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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55841897 No.55841897 [Reply] [Original]

And why do him and his buddies care about fudding link on /biz/ obsessively? I don't know the story.

>> No.55841932

he's the latest boogeyman scapegoat linkies have invented, the latest addition to the long list of link antagonist personas
>Simeon of Bulgaria
>Michael the Chink/Canadian
>Jump Trading pajeets

>> No.55841940
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He's an Australopithecus, an early bipedal hominin.
It's not really fair to try and assess his IQ and behavior in modern human terms, he's really too different.
We should be kind to him though, he's an interesting step on the way to modern humans.

>> No.55841943
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just standard brown mutt mouthbreathers seething at blue eyed white males

>> No.55841957


Doesn't answer my question. Who is he and what's his story? I'm assuming he isn't literally made up.

>> No.55841972

Dox thread is still up, anon, go nuts:

>> No.55841986

Judging by his appearance he seems to have south american blood in him.
He posts on this board you say?
So we can assume he is a faggot, and retarded.
Hope that helps

>> No.55842046

Linkies got trolled by this guy which was hilarious and now in true cult fashion they threw a temper tantrum and want to cancel him. Linkies are the hysterical libs of crypto

>> No.55842080

the connection was made because it turns out that the geoxadem twitter handle he originally used to fud + post screenshots of fud that he had spammed on biz literally had his first name in it, so it turns out that he's basically another one of those brown mouthbreathers larping with a white name for appearances

someone posted the pic to his twitter along with his full real name after figuring out who he was via linkedin with his role as a "cryptocurrency trader" working for a literal multi level marketing ponzi mill called "the success factory" which was also based in the netherlands, pretty close to his location on his other media (plus references to local news and info that he liked and commented on his own twitter) so he shut everything down

there's a really unhinged fuddie that tried to run damage control in every thread he could on that day so that also seemed to be him

>> No.55842109

He's just some random dude who dumped his boyfriend that happens to be a Chainlink advocate. Let's just say the advocate is not taking it well, and is lashing out on multiple media platforms.

>> No.55842114
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appreciate what you guys are doing, keep up the good work

>> No.55842121


This is funny and informative. What's with the insane compulsive link specific fudding though? It's nuts.

>> No.55842142

You're asking for a rational explanation why a bunch of borderline retarded third world ESL dropouts spend all their time "trolling" a dead cryptocurrency investment board.
There is no rational explanation. Retards just chimp out sometimes, basically at random. They couldn't explain it themselves beyond it being a consistent way to get attention and they like attention.

>> No.55842171

oh and then you have these guys trying to run damage control on his behalf as well
i don't get why they would since it would be more logical to go with the usual "ummm us fuddies aren't the same person take your meds schizo" unless they actually had a personal interest in his reputation or how he reflects on them

i don't really get it either
what i wonder about is if there's more to that "success factory" scam company he works for seeing as it mostly seems to be third-worlders when i checked it out online, and most of the fud posts on here are made by angry esl tards
maybe that company also runs paid stockbashing style activities for income on the side? wouldn't be that weird honestly

>> No.55842195





>> No.55842235

Looks like we've found the gay Chainlink advocate who got dumped

>> No.55842250

This, the entire arc of link is just /biz/ throwing a tantrum about a new villain every week

>It was Simeon!
>It was Michael!
>It was SBF!
>It was Uncleoldfag!
>It was Ed Felten!
>It was Vitalik and MEV!
>It was SWIFT!
>It was Jump Trading!
>It was Sergey himself!
>It was Mashinsky!
>It was Bancor!
>It was CZ!
>It was Alameda!
>It was Zeus Capital!
>It was Chris Blec!
>It was Eric Wall!

My god you faggots are insufferable, and deservedly poor. I cannot wait until Link is $1 again

>> No.55842261

Your depth of knowledge implies an obsessive fixation with something you find insufferable.
Imagine if you'd put that attention into something productive instead of following every single thing we've ever talked about while apparently hating every minute.

>> No.55842353



If you want to fud/troll anyone for any reason, i do not give a fuck, but it's the unapologetic obsession of the fud that makes it just fucking strange

>> No.55842359

he already knows how stupid it looks, but he figures if he just gets his post quota in that's good enough i guess
that list doesn't even make sense considering half of those groups and people are confirmed and caught out, already debunked, or literal who twitter fags that never affected anything or had any power

>> No.55842377
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This is the most jarring thing about the fudders. They out themselves as bagholders every time they post because they're knowledgable of the project. Everytime they post it is projection. Through fudding they are reforming the aspects of their own personalities that they have subconsciously identified as being dangerous, but because they cannot consciously reform their own egos (this is a known North African phenotype) they externalize all of their subconscious criticism. Fudders are genuine mental cases in an academic/clinical sense.

>> No.55842400

i don't think anyone is blaming this guy for suppressing the link price. pretty sure that's just a strawman to distract from the fact that this guy has a crippling porn addiction and spends all day FUDing a crypto token on 4chan/twitter :-/

>> No.55843292

i mean who can blame them. just enter a link thread, shoot a quick "so why is the price so low" and see the replies roll in

>> No.55844313
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He riled up link baggies so hard theyre allegedly trying to track him down and torture him or something. I guess He bullied the neckbeard incels so hard they got ptsd flashbacks from their miserable high school experience.
Who would of guessed linkies are so sensitive and deluded that telling them water is wet actually triggers them

>> No.55844423

funny how there is always someone in these threads answering almost instantly and trying to make it seem like we think thomas/adem is suppressing the price kek

>> No.55844478


Can't speak for others but the bot-tier bombardment of low effort link fud threads with literal copy pasta responses has made this dead ass board even more insufferable. At least change the shit up or fud something else. Tired of quota-chasing fudding in between pajeet scam coins and softcore porn.

>> No.55844493

>le classic every post i dont like is bots
*yawn* Youre the one who should be getting some new material.

>> No.55844535


I said bot tier in quality, meaning so insanely repetitive and low effort that, whether it's a bot or not, it might as well be. What, you're now going to pretend the record-skipping low effort fud threads are actually high effort and well thought out?

>> No.55844541

lol sorry kekfuddie no matter how hard you try, adem "cumbrain" kayser is the mascot for all the kekfuddie mouthbreathers from now on
never selling btw
sorry (not sorry)

its the only form of damage control they can really do for him
it wont help much though - people know what he looks like and it would be easy to let all his friends and family know that his life revolves around fudding crypto, working for MLM companies and a suicidal porn addiction

>> No.55844547

he is the literal reason link isn't worth $50 right now remove him from the equation and we are all rich

>> No.55844608

kek adem. This is like the 8th fudder I've seen get btfo. Speaking of, I wonder how Simeon is doing in prison.

>> No.55844713

Link posts are the definition of repetitive
>muh singularity in 2 more weeks guys
>1k eoy is fud haha
>any day now link will pump
>muh everything is suppressing
>just 2 more weeks until the pump
>pumps the least dumps the most haha
>is X link enough?
>how much link to have sex with thot.jpg?
>muh 2017 greentext screenshot
>pump any day now.. Haha for real this time..

You retards have been spamming the same shit for 7 years and youre calling me repetitive top Kek nice projection baggie

>> No.55844736
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Simeon is not in prison cope lmao. He shorted link, profited millions and got a clean getaway
>$50 > $5

>> No.55844737
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>> No.55844744

>y-you’re shitting up the board!
Use filters you mouth-breathing, room temp IQ turdworlder

>> No.55844758
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>> No.55844763
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Now do the link pastas

>> No.55844770


I rarely post. Why do you so aggressively want to strawman me lmao

I really don't get this behavior.

>> No.55844844

dont need to, fudcuck
all of the link pastas going back to 2017 wouldnt be able to catch up to the sheer volume of 24/7 nufud spam made by obvious paid outsiders since 2021
feel free to try and deflect and pretend otherwise or lie or change the subject etc, i am 100 percent correct

>> No.55844866
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>easy to let all his friends and family know that his life revolves around fudding crypto, working for MLM companies and a suicidal porn addiction
I wonder what his friends and family will think of him collecting and editing chastity cages and gay porn to post. surely these 3rd world savages will be accepting of his lifestyle that seems to revolve around porn, getting cucked, and chastity cages

>> No.55844878

Thats what I thought. We all know how argument destroying it would be to show the link spam, luckily for you us fudchads arent that petty to look through archives and try to dox baggies. We just have fun riling up linktroons

>> No.55844887

didnt bother reading since its all a gaslighting attempt anyway
dont you have like 6 other fud threads to be running right now or somethin you fuckin loser lmao

>> No.55846405

Post coomerbait and see if he shows up

>> No.55847667

Thank you for confirming the long standing theory and demonstrating why fudders mock the "boogeyman" posts to try to make it seem too crazy to be real. Imagine selling your soul for a 3rd world wagie gig that constantly sees you embarrassed.

>> No.55848058

I really don't know how this guy doesn't just kill himself, imagine "this" being your impact on the world. A young man who has completely fried his brain from a crippling addiction to pornography. This is a man who is completely lost in the world, he has no fulfilling purpose. We know you're lurking Thomas. Get help. I don't think it's too late to take the highroad and direct your energy at something that has a more positive impact on you. We know you're unhappy. We know you hold LINK. Commit to a decision and move on with your life and put this pathetic phase of your life behind you. But something tells me you won't do that.

>> No.55848406

Now do the analysis of the guy who spends his time writing psychological profiles of some guy he heard beats off a lot

>> No.55848467

while i don't condone doxxing someone purely because they were annoying i can't really feel bad for this guy. imagine waking up and deciding to fud link every single day for years. especially after you literally have a self-admitted porn addiction. this guy badly needed a wake up call. luckily for him he's still young, i've seen people turn around worse lives than his. hopefully he gets his shit together.

>> No.55848512

kill yourself normies

>> No.55849198
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Imagine coming on /biz/ and having the utter audacity to claim it's the Link shills who are being repetitive and posting too much.

Link has a whole list of extremely dedicated serial fudders.
There's also Chris Blec, Eric Wall, etc. and let's not forget Vitalik.
There was also Zeus Capital.
And then there's whoever keeps making fud threads on /biz/ and raking in 50pbtid in a bunch of threads every single day.
And then there are the many dozens of 5-follower Twitter fudders.
etc. etc. etc.

>> No.55849206

link NIGGERS are cucks

>> No.55849220

>Eric Wall
He literally built this dune analytics dash

>> No.55849252
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I don't know if it's the same guy.
Although that Wallach guy does have a history of grossly misrepresenting Chainlink statistics. Like when he "calculated" Link's TVE but only included lending.

>> No.55849531

Are you saying the experts are unreliable narrators and that maybe we shouldn't trust them?

>> No.55849547

I bet you thought you sounded really smart typing that out.

>> No.55849554

Not as smart as I sound typing this out you moran

>> No.55849594

he's literally me