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55840148 No.55840148 [Reply] [Original]

Help! I am addicted to steak.
I spend $50+ dollars on steak every day and bbq every afternoon. I just love charcoal grilling a nice steak. I don't even eat anything else during the day since I nice fat steak keeps me full for a full day.

>> No.55840161

Have you tried not doing that??

>> No.55840171

>I just love charcoal grilling
Get ready for colon cancer in your 30s.

>> No.55840179
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Buy in bulk and freeze?
Do you grill yourself? If not consider that.
Also since steak is somewhat expensive you might want to go cheaper, but nutritious on the other things.
I suggest raw carrots (best fiber source), oranges or orange juice (best sugar source) and if too expensive any other seasonal fruit will do (buy what is seasonal so it's cheaper), some milk here and there for calcium and do buy some gelatin because if you eat much meat every day you would do well to eat some gelatin as well to not get overloaded with tryptophan (I recommend 1 teaspoon of gelatin per each steak). Maybe occasional cheese or kefir to keep your tummy in shape.
Good eating, brother!

>> No.55840263
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Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!
> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

>> No.55840269
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>> No.55840282 [DELETED] 
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Back to r*ddit with you, yugoshit.

>> No.55840294
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>> No.55840315

this isn't the problem that you think it is
what you need to do is buy a deep freezer and purchase cow on the hoof and learn to butcher it yourself
maybe get into dry aging even

you'll probably get that number down to $10-$15 per day which isn't bad at all, plus you'll have a variety of steak cuts to mix things up