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File: 183 KB, 353x423, bassed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55831487 No.55831487 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not getting a wife in 2023
A wife is the best source of motivation for making it. She will be there to support you in your endeavours while also making sure you succeed. Who wouldnt be motivated when failing means losing 50% of your assets

Tl;dr have sexs incels

>> No.55831521

Getting married was the best decision I ever made but only because I took the time to find a good one. Not every woman is worth marrying and if you hitch up with the first girl who gives you attention you probably are going to be in a world of pain.
Marriage is the potentially the biggest boon but also potentially the biggest burden a man can have. Be discerning in your choices.

>> No.55831529

Incels and feminists are equally annoying maybe they should pair up.

>> No.55831532
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I'm not even sure bro. I am mostly in it for the kids at this point. My wife woke me up this morning and sucked me off before she went to work. Still indifferent towards her. I hate women so much it's unreal. I stay with her for the kids.

>> No.55831538

I got married and while my wife can be a bitch sometimes she is at least faithful and gave me 3 beautiful children who are the love and joy of my life. My life is for them now, and it’s the greatest gift I’ve ever received. Thanks be to God.

>> No.55831540
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>> No.55831545


>> No.55831546
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Also that slut is like 21 at most. Women don't look like that at 29+ when the wall destroys their femininity and they spend all your money on hair and manicures and facials trying not to look like men.

>> No.55831549

My wife passed away. I'm 29

>> No.55831559

I took too much time and I'm 30 now.
I don't care about anything anymore.

>> No.55831564

have babies outside of marriage
its easier when splitup
>just saying marriage is a trap and make you lose everything

>> No.55831568

I didn’t meet my wife until I was 30. Married at 32. First kid at 35. Now 40 and have 3 kids. Life can change fast.

>> No.55831591

Thanks for the encouragement. I needed that today.

>> No.55831630


>> No.55831636
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>My life is for them now
>Thanks be to God
oy vey no thanks OP

>> No.55831646

kill yourself

>> No.55831681

If not every woman is worth marrying, then it follows that there is not enough women worth marrying for men. A wife is a great idea if you are Chad, it's a nightmare for any other man though. Not sure what you and OP are trying to do here, it's not like telling an incel to get a wife will suddenly make women attracted to him.

>> No.55831709

Reddiots will suck up the shittiest women dw king there are more zoomers turning 18 every day

>> No.55831728

and she's the same age?
no problems with pregnancy after age 35?

>> No.55831729

It doesn't matter because I am an incel. You could double the female population and I still wouldn't get laid.

>> No.55831736

>marrying women in 2023

You're literally not going to make it LOL

>> No.55831761
File: 560 KB, 807x991, IMG_3212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool feel free to never post in threads like this again
You contributed nothing

>> No.55831774

>If not every woman is worth marrying, then it follows that there is not enough women worth marrying for men.
Not every job is worth your time. A lot of them are terrible. Some are great, and some are great and aligned to your interests. There will be competition for the good jobs.
>telling an incel
You're not the target demographic of the message. There are a ton of functional human beings here that are fed a pretty confident stream of doom when it comes to relationships.
I've got a 10 week old baby with my fiance of 8 years. I had issues from a bad upbringing so I took a bit longer to actually settle down but I can't imagine a reason to get up the morning past age 35 if you've given up on a future for your family.

>> No.55831806

Most men are incels or incels in denial, you just sent a message to a tiny demographic. Again, not sure what you are trying to accomplish.

>> No.55831854

False. It is about a quarter of people under 25 though, if I recall correctly. I'll not bother replying to anything else unless you bring in a source. You're like an obese limbless woman giving advice on /fit/.

>> No.55831855
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The only problem I have with my wife is that she made a huge fuss about us splitting our bank account and having shared savings and a pooled investment wallet (we use the same broker).
At the time I didn't think it was that much of a problem (honestly it's the only problem I have with her, the rest is hilariously perfect) but she insists on not letting me invest in cryptocurrencies. Since two years ago I have a secret wallet that I use for trading, with the last pump from x.com I managed to reach 200k that I can't use at all because I know that when I reveal this to her it will be a big problem. Don't be like me kids, have some backbone

>> No.55831872
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Sauce me please

>> No.55831918

The reality of the matter is that this thread is already useless by itself. Chads, the only people who should marry because it will work for them (at least in the fulfilment sense), are already marrying. And they are also not posting on 4chan. The only people who aren't marrying anymore are the bottom 80% of men. Either because they can't or because they realize whatever partner they can come up with loves them as much as Will Smith's wife loves him. Sure there are some stragglers who naively end up marrying anyway, divorce lawyers would be jobless without these little fellas, but the tendency is for men to know what's up younger and younger. Even if you could reasonably remove the state from marriage and make society less biased towards women (not likely), you'd still have to deal with the matter of children, and everybody knows a kid needs both his mother and father together to raise him. Ultimately, what I mean is, what's the point of this thread? The people who should be marrying are marrying regardless already. The people who shouldn't or can't marry, aren't and they are most men by definition. So what is it ? Are you trying to make men who shouldn't marry take the plunge, and therefore talking to me and others alike? I don't have to tell you it's a bad idea, or just an unlikely one.

>> No.55831940

Not having sex isn't what configures an incel. It's simply being undesirable by women. A quarter of men being virgins isn't a quarter of men being incels, it's actually more. I could get laid right now with a hooker, wouldn't make me a Chad. Similarly, an average man could marry a woman looking to settle, she still wouldn't desire him and he wouldn't be a virgin, but he's definitely an incel

>> No.55831941

how did you meet her? did you settle down because you family kinda pushed it on you with everyone getting married, and you being the outlier and just went along with it?

t. dont know how to know which girl to marry, ive ended all my relationships because of this uncertainty

>> No.55831960

That's just a cope incels made up to feel less alone in their misery and to convince themselves they're doomed anyway so they might as well give up.

>> No.55831987

She’s dumb, I’m sorry. Her mind probably would have changed if you cashed out and dropped 200k on her, though. You’ll look like a retard if you tell any time before the next bull run.
My wife has no idea what I do with crypto and I don’t plan on ever letting her into it.

>> No.55832004

>happy wife happy life
and they (modern fems) get mad when you say this but its true.

stand your ground and principles is the best advice that is 100% true

>> No.55832008

It even says biblically that a nagging wife is trouble.

>> No.55832011

Yeah and when she leaves you, you're destroyed and highly likely rope, kek

>> No.55832022

Not likely. If anything, cope is the redditor who gets pegged just so he can remain married being happy. Or Will Smith thinking he's anything but a way to pay the bills for his wife. Or anyone who thinks they are winning as their wife secretly yearns for Chad. This is what happens when you end up chasing comfortable lies, instead of meaningful connections with other people.

>> No.55832032

This anon speaks the pure truth.

4/5 of the humans(men and women) are not worth having a relationship with. Because these 80% are narcissistic and having a relationship with one is dogshit.

It's the same reason why divorces are so high. Don't ignore redflags, learn about relationship and by learn I mean in theory and practical, sometimes the theory is not on point.

Here's another anecdotal evidence that I gathered over the past year by talkig with women on social media. Most of them wanted to cheat on their partners with me, very very few did not. I talked to more than 1000 women in these last 11 months. A 10 minutes conversation was enough to one of them to decide on cheating or not. 10 minutes.

>> No.55832052

Do you actually believe this is how life works, with groups called "Chads" kek, how old are you guy?

>> No.55832055

oh you mean a legal contract you have to sign with the government? lmao not for me. I offered my girlfriend a religious marriage and she turned it down so here we are.

>> No.55832062

> A 10 minutes conversation was enough to one of them to decide on cheating or not. 10 minutes.
What 10 min convo led to you figuring that out?

>> No.55832069

It's just a way to call good looking men. Not sure who you are to lecture me either, "kek".

>> No.55832077

Better than most men in this thread desu.

>> No.55832080

You're the one chasing lies, you're finding comfort in negativity as it relive you from the imperative of fighting, while convincing yourself that 80% of men have it as bad as you do.
Being stupidly cynical isn't any better than being stupidly naive.

>> No.55832081

They said so themselves

>> No.55832088

They told you to ur face they want to cheat on you? wdym, shit doesnt add up homie

>> No.55832099

No she’s 5 years younger than me

>> No.55832104

>good looking
good looks only carry you so far, if that's what a "Chad" is then thinking they're the only ones that should marry is retardation. Marriage doesn't last or not based on how good looking you are.

>> No.55832148

Already lost, beyond this point it's all damage control and dealing with the rest of my life's problems. No point in getting bothered by the things you can't fix.
>80% of men have it as bad I do
Wrong, 80% are either incels or incels in denial. A normie doesn't have it as bad I do in the looks department, but when it comes to relationships, he better watch out because women do not desire him either. They will settle, but he's a man with a target on his back for the state, and he won't be happy either. How happy could you be when your wife who gladly had hundreds of guys run a number on her , but will make you beg to maybe have sex once a month? Of course sex doesn't mean happiness in a marriage, but imagine how happy you will be when your wife actively tries to avoid physical contact with you? You might be ok for a year. Try a decade and see if you won't lose your mind. All to ultimately lose it all when she finally decides "she's had enough (of tolerating the subpar man she thinks is below her)". This is why they are incels in denial.

>> No.55832157
File: 2.28 MB, 2208x2555, Would You Like Gas With That Fats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back. I worked with a commie faggot that spoke just like this

>> No.55832164

Nah, enjoy the hell you created for your children freemason traitor.

>> No.55832186

Making senior partner on a major firm is not just about being an outstanding lawyer or employee, but try becoming one without handing a buy-in check. Maintaining a relationship isn't just about being good looking, but getting your foot on the door when you are is a lot easier

>> No.55832204
File: 439 KB, 480x360, 1691793078191433.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheat on their s.o, not him. Are tou dyslexic?

>> No.55832211

He speaks like that because it's true. "Chad" ...you think real life is high school?

>> No.55832213

How many women, when u ask them, admit they want to cheat on their SO? that doesn't add up retard. try it and report back, this guy is 100% lying

>> No.55832245

Life is high school. Get used to it. Who you know matters, who you are matters even more. And most men aren't much.

>> No.55832255

I didn't imply women are just better either, it's just that society gives them a free pass to suck, in more ways than one.

>> No.55832265

Not only they admited they wanted to cheat some of them admited to me that they cheated before. Being direct works surprisingly well when talking to another person you should try it.

According to them I also look hot that helps a lot when a person wants to cheat or not.

>> No.55832293

Ah yes, life is high school that's why the nerds who got bullied and pushed into lockers ended up on top with everyone working for them. Makes sense.

>> No.55832338

They didn't, they went to college, got a good degree, and then worked in the company owned by the bully's dad where he works in R&D making a tenth of what his bully makes in the PR department. This isn't the 1960s anymore friend, you are not going to work for Lockheed and stick it to the highschool bully. My highschool bully drives a Porsche he bought by using money his dad from a major pharmaceutical company gave him.

>> No.55832341

>what about zuck though!
Vast majority of the "nerds" remains at the bottom of the hierarchy, with normies "managing" them

>> No.55832362

My point is, if you think being "le rich nerd" is going to save you, go to plebbit. That website is basically composed of nerds, and the few rich ones are all cucked beyond saving. And they are also not very happy either, let alone happy with their marriages (and weekly peggings), despite all their cope.

>> No.55832474


Depends on how smart you are really. If you're really smart then you're going to acquire skills that make you really valuable, you will be paid well for that or even establish your own business once you're not too retarded in other ways it's easy to make it. Whether or not a woman cheats on you is beyond your control, but at a certain net worth you won't give a shit either way, just move on to another one.

>> No.55832502

>Rich redditors are cucked, therefore all rich people are cucked
just be a rich chad, its not that hard you're overthinking it

>> No.55832523

you don't have to be rich nor hot to find a good partner

>> No.55832538

very hard in this world, especially if u live in the west i think. they'll either be dumb as bricks, or if they're smart, they know they can get better

>> No.55832539

Why did you talk with 100s of woman in social media you scum

>> No.55832541

The point of the thread is marriage and the life of the average man. As to what you said, you don't even have to be smart to make it, you just need a good idea and luck. Terence Tao is worth 5M USD. Some jock lawyer from Columbia or some other big name uni is probably worth 10 times that much. Smart= money is a correlation at best, and as time passes it will only get worse as we are now entering the post truth era.

>> No.55832550

if they're smart they'll know that looks don't matter

>> No.55832562

So what do you got to offer her? Let's list the things a person looks for in a partner, no person is gonna "love" you if you're broke as shit and ugly, it's just a truth of this world

>> No.55832563

I wanted to see the truth by myself

>> No.55832566

You just have to be good looking. And if you are not, like I said earlier, you will be able to find a "partner", but you will find that partnership to be pretty one-sided while it lasts. And if the point of the thread is marriage as investment to your own life, then it's a moot point anyways.

>> No.55832596

There's more to offer to a partner than money, just like in finance you have to diversify your assets.
Other things that I can't think on top of my head

>no person is gonna "love" you if you're broke as shit and ugly, it's just a truth of this world

Not necessarily true.

>> No.55832672

Being "good looking" does not find you a good wife. Just fids you a woman. There are many good women that may not be so attractive, those aren't the ones incels want, they want hot women that are shallow and out of their league then cry about looks.

>> No.55832686

>Being "good looking" does not find you a good wife.
It increases your pool of women to select from, the wider net you have the bigger the chance the good wife is in that net, it's not rocket science. Try being a 5'5 manlet and go pick up chicks, it's life on hell mode

>> No.55832739
File: 388 KB, 1284x980, 1591117505964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted a son. She gave me 3. When I met her I was fucking a bunch of different women. I fucked 5 women the month I met my wife and none of them were her (first and 2nd dates were towards the end of the month). I dunno, she seemed like the best choice out of my options at the time. 3 healthy sons, she cooks and cleans and is pretty fuckable even after 3 kids. I loved her but she did some shit to me that's unforgiveable and it really dwindled the feels. Now it's more a relationship where I tolerate her and we both act like everything is the same but it isn't. I just focus on the material benefits of being with her (sex, food, services provided) and try not to think about the fact that she's a lying whore but realistically I want my kids grown and to die and leave this hellscape called the Earth.

>> No.55832783

And so you ..... just write them?

>> No.55832790

The question that should be answered is:

Does the height of a person says something about the worth of a person as a partner?
The answer to that question is "No"

Change height for other things such as, looks, money, penis size, boobs size, weight, nationality and the answer is the same "No."

Therefore the women(or men if a woman is reading this) who are avoiding another person for a futile aspect is already doing the other a favor.

The pool smaller and also purer.

>> No.55832796

id rather get one after making it

>> No.55832799

You are severely retarded
Not only woman lose bonding ability after whoring, its similar with men. You ghet what you deserve

>> No.55832801

But we as men also select for "superficial" things, you prefer a hot good woman over an ugly good woman. It goes both ways.

>> No.55832805

False. Men can love even after being burned many times, even divorced, even divorced more than once. Men never lose their ability to love deeply. Never.

>> No.55832830

And you lose it not even after after beeing burned, you even lose it after having 5 partners in a month (which is crazy)
Of course you cant bond as before

>> No.55832832

Incels can't get any woman period. Maybe incels in denial can get a woman, but like I said, it doesn't matter because it won't be an equal relationship, because women don't want men in their league, they want men above it. Most women rate most men as ugly. This is consistent across any medium you pick. The reality is that women see men on their level as inferior, chase Chad and then complain about men being abusive etc. etc. The reciprocal isn't exactly true, not when women are much less likely to be single or virgins, because while Chad won't settle for them, a one night stand is more than welcome. Imagine the following scenario. An abusive landwhale is interested in a normie man (incel in denial) from her gym. Psychologically, here's the way they see it:
Chad is not attainable, but they won't date men of their own level (other abusive fat men). They look at the normie("ugly" 7/10 normie incel in denial who is at least on shape) and see it as a way to settle.

If you don't see why men shouldn't commit (for the sake of their own happiness), then I don't know what to say.

>> No.55832862

>There are many good women that may not be so attractive, those aren't the ones incels want
And the other way around, even worse.
But yes a lot would get woman if they severely lowered their standards

>> No.55832875

I don't understand your question. Could you reformulate it?

>> No.55832896

What did you do to write with 100+ woman on social media?

>> No.55832900

>bro just get a wife its so easy
at this point id take anything even some fat bitch

>> No.55832911

My standard is a woman who genuinely desires me and isn't fat. So far, I have attracted 0 women. I thought it was a personality flaw when I was drinking the kool aid, now that I have many friends and know better, I know it's just looks. My other friends who are as successful with women also have overlapping characteristics (manletism, ugliness etc.). I don't cope anymore either, I accept it for what it is and move on.

>> No.55832927

I just added them lol

Ofc I didn't talk with 100+ at the same it was over the course of these last 11 months

>> No.55833028

Its 90% looks and here its mostly face. I agree and have the same experiences.
>just add random woman
Internet was a mistake when woman get the experience of beeing added by randommen

>> No.55833039

But what i ment some can get woman by lowering their standards thats a fact

>> No.55833073
File: 27 KB, 573x624, 696743A8-A5C1-4C3D-B64E-874863C6DA50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the full pic

>> No.55833079

Doesn't mean they should. If there is no genuine desire , they might as well be incels.

>> No.55833095

>threads barely been up 2 hours almost 100 replies
So whos flooding biz with proxies?

>> No.55833098

>Internet was a mistake when woman get the experience of beeing added by randommen
If it were not for internet it would be somewhere else, the issue is deeper than being added by random men. Women can meet other men in various places other than the internet

>> No.55833121

Ok but the internet made it easier therefore worse.
And added the problem that brown "people" do it in mass

>> No.55833134

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.55833158

>And added the problem that brown "people" do it in mass
It takes two to tango anon

>> No.55833185

I mean far worse
Scum like you can literally write 1 NEW woman per day trying to get her to cheat, or at least pushing her self esteem.
Without Internet thats only possible in a few places like as barkeeper.
So yes exactly doing this is making dating and relationships far worse for all others
Thats why i say scum to you, even tho you are friendly.

>> No.55833188

I'm 30 years old and never seen a vagina irl.

>> No.55833194

Fucking mods do your god damn job boards being absolutely flooded by samefaggots.

>> No.55833202

It’s probably over, odds are likely you’ll end up like me. I’m 40 and never made it and I’ll never be able to get married. Might as well an hero now

>> No.55833206

Well you offer it, therefore making her feel shes worth more then she is which leads to
>The reality is that women see men on their level as inferior
Its the worst thing ever now

>> No.55833225

I must say, these 1 PBTID threads with race mixing pics and a false statement is a winning combination for guaranteed replies.

>> No.55833285

my gf is an attention whore and I think a lying slut but it’s still early in the relationship and sex is great. I haven’t told her that I’ll never marry kek
But also we both want kids and she has good genetics
Worth going for preggers and avoiding the ring? (and avoiding common law marriage ofc)
don’t want to end up like this anon >>55832739 but one day I could see myself making the same trade to be a father. Don’t think she’s my only option but these women that I meet are all pretty much the same

>> No.55833298


>> No.55833352

Low self steem the issue most of the time, if you want to know which girl to marry/date pick one with high self steem and doesn't seek external validation like a drug addict

Low self steem girls(and guys for that matter) are a time-bomb just waiting to explode on your face

A person that doesn't know its worth is not one that should even be dating

>> No.55833362

No, she doesn't seem worth at all see my post above

>> No.55833364

Also all these billionaires seem to get divorced all the time and not give a fuck. Sure there’s massive alimony and child support payments. But what if you knew that going in? What if I can afford a divorce and the kid is worth it? Sure there’s the mental anguish of losing a loving partner, but is it possible to mentally prepare yourself for that and not let it bother you? Many rich people seem to have figured that out