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File: 94 KB, 1200x700, AVI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55826363 No.55826363 [Reply] [Original]

Please keep everything avi related in this thread.
-Upcoming marketing.
-Multiple cex listings.
-Api in development(github).

>> No.55826374

Which cex is next? We have insane volume should be listed quickly

>> No.55826402

In the other thread some anon talked about an announcement, which one?

>> No.55826412

Generals almost always mark the end of a token's lifespan. Looks like it's over for AVI.

>> No.55826415

No idea, and devs seem to be trying to take it piecemeal with their listings and general rollout.

>> No.55826429

No clue I'm waiting for him to show up in this thread, and maybe tell us more.

>> No.55826489

I did manage to add to my bag on the bottom, it's true that the top wallets haven't sold, it's just a few sharks that are impatient.

>> No.55826537

So this Enzo dude is loaded and he sold but also bought back in, doesn't want to miss out I guess. If avi start flying again.

>> No.55826548

That one anon called the bottom at 2200.

>> No.55826557

Yeah he sold some of his stack too soon, could've made a lot more money.

>> No.55826569

Why you shilling this so hard?

>> No.55826576

That guy needs to get his ass in here and explain how he did that and elaborate on the announcement.

>> No.55826579

It dumped. We got rugged (again) because we wanted to believe this one really had shib dev team involved Ed. We deserve it

>> No.55826593

It's a general if you're not interested just move on, shib,toad etc... all have threads why can't avi.

>> No.55826612

Just wait, we'll see 1700 tomorrow.

>> No.55826622

Op is actually trying to contain all avi threads, which is much better than having 20 random threads.

>> No.55826632

I have 210b toad and 5m avi am I going to make it. I have 2m dbi too but let's not talk about that (yet).

>> No.55826637

>We got rugged (again) because we wanted to believe this one really had shib dev team involved
A 57% retrace from ATH followed by consolidation is not a rug; in addition, OG Shib devs ARE involved, Kraken and Stixil are two, there may be more but I didn't attend the AMA.

>> No.55826657

I saw toad pumping and if we can the ball rolling again with avi, I think you stand to make some great gains.

>> No.55826665

To add to my post, the token distribution for AVI is one of the cleanest I have seen in a very long time.

>> No.55826667

Everyone keeps giving different numbers, so what is a sui and make it stack?

>> No.55826676

Who is that Enzo guy? A bot? What's his maker ID?

>> No.55826696

For avi? There's 9.3m coins iirc so sui would be 930k and make it 9.3m.

>> No.55826699

I'm just happy to see some impatient sharks leave, I just want to get back to pumping, first time I was part of pump like that.
Don't know if he's a bot but he holds many of the projects on biz, buys and sells in big volumes, whoever he is he's got money.

>> No.55826727

Tell the devs to hurry up with those cexs listings I need a big fat pump and no I'm not joining the tg.

>> No.55826729

Teach me properly Sir Enzo

>> No.55826766

I saw U_B in the TG as an admin, I remember him from the shib discord? His bio was defense team. Idk if it was the real one but if so that's bullish af. If this is the defense team's new project... You know damn well it's not a rug.

>> No.55826779

Cex listings are pretty much a given at this point, the volume alone would justify it. The team just doesn't want to rush, I think they want more holders first.
That's all I know about him friend, I just know that he's probably very rich. The only thing I would tell him is, let's pump AVI and I hope he sticks around.

>> No.55826793

Chek'd and why is he so bullish exactly? other than his credentials.

>> No.55826805

650 holders now, still a way to go. Hope we can reach a 1000 before any cex listing.

>> No.55826864

Defense team was who was in charge of protecting the community from rugs and scams...

It kinda makes sense now bro, this project is small, but they set up 2 multi-sigs already, have ens domains, have been super transparent about everything.

>> No.55826941

Make it 9.3 means I'm making it like 3 times fren. Bullish!

>> No.55827009

That's very bullish indeed, I also saw in the TG that there was movement in the marketing wallet, might mean something big is about to happen soon.

>> No.55827018 [DELETED] 

Hello! Checking in again!

Kraken was not exaggerating in the AMA when he said "We have 10 of the top 15 exchanges in our DMs." However, there is a lot that goes into the listing negotiations, such as price, market maker funding, and of course the benefits which include:
-Articles posted about the projects
-Twitter posts
-Banners/Announcements on their main page

It does feel a bit piecemeal behind the scenes right now. We were not expecting this kind of interest right out of the gate, but it is a pleasant surprise watching the community grow.

Today, we purchased some additional advertising, which will be seen this week! Also, we are reviewing our telegram moderator applications to free up more of the team to work on the backend.

Hope everyone is having an excellent weekend and I am looking forward to the coming week!

>> No.55827058

You bought advertising where? Where will we see it? Why do you speak so vague. Where did you buy advertising?!

>> No.55827078
File: 113 KB, 900x880, kisspng-pepe-the-frog-clip-art-otaku-5b23ca3b0a97c1.6197330915290721870434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurry up and negotiate or i will dump my stinky piecemeal on your door in mumbai

>> No.55827092

That's great, any other big things happening this week? And how is api progressing?

>> No.55827110

AMA on Biz of all places,and anything you can share with what the plans are with the tokens, that were redirected through the doa?

>> No.55827140

This anon was talking about someone on the avi team, can you confirm it's indeed the right person? that would be very bullish.

>> No.55827172

What do you think will start the next pump for avi?

>> No.55827242

Let's say I got a big bag of eth, what would you tell me in order for me to drop it in avi?

>> No.55827278

do it or I will personally castrate you with my teeth

>> No.55827281

Is Ryoshi a part of AVI?

>> No.55827332

We're slowly starting to pump my basterds

>> No.55827359 [DELETED] 

I will answer what I can, but I'm about to eat dinner with the family!

1. Where advertising?
-Saying where would spoil the surprise, but I can give you tx from our marketing wallet.

2. Any other big things happening this week?
-Yes, keep a weather eye on our website and telegram.

3. How is the API progressing?
-The API is progressing well, we should be in the testing stage shortly. The initial Aviator game is also progressing nicely.

4. The individuals on the AVI team?
-There will be a "Meet The Team" portion to give you a better idea of who is involved!

5. Next pump?
-I mentioned previously that I cannot talk about price action being on the team myself. We are taking the new regulations and laws very seriously to ensure the project's success.

6. Ryoshi?
-Keep an eye out for the "Meet The Team" update!

I've got to get going, but I hope to be more frequent here during the coming weeks. I am so excited to share what we have coming up. The Aviator Arcade already has me feeling nostalgic.

>> No.55827373

>Trust me bro
Nice larp

>> No.55827385

Stay poor fag.

>> No.55827394

Thanks at least, for some of the info. Keeping an eye out for the advertisement.

>> No.55827430

Alright just hope next time you might give us a little more, people are really hungry for some info.

>> No.55827460

You're a nigger but I appreciate you doing this, next time bring some big news with you so these ama's turn bullish.

>> No.55827461

If Ryoshi is a part of AVI, then 1 billion mcap is fud, he was the godfather behind Shib before Scamtoshi and his grifters took over.

>> No.55827478

This will be a first of it's kind, a blockchain gaming platform that incentivizes good games and clever developers to compete for player attention, and AVI tokens
What do you use at an arcade? Quarters?
Are you starting to understand?
Suicide stack is 1 mil AVI. Make it stack is 10 mil.

>> No.55827520

>1 billion mcap is fud
Don't do that anon, don't give me hope... if that happened then that's more than make it money with my stack

>> No.55827562

Not that guy but consider me interested, I would really like to see what these games look like though, the concept sounds pretty interesting ngl but it has to be done properly, nobody's going to pay to play a shit ass game.

>> No.55827582

If AVI goes interstellar, it will be because of the fact that OG Shib devs are behind it, plus the logo is cool.

>> No.55827603

We all paid quarters to play donkey kong and frogger back in the day fren

Plus the medium and ama said there was a payout for high scores.

*Cracks knuckles*

I'm about to fuck up all of you on tetris

>> No.55827613

where can i buy this? I have no way to use kucoin or other kyc places

>> No.55827625

It's on Uniswap, Indoex, and Coinsbit

Indoex has no kyc

>> No.55827626

Uniswap my dude

>> No.55827637

Use Cowswap, I don't know why anyone still uses Uniswap with mev nonsense.

>> No.55827641

team members in the tg confirmed this anon is part of the team

>> No.55827646

That's precisely the point
Blockchain gaming so far has been dogshit because the point of the game is solely to earn the token and dump as fast as possible, that the dev team themselves are making and also dumping
Imagine actual game devs getting in on this and earning pay 4 play profits, similar to how content creators monetize views.
Imagine the competition.
The user requires to token to play.
The token incentivizes devs to make the best game they can
It's a feedback loop that only needs one solid game to start.
And token, unironically, is needed.

>> No.55827649

Lmao that could be fun.
I have been using uniswap, what do you mean with mev nonsense?

>> No.55827656

What is the incentive for anyone to buy the token and play the game though?

>> No.55827679

Gamers gonna game

>> No.55827696

Where the fuck is the guy that called the bottom? I need to speak to him. That guy was alluding to some shit.

>> No.55827703

Why spend money to play a blockchain game when consoles and pc gaming exist? Anyways, like I stated previously, if AVI goes to Tau Ceti 5, it will be because the true Shib devs are behind the project and the logo is nice.

>> No.55827708

Bullish desu, it's an actual idea instead of recycled bullshit

If you knew the games you were playing would pay out tokens if you were good and they had to be popular enough to get hosted on the platform... Why wouldn't you?

Also... What if the devs implemented something like token buy acks to put into the pools if they hosted ads on the site? That would be constant but pressure.

>> No.55827709

>That guy was alluding to some shit.
What do you mean?

>> No.55827710

kek, right!

>> No.55827725

I just read charts man I'm not on the team.

>> No.55827729

This shit is going to zero I hate you god damn niggers so much

>> No.55827737

Where do you think AVI is headed next?

>> No.55827739

Threw 50 bucks in the pot, thanks boys. i'm sure i'll never see it again like all my other shitcoins

>> No.55827742

I heard rumours about high scores getting rewarded not sure how true that is
By that same logic why would anyone buy games at all? People just game bro it's not rocket surgery

>> No.55827758
File: 349 KB, 1080x1376, Screenshot_20230813-193736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do none of you retards read the mediums?


>> No.55827761

Maybe if you're good enough you can also win avi tokens. If it's a good game I can see people buying weapons and armor etc... and this idea was tried by Andre Cronje from ftm but he abandoned it just when it was gaining traction.
If this is done right, we're going to have a fun time ahead of us.

>> No.55827773

>Do none of you retards read the mediums?
Kek, no
I genuinely believe the next run ends above 1 cent

>> No.55827788

Ah just as I expected they thought about this aspect.
Is this the new floor for avi?

>> No.55827802

Speaking of which, do you think AVI can reach 25 cents?

>> No.55827806

That actually sounds pretty good I just invested because of the little plane animation on the website thought that was pretty cool.

>> No.55827818

Could you imagine my pp just tingled a little bit.

>> No.55827829

25 cents is a billion mcap or so, the fact that the OG Shib devs are behind this plus the cool logo alone should rocket AVI to that level, especially during the post-halving bullrun.

>> No.55827851
File: 250 KB, 1254x1241, 1691596281472183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i now have 5000 usd in both toad and avi, each
i will now enter crypto cryosleep and completely fuck off from the charts and news for a few months
am i going to make it

>> No.55827864

It is a very high probability, yes
That would be sick as fuck I won't be holding to find out though

>> No.55827873

>I won't be holding to find out though
Why not?

>> No.55827878

I will. Always keep a moon bag

>> No.55827882

I forgot to add if you're interested in avi make sure your slippage is low I use 0.1 and it works pretty good.
If all this, is properly executed I think WGMI.

>> No.55827907

Boys and Girls we've got a little pumpa going on.

>> No.55827921

>why hodl something you went 250x on just incase it pulls another 10-25x
Short story my target is 100mil

There's tons of opportunity elsewhere, besides in my experience these shitcoins that pop up in the end of the bear/beginning of the bull intermediary stage tend to not perform well later on. I guess you could say that about shitcoins in general, they start to get stale after the bags been open too long

>> No.55827945

If I put 200 bucks in right now what am I going to be looking at when we reach a 100 mil cap?

>> No.55827950
File: 38 KB, 290x390, IMG_2753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does $50,000 sound?

>> No.55827984

you can't multiply 2 numbers on your own?

>> No.55827987

Take the current market cap (around 1.8 million) and divide that by 100 million for a 55x increase. Multiply your 200 by 55, and you get $11,000. However, the devs are planning to burn tokens, meaning the total circulating supply will decrease and thus the tokens' value will hypothetically increase because it would need to equal the same market cap with less coins.

>> No.55827989

One million dollars, obviously

>> No.55828007

You guys laugh, but if you have enough of these kind of people, AVI will be on the top of the charts in no time.

>> No.55828015 [DELETED] 

Why you can't find any YouTube videos of this coin?

Why doesn't any crypto youtuber shill this aviator coin?

>> No.55828027

>saying "stay poor" will magically pump my bags!
nice try.

>> No.55828033

It isn't even a month old, and crypto youtubers aren't exactly great at their jobs all the time. Not to mention if they did, the marketing budget only just got approved and will start next week.

>> No.55828057

I feel like we have something great here, the marketing just really needs to ramp up.

>> No.55828133

This is bad idea. What if any of the coins does a 100x while you don't look, then it dumps back to today's price and never recovers?

>> No.55828158


Checked, turns out there are advertising globally.

>> No.55828175

That's good and has a pretty good amount of views, but we desperately need a video in English.

>> No.55828230


Can't have it all fren, but I am pleased they are advertising to a broad audience

>> No.55828424 [DELETED] 


videos in english will definitely start coming

this is a sign that we are still at an early stage

i listened to the AMA and was convinced, this is a legit project and professional programmers with solid experience in the crypto scene

i believe that Aviator will be a success story, and those who invest now will make astronomical profits

>> No.55828516

Same fellow anon, if it hits 100M MC that would just be glorious!

>> No.55828520 [DELETED] 

why am i bullish about aviator

- AMA showed that this is a legit project run by professional programmers with solid experience in the crypto scene

- transparency, for example including marketing address

- practically only available on Uniswap, and most normies do not know how to buy on Uniswap

- marketing hasn't started yet, wait until you start getting english youtube videos and $AVI can be bought on normie exchanges

>> No.55828718

Wow bros, maybe we'll even have a billboard! Or maybe the official Twitter will follow finance! Wow guys so bullish!

>> No.55828941

Thanks for mentioning Cowswap, I hadn't heard about it before now. Even got a nice little bonus on top of being cheaper than Uniswap in this specific instance. Granted, I don't watch the board like a hawk.

>> No.55828979


>> No.55829369 [DELETED] 

$AVI:s has now more holders than ever and the number of holders is growing

>> No.55829743
File: 810 KB, 300x220, 1690877091622860.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers tounge my anus, Christ is king and i love my mother. Avi will produce the biggest green dildos your eyes have ever marvelled no lube required.

>> No.55830134

We're steadily climbing, hope we can keep up this momentum.

>> No.55830330
File: 26 KB, 452x678, images (1) (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the plan Arthur

>> No.55830434

based and apparently we've got a new dao proposal for those who are interested make sure to vote.

>> No.55830818

Are we back to just pumping lads, you love to see it. Whoever bought yesterday's dip Congrats.

>> No.55830845

So marketing is ramping up this week, let's hope we can hit that 10 mil market cap soon.

>> No.55830847

>these shitcoins that pop up in the end of the bear/beginning of the bull intermediary stage tend to not perform well later on.
Lmao, how did shib perform?

>> No.55830865

I'm very optimistic but wouldn't that be a very tall order? Keeping in mind that in crypto anything can happen of course, if you told me shib would be a top 20 token I would've dismissed you as a crackpot.

>> No.55830886
File: 1 KB, 184x215, poompa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's definitely a growing interest in avi, the amount of holders is increasing steadily. I like where this is going.

>> No.55830907

Good morning mediocre negroes, that's a beautiful sight to wake up to. Had a dream about AVI, an insanely bullish one.

>> No.55830918 [DELETED] 

there have been many more holders today

soon 700 holders, then soon 1000, then 10k, this is how it goes

>> No.55830943

Based, the marketing push is going to be huge this week, couple that with a cex listing and we're flying this week.

>> No.55830966 [DELETED] 

now every AVI holder to join reddit



>> No.55830971

I hold avi but I'm not about to join plebbit, biz or bust for me.

>> No.55830991

Dubs I'm in the tg and twitter, might join the subreddit later today.

>> No.55830992 [DELETED] 


All publicity is good

All successful cryptocurrencies have a strong Reddit community

>> No.55830997

Btw what's all this marketing, cex listing what did I miss?
Yeah you're right a necessary evil.

>> No.55831011

My brother in arms, you need to start reading the thread. We got some more info from one of the devs yesterday.
I'll join, but promise to not tell anybody.

>> No.55831040

Does anyone know the amount left in uniswap? Is it possible that a supply shock can happen,like uniswap keeps pushing the price up because it doesn't want to run out?

>> No.55831064

I thought it was under 4% or something, I read some stuff about the supposed supply shock but I don't know what that would entail exactly, happy to find out though, if it turns out like you're describing.

>> No.55831088

Yeah some guy in the tg was talking about it. If the holders keep increasing and the token becomes increasingly scarce, it might happen. The devs deliberately did this to cause a shock in the future.

>> No.55831168

Good time to buy?

>> No.55831186

Dubs and I like what I'm reading they really thought this through.
Yesterday's dip would've been even better but we're climbing, so hop on board, stop messing around at the sidelines my dude.

>> No.55831361

yeah but isn't there anything inbetween? Shibas ATH was like 40 billion? 2% of that is 1B and imo that's not an impossible target to achieve, this project has all it takes to get there

>> No.55831377

Supply shock is a meme that never happens

>> No.55831385

I would say it's possible if all their plans come to fruition. But they really need to jump start the marketing efforts, they have a budget worth 150k, start using it.

>> No.55831398
File: 173 KB, 639x360, 1685289335957612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fuckers said this was a rug so I sold and it's already recovering. I hate you niggers on biz so much.

>> No.55831405

A 57% retrace followed by consolidation is not a rug.

>> No.55831416

Chek'd I'm skeptical myself, we'll see it when we get there I suppose.
Not a rug you can always jump back in, at this rate we'll be testing ATH soon.

>> No.55832067 [DELETED] 

new ATH coming this week

there are more and more new holders all the time

looks good

>> No.55832109

What's the contract address

>> No.55832172 [DELETED] 


you find it here

right below the info


>> No.55832470
File: 344 KB, 1080x1129, Screenshot_20230814-102447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit the marketing budget isn't just an excuse to rug:


They're actually paying for Twitter posts/videos/shills...

And it says "ex-Shib core team"


>> No.55832498

Fucking based, that's definitely going to grab some attention.

>> No.55832501

Holy shit... Is this real?

>> No.55832511

I gave you the link bro

>> No.55832514

We're definitely breaking ath today who predicted 10 mil market cap this week? you're on boy.

>> No.55832585

New ama or am I reading thst wrong?

>> No.55832611

>ex-shib core team
This is going to piss off shibbaggies who will fud the coin and shib project tg mods are already calling it a larp. For me, I will play both sides like a jew and hold both toad and avi while the low IQ fanboy their coins.

>> No.55832648

Shibaggies are going to be even more pissed off when they realize shibarium is a larp and they've been farmed for eth for 2 years.

>> No.55832652

Smart play my dude besides it is what it is they are ex shib devs, at this point it's undeniable. And with all the buy orders coming in the news is spreading fast.

>> No.55832673 [DELETED] 


these are the pros who were behind Shiba Inu, and now Shiba Inu is the #14 coin on coinmarketcap

I have a very good feeling about this $AVI

Now, if you throw in $500, for example, you can be rich a year from now

On the other hand, $500 is not a big amount when inflation eats into the value of the dollar all the time

If you don't take any risks in your investments, you can never win

>> No.55832685

this shitcoin looks like it's on track to become the next pepe. i wouldn't be surprised if we see it pump to 1bil mcap and getting listed on binance before end of month.

>> No.55832714

Let's hope that they can work their magic a second time.
Stop I can only get so hard.

>> No.55832738

>the news is spreading fast
Spread it faster we are sitting on a goldmine.

>> No.55832748 [DELETED] 


this is not a pure meme coin like Pepe is but you're right, if this starts flying, then the big exhanges will list this because they smell the money

Pepe was pure meme coin, but Binance listed it

If AVI gains popularity, then eventually the big exhanges will list it

>> No.55832850

That's nuts this week could very well be pump week.
Was pepe listed without paying a fee? Avi is building up volume, so we could pull it off.

>> No.55832879

I like their idea. It's not trying to reinvent the wheel. An arcade in principle is fun and plenty of small time game devs can make arcade style games making this platform super attractive.

It's not impressive tech, but it's something that fills the gap in web3 gaming. They thought this project out well. An anon previously mentioned token buybacks using ad revenue from the arcade site.

Can you imagine how many tokens/projects would want to advertise on a website like this? Not only that, but other projects would probably make their own game to host on the platform as advertising and getting their own communities involved. "Play this game and it helps further out project, while having fun and potentially earning tokens to play again and again."

Fucking Christ this shit is going to rocket.

>> No.55832981
File: 83 KB, 514x580, Hammond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the point where I regret only putting in 50 bucks?

>> No.55832995 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 1200x628, IMG_4184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies are sleeping while the curries are running free.

If you buy this and get rugged. Remember. A street shitter out smarted you. You are now as intelligent as an old person who just got scammed by the fake indian tax man.

>> No.55833058 [DELETED] 

The Devs did an Ama they are white you fucking bellend.

>> No.55833060

I know ful well of the risk, and it's worth it to potentially lose $500 if the potential up side is a 6 figure return. It's literally gambling.

>> No.55833061 [DELETED] 

Agreed but the execution is everything.
Come on man nobody is getting rugged, the team is white and transparent. No need to fud, don't like avi move on.

>> No.55833093

Slight dip to jump in, next leg up is coming. Fasten your seat belts

>> No.55833122 [DELETED] 


Checked - ama confirmed devs are white.

>> No.55833124

what the price target were looking at coming bullrun? or Marketcap?

>> No.55833154

Bitcoin is starting to pump, bullish combined with >>55832470 I'm aiming for a 20mil market cap this week.

>> No.55833171 [DELETED] 


Every fiat currency depreciates all the time because of inflation

Put in the amount you're willing to lose profit, AVI project is only at a very early stage, so for example from year from now, AVI can be 100x

downside, you lose some fiat money, which you lose anyway if you keep all your money in fiat money because of inflation

I don't give investment advice, but the logical conclusion is to put a lot into this project that you're willing to lose

For some it is $500 dollars, for others it is $5000 dollars

If you want to achieve something in your life, then there are always risks associated with it

"Scared money don't make money"

"Scared money don't make money"

>> No.55833189

100 mil conservative 1 bil if they can execute it properly, they're ex shib devs that's an odds increase to say the least.

>> No.55833213 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, IMG_4186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hahahahaha. You niggers have your own writing style. No matter how much you try to blend in, it never works.

Kek go back to scamming old people.

>> No.55833217

There will be no more bull run. You are too late

>> No.55833237 [DELETED] 

Cringe. Imagine being so poor you can't toss in $50 to a scam coin because you're afraid of losing it lmao

>> No.55833245

From a year from now. You will still be a dirty scammer. No matter how much money you make by scamming folk. You will still be a scammer.

Money gained by scamming another would soon leave. Bring you no happiness and would only invite more trouble.

Give up this life dude. Find and build something that you can be proud of.

>> No.55833248 [DELETED] 

Just move on if you're not interested in avi, the fud is not even making any sense.

>> No.55833256

ok i did a quick checkeroo, correct me if i'm wrong.
Ill use Shiba Inu as example.
Shiba inu has a full diluted MC of $6,161,875,370 and it has a total of 589,589,040,239,380 SHIB tokens. Marcketcap / Total tokens = Token rpice.
Lets use the SHIB MC as example.
If AVI would go to a MC of $6,161,875,370 then the token price would be = $0.61
(MC$6,161,875,370 / Total AVI tokens: 10,000,000,000 = $0.6161.
Doesnt sound bad indeed.
again correct me if I'm wrong, i don't mean to spread fud or anything
cheers biz, lets fucking go!

>> No.55833266

no worries, had 2 where i made good money. this is still a good play tho, if they deliver

>> No.55833267 [DELETED] 


Hey hey now. Dont turn against each other now. Paj 1 just forgot to use different device my guy. Hes still your curry friend.

Tell him to do respectfully do the needful.

>> No.55833269

I am interested, I bought 1.5 million. But let's be real. You're not going to see a hyper manic bull run like 2021.

>> No.55833275 [DELETED] 


>> No.55833291

Oh ok sorry, we're being attacked again with bullshit accusations. I don't know why all of the sudden.

>> No.55833292 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 168x300, IMG_4187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curry man fucked up didnt ya?

>> No.55833300 [DELETED] 


>> No.55833302 [DELETED] 


Why do you call me a cheater?

After all, I am stressing the risk of investing only what you are willing to lose

However, the fact is that you can make insane amounts of money in crypto when you happen to invest early in the right coin

However, you can also lose in crypto, of course

>> No.55833324

Don't mind him they are trying to fud in the most bizar way possible, it's comical in a sense.

>> No.55833333 [DELETED] 
File: 451 KB, 500x410, IMG_4185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The phrase is

“All of a sudden” not “all of the sudden”

See its shit like this that gives away you are Indian. Comeon curry you can do better. Be better next time otherwise how are you going to scam innocent people and steal their money?

You will never be at peace, you will just be a dirty scammer unless you change your ways and do a proper job. The guy selling oranges on the side of the road is happier than your scamming jerk ass.

Get a real job. For your own sake dude.

>> No.55833353 [DELETED] 



why, would they usually be here if they were worried about strangers' money

the crypto world is a wild west where you can make a lot of money and lose

>> No.55833356

I'm not indian though but I agree that my English is bad it's my second language. But again you can just move on.

>> No.55833383

Shit colored ID calling others indian lmao.

>> No.55833418 [DELETED] 

my analysis is that AVI is comfy hold

If this starts flying, then it's 10 x, or 100 x profit

personally, I see this as a long-term investment

And I think those who invested now are very, very early, because a very small number only know about this project

>> No.55833425

Who fucking cares if they are? I made $200k off of a $150 "investment" in shib. I made $10k buying lunc with a bunch of other Indians at the bottom. I bought and dumped countless scam coins to bring me to 6 figure hell. I literally do not care, it's worth the risk to me.

>> No.55833465

Lion.eth just started advertising AVI on twitter, dude has like 200k followers, might get interesting soon.

>> No.55833851

when's the first major capitulation event

>> No.55833862


>> No.55833874

Just happened a day ago, went from 5200 to 2200, 57% retrace.

>> No.55834211

Alright, guess they are trying.
W/e I'll hang onto this. Better than the toad cope where there is NOTHING.

>> No.55834462

Speaking of which, is it a part of Shibarium or not?

>> No.55834569 [DELETED] 

maybe new ATH price tomorrow

$AVI really accelerates
looks very good

>> No.55834870

And it's working, would be great if we manage to reach 0.0004 today.

>> No.55834893

Toadler is holding nearly a 2x

>> No.55834942

$AVI .000034 - last week
$AVI .00034 - today

2x good one baggie

>> No.55835184

Aaaaand we're forming a double top. About to shart all over the chart with my 100 million stack I bought for like 500 bucks. Look out below! lmao

>> No.55835253

There's no way you got 100 mil avi.

>> No.55835287

Nice larp

>> No.55835889

What's the best selling points for this shitcoin?
t. already bought

>> No.55835894

2 days ago.

>> No.55835898

it wasnt a larp reeee 20k sell

>> No.55835909

It's rugging I fucking new it it's unironically fucking kver

>> No.55835995 [DELETED] 



We are at such an early stage that it is easy for whales to manipulate the price

>> No.55836004

Yes. You are my playthings. Dance puppets dance!

>> No.55836058 [DELETED] 

Either you believe in this project or you don't

I personally believe and status is comfy hold

In my opinion, the project has not even started yet

>> No.55836063

Lmao what happened and how did we recover so fast?

>> No.55836083
File: 26 KB, 838x108, oh no it rugged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing happened. Just a front running bot.

>> No.55836084

ESL fudder kek

>> No.55836107

Larping swine
These bots are creating volume at least

>> No.55836119

I push a button, you post "it's so over" and hanging wojak images. I push a different button, you post "we're so back" and smiling wojak images.

>> No.55836124

Didn't even bother using lube

>> No.55836143

Fuck off this is shitcoin 35456 to me try to dump it faggot

>> No.55836176

This shitcoin is my new god

>> No.55836234

Where's my dump you larping cock sucker

>> No.55836407

Lmao never thought you'd see someone this delusional and holding such heavy bags in such a new project.

>> No.55836425

Nice English, Ranjeet.

>> No.55836445


>> No.55836671
File: 6 KB, 100x100, 0xd2bdaaf2b9cc6981fd273dcb7c04023bfbe0a7fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



1 russian youtuber crypto bitch video?? Is that IT?! where is the ad money going to? I am about to DUMP MY SMELLY poopoo PLATTER over devs home door steps in mumbai. .

>> No.55836800 [DELETED] 

Go ahead and dump your 100k stack Ranjeesh no one cares.

>> No.55837072


>> No.55837122

First time buying a scam? Enjoy the ride, maybe you can grab a decent pay day before they rug you.

>> No.55837199
File: 197 KB, 1080x840, 1692053640353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh bros why is Stixil shilling toad and other shibarium projects if he's part of avi which is supposed to be enemies of the current shib team? Are we being bamboozled?

>> No.55837213

Lmao see >>55837122

>> No.55837225

>which is supposed to be enemies of the current shib team
Says who?

>> No.55837240

Wasn't the entire selling point when toad was at the local bottom before it ripped up to 7m mc that the shib team were eth farmers and avi had the REAL OG shib team?

Also that faggot schizo toad tg mod September called avi a larp a few days ago for whatever that's worth.

>> No.55837249

The AVI team never mentioned the neo-Shib team. This bickering between Toad and Avi is entirely on biz.

>> No.55837263

Do you think they're part of / will partner with shibarium then? If they are on good terms it seems odd to be an isolated dog coin.

Also who exactly is September and how close are they with the neo shib team?

>> No.55837267

Lmao! Thats not the same Stixil you tard.

>> No.55837295

AVI is an independent project made by OG Shib developers that wish to use what they learned from Shib to develop a new token centered around web 3 gaming. Has nothing to do with nor is it in competition with Shibarium.

>> No.55837351

He was telling you about all of shytoshi's scam tokens lmao.


Today there were 2 different Twitter posts from shillers with thousands of followers.

September is a nigger.

Fuck no, team referenced a recently launched L2. 90% they were talking about BASE.

True, except these fuckers still do this cloak and dagger bullshit like they did with Shytoshi. It's a lot better, like transactions and shit from marketing wallets etc.

Also, anyone been watching Shytoshi basically wash bone by sending from deployer to wallet to sell, then pulling from the LP to sell again? Lmaoooo these niggers aren't even hiding that they're stealing from you anymore. Anyone buying the shibarium larp deserves to be poor.

>> No.55837364

>still do this cloak and dagger bullshit
What do you mean?

>> No.55837395

"Our advertising is super secret ooooh"
Telling people you paid callers and shillers isn't something you have to keep under wraps lmao

>> No.55837406

AVI has been very transparent, one of the devs even came to the threads and answered questions. Other anons confirmed that he was legit.

>> No.55837426

Dude has never used 4 chan. He didn't even tag the anons in his post. They're just larping to keep us around.

I don't mind it, but holy shit at least try.

>> No.55837453

I don't quite follow, you don't think AVI is a good hold?

>> No.55837474

I think it's better than any scam Shytoshi would try and pull for "shibarium"

If it is really the OG defense team with stixil and kraken, then it is probably the safest play in the bear market.

But I'm not going to trust a damn thing touching shib.

>> No.55837494

Do you hold a lot of AVI? Is it still a good buy right now?

>> No.55837516

I hold almost 100 million tokens.

Like I said retard, if it's really stixil and kraken then it is the safest play right now.

I picked up my bag when that one anon shilled it at like 300-400k MC, so I am sitting pretty rn

Good buy? Lul use your fucking noggin. 100 million MC was already priced in based on the burn schedule.

>> No.55837537

>100 million MC was already priced in based on the burn schedule
Elaborate please.

>> No.55837556

The burn schedule ends at 100 million MC which means whoever these retards are who made this token are expecting it to hit that number.

Fucking hell you retards have to be told everything. Use your noggin. Put that brain in the microwave to increase your room temp IQ.

>> No.55837560

I didn't even know there was a burn schedule. Weren't those funds going to be used for a CEX listing?

>> No.55837568




>> No.55837579

This guy is right there won't be a burn at 10mil cap, people voted to reinvest the tokens instead.

>> No.55837593

>Didn't know there was a burn schedule

Retard doesn't read

>> No.55837630

Who hurt you anon?

>> No.55837632

The plan to burn at 10M was voted against by the DAO to instead divert it to other endeavors like marketing. The team has always had scheduled burns, beginning at 10k and going in increments of 10 up to 100M. However, they also say on their site "and future market caps" meaning they possibly also see an even larger future.
I know one of the devs mentioned visiting the thread in the TG

>> No.55837643

I see, thank you for explaining this to a brainlet like me. Do you happen to know if the defense force is also a part of the AVI team?

>> No.55837657

Former defense team is 100% the team behind $AVI

>> No.55837661

Is this confirmed though?

>> No.55837667

I actually had a convo with them today in the TG, yes. Kraken (josh in the chat) is an ex-Shib defense team member

>> No.55837670

Speaking of which, how do token burns work, do they just take a set amount of tokens from random wallets and burn them?

>> No.55837682

Nice, what other OG shib devs are there besides Kraken and Stixil?

>> No.55837681

>another dogcoin

>> No.55837691

"burn" is actually not technically the right word to use since you aren't actually destroying them, but it's what has become vernacular. When you burn tokens, you send them to a wallet that can't be accessed by anyone, effectively removing them from the market and "destroying" them in concept

Right now public facing is just him and Stixil

>> No.55837701

>"burn" is actually not technically the right word to use since you aren't actually destroying them, but it's what has become vernacular. When you burn tokens, you send them to a wallet that can't be accessed by anyone, effectively removing them from the market and "destroying" them in concept
I see, do they just snatch these tokens from random wallets? For example, is there a chance that I may lose some of my AVI tokens due to a burn?

>> No.55837709

Nope, there's a treasury that that contains tokens for that. You can see the breakdown of distribution for the total supply on their website with that pie chart under "tokenomics." Your funds are safe, they'd be burning tokens set aside prior.

>> No.55837711

What a bunch of niggers those daofags are. They're going to vote all the tokens straight into some cryptotwitterfags wallet to be dumped right back on their heads.

>> No.55837727

Thank you for the help, truly appreciate it!

>> No.55837730

It's a fox idiot
Don't you have eyes?

>> No.55837736

Well if there is already a burn schedule in place, why not use it for marketing instead? Shib blew up because it had great marketing.

>> No.55837738

No problem anon, we all start somewhere. Keep in mind though if you are already invested in AVI you should always do your research before you invest, and in this case you would've just lucked out on a project that (hopefully) is successful.

>> No.55837757

I just thought the logo was cool, reminds me of Starfox 64.

>> No.55837769

Well, that's fine enough if you just threw small pickings at it. I initially put $100 in as an absolute gamble, then bought more as the team revealed their path.

>> No.55837788

>discord tranny
Do us all a favor and dump your puny stack and never come back

>> No.55837827 [DELETED] 

fucking checked, based and saged.
street shitters are fuming.

>> No.55837833 [DELETED] 

holy FUCK im finally unbanned.
what the FUCK.
i got a week long ban for shilling this coin at 500k marketcap.
anyways it appears that gaming coins and gamefi as a narrative is resurfacing.
whats also pumping is GAMBA coins.
is it safe to say this coin is a mix of those 2 narratives?
how high could this go in the bullmarket?

>> No.55837834

Poop colored id. He is a street shitter.

>> No.55837861

You might've been the anon that got me to buy lol. As for mcap potential, I think it depends on the popularity of shib considering it's ex members of the core team. Was it because of the devs? The meme aspect? Just happening to land during the bull run? Tough to say, at least for me. But, shib went from 1 to 30 billion dollars in 8 months, so if the team can replicate even 1/30th of what they did last time, well...

>> No.55837948

The price action is looking very nice right now!

>> No.55837983

You have a poop colored id too anon. Sorry about your streets Rajesh.

>> No.55838066

I want buy some more, think we could reach ath today? or should I wait for a retrace.

>> No.55838075

Can you brown subhumans tell me why the fuck you're so obsessed with Doge that you've been cloning it for 2 and a half years now? Get a new scam, retards.

>> No.55838100

This thread is proof that there's some kinda marketing going in. Maybe 5% of the posts sound organic, the rest sound like a curry reading off a script.

>> No.55838123

Whatever it is I'm happy, this is the first time I'm making some money in this shit ass market my legit projects are not moving.

>> No.55838153

Besides the pump today was entirely caused by that twitter influencer lion.eth

>> No.55838157

Not really. Whiter than anyone fudding in this thread.

>> No.55838180

The funny thing is look at the time when the fud started, look at where avi is now, I hope they at least invested a little, they would've made some good coin.

>> No.55838447

the first of many lmao

>> No.55838475

I happen to think so, micro dip right now good time to jump in.

>> No.55838488
File: 269 KB, 498x300, E14212C7-5DDD-4036-AE87-400D4E1CC404.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late to make anything off this? I need a 10x minimum.

>> No.55838520

Depends on when you need it, avi is doing great now and I believe it will do even greater in the near future, ath is getting close and will probably be breached very soon. So the question is how fast do you need a 10x?

>> No.55838565

this already has the momentum to do a 10x from here. I think it could do a 50x

>> No.55838717


nobody even knows about it yet. just biz

>> No.55838868

aaaaand here's the double top

Time for my exit. Don't look at the chart in a few minutes.

>> No.55838890

How far can you crash it? god I would love to buy in cheap

>> No.55838929

Get it down to low 3s so I can scoop cheapies.

>> No.55838950

i will also buy more if you can crash it. currently 7M and need that 10

>> No.55839052

FUCK YOU FUCK YOU, I sold too soon and missed the pump EAT SHIT SCUMBAG LARPING NIGGER.I needed that money FUCKING WHORE

>> No.55839092

Christ dude calm down, you can still hop on. Some people just like to mess with your head.

>> No.55839132

That bitch cost me a lot of money, I was ready to go ad I had a decent sized bag, I fucking missed the entire pump. Can't fucking believe I fell for that shit larping nigger swine if it keeps pumping I'm fucked this was the only thing green in my wallet. Can't even fill in the damn captcha shit

>> No.55839197

Lmao get bent over bitch, you lost.

>> No.55840454

You think this is as far as avi gets??

>> No.55840714

I think it will crab around 2 million mcap for a week or two.

>> No.55841016

>he's larping that he sold based on a larp claiming he was going to dump 100m tokens (300,000 dollars) in a single tx
is anything here real

>> No.55841051

Learn to read a chart instead of taking whatever some tranny retard says on 4chan as fact
Btw you haven't missed the pump, it hasn't even started yet

>> No.55841062

Whales are killing the pumps. Here comes the classic 50% or more drop + crab for months that shakes out /biz/.

>> No.55841073

If it crabs for months before it ever really took off, that's not a shake out. That's a dead coin

>> No.55842701

It's unironically over. Didn't even last a week.

>> No.55842764
File: 130 KB, 1142x703, AVI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the "over" I was telling you about.

>> No.55842790

>$200k volume

>> No.55843337

it's going into the crab phase for the next week or so, be patient. Next pump will be 10x of ATH, then another crabbing phase, then another 10x pump.

>> No.55843415

That's a bear flag. See you at 1.5m mc.

>> No.55843545

You knows it's unironically over once people start saying "be patient" lololol

>> No.55843681
File: 122 KB, 750x920, 1692120640675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55843726

Did I miss something? There wasn't even a glimpse of Toad at the Shibarium event thus far.

>> No.55843801

Yeah you missed all the insiders pumping the shit out of it right now while AVI crabs and dumps. It's gonna dump even harder when tards like me start pulling out to go (back) into toad. The fucking thing really is treat! FUCK!!!!!

>> No.55843874

>The fucking thing really is treat!
Toad hasn't even been hinted at during the event. Furthermore, Toad has been crabbing in a 5-7 million mcap range the past couple months, this is nothing new. If anything, it's exit liquidity once it is found out that Toad has nothing to do with Shibarium.

>> No.55843963

The dip didn't last long a few more buys and we're back on track, that shark is gone.

>> No.55843978


>> No.55843985

Didn't mean to quote this anon >>55843874
I was talking about avi.

>> No.55843987

If Toad really is the treat token, then sure; however, not even a hint of it at the Shibarium event.

>> No.55844000

I hold both and everybody is promising a 10x, I'm just going to hold and see what happens.

>> No.55844020

Classic jeet move

>> No.55844061

Both poop id and both hold the same scams toad and avi combo kek

>> No.55844104

Who got shaken out? be honest anons

>> No.55844161

>Coin dumps after a week of pumping
>fud going crazy

Unironically bullish.

>> No.55844213

Aaaaand wallah sub 2m mc. Thanks for this /biz/, seriously.

>> No.55844366

Biz can't even hold a single dip and instead sells at a loss just to fud and seethe later.
Can't even make this up. Keep bizzin.

>> No.55844414

Shytoshi just mentioned toad. It's fucking over, imagine fomoing from toad into this... many such cases, probably a lot of rope getting sold rn.

>> No.55844448


>> No.55844467

You fag, everyone's leaving this shitcoin to fomo back into toad now. "Dip" lol this shit is going sub 1m mc today.

>> No.55844505

Sauce? That's fucking hilarious if true.

>> No.55844536


>> No.55845102

All this fud as soon but as it dips everybody is buying, faggots.

>> No.55845674

just dipped into a reversal. pamping again

>> No.55846380

Shytoshi mentioned Toad so you can be his exit liquidity bunch of Toad fags.

>> No.55847273

Noob here, can you explain that term and how the two relate? They're different tokens or coins?

>> No.55847794
File: 82 KB, 986x986, 3AE7FB10-76AD-4499-832D-4F622FCB264D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed toad dammit

>> No.55848170

Say you have a lot of influence on the market, and you own a lot of what you think/know is a scam. If you mention it, you get a lot people to want to buy it, which means you now have people to sell too. Thus the people buying allow you to exit

>> No.55849081

it's over

>> No.55849124

already practicing posting in toad threads later today?

>> No.55849308

Already heard the toad sharks are getting ready to dump and buy AVI at a premium.

>> No.55849971

Still a good buy?

>> No.55849997

Will not be no good buy in a long time.
So, yes. Great buy.

>> No.55850096

Is this in competition with toad

>> No.55850119

Toad is not even mentioned in the tg, i don't think the devs care about that coin at all. But every coin is competition in some way i guess.

>> No.55850441

This has all the hallmarks of a shitcoin, anonymous devs, crappy website some of the text is not even centered, vague promise of a product no timeline, not even a concept. so why would anyone want this? At least the other shitcoins have memes going for them this has neither a usecase or memes. Unfud me and I'll buy some or else get the fuck outta here I've seen garbage like this before shit just like dogira and hokk. I'm reposting this as a final warning, avi is going to bleed out and you’re going to wish uou got out sooner.

>> No.55850489

Every little pump is getting dumped on, you clowns. deep inside you know this a long term scam where they keep promising to release something while they're draining you.

>> No.55850509

its over buy toad aviator confirmed scam by shytoshi

>> No.55850513

>still buying doge coins

>> No.55850527

Buy neither you moron, ask them about the development of their api and their game ask them to see the code and the progress so far, the website indicates nothing no time frame, no github. They will string you along for years.

>> No.55850602

How the heck does the telegram has 29k members? Jeet bots i guess?...
Look at the marketcap and the holder list.. math doesn't add up
It's joever

>> No.55850627

Thanks for the insight.

>> No.55850662

Exactly they want to be perceived as professionals, but they paid for 29k bots. Only 20 people are actually talking in the chat, the amount of holders also don't make sense at all, who do you think owns the whale wallets.

>> No.55850899

This is still going to a billion, right?

>> No.55850969

Now that I think about it, ever time it dumps multiple one week old wallets start buying avi, and these wallets only have avi in them wtf.

>> No.55851091

No one asked for your opinion, why spend this amount of time fudding a token you don’t even own?

>> No.55851101

Nice samefagging lmao, at least change your ip