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55830575 No.55830575 [Reply] [Original]

Work From Home chads, how are you doing working from home? Any tips on what to do on second monitor while you work?
I'm currently watching hunter x hunter on company time and it's amazing

>> No.55830688

>woke up at 8:58 am today
>turned on work laptop
>felt under pressure last week unnecessarily, until Friday, and then it all went away
>know that this week will be really easy
>sunny today, so planning to go walking at lunch time and after work

It's comfy time!

On Sunday I watched 3 episodes of Death Note, went walking, drank coffee in the car, read a few chapters from a few books, did some chores, went to the gym, and binged on junk food.

>> No.55830777

>wake up at 9 in the morning
>open my laptop
>quickly run through the inbox to see if my name is not mentioned
>make sure noise.exe is up and running
>take a shower
>get ready to have a quck 15 min call by 11.
>answer any email topic that pops up during the call
>spend 30 more minutes on work
>go for lunch
>spend 4 hours playing vidya and watching netflix
>finish at 5 in the afternoon
>go out for dinner
>laugh at the staff in the mall having to work shifts on premise, while making next to zero in comparison to what I make.

life is good

>> No.55830786

Checked Lucky 7
Also, what is noise.exe?

>> No.55830788


>laugh at the staff in the mall

Minimum wage work is basically slavery. There is no dignity to work.

>> No.55830802

just scratched my butt crack and sniffed it, smells so good bros, now time for a 1 hour lunch, and then do some work after

>> No.55831201

Hello. fellow /wfh/ chads. I will never go back to the office, I will rather go full NEET. Mark my words and screenshot this if you like.

>> No.55831723


4 hours since this post. I browsed the internet, watched two episodes of anime, had a one hour lunch, then walked outside in great weather for an hour.

Three hours left of work. One hour in a pointless meeting and two for work.

>> No.55831762

Holy fucking based, I watched 3 episodes of anime and browsing internet, had some egg noodles and smoked some cigs

>> No.55831782

Feels like I’m wasting my life playing some stupid fucking computer game all day while I sit at my desk. I should be learning to code or starting a business or something fucking productive, but I actually have to do work at my job a lot of the time so I can’t do something that requires my whole attention. Feel kind of stuck lately.

>> No.55831783
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>return from 2 weeks of PTO
>the vacation was actually more stressful than my "work"
If you don't WFH you are cattle

>> No.55831791

Didn't you know life is suffering anon? You have to carve out your little piece of this world for yourself, it takes a little effort but it's worth it

>> No.55831801

>second monitor
I have 2 desks and 2 monitors on each. So my work desk has my mouse on the mouse jiggler with a USB condom to prevent any signs of its existence from being detectable on my work laptop and my personal computer I am shit posting right now on and watching youtube on the other screen. Wife blew me this morning before she drove to work (normie tier job) and I'll fuck her tonight.

>> No.55831823

>Have been on paid parental leave for 2 months
>Still have another month left
I've currently ascended to gigaWFH.
I do actual work from home when I'm on, and hold a lot of things together. But just like in the office, there's only 3 hours of actual work to do, and half an hour of that is just following up the people further upstream or downstream that are holding up the work.
I'll have some flat out 7 hour days, usually close to a go live.

I just appreciate working from bed, naps at lunch and zero travel time. And home cooked meals

>> No.55831832

I moved my 2 monitors and work laptop and am sitting in the garden working from home now. It’s awesome

>> No.55831836

how do you deal with sunlight/glare? thinking of doing this

>> No.55831849
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Help me concoct a scheme to trick my employer into letting me work remotely permanently /wfh/chads

>> No.55831864

How fuck are you guys if this WFH shit ends or your positions are made redundant and you actually have to get a normalfag job? Is it basically over for you at that stage? do you think you'll be able to do that shit?

Although this WFH thing is great, it just seems way too good to be true to last for any significant period of time.

Im guessing theres gona be a lot of "End of WFH" suicides

>> No.55831871

Watch fight club.

>> No.55831890

My field never dies. If I change company and going a job myself, chances are I'll be forced to go hybrid. But I've gotten some called from recruiters and will probably pick up some 6-12 month remote contract work for higher pay. Hoping the increase will cover the periods between contracts.

>> No.55831897

I could do it but I’d be pissed as hell. I don’t see it ending for me any time soon though, thank God.

>> No.55831919

be so cheap for a while that he cannot do without you, when he trust you say you would like to wfh permanently or leave

>> No.55831949

I just put up a parasol

>> No.55831952

Yes it's strange, isn't it?
>pto away from home WFH anon

>> No.55831971
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Some companies offer 6mo to both parents. Trying so hard before I am laid off in the eventual collapse of tech. They aren't swimming far enough bros... pray for me

>> No.55831993

>son, in my youth we had this beautiful thing called WFH. people actually believed you worked while at home and paid you a living wage.

>> No.55832030

The only thing holding back WFH is the Boomer generation and as they gracelessly expire WFH will be stronger. The only reasons Boomers hate WFH is because they can't do it. These people have been working with computers for at least 40 years now and still print out emails to read them.
Whoopsie doopsie, Barbara just wiped out five years worth of customer records because she doesn't understand that simply copying files between two folders on the desktop isn't a backup.
Oh golly gee, Dave from accounting just got every workstation encrypted with ransomware because he got a phone call from "Microsoft Apple" and let a pajeet scammer remotely connect to his workstation.
VP of Communications Lucy Spreadbottom just removed everyone from their AD groups "for security reasons" but can't stick around to fix that because she's about to go on vacation and "doesn't really know anything about computers."

>> No.55832180

lower your tone when talking to me pussy i work a real job

>> No.55832252

I'm on a hybrid which I'm okay with because if I didn't go to the office I'd never leave my apartment

>> No.55832662

Pathetic. I have 3 sons, knocked up my wife in 1 to 2 months every time. Anyway, here maternity leave is 2 years and paternity leave is 6 months.>>55832180
>i work a real job
Sorry to hear that peasant. I work from the comfort of my own spacious home.

>> No.55832679

I watched hunter x hunter on company time last year, magical show. Right now I'm balls deep I'm a dissertation, but comfy times will resume in just over 2 weeks. Most days I don't start working until 10:30/11am

>> No.55834419

>No time wasted commuting
>No time wasted in the cafeteria
>No time wasted on coffee breaks
It's funny, if my employer took a look at how I spend my time working from home and in the office their only rational choice would be to never have me come to the office.

>> No.55834487

Actually had a very busy week last week WFH, so I am taking it very easy today. Playing hearthstone and going to the gym in a bit. I have Friday off, taking off Thursday to surf. gf is out of town this week so I got the place to myself. Gonna go to the gym in a bit

>t. 91k salary

>> No.55835075

Open an LLC and use your second monitor for another 1099 contract. Income doubled

>> No.55835091

If lucy spread bottom has rights in AD you deserve it

>> No.55835964

I automate your job, faggot.

>> No.55835989

The boomer CEO made you give her admin access to AD so that "his Google and email won't get blocked anymore."

>> No.55837095

You eat so much junk food man. What is your height/weight

>> No.55837139

I just watched YouTube all day, I lost the last ounce of motivation I had to be productive

>> No.55837496
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I've been eating ice cream everyday. tillamook chocolate peanut butter

>> No.55837576
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How there so many green ids in here?

>> No.55838025

I work a normie job now (engineering, 65k/yr) for my first job out of college. My coworkers are cool and we build cool shit, is it so bad to be on-site for a job I like? Sure some days are stressful, but I learn a lot and massively increase my value as a worker daily. Thinking of doing this until I turn 28 (I'm 24 now) to pay off my loan and mooch off my parents' housing.

>> No.55838597

not sure...

>> No.55840226

When you work remote, you already made it.

>> No.55840242

I'd literally quit working and mooch off my wife before I'd go back to the office more than 1 day a week. Currently 100% remote, and plan to stay that way. House is paid off, I don't really have to work if I don't want to.

>> No.55840538

>woken up by alarm at 8:58 am
>turn on work laptop
>shave, have shit
>sit in a few pointless meetings
>the only meeting today that required me to contribute was postponed for tomorrow
>didn't think the day could get more low work, but it just did
>deciding whether I want to watch anime, read, or do work (which I could postpone to tomorrow)

Holy shit, how do I even get paid for this?

>> No.55840544
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I miss those days so much

>> No.55841632

I was in these threads every day, peak comfy

>> No.55842506


End of the workday is nearing and I've done nothing except send a few emails and messages.

>> No.55842558

>went to work offshore in mexico
>12 hour days, hard work, hot as fuck
>£600 a day
>went out there for 6 weeks
>made £25k
>do this a few times a year

Yall just lazy and dumb fr

>> No.55842566


Just buy spy calls it always fucking Vs


>> No.55842605
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I've gotten so many lunch hour blowjobs from my wife at this point that my cock is basically like polished marble. A fucking Pharoah didn't have life as good as I do.

>> No.55842780
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>Wake up 8am
>Smoke a joint
>Turn on pc
>Clock in
>Smoke another joint
>Answer emails until 10 am
>Lurk biz for an hour or so
>Buy some tokens, check my x.com gains
>Make lunch
>Keep lurking /biz
>Check inbox, no emails
>Join a meeting by 2pm
>Nothing that involves me so i just read a book with the camera off and muted mic
>Meeting is over one hour later and nobody even noticed i never left the zoom
>By 5pm i still have no work left, clock out
>Go out for a job

Yeah the boomers lied to me when they said life was tough and full of hardships, it literally doesn't get easier than this

>> No.55842796

Lmao i have to try this, she always tells me no because my desk is kinda low so she would have to crouch (she has back problems) but next time i'll grab my laptop and tell her to do it under the kitchen table

>> No.55842920

N. O. T. H. I. N. G! ! ! !

>> No.55842933
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>> No.55842977

> woke up 9am
> committed exactly 1 (one) line of code before breakfast

Yep, I guess that's it for today.

>> No.55843065
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I fuck my gfs mouth during pointless meetings. Its the best. If shes not around Ill just fuck my fleshlight

>> No.55843257
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I would like to talk about: what in the fuck is going on and what has Ari been up to in his little dungeon!? A novel!!! This motherfucker wrote a whole god damn book instead of working on the project. You can’t even buy the book with link? Please discuss.

>> No.55843271
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