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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55855106 No.55855106 [Reply] [Original]

>go on /biz/
>see shit about housing being unaffordable
>decide to go on /pol/
>people talking about housing being unavoidable
>close 4chan
>go have a beer at my local bar
>dude sits next to me
>starts telling me about his work as a real estate agent
>telling me to buy now or be priced out forever due to institutional investors
>realize I am priced out forever
>come back on /biz/

>> No.55855165

absolutely fucking retarded data. what a worthless graph.

>> No.55855179

real estate agents are systematic leeches they are worse than car salesmen

>> No.55855193

yeah so people in their 20s rent? ok great info here. College kids and 20 somethings rent apartments?! How is this showing anything

>> No.55855208
File: 25 KB, 926x809, bobo5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting real estate agents
Real estate agents will only get more desperate and absurd with their claims as things get worse. The housing market is messed up. Mortgage rates are at levels no one thought possible. The market is frozen and real estate agents will say and do anything to scam you into buying an insanely overvalued house

>> No.55855222

It's lying with statistics.

>"See? Everyone has a house, nothing is wrong with the system - now be quiet and take out that multigenerational mortgage."

We are surrounded by demons

>> No.55855223
File: 9 KB, 544x476, 56BB75CA-FFA2-4A1C-A041-F22F026A53F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here have this

>> No.55855238

So you trust some salesman now?

>> No.55855250

>dude just buy this shack near las Vegas in the middle of the desert. It'll be 400k plus tip trust me bro the city is booming.

>> No.55855281
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What will happen when the AirBnB bubble bursts?

>> No.55855307

>Ahh a salesman gave me FOMO!
Yeah that's their whole game.

>> No.55855412
File: 523 KB, 1932x1332, home prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people complaining about how housing is not affordable are single men in their 20s on average incomes looking at the most expensive 10% of the country. It's the equivalent of average women chasing Chad in the dating market.

>> No.55855433

im a single guy with around $100k salary in texas and 100k downpayment ready to go and can't afford a house that's not a shitbox, 1 hour commute to work, or going to leave me absolutely housepoor

>> No.55855453

This chart is completely meaningless without a density chart. 90% of the houses could be in the most expensive counties

>> No.55855477
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Here we have the 30+ year old who "refuses to settle".

>> No.55855523

Buy land and build a home yourself. Let me guess you’re after a shit box McMansion tho?

>> No.55855894


>> No.55855952

>10 year old kids buy homes

>> No.55856790
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take the homeless sidewalk teepee pill.

>> No.55856826
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Based on doubling (or tripling) the housing market, I'd say 30-60% reduction in home values.

>> No.55856877

>barely above 50% home ownership rate is now good
Wtf I love my collapsing purchasing power now?

>> No.55856944

>Outperformed by toddlers
Why even live?

>> No.55857477

>just place yourself under the authority of a third world government bro
you don’t know how good you have it. To live outside the us is like being a feudal peasant

>> No.55857499

>just buy your house 25 years ago


>> No.55857506

this, i wish every moaning pussy faggot would KYS, no one wants to hear you crying about how things are, zoomers are the worst generation

>> No.55857795

>Real estate agents say "damn housing is crazy cuz there's no supply!"
>There's "no supply" because real estate agents are profit motivated and purposefully overprice real estate
>No one can afford to move out of their old house or go from renting to buying
"No supply" just makes me want to punch real estate agents in the throat. Yeah no shit jackass, you speculated a virtual necessity into such an unattainable place for most people that the market is blown except for a bunch of rich faggots who will pay cash above market price just because they can.

>> No.55858373
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>buy now or be poor
op why are you such a gullible fagtard?

>> No.55858511

>100k salary
>100k downpayment
Yeah learn to save money you fucking retard

>> No.55858623

Buy some guns and go kill homeowners and real estate agents and investors

>> No.55859176

>profit motivated and purposefully overprice real estate

I never understood this claim by people. I don't set the price on a house, the market does. For example, you tell me you want to sell your house. I say okay and go look for comparable houses from the last 3-6 months in the area that have sold and check for the prices they sold for. I can suggest you stay below in price if your house is in worse condition or more if your house is better than the comparables. Then ultimately, I ask what you want to list your house for. My information is only there to help you choose what you want to sell for. I don't set the price, YOU do. If you list too high then no one will buy and if you list too low you'll be beset with seller's remorse. Welcome to real estate.

>> No.55859797

>everyone is saying to buy now or be priced out forever
Hmmm where have I heard that one before?

>> No.55859802

>zoomers are buying houses at 10 years old
holy shit tiktok is more lucrative than I thought

>> No.55859892

>real estate agent
I hate you smarmy cunts so much

>> No.55860870

He browsed /pol/ which means he's probably brown and retarded.

>> No.55860893

Leave the west.

>> No.55860905
File: 152 KB, 1024x683, 1691958151414760m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are surrounded by demons
Historically speaking a five bedroom, two bathroom house with a front and a back yard was NOT common at all.
At best you were a roving merchant at worse a roving bandit or even more worse a mercenary.
We had two WORLD WARS that killed 100 million a piece and a great depression that killed dozens of millions of people.
That's why your grand pappy was able to buy a house for 4k USD.
Our dollar was backed by gold and EVERYONE was fucking dead...
It's an anomaly, leave the west if you want a cheap house.

>> No.55860913

speak for yourself, wagie

>> No.55860917
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That's wrong though.

>> No.55860919

No we're complaining about housing going up by 5x since rona and wages not budging you dipshit

>> No.55860921

>no one wants to hear you crying about how things are
Right, same you to.

>> No.55860925

People want to be entertained.

>> No.55860931
File: 71 KB, 1024x538, 1691807365343403m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever see webms of little kids cutting off people's heads? You ever see those pictures of African kids mining for conflict minerals while looking like their starving to death? That's been our history since forever.
Welcome to the real world.

>> No.55860936
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Shut the fuck up.

>> No.55861023

long story short OP
you are here forever!

>> No.55861337

This is the reason why I genuinely wish corona was the Spanish Flu plague that it was hyped up to be. There’s just too many motherfuckers alive and some gotta go. So long as I live then I really don’t give a shit, and if I died then I wouldn’t have to deal with this retarded planet anymore. So really either way is a win win.

>> No.55861645

The delta variant kinda was.

The delta variant killed more than all the previous variants combine even though by that time enough people were vaccinated.

>> No.55861663

With the Spanish flu, humans weren’t able to create and mass distribute a vaccine before the deadly strain arrived.

>> No.55861756
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>We are surrounded by demons
literally biblical levels of rentoid seethe

>> No.55862117

>1 hour commute to work
I thought Americans loved driving? US will continue to have worsening real estate problems until the issue of car dependency is addressed. You cannot have medium/high density housing where everyone owns a car. It is not financially viable.

>> No.55862454
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My mom keeps bitching at me about wanting to buy a house yet despite me having a degree in economics and telling her constantly how stupid it is to buy in this market she just ignores me and says "Anon prices are just going to keep going up!" and that it's a good investment. The houses she's looking at btw are all 400k.

>> No.55862472



>> No.55863101

ah yes so fall for the walkable cities meme and get a 600 sq ft apartment for $2000+/month and the only things you can walk to are places to drink and $9 coffee and $15 bubble tea

>> No.55863133

There was 2trillion+ minted into our economy 3 years ago. 25% of our cash supply. You think you’re smart but you’re not.

But you’re also not wrong about the bad climate. They don’t want homes selling right now. However this means reversing hikes would open floodgates to even higher prices when confidence returns. We stagnate.

>> No.55863144

This is exactly why I'm renting for at least another year if not two. Shit is going to drop.

>> No.55863189

there's a great saying that I live by:
>when you hear the gas station attendant, cashier, and landscapers talking about the stock market, it's time to sell
there's literally never a situation where you'll be "priced out forever" with housing
You're about to see the greatest fleecing of retards in the last century

also OP anon is a retarded idiot
>have conversation with real estate agent
>he tells me to buy in at the absolute most overinflated housing market in history
>tells me i'll be priced out FOREVER if i don't BUY NOW
that's like walking onto a used car lot and believing the salesman when he tells you "YOU'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO BUY A HONDA AGAIN, THEY DON'T MAKE EM ANYMORE, YOU CAN WALK OFF THE LOT TODAY WITH A CIVIC FOR $60K OR NEVER OWN A CAR, YOUR CHOICE BUB"

>> No.55863230

Is it really owned when most people are still paying mortgage?

>> No.55863252

>fed's balance sheet is currently liquidating all of their housing purchases
>fuckton of homes purchased with adjustable rate HELOC's and CORF money
>student loan repayments start in Oct
>MBS' perform dismally because ~16% inflation still
>MBS filled with shitty retarded bad debt that will blow up at the first economic downturn
>people will shit their pants when they see the MBS that make up their retirement down 30%
>~35% of adults are like a $3,000 expense away from insolvency
>~40% of adults living paycheck to paycheck
>thinking that housing will continue to pump
go look at the fucking yield curve, case shiller graph, and market and tell me again that we're not staring down the barrel of the worst recession in anyone who's been alive's history this winter

>> No.55863703

>~35% of adults are like a $3,000 expense away from insolvency
>~40% of adults living paycheck to paycheck
Fella this done been the case for about fifty years now, why is it different now?

>> No.55863738
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>or their family own

>> No.55864827


lol lmfao. You will own nothing and be happy- Klaus

>> No.55864882


Sorry anon but housing market going to the moon. Don't get left behind.

>> No.55864950

This. They will do ANYTHING to not go back to being bartenders.

>> No.55865023

And Bitcoin is going to smash 64k!
Always listen to biz.

>> No.55865417

unfortunately for you, your mom is right, but you won't accept it because she doesn't spend her free time on a Tunisian Bean Roasting forum

>> No.55865750


This time its different. This is the new paradigm.

>> No.55865808

My retarded parents want to buy and I’m explaining to them interest rates are at the exact same rate they were when they’d pay $100 to feed a family of 4 for a week and they just don’t get it

>> No.55865989

>I’m explaining to them interest rates are at the exact same rate they were when they’d pay $100 to feed a family of 4 for a week and they just don’t get it
sounds like you're the retarded one

>> No.55866236
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>5x since rona

Maybe 40% at the peak, and they've come down since then.

But I'm talking to a Zoomer who thinks that Boomers were buying 4 bedroom homes in the suburbs on a McDonalds salary.

>> No.55866259
File: 83 KB, 1163x767, homeownership rates by generation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>~35% of adults are like a $3,000 expense away from insolvency
>~40% of adults living paycheck to paycheck

The bottom 40% have never been homeowners.

>> No.55866442

Own in that chart means mortgaged you dumbfuck