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File: 12 KB, 512x148, shibarium-fucked-up-2023-08-16_19-32-18-Fw58eThAPmgDHlInKyOXMAEm7IbTCARcPQfcODQqScMmgS2SLJKAUvZx40SMicPGmE34AIsmGZtFCNZWE2NfT6RdUM9CXsg11HshjpKFCOjsMeksIUMeW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55857620 No.55857620 [Reply] [Original]

This isn't good, is it?

>> No.55857661

Without context I have no idea what you’re talking about.

>> No.55857668
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>> No.55857689

Fuck fuck FUCK

>> No.55857691
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>> No.55857716

It’s Joever for SHIB. Bummer.

>> No.55857736
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>> No.55857737
File: 109 KB, 744x1198, SHIBARIUM Bridge FUCKED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shibarium. It's completely fucked.


>> No.55857754
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>> No.55857781


>> No.55857784
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>> No.55857790
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So shibarium turned out to be radioactive?

>> No.55857806


>> No.55857811

Lying! you get hit for lying. Get the buzz or the burning...

>> No.55857817
File: 74 KB, 735x991, Shibarium 954 ETH and counting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you poor fucks........

All that ETH is completely irrecoverable, there is no way to withdraw from the contract

>> No.55857820

kek sorry shibaggies.

>> No.55857825

more like never trust unstable pajeet autists like shytoshi who gave all the red flags ever.

>> No.55857830

This can't be real. Lmao.

>> No.55857832
File: 121 KB, 738x940, how to bridge back from shibarium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very important read

>> No.55857844

oh no who could've possibly known that a bridge called SHIBARIUM won't work omg what a shock

>> No.55857851

Jfc the ego of this retard.

>> No.55857856

This is what happens when tards that got lucky with a three token system try launching their own stuff -REKD
Their chain isn't even syncing... did they like, not test it at all???

>> No.55857870

Kek malding shibaggie get the fuck off my board.

>> No.55857878

Guys can we just calm down for a second? This will be resolved, just have faith in Shytoshi he got this!

>> No.55857880

literal shitchains made by small teams of 7 people have had more stability than this shit, and all Shytoshi had to do was fork an OP stack, then everything would've been alright.


>> No.55857890

They built a bridge, people bridged tons of ETH over. That ETH can now never be bridged back. Slightly bullish for ETH in the sense that ETH can never be sold.

Very bearish for SHIB, because they have proven they are completely incompetent. Trust completely eroded and probably takes them months to relaunch at best.

I would expect SHIB to fall to prices below pre-shibarium hype. Another 20% to 30% down from here would be a place to maybe start trying to bid. Probably goes down further though.

>> No.55857922
File: 334 KB, 1500x1197, 1621296439664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the contract. There is no way to bridge out. And the chain died. They're going to have to restart everything now from L2 genesis.

New contract will need to be deployed. Contracts are immutable (unless you intentionally allow proxy upgrades or admin selfdestruct, which defeats the purpose if you want a decentralized trustless bridge contract). All the ETH in the current contract is locked forever.

>> No.55857931

why can't they get the ETH back? even if the shib chain never works cant the bridge validators, or whoever controls it, just take the ETH and and.sent it back?

>> No.55857948

so it was a one way thing? that's not a bridge... its like a proof of burn token... but they can just credit the bridgers in the new chain I don't get how it would be stuck.

>> No.55857959

This is the biggest LARP thread on the board. Congratulations, I'm sure you got at least one tard to sell.

>> No.55857973
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 1577553926006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not how it works. You need the L2 proof to withdraw, that's why it's a bridge. There are no "validators" or "controllers" of the ETH in that contract, it's all immutable solidity code.

The merkel tree root is fucked now because of the dead chain, they are going to have to restart and generate a new tree (and new bridge contract with that root).

Not a one-way thing as long as the chain is successfully sequencing. But NOW there is no way to bridge out, because the chain died.

>> No.55857983

That would be me.

>> No.55857987
File: 62 KB, 900x900, feeling breddy comfy bizbros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my problem. already got all my original investment out when it mooned and then some. i knew some fuckshit was going to happen because it pumped too fast and hard. whatever's left on the exchange can go to zero, don't care. if it moons again, i'll just sell more

>> No.55857992


>> No.55857996
File: 53 KB, 730x517, shibarium2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

? Literally look it up yourself, or ask anyone who put money in. People are screaming at them on twitter/telegram

>> No.55858012

Lmao what a calamity. I had a feeling this shit was a joke, Shib fags going into hiding.

>> No.55858027

Should have used CCIP.

>> No.55858033

I don't see any links regarding shibarium failing or the bridge lost eth.

mods should delete and ban

>> No.55858046

I’m talking about fagtoshi, you nigger.

>> No.55858054

Oh no shibaggies, I told y'all idiots to sell when you still had a chance for almost three years now.

>> No.55858060

Imagine listening to some literal who swede cuck on twitter. I don't listen to "people" who post from a cuck shed.

>> No.55858069

He's an American of Swedish descent, he'd spell it Svensson otherwise

>> No.55858111

Sorry anon. Imagine listing to some literal who amerifat swede cuck on twitter. I don't listen to fat "people" who post from a cuck shed.

>> No.55858119

Wow a random chat log that could be anyone. This is the proof I was looking for. Just sold 100k.

>> No.55858124


>> No.55858129

No worries.

>> No.55858132
File: 8 KB, 250x250, imgres(4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, memecoins sold on hype and snake oil turn out to be dogshit.
Leave it to the pros, next time?

>> No.55858140

ok. except everyone on twtr/dscd/tlgm is saying the same.

go ahead, put some ETH or BONE in. Then withdraw it. Tell us how it goes.

>> No.55858159
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>> No.55858161

There's a lot of misinformation around but it's true that Shibarium is completely fucked, I deployed a contract and it won't even read, and a lot of people haven't received their $BONE either.

>> No.55858169

Why the fuck would I withdraw? Are you retarded? Ask yourself this, do you believe these people spent money just to bridge, just so they could bridge back? They either:
>are lying
>have no idea how to use a bridge
>are retarded
Probably all three because they are retarded twitter users.

>> No.55858183


>> No.55858187

i bought 1 million SHIB for $17 a while back. Am I rich yet or have I lost everything? $17.

>> No.55858196

I appreciate your shibaggie LARP act anon, god bless

>> No.55858206

I don't own shib but I know for a fact this is a LARP thread because its entirely based on tweets from literal whos.

>> No.55858210

KEK, keep at it brother

>> No.55858215

I bought a billion for $22 around when it started getting popular. I'm happy with my investment. More than I ever made on Bitcoin.

>> No.55858216
File: 57 KB, 1271x999, kmXkweU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd rather listen to this https://youtu.be/_9ZOL9ikd4M

>> No.55858222

It's going to zero, so you'll have lost everything soon enough.

>> No.55858240
File: 42 KB, 492x647, 1675811351838938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contract is right here buddy.

No exit/withdraw transactions.

Go ahead, show me your next goalpost

>> No.55858253

You have to be a complete fucking maniac to send your crypto around in the first hours of one of these launches.
>milady avatar
that person is trolling though lol

>> No.55858259

well damn. Those $17 could have bought a number 7 combo at McDonalds drive thru (two cheeseburgers). Now I have nothing.

>> No.55858282

naive motherfuckers have no idea the major fuckup that's happening literally right now, I bet you've never used DEFI either.

>> No.55858284

Bro what kind of cope is this? Did you read the pics I posted? Bridge dead, chain not even syncing properly. It. Is. DOA.

>> No.55858288

Hello sirs how to redeem the bridge?

>> No.55858289

>Kek bridges
Ffs, most of the biggest 'hacks' have been bridges.
Why would anyone send any significant money into a bridge in the opening hours....

>> No.55858295

Your memecoin from last cycle is never going back above 10B bro just accept it

>> No.55858308

So should I sell my toad while I still have a 2x

>> No.55858320

>Bridged ETH to PulseChain first 30 mins of their bridge launch
>Took a day to bridge it through but all my funds secured
No anon you just have to pick not-trash finished products from people who test shit.

>> No.55858326

Those two cheeseburgers would've been very delicious. You missed out due to falling for the shibaggie ponzi scheme.
Never expect a shibaggie to be anything but delusional. They think a coin with so much supply and so much marketcap has any chance in hell to do a x100 from here. This is why they will remain poor.

>> No.55858342

How am I supossed to make any fucking money in this god damn shit for fucking brains market. These stupid fuckss can't even get an L2 right???? This shit might actually be dead bros

>> No.55858357

actually retarded ass SHIB failing hard is bullish for the market. stupid shit ass meme fuck

>> No.55858362


>> No.55858371
File: 32 KB, 200x200, imgres(3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all on Base and AAVE holding stablecoin liquidity for dear life.

>> No.55858372

trade shitcoins on ETH and the first week of new chains.

>> No.55858386

They haven't even figured it out yet on twitter or reddit. Right now they are asking why the price is going down after the "shibarium" launch. They dont even realize that for one its a sell the news event, and two that the whole thing is fucking borked. Wait for the post mortem where maybe a few of them realize shytoshi is a grifting nigger. Maybe a deranged shibbaggie will find him and do the world a favor by putting his head on a pike.

>> No.55858394

1. Where's the shytoshi post from?
2. toads about to get absolutely nuked even more isn't it?

>> No.55858404


Where is the actual twitter link?

>> No.55858406

its fake, who would write that?

>> No.55858436

The post is fake yes, but the fuckup is real, Shibarium launched and the chain is completely non functional, blocks aren't processing and millions of dollars have been getting burned at the Shibarium bridge.

It's just completely dead now, and it has been like this for hours, shytoshi is a fucking unstable schizo.

>> No.55858492

the fact that they SHUT DOWN the shibarium tech tg channel chat makes me wonder if this fud is real. I thought they just did it because of people whining about shitty price action.

>> No.55858546

Nope, they did it because Shib is a scam. I sleep comfortably knowing shibaggies get what they deserve.

>> No.55858573

It will take time, just chill and take some air up'ere okay?

>> No.55858666
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>> No.55858688

Thanks for playing chump!

>> No.55858693


>> No.55858697

Devil confirms Shib is dead. Shibagholders stuck in hell.

>> No.55858700
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>> No.55858708

Steady lads, deploying more capital! We got this shib army! Shib army strong. Don’t feed the trolls! Sure we lost that first 1k eth, but just dca and pretty soon we’ll be back shib army bros! It’s about community, not making a quick buck.

>> No.55858745

There are opportunities, but bear market so longterm product market fit or groundfloor memecoin moon mission are your only options.

>> No.55858759

how about You show the entire chat huh?

>> No.55858763

Pulled off of gigachad yourfriendsommi

>> No.55858789

this was the lamest larp ever, I pity you, like million pity

>> No.55858790
File: 109 KB, 750x1000, 01c5ca27c6,front,tall_portrait,750x1000.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's too much shib. shit needs to be burned anyway. millions of transactions. thanks for playing. you're loss is your gain, our gain

>> No.55858811

Explain to me why Vitalik won't fork the chain to fix this like he did for the DAO hack?

>> No.55858831

Why do you idiots actually transfer your coins to different places? Worst I've done is transfer eth to a metamask extension or use coinbase wallet. Why on earth would you take your 1 million eth and send it to a dogsite? Just because you can?

>> No.55858851

This is some next level cope. Seems like their bagholders are so retarded they don't even understand what is occuring.
I'll try to speak to you like you have downs.
The money went in the fire, but it cannot come back out because it is burned.
There is no fancy magic you can use to unburn the money, the technology for that simply does not exist. This is just rules that control our physical realm much in the same way solidity controls this moneys digital realm.

>> No.55858885

The shibarium chain is frozen. That doesn't mean the bridge contract is broken. If new blocks aren't being made on shibarium then how do you expect the bridge to function currently? Bridge is both ways and only the eth side is functioning at the moment.

>> No.55858898

Shib got mogged by d0b0 today

>> No.55858902

Except it's ETH and BONE that's getting burned retard, and everyone was selling their SHIB for BONE in order to participate in Shibarium degen.

It's already FUBAR.

>> No.55858922

How it went down

>> No.55858924

If the chain has to regenesis then the merkle root (for posting cryptographic L2 proofs) will be different, and that is hardcoded into the contract. You can't just start the chain over and all is good, it would require a new deposit contract too. The current deposit contract is fucked.

>> No.55858923

im pretty sure he will, i got all my ETH stuck so i really hope so

>> No.55858926

and why do you fucking care, go on with your life

>> No.55858939

why would you put all your ether? that just sounds like a lie

>> No.55858940
File: 6 KB, 250x211, 1680820337019805s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've finally figured out the mystery behind all the whales accumulating Shib in mass:
> They ALL know who Shytoshi is in real life, as well as Ryoshi. They all collaborated together to buy in mass to bring in the foolish normie masses to further prop up their bags. Thing is, they ALL knew that Shibarium would be the final hype catalyst/exit pump to lure in more normies. They ALL knew Shibarium would be a total flop, this was all a grand conspiracy amongst Shytoshi + all the whales. This is perhaps the single biggest heist ever in the history of crypto. Perhaps even bigger than FTX (ok, maybe not THAT big but you get the point - I wouldn't be surprised if SBF knows the Shib inner circle in real life himself). They basically setup this fake Shibarium bridge to steal every normies' Eth. Hence the ultimate heist.

So there you go. You all should've accumulated more Eth the entire time instead of following the false hope of Shibarium being the scaling solution for Eth.

>> No.55858951

You would need to regenesis the chain.
I tried the downs method and it still did not work.
Either way I came in here to popcorn, enjoy the ride down.

>> No.55858955

>Latinx spic
Kill yourself. That being said, SHIBBAGHOLDERS will continue to SHIBBAGHOLD.

>> No.55858963
File: 167 KB, 1024x920, clean_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He thought he was going to get rich by investing in a product called "Shibarium"...

>> No.55858974

people are saying they're seeing action on the shibarium block chain now, but it took like 3 hours to bridge.

>> No.55858982

DeFi literally makes the most money in crypto, you've either been living under a rock or underwater from holding too much LINK. Multiple chains have launched and they've all made good money for the degens.

>> No.55858991

No, it just needs to catch-up on pending transactions once the freeze is resolved.

>> No.55858997

He won't lmao, ETH is too big nowadays for shit like that. Anything goes in DeFi, if you're fucked you're fucked.

>> No.55859005

are you getting your SHIB back? no, it's literally burned, kys

>> No.55859028

cope post, as an answeer, it's because I managed to deploy a contract before the chain went down and it was supposed to make me thousands, although I only bridged like 5 bone for gas.

shibarium was extremely hyped and there were hundreds if not thousands of projects aiming to launch there asap.

>> No.55859037

Still looks just as fucked

>> No.55859048

Why are you guys lying?

>> No.55859063
File: 83 KB, 500x627, 5rx7ys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they shorted SHIB duh

>> No.55859065

how are you still breathing with this much brainrot retard, and no, I'm not a shibagholder, I was just going to launch a bunch of projects on Shibarium to make revenue taxing the crap out of shibaniggers and selling them worthless NFT.

>> No.55859081

I could understand the first part, but the second one is just bullshit and you know it

>> No.55859090

no you're just retarded and baghold CEX shit instead of going to DeFi where the real money is.

>> No.55859097

Literally just checked buy and sell orders and over a dozen plus buy orders have been filled in the millions.
Go away you fucking idiotz.

>> No.55859108

Are you even reading yourself? you don make a lick of sense partner. I want to believe you, trust me

>> No.55859126

This is the bridge contract for a new L2. Not anything to do with any market

>> No.55859151

>Very bearish for SHIB, because they have proven they are completely incompetent. Trust completely eroded and probably takes them months to relaunch at best.
You guys are so full of shit.
Nice scam snap chat group.

>> No.55859163

You fags are unsalvageable retards, you deserve to be bagholders.

>> No.55859165


>> No.55859175
File: 56 KB, 554x554, 1692099142990152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude everything is ruined.
>You should totally sell.
>Me? Nah, just trying to warn you to not bag hold this crypto I don't like.
Shiba inu is up 700k% since it's been made.
Literally go fuck yourself.
Gonna keep buying and holding.

>> No.55859190

Crazy all you shibtrads where sitting on avi hahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.55859201
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>> No.55859205

Yeah and it was listed at the top where you bought, and now you're all bagholder CEX subhumans.

>> No.55859215

This.These guys only know how to respond with infographics. Shib started the whole inu trend which spun up thousands of memecoins. The crypto market already looked like absolute shit. Now it looks even worse. I used to have fun with crypto and now I don't talk about it anymore. These dogniggers ruined the fun. The punishment should be heavy bags and missing the next bullrun for participating.

>> No.55859222


>> No.55859236


so bullish for pulsechain. Love seeing all your garbage projects fail hard af. Gave up trying to save you losers on this board long ago. Just relish in your fucking failures now LMAO

>> No.55859246

I hold nothing fella, but you seem to hold a dick inside your anus. Chill out bruh

>> No.55859269
File: 141 KB, 803x688, 1422891990623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK you got him anon

>> No.55859282
File: 73 KB, 500x500, diee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liers be like

>> No.55859308

Guys check plz someone said on twatter it’s been fixed.
T.Brainlet bagholder

>> No.55859339

Can confirm it's still FUBAR

>> No.55859357

you don't know how to look at a blockchan buddy

>> No.55859365

Kek nope, it's gone, the ETH that was bridged on Shibarium is effectively burned.

>> No.55859374
File: 68 KB, 305x256, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my name is paige hill,
i truly am scum,
a horrible loser with no life,
my anus remains,

>> No.55859380

You should get your eyes checked and your brain tested for clinical retardation anon, the last block was still 5 hours ago.

>> No.55859383
File: 37 KB, 316x413, 1682818042467493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't there a thread a couple days ago about these guys bragging about not using chainlink? lel

cant find the thread, does anyone have the link? lol

>> No.55859385

Vitalik hates Shib, he won't do shit.

>> No.55859568
File: 1.29 MB, 1200x800, rollercoaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I remember that
though I don't think cl can solve total retardation aka idiot smart contract design.
I don't thin ari is hacking these bridges, defi devs are actually mostly retarded
t. solidity dev

>> No.55859642

LMAOOO couldn't be me. I bought Loopies.

>> No.55859669

Maybe they sabotaged it on purpose because coinbase just made an l2 and coinbase bought a ton of shib

>> No.55859720

ape together strong!!!

>> No.55859805

>up 700k%
on what? the fumes of hype?

>> No.55859806
File: 22 KB, 474x316, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent 100k, what should I expect fellow Shibsters?

>> No.55859908

people are saying they got their eth bridged over

>> No.55859941

they are lying. Look at the bridge.

>> No.55859959


>> No.55859991
File: 388 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20230817_082118_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuddies, I....

>> No.55860027
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 1630954453285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean like some blockChain Linking type of thing? Preposterous. I'd rather a bridge from someone called Shittoshi.

>> No.55860140

It's people I personally know so the scanner is messed up or some shit

>> No.55860225
File: 2.42 MB, 4132x1404, 1678794336247019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shit

>> No.55860239

1000ETH burned, bullish

>> No.55860287

People are receiving their eth on the l2 lol

>> No.55860308

is that new ETH from a different contingency wallet?

>> No.55860312

>OOpsie :^)

These cunts were planning this from the start

>> No.55860397

thanks anon that's actually a banger

>> No.55861220

Dunno I'll ask someone since I didn't bridge over but it sounds like the fud is bullshit because multiple people I personally KNOW said their eth got bridged over.

>> No.55861270

Though if they actually waited for CCIP or showed interest for early access, this would have never happened

>> No.55861286

>It's already FUBAR.
It would be if it was an actual serious software project.
The brainlets who were buying these coins before will have forgotten in a few weeks.
This is crypto, anon.
But yeah, this was a monstrous fuckup, it's just that in the world of crypto, a few memes can make up for it.

>> No.55861301

holy shit shibros its so over!!

>> No.55861450

because he only forced a fork through when he and his friends were affected

>> No.55861452

>Contracts are immutable
This is exactly why smart contracts have no future

>> No.55861460

Such an obviously shopped pic. Mine transferred fine

>> No.55861469

On any normal day, it wouldn't be out of the question for polygon or optimism to handle a $1m+ transaction. That's fucking Tuesday level sort of shit. You don't consider absolute failure when everything has worked up until you hit the button.

>> No.55861479

lol when? The last block was six hours ago.

>> No.55861512

3 hours ago

>> No.55861514

It's hard to say but if I had 1mil in eth I don't think I would be fucking around with shib. I would be hardly fucking around with crypto at all. I'd maybe own 20 btc, 100 eth and 100,000,000 of some shitcoin and call it a day.

>> No.55861528


Literally six hours.
Five minutes from seven.

>> No.55861536
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>> No.55861564

chain link has nothing to do with this you retarded baggies

>> No.55861576

Look at the post directly above yours.

>> No.55861719

Uhhhh why is the chain still dead? Is it truly FUBAR?

>> No.55861755
File: 79 KB, 1200x1200, 1597167417000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bridging IN is not the problem, that's all on L1

Nobody can bridge back OUT. Look at it for yourself. All inbound, no outbound. They can't bridge out, because nothing is rolling up, because no blocks are processing on the dead L2.

>> No.55861808

If I had 1mil in ETH, I'd cut it in half, 500k in savings, the other is split across the most stable liquidity pools I could find. I'd call it a day, collect a living wage from the earnings and never speak to you fuckers again.

>> No.55861824

Immutability is fantastic and one of primary purposes of crypto, it is absolutely fantastic when your devs aren't poopy heads.

>> No.55861854
File: 70 KB, 597x727, F3u2FwtXMAAGD2V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SHIB token admins laughing at their own bagholders

>> No.55861925

They made 10s of millions of dollars from SHIB liquidity, why would they ever actually care about the people? They are rich and will never have to perform ever again.

>> No.55861980

>immutable is bad
maybe you're the dumb one, anon?

>> No.55861995


>> No.55862114
File: 2.06 MB, 4132x1404, shibarium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, if only they weren't scammers.

>> No.55862126

that site doesn't even load for me now
nice. to add to the tinfoil, anyone remember the FTX <> Shib links, re: the "hey guys lets all buy shib" and also FTX & sushi deployer.

>> No.55862228

that site doesn't even load for me now

They took down the blockexplorer kek

>> No.55862230

I knew it https://blog.shib.io/shibarium-insane-influx/
It actually works. like I said my friends had some of their eth bridged over. and a bunch of tranny retards trying to cause outrage on twitter because that's what twittard trannies do.

>> No.55862239


>> No.55862262

Shytoshi himself says they can’t recover the bridged ETH.
You can bridge in but not out. The contract is fucked, there’s no way back.

>> No.55862441

That’s all it is. Man that is actually toxic as fuck after next run I’m deleting that fucking shit app. That makes me sick shower of cunts

>> No.55862716

>That’s all it is.
Nah, the bridge actually failed.

>> No.55862802

read https://blog.shib.io/shibarium-insane-influx/

>> No.55862872

Lol @ all the poor, dumb newfags getting a raging fudcel boner and being wrong AGAIN.

>> No.55862903

That was photoshopped, the bridge got DDoS-ed by "retrieve" RPCs on the other end and should be functional soon

>> No.55862912

We all saw the block explorer for ourselves, anons.

>> No.55862939
File: 52 KB, 640x639, 1691094861432684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55862965

You're just living a sad lie of delusion if you refuse to believe this. You really think they can't fork matic? Lol. Read the blog and stop looking dumb as fuck.

>> No.55862991

At the very least the ETH was stuck for 9 hours and counting.
No believing required, it’s all on chain.

>> No.55863059
File: 27 KB, 498x445, soy-wojaks-pointing-gif-soy-wojaks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55863110


>> No.55863136


>> No.55863158

I lost 20 eth :(

>> No.55863212

no you didn't

>> No.55863217

so fudkeks got btfo?

>> No.55863228

yeah pretty soon it'll be working smoothly

>> No.55863240

Should I buy more?

>> No.55863245

lol no, the assets are still stuck, see >>55863228
>”pretty soon”

And even if everything resolves itself, the lockup atill happened.

>> No.55863268

read this: https://blog.shib.io/shibarium-insane-influx/
>the lockup atill happened.
doesn't matter
>Give us time to scale with the amazing team at Unification

>> No.55863281

I did

>> No.55863298

>>the lockup atill happened.
>doesn't matter
Top kek

Also, the issue isn’t even resolved yet.

>> No.55863312

it will be

>> No.55863321

And if/when it is, it will still have happened.

>> No.55863353

Ok brb.

>> No.55863382

yeah but doesn't matter

>> No.55863442

Anon every shib project would be 90% down on top of the sell the news dump if this bullshit was even remotely real. It's been an entire day since launch. There would even be news articles about it by now. Good job /biz/ you beat r*ddit and twatter to the fake news. Also linkies kill yourselves, the nature of the fake catastrophe doesn't even have anything to do with oracles. Dumbest shithead bagholders on this board.

>> No.55863449

>pay for 400 million compute units per month
>need 160 million compute units per half an hour or 230.4 billion compute units per month
Looks like they underestimated the required throughput by 99.826% when building their chain. Whoops! Just a few orders of magnitude.

>> No.55863507

ah yes, my favorite buzzword in IT.

>> No.55863529

>if this bullshit was even remotely real
It is very real. Even now the eth is still stuck.

>There would even be news articles about it by now
There are. Many.

>> No.55863530

Wtf is unification

>> No.55863665


>> No.55863698

Top kek, get fucked.