> No.55871631
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The reason why hapa capitalism mixed with communist is a retarded proven and tried stupidity like the demented mutt mix whites and chinks make.

>Let's play with capitalist concept but government controls everything and we never ever let the market correct itself

>What do you mean everything is 1000% more inefficient and filled to the wrim with stupidity, cheats and lies?

>We was wall Street emperors and shit

>> No.55871650
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Oh no Bitcoinbros, I'm sure this Chink real estate Ponzi scheme will collapse the Bitcoin network...


BTChads, we're so fucking going to a million bucks.

>> No.55871683
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As an old fag who never understood bit coin until it was explained to me like I was a 5 year old nigglet with down syndrome I regret not buying and holding all the coins I could on 2013 even they were like 3 bucks a coin.
Imagine buying 10 worth back then and holding them until the next year when the US government and the dollar collapse and they shoot up to a million dollars a coin cuz no one wants confetti dollars or hollowed chink coins

>> No.55871741

yes, they do. most of them celebrate it, some even actively contribute. others are watching in horror and trying to convince people to learn something so it wasn't all for nothing.

>> No.55871773

Anyone that records themselves that much on their phone has sold their soul to satan

>> No.55871856

Inflates their gdp numbers.

>> No.55871860

made me kek

>> No.55871879

good. fuck insects.

>> No.55872202


>he actually believes this couldn't happen in 'pure' capitalism

>> No.55872211


Someone has to take the loss and then we see a chain reaction.

>> No.55872228

nothing, money isnt real. They still have guns and shit.

>> No.55872275

Hey man my parents live in Cincinnat-

Oh fuck you're right.

>> No.55872322

>Evergrande collapses
>middle class in China becomes lower class overnight
>threats of mass revolt from disenfranchized masses
>China invades Taiwan
>drafts all of the angry men before they can act against the government
>send them all to die in the Pacific
>CCP stays on top until a peace settlement is reached
Meanwhile I fuck hot chink wammen with my BWC on EZ mode.

>> No.55872369

Since when did the China flag have a pause button on it? Timeline switch again?

>> No.55872403

Chinese government will have to restructure again and channel funds into it. The renminbi will further devalue and they could have horrible stagflation.
Yeah it’s part of the reason the cop dumped their shit coins and sold billions of usd

>> No.55872417

USD denominated debt deeded
They sold to us companies and thus regulated

>> No.55872518

It's a clear example why China isn't ready to be the superpower they could be yet.
They have a few massive developed cities and a government that is doing all it can to steer it's retarded population but most of them are still rural retards at heart, and they're buying up properties they know are useless and fake (those are the videos you see of cardboard skyscrapers and shit) just so the family can say their eldest son "owns 5 properties" to make him more elegible to be married to some random girl.

>> No.55872782

>They sold to us companies
Well actually the Chinese buy up fuck tons of USD denominated Chinese bonds as they don't trust Chinese regulators.

>> No.55872811

Jump ship as long as you can, after 22. of August, the world will not be the same.

>> No.55872820

This. If you haven't been learning Chinese for a few years already, oh boy, I got something to tell ya...

>> No.55872822
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>>Higher than almost any developed nation but China's about on-par with Mexico in most metrics
...Invest in Mexico as the next China?

>> No.55872845

Nice. Let's hope this gay planet gets nuked

>> No.55872917

weeks in fact

>> No.55873057
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look up chinese ghost cities

>> No.55873066
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and then they blow them up lmao

>> No.55873108

What is it with the two weeks thing?

>> No.55873158
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>> No.55873333

It's more like a fortnight

>> No.55873387

we'll tell you in two weeks

>> No.55873558

Add to this the deflationary environment resulting from lack of foreign demand for Chinese goods because Western economies are also in the shitter.
Xi might just invade Taiwan to spin up a war economy. Not like the army will be in a better position 50 years from now, if population trends are any indication: may as well strike while the iron is hot.
Going to be an interesting few decades in geopolitics, lads.

>> No.55873567

actually incredibly based
>build big buildings
>blow them up
>enjoy the spectacle
>revolutionize the firework game once again
CCP chads can't stop winning

>> No.55873607

It's over for chinknigs

>> No.55873615


>> No.55873628

Look at that forehead. No wonder she shows off her stomach to distract men.

>> No.55873644

I 100% believe China will be a rural dump soon. Their manufacturing area is going to decline as it's out sourced to other nations. The wealthy will be fine as they can still own the profits but most of China will revert to a rural rice farming country again.

>> No.55873763
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were the ghosts still inside?

>> No.55873813

2 more weeks

>> No.55873899

It’s also CCP (or at least the party system), because the local authorities handing (read:selling) out the permits could then report to the higher ups saying their community’s income grew by xxx Yen (or whatever the fuck their currency is).

>> No.55873921

It'll be cheap again. Would be nice if their shit hole economy would go down so much people would revolt and end the party. Then we could see the China and Taiwan reunite. Although by now Taiwan will probably just stay independent even if China was to democratize.

In any event, we import more than export from China, and investors have been avoiding China like the plague. It would probably be bad for Europe since China imports a lot of luxury goods from them as they don't know how to do anything else other than creating pompous shit

>> No.55873943
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>I quit my job yesterday to commit full time on my own business

>> No.55874017

We're already past 2 more weeks and your meme-addled brain is stuck repeating that.

>> No.55874146

>1 pbtid

>> No.55874163

>cant' even do demolitions right

>> No.55874250

china.... did..... 9/11??

>> No.55876016

Uh oh…

>> No.55876058

Eliminate Russia, China and India and 4chan instantly becomes a paradise for intellectual discussions.

>> No.55876079

Hyperspermia chads are GMI. Med/German hairy mutant here, look like Borat's assistant but squarejawed 6'2" and fit. Back/shoulder hair chads will rule the earth let's fucking go mexibro

>> No.55876106

>Back/shoulder hair chads
That's usually a bad sign for your hairline bro.

>> No.55876170

Clean it up jannies

>> No.55876211

Its fine at 26, hardly different from 18, but I'll go Mr clean if I have to its nbd. I would groom the rest too obviously otherwise that would look funny. The hyperspermia is also a good economic fallback.