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55831607 No.55831607 [Reply] [Original]

Javier Milei, candidate for the Libertarian party has just won by a wide margin the primary elections in Argentina.
His plans include opening up to international business, privatization of companies, destruction of export barriers, dollarization of the economy and support for the integration of cryptocurrencies in everyday use.

Fuck it brothers, I think I plan to move there soon.

>> No.55831631

is that even safe?

>> No.55831648


>> No.55831658

based, i have some family living in argentina and they're all pretty happy about it, might be easier to visit them now

>> No.55831662

>ancap candidate

>> No.55832094

>Libertarian party
He'll open the borders and let retards from Africa loot the country like they did in Venezuela.

>> No.55832277

There won't be any welfare gibs so the niggers will go Europe instead.

>> No.55832358

Argentina has a massive dollar debt and depends on the IMF to get dollars. Mr. Lolbert has to do what the IMF wants him to (taxes and more bond sales to fund debt) or no dollars and Argentina defaults.

Also Argentina's export demand and potential investment is going to come from China if true liberalization happens and that won't make America happy so I don't see how that's going to work lol

>> No.55832631

Milei is literally the WEF candidate. A globalist candy wrapped in libertarian paper. The entirety of SA besides maybe Paraguay and Uruguay are doomed buddy.

>> No.55832700

Depends if he is a Hoppean or one of these American-style "libertarians" aka international socialists.

>> No.55832940

He is a WEF spokesperson. He's as libertarian as the American basedcialists. What Argentina needs is a Pinochet, someone who will do the deed and not pretend to be what he isn't (a libertarian). And thus will not happen so they are doomed .

>> No.55833015

he is a crypto jew and will sell out argentinia to bankers

>> No.55833196
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That already happened long ago, same old same old

>> No.55833808
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Look i've been following Milei here for over three years and im completely sure he's trying his best at destroying the historic cabal that keeps argentina and brazil tied to the globohomo agenda as close as they can. No, im not saying he's some sort of savior "qanon" type of shit, he's literally against everything the country usually stands up for (cultural marxism, fourth wave feminism, socialization of labor, high levels of corruption, state-supported drug trafficking). He isn't doing it out of "love" or something like that, he's just affiliated with the school of thought of austrian libertarianism that despises the commie economics.
Nobody thought he was going to win. Literally. The news are all full of speculation because in the last 20 years peronism was never so below the ground like it is right now.
The other thing that supports this is that the guy wears a crux decussata as a necklace everywhere so you know for SURE he's with elon and the whole "X.COM" using crypto to make it the "all app"

>> No.55834376

>check "news"
>Argentine far-right outsider Javier Milei posts shock win in primary election
"Far-right outsider"; that's how you know he's based

>> No.55834836
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My Argie bros, if you weren't buying crypto USD during the last few weeks, you were sleeping
>Cocodrilo que duerme es cartera

>> No.55834866

So, the actual program is to abolish the central bank, cut taxes by 90%, and let people use the currency they want to ?

>> No.55834930
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>> No.55834946

That's kind of his idea. I don't know wtf he's going to do if he wins the presidency. All I know is that the country has reached a point where a perfect storm is brewing and my pesos are going to suffer. The central bank devalued the currency by 22% today in a place with 140% inflation this year. So, all my money goes towards buying everything I need to beat inflation (what I buy now will be more expensive in a few days), and the rest goes into crypto and USD (in the black market, of course; the government won't allow me to buy them legally).

>> No.55834958


Dude is from Argentina. Something I think that looks dope and more like he wants something like the internet on it. Videos and gambling. Mega tiny but I have a feeling Argentina will rise soon. The shitty 20 years has sired some strong men and the pendulum always swings.

My nigga Hitler down there too breedin them with BWC. His pubes are the same styling as his stache.


>> No.55834969

>An admirer of former U.S. President Donald Trump, Milei says Argentina’s Central Bank should be abolished, thinks climate change is a lie, characterizes sex education as a ploy to destroy the family, believes the sale of human organs should be legal and wants to make it easier to own handguns.


>> No.55834987

Good luck anon.
>An admirer of former U.S. President Donald Trump, Milei says Argentina’s Central Bank should be abolished, thinks climate change is a lie, characterizes sex education as a ploy to destroy the family, believes the sale of human organs should be legal and wants to make it easier to own handguns.
So I guess all /pol/ natsoc trannies are suddenly going to be against all of those things, right ?

>> No.55835120
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>cut taxes by 90%
The IMF won't give them another big dollar loan on those terms. Taxes are going to have to be somewhat high and he'll have to play along with the IMF loan conditions or a default is inevitable because there's no way else the government can get the dollars to pay their debt without extortion levels of taxes

>> No.55835339
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3 digits % inflation / year, 70% taxes
It's already endgame over there,
Bullish for crypto adoption

>> No.55836171

That could pave the way for a more open currency market. In Argentina, significant transactions like buying cars, houses, and making major sales are conducted in USD. Pesos are mainly used for taxes and everyday shopping at supermarkets. Essentially, the country is already heavily reliant on the dollar, but this reliance comes with the added expenses of operating within a black market economy (legally you shouldn't use USD)

Idk, maybe I'm being optimistic.

>> No.55837089


>> No.55837104
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>Cocodrilo que duerme es cartera
Tiburon que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente
pic related es un disco de meo, for relevance

>> No.55837146

The jews won't let him do that.

>> No.55837160

what is his stance on the falkland's?

>> No.55837210

the only reason Argentina gets to default on their IMF loans every couple of years is because of white privilege.
India would never have been allowed to default and get away with it. IMF has a soft spot for whites.
the country will be okay, the whites will never allow it to fail

>> No.55837755

For latin american standards, yes. Look for statics of murders every 1000 people

>> No.55838219

Libertarians get economics right but politcs wrong. I expect organized crime and international commie globalists (jews) to eat him alive because he's too naive to understand how power works.

>> No.55838269
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Viva la libertad carajo!

>> No.55838273

He going to be the next Bukele check em