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55828306 No.55828306 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here wish they would that they would just die

>> No.55828334

that image is unironically art
hope you won't mind if I save it

>> No.55828343

Are you serious op?

>> No.55828353

Every day yes. I will never belong in the normie world and it causes me a lot of pain and sorrow to feel like such an autistic outcast.

>> No.55828372

Didn't make sense but yes I'm suffering from cancer and secondary infections nonstop each day is a fucking nightmare ontop of my already shit life, living in my body is literally torture daily, most people here are just bored or greedy not unhealthy and poor it's a nightmare nobody should endure.

>> No.55828375

Yeah I actually am. I’ve been hoping to get hit with a terminal disease diagnosis lately

>> No.55828387

That’s what I’m hoping to get anon. How long you got?

>> No.55828401

kek oh poor kid you have no fucking idea what pain is like
>God I hope I get a disease that takes 10 years to set in and another 5 of pure agony and hell look how edgy I am
Not going to entertain some idiot like yourself, you'll likely get your wish though so there's that.

>> No.55828410

Bro I just want to die why are you being so bitter at the end of the tunnel?

>> No.55828423

Why the fuck do you think?
Everyday my organs are on the fence of shutting down I've gone to the ER over 20x in this last year, I'm in nonstop fucking agony and my life doesn't stop everything still goes on and I still have to talk to retards like yourself at the end of my tunnel.

>> No.55828433

At least you know your time is coming while I’m just waiting waiting waiting wish I could get some DMT and go into psychosis

>> No.55828452

Have you considered consuming THC?

>> No.55828469

I do when I had money for it but haven't for a minute now, had to take my last 2k and put it towards bills because like I said like doesn't stop, THC helps it's not a cure all but it allows my bitterness and anger to subside enough to sleep and eat.

Haven't had it in days now, I live in a legal state just can't afford any.

>> No.55828471
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>> No.55828484

Why’d you become an outcast? I think a shitty home life did me in

>> No.55828486

Thanks for hanging around with us. Are you a linkie?

>> No.55828489

Thanks buddy I'm not feeling very good today I was a few days back but it does this, the sicker I get the angrier I get.

>> No.55828494

I was in 2021, had nearly 840 but that was years ago, I cashed out in dec 21 when I got basically bedridden.

>> No.55828498

I’m starting to suspect I’ve been an autist this whole time and wondered why I suffered so much trying to be a normie

>> No.55828502
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Hahaha ahh man Jones is a fucking legend

>> No.55828515

His redemption arc has been pretty epic, I used to hate him for his shitting on Bill Cooper but unironically he's gotten better as he's gotten older and more fucked in the head.

>> No.55828519
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Jesus, save all of us the misery and just kill yourself. We're tired of you bitchposting every night. Jesus Christ.

>> No.55828526

Badass nicely done by my calculations your exit was quite well timed. My dog just shit himself so I'll bail on this thread but will return later with additional meaningless commentary

>> No.55828529

I'm beyond this mentality now. Too many people have died on me, I have to succeed to spite the witch who has cursed me for refusing her advances.

>> No.55828531

I always thought he was controlled opposition but seeing what they did to him proves me wrong .

>> No.55828540

I'm trying to place minecraft again but I can't really get into it.
I also suck at building stuff.

>> No.55828542
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>> No.55828545

>dog just shit himself
Yeah I know the feeling.

>> No.55828547 [DELETED] 

I understand your post, at least on the level that I fear I'll randomly get a disease that fucks my shit up horribly, the rest of these guys are just sad they're not fucking hot sluts on a thai beach.

>> No.55828550

Look up "sanctioned suicide" lots of good resources there

>> No.55828559

Yeah I know hence my annoyance most people whining here are just whining because their 6 figures isn't 7 and they're bored so they do these pity posting shit which just infuriates people like myself, there's plenty others like me but rarely do people voice their opinion, I let my be known quite clearly if I'm on my way out I'm sure as fuck punching as many faggots in the face as I leave.

>> No.55828569

Last 8 months of link has been rough, working my regular job sucks, together its like being stuck in the lobby of a mental hospital

>> No.55828585

Yes, I'm fed up of this hellish, lonely and frightening existence.

>> No.55828618
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For about 30 seconds every weekday after my alarm goes off at 5am, but then I'm fine and go about my day.

>> No.55828642

Fuck I'm trying to bang this witch hoe who is hot as fuck but maybe I shouldn't

I asked that bitch if she wanted to play ouija witch bitches love ouija I'ma go down on that witch pussy with my broomstick lmao I'm gonna out on my cape and wizard hat and do some black magic on her hairy witch twat

Minecraft and factorio are both games I can only put about 39 hours into before I wear out

To be fair it is kinda rough for people in the vanishing middle class. I got a starter home that eats up 50% of my take home pay and it's just an empty existence without a wife at 35. But you're right I still have time to turn it around. Thanks for posting here.

>> No.55828668

Just an hero anon, do a flip too or something

>> No.55828669

Thread theme

>> No.55828671
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Just doing my part in the meme war.

>> No.55828684
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>> No.55828693
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Thanks, nice pic.

>> No.55828696
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>> No.55828704
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I gave up on MineCraft after Microsoft assimilated it. I play a decent knock off of MineCraft now called "MineTest". The base game is like the alpha of minecraft but there are dozens of user made mods that you can add in as desired. I put a gun mod in my game and mine the depths while carrying an AK47 now, which is good because I have a mob pack installed as well and play in survival.

Oh yeah, no DRM or account needed to play either.



>> No.55828711


>> No.55828721
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>> No.55828802
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Seen and kek'd fren

>> No.55828815
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kek based grandpa.

>> No.55829843
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