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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 51 KB, 640x539, Adam Smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55818528 No.55818528 [Reply] [Original]

Even the founder of capitalism is against landlords. How do we respond /biz/bros?

>> No.55818539 [DELETED] 
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> About Capitalism
> "It's NOT Capitalism!"
> The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux
> Comment to "The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux"
> The Decapitation of a Two Headed Beast

>> No.55818582

Capitalism doesn't have founders it is the natural state of things since the emergence of private property and establishment of urban settlements. It existed long before Adam Smith and it will continue to exist as long there are limited resources in the world

>> No.55818590

Retarded serf

>> No.55818595 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself nigger faggot

>> No.55818676


>he thinks people had "economic rights" and the pharaoh/king/village chief couldn't seize your assets or tell you how to live your life whenever he felt like it.

i kek'd. you literally think something invented in the 1800s is "human history" and "human nature".

>> No.55818746 [DELETED] 

You are a dumb nigger. You are the blackest retard gorilla nigger I have ever seen.

>> No.55818762 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 850x400, 1661731226434970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> About Capitalism
> "It's NOT Capitalism!"
> The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux
> Comment to "The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux"
> The Decapitation of a Two Headed Beast

>> No.55818782 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself spamming nigger faggot.

>> No.55818784 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55818828 [DELETED] 

Dilation station is thataway, tranny

>> No.55818836 [DELETED] 


>> No.55818862 [DELETED] 
File: 3.63 MB, 1200x9572, 1680541710172291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ((( "if you oppose trannies, then you're a tranny!" )))
So, you're a jew engaging in jewish projection and inversion of reality. Good to know.

>> No.55818864 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55818870 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55818884 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55818891 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55818901 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55818905 [DELETED] 
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Seems legit.

Ah, the catspammer from plebbit.

>> No.55818914 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55818919 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55818924 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55818931 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55818934 [DELETED] 

Take your meds schizo

>> No.55818957 [DELETED] 
File: 679 KB, 640x480, 1685905109206873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It truly is the catspammer from plebbit. The moment the dead cats were posted ITT, he ran out of the thread. Glorious.

>> No.55818966 [DELETED] 

I hate this shit, but i understand it's normie repellent.

>> No.55818977 [DELETED] 

that's the default iphone filename, commie faggot

>> No.55818980 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 359x479, 1680210789914223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing makes plebbitors seethe and cry as much as dead (((cats))).

>"One may call him plebbitor or a normalfaggot, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But show him dead cats and you'll be astonished how injured he is, how he recoils..."

>> No.55818988 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 900x600, 1662155355100457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says "normie" instead of normalfaggot
You have to go back.

>> No.55819076

>t. historylet
The egyptians couldn't even trade gold because of religion, they still practiced capitalism.
Robin hood is a pseudo-mythological figure, not a full mythological figure and the sherrif of nottingham was a bad man working for a pretender.
The greeks and (pre-caesar) romans had more democracy in their pubes than you've experienced in your entire life.
Lydians had a sounder currency than your deaf gran.
Sumerians were top copper capitalists.
Hittites also but with iron.

>> No.55819228 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 850x400, 1666011744664174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how we respond:

> About Capitalism
> "It's NOT Capitalism!"
> The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux
> Comment to "The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux"
> The Decapitation of a Two Headed Beast

>> No.55819241


>> No.55819267
File: 31 KB, 408x632, eh5HzJii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55819291

"pay up"

>> No.55819310


>> No.55819317

You're confusing commerce with capitalism. They're not the same thing in the slightest.

>> No.55819321

Landlords as in people who literally own the land people live on (and often the people as well). Not "landlords" as in people who buy buildings and rent them out.

>> No.55819364

This is better: https://archived.moe/biz/thread/55818528 -- there we can see the IDs. Quite telling that once the redpills dropped, JlDF started spamming dead women.

>> No.55819383

I like money.

>> No.55820878

This. Also, Smith is not the founder of capitalism. He just observed its consolidation and tried to explain it.

>> No.55820888

This. The Soviet Union had trade that didn't make them capitalist

>> No.55820951

No one cares faggot

>> No.55820978
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>> No.55821021

Biz will respond by saying
> Never read any Adam Smith
> Don't understand him
> Just want to leech off other people
Back in the day everyone hated rentiers

>> No.55821264

One dude can be right about a few things and wrong about so many others. He also was one.of the people who popularized the labor theory of value. Then the marginal revolution happened and all marxists got btfo forever in the realm of economics.

>> No.55821269
File: 57 KB, 850x400, 1690529652964180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we respond /biz/bros?
This is how we respond:

> About Capitalism
> "It's NOT Capitalism!"
> The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux
> Comment to "The Total Annihilation of Stefan Molyneux"
> The Decapitation of a Two Headed Beast

>> No.55822106
File: 326 KB, 481x881, smith-production-lenin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we respond /biz/bros?
real capitalism has never been tried, the current the current system was historical run it requires resets every 30-60 years.

Only in modern economics has the distinction between production and extraction been largely ignored in favour of just number go up. But in low surplus societies there is nothing to extract so the focus is on chickens in every pot instead of number go up in some glorified bag holder casino factory.
Historically in credit systems rent extraction is safer and requires less finesse to profit in, ergo, extort by threat of access to shelter is pretty good at getting people to cough up funds is easier than managing an investment portfolio or saving to start a business. But houses need things to be kept, so you get nobody investing in housing factory inputs so you get landlords wearing made in china, you know, the country that killed an unknown number of landlords in a classicide only a half century prior . Extraction crowds out production and the system consumes itself.

Biz aught to demand sound money and to voraciously critique individuals investing in unproductive assets. Ask the /g/ bros where the best electronics and autos are going to come from when you dont even have the machines to build them anymore to improve on, litterally made to small for your hands.

Either that, or do also what washington did, and sow hemp in the marshed hinterlands

>> No.55822809

Leftists are to stupid to understand the words they use. Landlords were the lords of the land, i.e. the nobility ruling over a land for the monarchy. This has nothing to do with renting private property.

>> No.55822948

>respond with some retard who lives off of baguette welfare

>> No.55823003

Single family rental properties should only exist in commercially zones areas, same goes for airBnB properties.

>> No.55823010


He's right. That's the response.

>> No.55823024

I am no longer content just pointing out the retardation of monetarism. Today I think I will pick this post apart piece by piece, not because it is extremely retarded, but because it contains a few kernels of truth but is obfuscated by an almost deliberately myopic view of history.
>real capitalism has never been tried, the current the current system was historical run it requires resets every 30-60 years.
That there is some "ideal" perfect system that doesn't exist in reality is an indictment of your ideal: it is demonstrably not going to happen because it has never happened before.
>Only in modern economics has the distinction between production and extraction been largely ignored in favour of just number go up. But in low surplus societies there is nothing to extract so the focus is on chickens in every pot instead of number go up in some glorified bag holder casino factory.
1. There has been a distinction between finance and industrial capital for a long time.
2. ADAM SMITH outlines rent-seeking behavior. "Rent extraction" was defined before capitalism overtook feudalism.
3. Industrial and finance capital go hand in hand. It isn't adversarial insofar as too much of one doesn't "crowd out" the other.

What you are describing is neoliberal deindustrialization. China opening up and taking in all the industry of the developed world wasn't finance "crowding out" industry, industry simply followed the market. Not to say that this wasn't a bad thing, but that's how it operated in reality. You can either accept that that's what destroyed the industrial base of the west, or you can allow it to happen again (even if China goes down, a new China will arise out of """friend"""shoring - remember, the opening up of China was meant as a blow against the USSR!)

>> No.55823049

>Historically in credit systems rent extraction is safer and requires less finesse to profit in, ergo, extort by threat of access to shelter is pretty good at getting people to cough up funds is easier than managing an investment portfolio or saving to start a business.
Everything you described here is finance, it is a matter of raking in dollars and nothing else.
> so you get nobody investing in housing factory inputs so you get landlords wearing made in china, you know, the country that killed an unknown number of landlords in a classicide only a half century prior
dawg china at the time was semi-feudal. The "landlords" in China were LITERAL lords upon the land medieval style collecting a percentage of grain from peasants. The closest comparison to the Chinese civil war would be the french revolution or the english civil war.
>Biz aught to demand sound money and to voraciously critique individuals investing in unproductive assets.
"Sound money" will not protect you from the commodities boom that collapsed Bretton Woods 1. You think that one "simple trick" will change the economy like a lightswitch, which is strange because you seem to understand on some level the need for industrial output. Protectionism, infrastructure and industrial policy is what builds a strong economy, finance is the realm of sputtering economies. Reagan sacrificed nearly everything at the altar of Currency Strength to uphold "the strength of the dollar" (essentially what you desire), and not only did it not work but it actively harmed our economy by strengthening outsourcing and destroying our economy further. Abandon monetarism, abandon the chicago school, abandon the long-dead Austrian empire and its school

>> No.55823083
File: 2.66 MB, 1272x2728, SHpIQ94X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ((( "If you're Pro Native European, you're a retard!" )))
> ((( "Making lots of Native European babies at the cost of The System, like the immigrants are doing, is BAAAD!! DON'T DO THAT, GOY!" )))
You are JlDF.

>> No.55823090
File: 3.32 MB, 3240x1672, 1681111739832359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> About Welfare

> A Morning with our 5 Homeschooled Children

> Dear Women!

> A Big Homeschooled Family:

> Óðinn is to fight and NEVER give up

> Dear Women!

Varg in the Hospital

> The Family Guy

> Thulêan Offensive!

> Thulêan Conquest!

> Perma Family Life with 6 kids

> Permaculture with the Kids

These videos and picrel makes (((you))) and other JlDF agents seethe with hatred and tremble with fear.

>> No.55823151


>> No.55823986
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>> No.55824009
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>> No.55824023
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>> No.55824042

Please be real.

>> No.55824143
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>> No.55824160
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>> No.55824169
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>> No.55824181 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55824191
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>> No.55824208
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>> No.55824217
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>> No.55824234
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>> No.55824241
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>> No.55824247
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>> No.55824261
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>> No.55824270
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>> No.55824279
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>> No.55824286
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>> No.55824292
File: 1.05 MB, 1110x1006, 1668380759286727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Putin: "Europe has lost vaccine against Nazism"
Article: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2014/10/15/russias-putin-says-parts-of-europe-have-lost-vaccine-for-nazism-a40418
Archived: https://archive.is/VrPKw

>> No.55824301
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>> No.55824310
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>> No.55824314
File: 63 KB, 1020x864, 1665012642811502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Article: https://tass.com/economy/1433675
Archived: https://archive.is/dJtjX

>> No.55824322

Things were better back then, it was so much easier to get rid of evil leaders in the old days. Ultimately the people had the authority. If the ruling class were not serving them properly and doing a good job they’d get executed and new leader would be installed.

The Jews got rid of this system for a reason to install their fake democracy so they could divide/subvert the people while remaining hidden with their tribes hegemony over the west.

>> No.55824325
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>> No.55824330
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>> No.55824334

Hebrew kvetching

>> No.55824335
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>> No.55824345
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>> No.55824355
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>> No.55824358
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>> No.55824371
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> International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism

> United Nations Sixty-Ninth Session Third Committee Agenda Item 66 (a) Elimination of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance

> Ukraine, US, Canada do not back Russia-Initiated UN Resolution on Heroization of Nazism

> Russia Bans Hitler's 'Mein Kampf'

> Russia Makes Holocaust Denial Illegal

> Russia: To Deny Holocaust is Now a Crime

> Putin Criminalizes Rehabilitation of Nazism

> Russia moves to Criminalize Holocaust Denial

> Russia's Putin Outlaws Denial of Nazi Crimes

> In Russia, Ten Years in Jail for 'Extremist' Speech

> Russian Political Prisoners in the Russian Federation

> Putin Signs Law Giving Prison Terms for Internet Extremism

> President Putin Signs Law Criminalizing Nazi Revisionist Tactics

>> No.55824382
File: 608 KB, 4410x2910, 1666613172562256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Chief Rabbis Yosef, Lau to meet Putin in Moscow

> Putin Hosts Rabbis to Discuss War on Anti-Semitism

> Putin to Discuss Neo-Nazism, Anti-Semitism with Foreign Rabbis

> Anti-Nazi Group Secretly Helping Kremlin Rebuild Russian Empire

> Putin thanks Rabbis for Communities' Fight against Nazi Revival

> Russia's Jews Point to Important agenda of Putin's Upcoming Meting with Rabbis

> Russian Prime Minister Putin to Jewish Delegation: I Was First to Restore Jewish Property

>> No.55824389

There is no “founder” of capitalism. It’s just people trading for their own benefit.

>> No.55824390
File: 2.19 MB, 1536x1466, 1689036568522361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Putin: "Europe has lost vaccine against Nazism"

> Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center

> Moscow has World’s Second-Largest Limmud

> Putin Donates Month's Salary to Jewish Museum

> Moscow's New Jewish Museum appeals for Tolerance

> Peres and Putin to Open World's Largest Jewish Museum

> Moscow's Jewish Museum and its Quest for an Open Society

> Moscow Museum at Heart of Russia’s Jewish Culture Revival

> Peres Inaugurates Jewish Museum Funded by Putin, Vekselberg

> In Big New Museum, Russia has a Message for Jews: We Like You

>> No.55824415
File: 2.59 MB, 1920x958, 1665521773681106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Russia allows lsraeIi airlines to fly in Russian airspace

>> No.55824431
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x958, 1668536415787787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> lsraeI allows Russian airlines to fly to lsraeI

>> No.55824461
File: 164 KB, 750x1000, 1691393766401723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're now regretting posting this: >>55824143
You hoped you could promote your false bullshit paradigm; "muh russia vs muh ukraine" and get anons here to pick a (((side))).
You wanted to promote the false jew-narrative of "Look, we jews are totally anti-Russian, pick your side goy!"

You didn't expect this.

>> No.55824472
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>> No.55824483
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>> No.55824525
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>> No.55824568

At last I understand. Economic theories are all about Ukraine vs Russia. But then how did they work before Russia invaded Ukraine?

>> No.55824606
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1669574589510217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((You))) entering this thread COMPLETELY BACKFIRED on your tribe. Absolutely glorious. By coming here you did much more damage to your cause, than you ever could've hoped to aid it.

>> No.55824657

>/pol/tards shitpost and ruin every discussion
>everyone else leaves in disgust
>haha we win again! Take that censorship!
yep, free thinkers alright

>> No.55824667
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you paid taxes, capitalist activities were allowed.

How Were Medieval Taxes Collected? (Short Animated Documentary):

>> No.55824680
File: 2.15 MB, 640x360, 1673005226188569.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No response to >>55824330
huh ?

>> No.55824695
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>> No.55824725

The glowies try really hard, hmmm...

>> No.55824733
File: 289 KB, 595x547, based peasant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the response is that adam smith was wrong. not everyone is right about everything all the time

>> No.55824743

I hear they get paid 10 % more than jannies

>> No.55824757

soviets were more capitalist than whatever we have right now. Money isn't real anyone and salaries aren't even based in reality or profit, just pure globohomo priorities

>> No.55824776

>origin in robbery
wrong, robbery is through force. no one's forcing you to rent

>love to reap where they never sowed
wrong, you acquire the land through an exchange of value

>natural produce of the earth
that's just property rights

>> No.55824789
File: 25 KB, 450x450, 424575._UY450_SS450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I scared off the IDF
<Here's a real answer

>> No.55824801
File: 2.92 MB, 1893x2307, War cannot be abolished unless classes are abolished and Socialism is created..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55824817

no way.. is this true? i knew Rossia was an absolute shithole but this top tier lol

>> No.55825051
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>> No.55825117

> he meant the people who own the land people live on, not the people who own the buildings on the land people live in

Lol retard

>> No.55825608
File: 502 KB, 1260x472, 1675112444950665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>55824160 >>55824169 >>55824191 >>55824208 >>55824217 >>55824234 >>55824241 >>55824247 >>55824261 >>55824270 >>55824279 >>55824286 >>55824292 >>55824301 >>55824310 >>55824314 >>55824325 >>55824335 >>55824345 >>55824355 >>55824358 >>55824371 >>55824382 >>55824390 >>55824415 >>55824431 >>55824461 >>55824472 >>55824483 >>55824525
Unfathomly based and über redpilled. Jews splitting off into different branches/camps/sides -- the practice known as Jewish Mitosis -- where all the camps serve the interests of the jew, while "fighting" against each other, is their #1 and oldest tactic. Once one knows about it, one can instantly recognize it and one becomes immune to their propaganda aimed at duping non-jews into identifying with or supporting one of their fake "sides" – all of which are anti-White.

>> No.55826034
File: 146 KB, 790x656, 1664220236192867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled

>> No.55826096
File: 1.84 MB, 396x426, 1684635328526892.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

landlords of adam smith's time were people that owned thousands of acres of undeveloped land and sat on it. what we call landlords today were rentiers

>> No.55826164

There has always been markets and there has always been capital. Free markets are a new concept, but markets and the concept of capital date back to antiquity. Now back to /leftypol/ with you, comrade.

>> No.55826311

adam smith was also clearly influenced by what i'll call the "protestant natural law" philosophy so i'm sure i will see our disingenuous OP and leftypol friends at a baptist church 4 times a week to make up for lost time so they can truly understand capitalism.

>> No.55826346

local retard learns that the average oversized niggerpickup has multiple times the ground pressure of a main battle tank

>> No.55826354

Capitalism can't be the natural state of things because capitalism relies on money, and money wasnt even a thing for 95% of the entire human history.

>> No.55826367

Same shit. Landlords rent you a building but a big part of the value of the building is merely where its located geographically. Thats why a house in NY and a house in the middle of rural Kansas don't go by the same price.

This "land value", which exists merely in the land, was not something the landlord created and it usually relies on what others built around it yet they still profit on it.

>> No.55826411

Adam Smith did nothing wrong.

>> No.55826843

Your organs trade stem cells like currency.

>> No.55827228

Fuck modern landlords, the only good lords are owns that actually live on their land and care for their serfs

>> No.55827254

Go buy your own house.

>> No.55827816

capitalism, like all other "isms", is a solution for interfacing with the natural state of things
money is merely a very convenient media for exchange, and voluntary exchange is good—capitalism recognizes both of these statements as true

>> No.55829982
File: 31 KB, 263x400, 9781400081066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>55824160 # >>55824169 # >>55824191 # >>55824208 # >>55824217 # >>55824234 # >>55824241 # >>55824247 # >>55824261 # >>55824270 # >>55824279 # >>55824286 # >>55824292 # >>55824301 # >>55824310 # >>55824314 # >>55824325 # >>55824335 # >>55824345 # >>55824355 # >>55824358 # >>55824371 # >>55824382 # >>55824390 # >>55824415 # >>55824431 # >>55824461 # >>55824472 # >>55824483 # >>55824525 #
You yids bots need a raise for the work your doing.

>> No.55830175
File: 655 KB, 691x616, grug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Protectionism, infrastructure and industrial policy is what builds a strong economy

Why can't you have those things but also have a gold standard? Wasn't 1800-50's USA basically just that Protectionism+PM currency?

>> No.55830292

Adam Smith didn't found capitalism. Capitalism existed in a primitive form since before the Sumerians. That said, landlords existed in non capitalist economy. The simplest example are the domain holders in feudal Europe. There is nothing inherently capitalist about owning land and extracting pay from tenants. That form of servitude existed in feudal Russia and was transformed into collective farms by the Communists, essentially not being any different.

>> No.55830640

how is building a house not equivalent to sowing?

>> No.55830669

The natural state of being was dying if you didn't find something to eat in winter. Over time, we managed to produce a surplus, and money is a signaling mechanism to regulate production by communicating preferences. The Soviet Union was a capitalist state in that regard as well, just without the efficient communication of preferences, which is why you had to wait 5 years for 2-stroke plywood car in a random color (available colors: diarrhea blue, snot green, smoke-yellowed-walls yellow, ashy white, wilted-rose red), and that only after getting a letter of recommendation from your local factory and party representatives, which maybe 5% of people got per year.
But you are right: money is inherently a corrupting influence on the human mind, and our minds have become quite unnatural as a result of it. Miney-systems also tend to degenerate over time, producing widespread poverty and huge inequality, but the solution for a useful technology being faulty is not to just throw out the technology, which is what the Soviets more or less did, ending up with the same problems as the West, but without the technology to handle them.