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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55847488 No.55847488 [Reply] [Original]

According to this online internet forum website, the economy actually over, everyone's wageslaving in poverty and barely getting by. According to the federal reserve, the president, and the news and everyone when I go outside, the economy booming and thriving and everyone's getting rich. Which fucking one is it lads? Who do I trust?

>> No.55847493

Always do the opposite of what the government says

>> No.55847510

>According to the government everything is fine.
Well, no shit they'd say that.

>> No.55847515 [DELETED] 

Always do the opposite of what 4chan says

>> No.55847527

imagine believing anything the government has to say.

>> No.55847545 [DELETED] 

ignore the poorfag wagies and permabobo doomerposters expecting some epic buy le dip crash to happen. we are going to unironically fucking hyperinflate lmao. not even joking. and you know the funny thing? dumb nigger cattle will cheer it on.

>> No.55847572

The US government knew the coronavirus was already in the US roughly 2-3 months before they made it public and the news broke it.

They were explicitly telling the public over official channels that the virus was not airborne when they already had confirmation and knew that it was airborne and highly contagious.

I subscribe to the theory that Omicron was their engineered variant they deliberately released onto the public later on to outcompete the other strains descended from the earlier, lethal variants, made to be more contagious but minimized lethality.

>> No.55847614 [DELETED] 

and wall st. has been talking about the K economy for a while now. Thanks to government grift and the Fed's free money, owners of capital have never been richer, and the poor without are worse off and will never get ahead until they kill some owners and simply seize what they have.

>> No.55848139

Covid was just a glorified flu, though. Imaginé having the power to release antrax or ebola on your citizens but going for a genetically modified flu. That's retarded as fuck

>> No.55848169
File: 473 KB, 1186x1550, Screenshot 2023-07-06 183636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don t know. planes are full. restaurants are full...

>> No.55848199

who do you trust more, anon; the people who's careers and necks are hinging on people being content and thinking everything is fine, or the people who are literally living in reality?

>> No.55848241

i made that pepe

>> No.55849349

>The US government knew the coronavirus was already in the US roughly 2-3 months before they made it public and the news broke it.
/pol/ learned about it in December 2019