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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5583016 No.5583016 [Reply] [Original]

The co-founder of Ethereum has a message and a warning for the cryptocurrency community: cut out the “lambo memes and immature puns.”

On Wednesday, Vitalik Buterin ranted on Twitter about how discussions among cryptocurrency traders and fans appear to be taken over by immature jokes and memes, and are increasingly focused only on wealth.

“*All* crypto communities, ethereum included, should heed these words of warning,” he wrote. “Need to differentiate between getting hundreds of billions of dollars of digital paper wealth sloshing around and actually achieving something meaningful for society.”

He followed that up with another tweet that said, “If all that we accomplish is lambo memes and immature puns about ‘sharting,’ then I WILL leave.”


>> No.5583071


>> No.5583101

I sense he had a bad experience with sharting at some point

>> No.5583105

We are even too autistic for a literal autist.

>> No.5583183

imagine being so beta you can't even get laid as a qullionaire tech baron and still feel the need to virtue signal

>> No.5583252


Nice blog grandma, just scrubscribed!

>> No.5583297

give that boy a sandwich he looks hungry

>> No.5583361

he's right you know

>> No.5583379



Fuck you OP this is old news

>> No.5583380

Imagine being so wealthy that numbers don't even matter anymore and you want to change the world.

This is what it means to get past paying your rent and having a lambo - your mind is too small to entertain what money skelly is managing. KYS btw, you are a waste of air.

>> No.5583383


>> No.5583407

>autistic guy crys about memes thread

>> No.5583417


Give a man a sandwich and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to buy IOTA and he will drive a lambo for the rest of his life.

>> No.5583440

being low test makes men whiny, money skelly needs to fucking eat some meat and work out a little

>> No.5583452

Then leave faggit

>> No.5583477

He's just mad because Ethereum has too many competitors now and will soon be overtaken by one of the top 10 cryptos next year.

>> No.5583514

You should cry more about it on the internet.

>> No.5583516

Vitalik is autistic so he wants to talk about blockchain and smart contracts and the social implications of cryptocurrency but all the normies want to know is what colour lambo he has.

It's his own fault for going on Twitter, to be honest.

>> No.5583546

Vitalik is a genius in many things but economics is not one, crypto has 99 problems but memes and hype ain't one

It's like asking Carl Sagan about moral philosophy, or Janet Yellen about coupon clipping strategy

>> No.5583577

VITALIK BUTERIN: Knock it off children, you’re an embarrassment driven by delusional goals and greed
>wow what a fag
>lol grandpa boomer

The only thing missing is “he just doesn’t understand the tech”. The absolute fucking state of this market. Even worse than the content of posts ITT is that they were predictable.

>> No.5583588

So I guess Proof of Stake isn't going well?

>> No.5583656

as soon as ICX releases their mainet ETH can go to hell for all I care. Commie faggots.

>> No.5583684

calling you out as an annoying child isn't virtue signalling though

>> No.5583855


This whole notion of ICX overthrowing eth overnight is such a pipe dream LOL. sell your eth if you have any, you undeserving faggot. Enjoy your korean promises and kindly kys

>> No.5584120

he has a point, but I'm curious which crypto communities he frequents and is referring to specifically. also, the Devcon3 website has a nyancat animation and Vitalik references his love of dogecoin sometimes, so he likes memes.

>> No.5584168


too late for that

eth is a shit coin after all can't even scale

>> No.5584187

eh, technical problems can be fixed. eth has $ and brand name power.

>> No.5584248

fucking nerd

>> No.5584250

Yeah, most of his statements is true. Are we simply buying it for its application and use? Or are we trying to accomplish something other than spouting Reddit memes? Pretty sure for /biz/, it's the latter.

>> No.5584271

He literally once tweeted MOO HA HA SAYS THE LAUGHING COW. And in another tweet defended pedos. His decentralized world computer cant even run a cat game.

>> No.5584337

What a fuckin' AIDS ridden turbo faggot.

>> No.5584726

>grow up
>purposefully cultivates public image as autistic genius
Please. This is a level of narcissism that shouldn't be possible.

>> No.5584946
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Vitalik is right. Your soul is being consumed by your greed. Half of the time, you don't even know what a coin does. You just buy it becase it has a nice name or one of the developers is a qt asian girl.

>> No.5584994
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>god damnit guys, can't you be more professional about this?

t. pony shirt ghoul

>> No.5585018
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>> No.5585130
File: 351 KB, 900x1222, CHAINLINK LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. ok kid.
memes make people rich.


sam is gains.

>> No.5585233

Well this sounds like good design advice in general. Am... Am I autistic?

>> No.5585241

The guy who wears my little rainbow pony tee-shirts says we should grow up? Fark off carnt.

>> No.5585776
File: 528 KB, 1920x1080, C2B4E9EA-746D-4D8C-9BCF-F6E89CEC5DA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Lambos improve society?

>> No.5585854

He's not wrong. /biz/ is filled with the same kids who's looking to get rich quick.

>> No.5586047

Yes, they increase fertility

>> No.5586088

> t. guy who LARPs as super-wealthy

>> No.5586129

he got rich off creating THE coin which created the shitcon bubble (erc20 tokens) fuck this faggot

>> No.5586161

its never going above $6

screencap this

>> No.5586230

since the gox era with trollboxes on every exchange crypto was all about these memes and greed, this is what drives the price higher. now he wants us to act serious like wallstreet and make crypto no fun? for what? to get taken seriously by people we are outpeforming and replacing?

this is banks talking through our mate vitalik.

>> No.5586266
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Fuck that commie sodomite

>> No.5586268

I guess thats exactly why he hates it
He's a meme

>> No.5586273

Its not a meme though. If you were collecting alts here since 2016 you could probably get an Aventador

>> No.5586283

Reading this thread, he is right. Bunch of teen fucktards in /biz/ and most exchanges troll boxes for the most part.

>> No.5586339

We all are to an extent brah

>> No.5586341
File: 57 KB, 300x424, blessed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my dick vitalik. You autisitc skinny russian motherfucker. Putin would kick your ass. Society's dead, just like your coin if you don't rally the meme army shilling it to the top.

Arkies will soon surpass you, for your faith is misplaced, and your hands too weak.

>> No.5586461
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>immature puns about ‘sharting,’

That's not a thing. Is it?