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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55826080 No.55826080 [Reply] [Original]

Why are landlords continuing to raise rent?

>> No.55826085

Sorry pal need to pay for my boys college fund

>> No.55826114

Because elections have consequences.

Hope you made it off your couple of stimulus checks, 6 months of no questions asked unemployment, and not having to pay rent or student loans for a bit, because that was the last freebie any of us nobodies are ever going to get.

>> No.55826169

because you'll still pay it

>> No.55826176

well uhhh.... war in ukraine and inflation

>> No.55826178

What are you gonna do about it, live on the streets where you'll get raped by niggers?

Better start working overtime, wagie.

>> No.55826193

My rent has gone from $1730 to $2000 since covid

The landlord has had this place paid off for a decade.

Not sure why he needs the extra money, he’s rental property not impacted by rate hikes because he has no mortgage on it

This is just gay as fuck

>inb4 just buy a house

Yeah let me just pull $1 million dollars out of my ass or take a huge mortgage and pay $5000 per month on mortgage repayments and pay off the house when I’m 90, so easy bro!!!

>> No.55826197
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Because property is becoming more expensive and they either need more money to pay off their loans, or they need to save up more money to buy their next property.

>> No.55826206

The niggers on the street fear me

>> No.55826218

We truly are fucked

>> No.55826223

What are you, a job application

>> No.55826239

You’re white right? Why not just get a few hundred grand off your parents to put a big % down payment like every other white family does

>> No.55826244

What are you a baby momma

>> No.55826254
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real estate costs:
property taxes
managers for the property unless you do it all yourself

>> No.55826256

Because inflation

>> No.55826468

Will there be a zoomer uprising or chimp out? This is my only hope that will start the reset

>> No.55826570

>Will there be a zoomer uprising or chimp out?
Not unless they put out an app for it.

>> No.55826886

they're kikes

>> No.55826893

Because inflation is going down

t. Biden Administration Press Release

>> No.55826921

Because they know you'll pay it.

>> No.55827269

Biden blames Putin for rising inflation, Putin price hikes. Biden takes credit for decreasing inflation, but prices are still high and not decreasing.

>> No.55827280

Cuz property taxes and insurance keep going up. Unless you’re my property manager who keeps rents the same for the last 5 years while raising his fee.

>> No.55827311

kek and people voted this clown into office.. people on /biz/ of all places
HIGH kek

>> No.55827365

Found the nigger

>> No.55827420

Section 8 just keeps paying it.

>> No.55827694

What are you, child support?

>> No.55827730
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you know why

>> No.55827752

when you leave the house utterly trashed your based landlord will have to fix everything so he can exploit another set of rentoids, and guess what, that dough is coming at expense from your own pocket

>> No.55827782


>lives in capitalist society
>govt doesn’t exercise rent controls
>govt doesn’t foster affordable housing
>landlords raise rent because they can
>no improvements to property
>max wealth generation

>the Jews did this

It’s simple anon; govt needs to exercise control destroying landlord wealth.
Landlords will vote and do everything they can to not let that happen.

Both sides statements, donations, promise to build affordable (lol no), NIMBYs, etc.

You will own nothing and be happy.

>> No.55827800

That's less than 20% you should be thankful for your landlord and kiss his boots, golem.
Mine on the other hand had no issue to hike it by 40% since 2020.

>> No.55829322

because we can. if i can squeeze another 5% cashflow out of my rentals i will

>> No.55829344

Property taxes are going up (municipalities are going bankrupt because the interest rates on their bonds are going up) and the housing shortage means the market can bare it.
They're not making more profit, many are losing money.

>> No.55829410


landlord here: bc. people are still paying it.

>> No.55829453

boomer hoarding is becoming such a problem that some western governments are beginning to actively disincentivize it (probably all according to plan). alot of our parents are actual financial vampires who have been sold an idea of the world that is no longer politically tenable and between the lead poisoning and the television programming they simply live in another reality and are too cushioned by their success to give a shit. the idea of not getting to live the dream they saw on their favourite sitcoms and movies is literally communist slavery to them. and maybe it is. but most of them value it over their own families. its actually pretty tragic.

>> No.55829853


Mime barely raises it. Like 2% - 5% a year at most.