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55840917 No.55840917 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55840933

fuck off we're full
yeah our state sucks, don't come here

>> No.55840938

could use a couple million illegal spics

>> No.55840967

I want to have sex with the governor

>> No.55841763

> Round earth propaganda
Not today Jew

>> No.55842144
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>South Dakota

>> No.55842252

Somalian nigger migrants would be the best fit for South Dakota. Just imagine the beautiful countryside filled with violent africans and heaps of trash and burning tires. Much better than a white majority population. Something out of a scene from black hawk down would be preferable there

>> No.55842278

*takes a deep breath of car exhaust and the subtle scent of the nearby sewage plant*
Ah yes, that's the America I know and love

>> No.55842314

Why just?

>> No.55842332

Not enough diversity, sorry chuds, I'll take my FANG money elsewhere.

>> No.55842345

>fake old ruins
>fake old buildings
as soulless as modern china

>> No.55842614
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>mfw stuck inminnesota

>> No.55842818

Morons like you take a drive through area meant for cars and people refueling and use it as what the town is. Man china sucks

>> No.55842832

my commute is an 8 minute drive down a country road, and I'm 15 minutes away from downtown

cope harder though I am laffin

>> No.55842848
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>You must have six lanes by your house
>You must shop at chain restaurants and Walmart

>> No.55842889

The falls park in Sioux Falls is pretty cool.
Drove through there a couple years ago on my way to the Black Hills and Custer State Park.
Which, by the way, Custer State Park is also pretty awesome.

>> No.55842902

vgh how I wish I could get my family to leave this europoor shithole

>> No.55842919

why don't you just import chinks to south dakota? they're a high class of immigrant

>> No.55842922

Looks like every small to moderately sized town in the country, which means people in this thread are shitposting defending a slightly better heap of shit than the neighboring ones.

>> No.55843322

I lived in lead my entire youth, SD sucks cock

>> No.55843351

Why would anyone take that voluntary exclusion and torture

>> No.55843398

disgusting. needs more niggers.

>> No.55843488
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I banged a chick from SD. Worse sex of my life

>> No.55843964

Fuck off libruls

>> No.55843986

Make it happen shlomo!

>> No.55845324

give them a entire reservation, and the natives walk around our streets and waste gubmint gibs on rims and drugs just like the niggers...
should have mercy killed them all a century ago, they are not meant for present day.

>> No.55845338
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>> No.55845347


>> No.55845418

Tartaria ruins?

>> No.55845653
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There's a reason why no one wants to live in North Dakota.

It's cold as shit -40F, blizzards every winter and you cant get to work when there's 5 feet of snow outside your residence.

Firstly, There's the somalians and spics they are actively invading from both idaho, the south and minnesomalia.
You won't see them all the time, but once a month you'll see a somali family or spic family in a town a 5000 outside of fargo at the store, or a nigger somali at the dollar store. The invasion is real and they are becoming more frequent which is sad because of how many whites are in the state and how rich the scenery is.

Also the pay is shit because there's nobody to work and corporations are greedy and can take losses since they are rich so they don't pay more. So even wagie jobs have no-one to fill them so their pay doesn't go above $18/hr and the factories feel as if $20/hr is enough because rent is so cheap when in reality pay should be $35/hr to deal with all the weather bullshit.

Overall the best option for young white men in america is to just be NEETs or move to a state like west virginia or missouri which have all white towns and areas.

All of the south below kansas is already a lost cause and whites are a minority.