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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55839799 No.55839799 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55839805

burry is based
/biz is incel permapoors

>> No.55839808

This is from a movie retards

look up "Margin Call"

>> No.55839809

it's over.

>> No.55839813

here come the chuddy copers who bought the top

>> No.55839818

So how much could be possibly make if he's even remotely right?

>> No.55839827

How much money does this guy just burn on puts?

>> No.55839828

He's also deletes all his predictions that turn out to be wrong.

>> No.55839862
File: 507 KB, 1279x1920, 1690884667047591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burry about to get rekt

>> No.55839917

Suppose he is right, wouldn't that be massively bullish for crypto as investors flee the traditional markets?

And what if BlackRock conveniently releases their ETF right about that supposed upcoming crash?

>> No.55839923

>one hit wonder nobody would ever hear about if it wasn't for some random movie

if you followed anything he ever did since you'd have lost money.

>> No.55839924

so far thats almost never the case and when trads fall so does crypto (usually in a more exaggerated manner)

>> No.55839938

He's predicted 20 of the last 2 recessions. A one-hit wonder permabear that loves getting fucked up the ass

>> No.55840013

times burry has been wrong

>shorted bitcoin before the double top
>shorted housing market a few years ago

>> No.55840044

Wrong movie

>> No.55840863

yeah do your worst, shortlet, I'm long oil

>> No.55840955

He’ll be closing that short by the end of the month

>> No.55841026

Asians are disgusting

>> No.55841126

This stupid kike can retire with his riches but he decides to gamble it all away to prove a point. He’s a fucking insecure moron.

>> No.55841401

This guy is more wrong that right

>> No.55841408

>>55839799 he did it again not so long ago and deleted his tweet :) but this time he might be right

>> No.55841541

the idea that traditional markets like stocks and cyrpto are somehow connected is BS in the first place.

>> No.55842022

It's a hobby to him. What else would he do with his time? Money is literally a game to richfags, a scoreboard

>> No.55842056

>the "big short"
no wonder fat manlets worship this guy

>> No.55842078

With that attitude he wouldn't be rich but poor like you

>> No.55842122

What's his thesis?

>> No.55842194

>This stupid kike can retire with his riches but he decides to gamble it all away to prove a point
He is retired. What does he do with his days?
Shitposting on Twitter, playing drums, fucking his viet wife, and managing his portfolio.
Sounds retired to me

>> No.55842316

Where do I buy the inverse blurry ETF?

>> No.55842340

Has he actually given any logic for the short?
I'd imagine that he would be sharing the info to speed up the market reaction...

>> No.55842414

Hahahha imagining defending this faggot named “Cassandra.”

>> No.55842419

>/biz/niggers need logic when the most obvious double top in history is right there in front of their eyes

>> No.55842446

Imagine being a billionaire and the best you can do is a viet

>> No.55842524
File: 130 KB, 666x1000, jae-suh-park-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute but
If you are autistic and awkward you don't get to have a white wife even if you are a multi-millionnaire
Just how it works

>> No.55842642

the mentally damaged always seek out inferior races, just seems to be an evolutionary benefit to keep those genes out of the pureeuropean genepool.

>> No.55842726

Do you even know how options and premiums work? It's just a 10mil bet.

>> No.55842777

chinks are pretty superior to me. they're not inferior races. they're the brother race to whites.

>> No.55842810

that is a male Asian man

>> No.55842863

For you.

>> No.55842940

Subtle Chainlink pic.

>> No.55842954

I'm not sure who his technical analysis advisor is, but they must have made a clear error by suggesting a short position. I hold bullish and optimistic view of this movement. I'm planning to continue DCA into MATIC, KREST, and FET.

>> No.55843029

>Imagine being a billionaire and the best you can do is a viet
I feel like vietnamese is peak kino for an autist.
Viet girls are too boring for most regular guys. They just like to work, go home, sleep early. They can change a flat tire in heels in 10min too though. Very practical women

>> No.55843057

even better

>> No.55843081
File: 61 KB, 480x498, IMG_6537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s literally my life, except bass guitar and telegram

>> No.55843108

wtf are you talking about smooth brain.

the entire crypto market is propped up on USDT.

And USDT is, supposedly according to them, entirely backed by short term US bonds which means crypto itself is inherently tied to the financial system.

in addition, BTC is valued in dollars which itself is a system of supply and demand. When it goes, it all goes.

>> No.55843150
File: 3.97 MB, 1920x1080, justbesmart.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55843170

if you are smarter than him why is he richer than you?

>> No.55843254

he did it in july you absolute retard

>> No.55843291

Market value of options is not the same as the price of the options.

Even my broke ass can control millions of dollars of assets with only a few thousand via options.

>> No.55843311

id burry my dick in her ass

>> No.55843595

Isn't some congresman or something like that shorting the same too and b4 burry?

>> No.55843741

>hes rich so hes right


>> No.55843753


>> No.55844134

>burry is based
Burry is fucking retard. I longed BTC. And now stacking more ETH for liquid staking via SpoolFi once the v2 hut the space...

>> No.55844242

Wasn't he wrong about the 2008 collapse by like months? To the point where it was even dramatized in the movie and his boss was probably hiring an assassin for losing billions until the collapse actually happened?

Lets not forget 15 years ago he was betting heavy on water being the next major commodity that'd make trillions on. Yeah, nestle and a couple other companies are claiming ownership of water in the ground, but what else is new?

>> No.55844265

Burry is a guy that like many throughout history, got lucky on a bet.

I'll give him credit for not spinning it into an entire career and for the most part he's a quiet investor these days.

>> No.55845224

>the entire crypto market is propped up on USDT.
And also my entire networth is in USDT with up to 12% ROI via SpoolFi... I hope to retire on stablecoins rewards.

>> No.55845481

I love burry so much. Best trader in the business

>> No.55845535

The movie is “Shrek 2”

>> No.55845636

whats his net worth?

>> No.55845766

And this.

>> No.55845783

Is there a video game version? I’m not trying to head down to the library and pull out a candle to watch ye ol tv.

>> No.55845890

>predicted 2008 crash
>predicted game
>predicted crypto crash
>thinks market will crash
also right
>still shitcoiners think he's dumb

>> No.55845934


And taking care of his autistic kid ( by being autistic himself) , removed from the movie btw.

>> No.55846008

yes the boomers will suddenly transfer trillions into nixonshit420definftmooncuntjeetchain

>> No.55846063

no that's christian bale

>> No.55846218

it's from the SEC, Scion's 13F disclosure from yesterday ... retard