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55840283 No.55840283 [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys, I'm about to start my own graphic and web design agency where I will also create websites using WordPress.

I need business owners or people who have previous experiences with this topic to tell me what problems they have with websites. What do you need help with most of the time? What are you willing to invest in when it comes to websites? What are you looking for when it comes to have your website built/redesigned by someone/some agency? Have you had any experience with web design agencies? If so, how were these? etc. You get the idea!

Any help is greatly appreciated.

>> No.55840335

Skip all the technical bullshit and make middle aged boomers and tech illiterate zoomers your target market. Set up a popular wordpress template thats general and then put a pre loaded template on and then offer to maintain the site security for a subscription fee and tell them the site is at risk of being defaced or hacked if they dont continue paying for your services

I know of a mate that worked as an intern for some business that paid 5000 for this service and all that came from it was a shitty half baked wordpress template installation and he fleeced them into paying a sub. I think he offered to maintain the site for them

>> No.55840349

Wordpress is outdated, you should focus more on newer tech.

>> No.55840379

Appreciate the point of view and I see what your saying. I actually have the same target group in mind and will definitely take what you said into consideration. Thanks

>> No.55840389

Ikwym but that's not quite true, WordPress is the very basic and the foundation of a website that could be way more complex with the proper plugins and customized codes. But I get you, my main goal is to help companies achieve what bigger players have, say automations, bots, interactive content etc.

>> No.55840395

Post tits

>> No.55840411

Also do you have something specific in mind?

>> No.55840415

Touch Grass and get useless thoughts out of your mind so you might obtain a strong mentality to achieve something in life.

>> No.55840471

WordPress is the weakest choice out of any other CMS I would consider, be it Drupal, Joomla, or just a database serving custom HTML pages. Adding a bunch of plugins just makes the project slower and increases the attack surface. WordPress is just meh. The best thing about it is the relatively large marketshare.

Designers tend to know fuck all about web security so you'll want to learn how to lock down a Linux web server.

>> No.55840481

hugo if simple
worth learning static sites, WP is a fuck since blocks

>> No.55840516

Learn ProcessWire and I can give you a turn of work. I desperately need ProcessWire developers.

>> No.55840585

This might be true if you haven't been deep in the world of WordPress.

But by Proper Plugins, I'm talking premium, trusted and market established ones such as Crocoblock, Elementor, Rank math, AIOS Security.

With all these, you don't have cheap shitty websites like every one else but something that will loads like a Bullet and to some degree 90% more secure than other websites that are afraid of spending money on pro ones and want to scam the clients.

I've have a degree in Graphic design and worked for a Web design agency for a while, Ik how everything working not to mention that I'm spending countless hours studying every single aspect of everything that I will be in need of so I don't see why everyone keeps saying WordPress is bad, but they haven't been beyond the surface level of it.

Would like to hear your thoughts on what I said mate thanks.

>> No.55840591

I'm too deep in what I'm doing mate, have still a lot of others business aspect that I need to learn and learning a whole new way of building websites makes hardly sense for me.

>> No.55840598

Alright mate thanks for the idea, will look into it.

>> No.55840628

Hugo and static sites don’t have nearly a nice backend as wordpress. You can’t hand the content maintenance over to a tech illiterate. Also, Wordpress runs 20% of the internet and is not outdated. It gets heavy development

>> No.55840664
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I worked as a PM for a few years in a digital marketing agency. I'll give you some tips
>You can use wordpress, you can use squarespace, none of your clients will care. Make it as easy as possible for you. You don't want to work on Saturday night to fix someone's website that you build 9 months ago

Pricing hierarchy
>simple content website
>+ some lead capture form (should be more expensive because your client actively generates leads)
>+ some online store (shopify, woocommerce, whatever) lots more expensive b/c they make money from the site
>+ configuration even more expensive!
>= make easy products with a fixed price + addons that cost more + maintenance fee for security updates. Simple and easy to buy!

you won't get people coming to you. do outreach
>cold calling / call email / cold mail (very nice paper!)
>what do you talk about? give some free insights on how you would improve their website. don't hard sell, all you want is a response. they close the deal on a meeting. Give proof that you know what you are talking about
>if you had some clients: look for partners. e.g. freelance performance marketers have clients that need a website revamp

go for quality
>you want your first client to love what you did. don't care about profit for the first clients. put in more work. why? they will work as proof & they will recommend you. if you have 8 - 10 clients you can probably stop advertising because they will do it for you

>> No.55840685

I don't have much to add besides just keeping your attack surface as small and secure as possible. I prefer keeping forms, comments, forums, mail and shops in separate container instances at the very least. For content plugins, I don't see the need to go beyond Divi or Elementor. Everything else you can make by hand. IMO, unless you're dealing with particularly savvy boomers, you can forget about them maintaining the site properly. And the next dev they get will want to scrap your work and sell them a new site. You may as well sell them a whole devstack and offer them a sub to maintain it.

>> No.55840705

Very nice Tips and I can tell because we think really the same, but I surely should focus on the outreach thing, this is one of the worst things I'm at currently, I'm watching and reading a lot about cold calling/emailing and would appreciate some more tips on that if you got some more.

Thank you very much sir!

>> No.55840708

I see thanks for the input!