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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55836954 No.55836954 [Reply] [Original]

I have no friends or gf and I never have. For this reason I refuse to work. No friend or girlfriend = no work.
>Noooo! You're a freeloader
Not. My. Problem.

>> No.55836967

I’m sure you will accomplish much in life

>> No.55836980


>> No.55836984

Between college and looking for my first job I had like three different girlfriends. idk what you're doing wrong.

>> No.55836994

>I have no friends
Most people don't, they think they have friends. They truth is you're extremely lucky if you have even 1 true friend.

>or gf
you won't believe me but you're not missing anything much.

>For this reason I refuse to work
I don't understand this logic, you will only work if you have a friend or gf? what about for affording food and shelter? get your priorities straight.

>No friend or girlfriend = no work
Maybe you should just get a job, how do you think many people end up making their fake friends and roastie wives? through work. Sitting at home doing nothing isn't going to allow you to meet anyone.

>> No.55837000

It must suck to not have the mandate of heaven. Not my problem

>> No.55837004

You are a fucking loser how would it even work for you to just be given a girlfriend.. have you even tried to get a job? Get a job, talk to women or resign to your place in the evolutionary chain.

>> No.55837006
File: 8 KB, 209x241, IMG_4348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute girls have sex with me for free and I’m a 5’4 manlet

Just lol if you can’t get laid and you’re normal height or something. Kek

>> No.55837021

I don't know if you realize this but working never entitled you to a friend before. Women are hoes nowadays but if you have no male friends it's your own fault there is something psychologically wrong with you or you are just lazy or a huge asshole that no one wants to be around.

>> No.55837029

I dropped out of high-school in 2004, I am now 35 years old. No friends, no gf.

I at least get autismbux and free health care though, which is nice safety net.

>> No.55837032

What’s your portfolio look like

>> No.55837038
File: 136 KB, 659x1280, IMG_4356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join us brother.


>> No.55837042

>when I finish high school, I’m going to freeload off my parents for the rest of my life!

>> No.55837043

Peak at like 300k, but I gambled it away trying to escape 6 figure hell.

I still have 100k in the traditional markets though.

Im rebuilding my trading account atm so I can get back into leverage trading shitcoins again in the future.

I live with my parents so im able to save up all my autismbux.

>> No.55837065

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.55837193

big deal.

>> No.55837227

This but Unironically

>> No.55837236

>wowowow I cant wait to get my first kiss with Sally who took a dick in her farter and then sucked it last week god I love hypergamy aaaa I sneed kisses aaaa

>> No.55837262
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1688961642458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's NWGON [Never Work, Gf Or Not].

>> No.55837355

>NPNW is spreading to /biz/
pretty based kikes big mad

>> No.55837524
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>the 1950's were le goo-

>> No.55837530
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You've got to find yourself a "surrogate activity," as Ted K would put it. Something that you enjoy so much that doing it from 9 to 5 would be fulfilling. I, for example, want to become a lineworker. Why? Because I hate when the power goes out and want to be part of the solution to the problem.

>> No.55837700

how do you sign up for them? i'm 25 and facing the same faith at this point barring a few community college courses.

>> No.55838239

>what about for affording food and shelter?
I live in an RV so I spend $10 a day on food and $2 on gas to get food, and I don't buy anything else. I turn a huge profit on the money the gov gives me.

>>I have no friends
>Most people don't, they think they have friends.
A friend is anyone who will talk to you. I've never had a conversation or been told a story as far as I can remember.

>>No friend or girlfriend = no work
>Maybe you should just get a job, how do you think many people end up making their fake friends and roastie wives?
I've had two jobs and the only reason I took either was to get a friend or a girlfriend but everyone ignored me except at my last job a 50 year old man was nice to me.

>> No.55838256

You are superior to me.

>Women are hoes nowadays
They always have been. All the oldest peices of entertainment are about how women are evil sluts.
>but if you have no male friends it's your own fault there is something psychologically wrong with you
There is something psychologically wrong with me. Doctors should have killed me when I was a child.

>> No.55838305
File: 412 KB, 1280x720, PoliticallyIncorrectHumour.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based website.

This is why ten year old wife = human right. Everyone has the right to a high intelligence high compassion sexy beautiful 10 year old wife. The best part is, if we start growing them now, it will only be 10 years before everyone has one.

>> No.55838463

I'm writing a TV show, and its really good, on the level of the X-Files, and similar theme too. But just knowing it will never be made makes me want to anhero.

>> No.55838811

make the main character a fat black tranny and they'll comission it in a flash

>> No.55838829

You got it backwards. I didn't have a gf until I was 32 after years of lifting, school, and working a 6 figure career.

>> No.55838958

Guido the Talking Dog and his wonderful owners, a lesbian couple, a tranny and a fat negress. Beautiful!!!!1

>> No.55839037

Do you love her?

>> No.55839108

If you only you knew the power and completeness of God's unbounded love for you you wouldnt feel the need to think such hurtful thoughts

>> No.55839124

If god loved me he wouldn't have done even 1% of the things to me that he has (if he is real).

>> No.55839170

Not really. I've been trying to find the right moment to break up for the past year.

>> No.55839393

Like what

>> No.55839476

who could have saw this coming

>> No.55839498

Do you think it has to do with their advanced age or what
Howd you two meet?

>> No.55839511

If she loves you you can go full master manipulator mode on her at the sake of karmic debt. Truth be told though, whether you decide to do that or not, you sound like you could possibly in position to nab up an early 20s know nothing 8/10 or higher. Although your chances of her leaving you in 10 years and taking all your money are substantially higher. Honestly if you can somewhat stand your current partner knocking her up may be an option to give you two a common interest and something fulfilling to live for

>> No.55839573

>Howd you two meet?
It was within 2 weeks of me downloading and using Bumble. I had a lot of (mostly useless) matches but I settled too quickly.
There's no way any women will take half my shit. I'll make my future wife understand my finances and sign a "fair" prenup before we get married. My gf is the one who brought up a prenup when we first started dating but I have no intentions of marrying her.

>> No.55841569

I am also friendless and a virgin, and i just got fired for not being "experienced" enough. I want to start NEETing off these peoples taxes instead of helping to pay them

>> No.55841603

I'm interested in knowing what you have accomplished in life now. Share with us your life achievements anon.