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55859962 No.55859962 [Reply] [Original]

clown world started with fucking bat flu

>> No.55859986

it started with 9/11 you just didnt know it yet

>> No.55860003

It started with sinking Titanic but you're too young to understand the implications.

>> No.55860022

You are a dumb latinx spicnigger

>> No.55860049

Clown world ends with the bat dog.

>> No.55860059

>He doesnt remember tulip mania

holy newfags

>> No.55860065

The world has always been fucked but the current clown world flavor got started with gamergate and went mainstream with trannies in women’s bathroom laws. Both of these trace to feminism, of course, because how do you get total clown world? You listen to women.

>> No.55860066
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It started with women voting

>> No.55860079

Remember all those videos from China with bodies wrapped in sheets lining the streets and apartment doors being welded shut heh that was crazy

>> No.55860082

>he doesn't know it all started with Hadrian

Holy newfag

>> No.55860084

>3rd world country does 3rd world things


>> No.55861060


>> No.55861078

2000(new century) is when they started to transition into what it is now

they actually started with Y2k(millennium bug) to see what they could get away with.. it worked obviously

>> No.55861107

>he doesn't know it all started with Romulus
ITT: Newfags calling newfags newfags

>> No.55861115

>wrapping bodies in nice linen and using electricity to fuse metal is third world shit
In 2021 they had about an order of magnitude more electric eyes than in all of America. If they were banging rocks together I could look past animalistic behaviour. They should know better, don't give them the third world excuse because they aren't.

>> No.55861176
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Clown world unironically started with Anita Sarkesian, sometime in 2009-10ish. Clown world reached mainstream with Gamer Gate.

>> No.55861211

It started when the jews popped up, full stop

>> No.55861234

>in reality he doesn't know it actually started with the Cro-magnon not fully removing Neanderthals

>> No.55861258

it started when people actually told you with a straight face browns are equal to humans

>> No.55861701

>he doesn't know it started with Theia
Fucking sheep

>> No.55861712

Yup. Covid was designed to slow the economy

>> No.55861732

It started with the creation of the Central banking slave system in London snd Federal Reserve in burger land...but it picked up during WW2, and again in vietnam, and then big time on 9/11 and hyper moder during the gook nigger flu...because they realize theyve kicked the debt can about as far as they can print it and they gotta figure something else out asap: Enter CBDC

>> No.55861862

I've been on board with the world wars and modern warfare being all a ruse. I've been long aware of the Gulf of Tonkin. But I've never known why.
Middle East is easy - resources and money. World Wars is easy - control.
I haven't figured out that useless war unless it was just about shipping drugs back in coffins

>> No.55862005

In /cvg/ in January 2020 we were literally cheering for Corona-chan to end clown world.

>> No.55862352

washinton, oregon and california seem to be democrat stronghold

>> No.55862480

Clown world really accelerated in 2016. Trump broke the left. Unfortunately he also broke the right. Yeah there were retards before 2016 pushing dumb shit, but 2016 is when we got this weird culture war and he absolutely broke every single person in politics. I was kind of surprised how hard Republicans have worked under Biden to make sure everything sucks for everybody except boomers and Israel. Many such cases.

>> No.55863026
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>he thinks clown world started with fucking bat flu

>> No.55863127


It started in 1865