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55818345 No.55818345 [Reply] [Original]

Would you buy the coins of a

>Fairly launched (no-premine, no-allocation) GPU -> ASIC friendly, turing complete capable, big block (256+MB) scalable UTXO pow blockchain with no central team, 5 min blocktime, 210,000 block halving, 21B Maximum supply, 50k block reward.

>Forked off BCH with added OPcodes for Turing Completeness. Back to genesis solved by mathematical Induction Proofs, no indexers needed. 0-conf transaction compatible, instant value transfer. SHA512256d hashing algorithm (No ASICs developed yet). RadiantScript scripting language forked from CashScript.

>TLDR Fast, decentralized, secure, cheap, efficient, scalable, flexible, fair blockchain BTFO any other existing UTXO blockchain and also competes with EVM-like ones.

The problem is that states on it's own website not to buy it as means of investment expecting future profit
I want to invest the fuck out on it especially since it's below 50M marketcap and just by lurking on their social mediums it feels early as fuck. But the creator is anon and it appears he just built it and left to see if it thrives. (OK for me, but would be cool to know if he's secretly devving on it)

I did buy like a million coins yesterday because that's just pocket money, but I feel the urge to ape in quantities of money I wouldn't want to lose but don't need to touch for years AKA my unpurposed savings

Wat do

>> No.55818406
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I have a stack, now buy donut!

>> No.55818426

But... that's just a shitcoin anon... you should probably sell it soon

>> No.55818441

yeah, and printing.

>> No.55818458

It literally has less volume on it than what I just invested on RXD and seems to be dead and dumping since a year ago... You are probably down bad on it. Sell while you can

>> No.55818476

lol, I am shilling it since 0.001!

>> No.55818628

I have a bag it look like a cool project to invest in

>> No.55818776

RXD and Nexa are my pow bets
might sell Nexa for more RXD though

>> No.55818851


NEXA lost me with 4 things:

>Back-to-genesis baked-in to tokens only ( no real back to genesis)
>21 gorillion supply, halving time, coin emission
>Ask a question in their discord, get banned
>It's BitcoinUnlimited SECOND cashgrab after BCH. so when the third one comes will the rats abandon the ship first?

And what value has having a centralized team added to the coin? They are as slow as Radiant, and their community isn't as engaged or friendly, its toxic and boring

>> No.55818860

>>Ask a question in their discord, get banned
redflag :D

>> No.55818935

This is my heaviest bag. I’m seething that I didn’t learn about Kaspa until March 2023 otherwise I would have gone balls deep into the jew coin, but what can you do.

>> No.55818986
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Imagine unironically buying this asinine shit when X is just there, sitting in the corner, waiting for the 100x

>> No.55819022


is this board really that dead? I was hoping for some intelligent anon to have actual discussion or fud it properly to me with objective stuff and I only get people shiling shitcoins and heavy bagged jews

>> No.55819071

RXD is near perfect, there's not much else to say, sadly.

>> No.55819085

You should have framed your question better. The disclaimer on the website is so that the website doesn’t seem like it’s advertising the coin so it doesn’t risk get classified as a security by the SEC.
There’s really no fud as far as I can tell. It was fair launched and it’s a community coin. Pretty pure. But, very slow development since it’s all community driven. Probably going to be a while before it’s hyped a lot but will give you more time to accumulate

>> No.55819227

Kek this is literally Good ews: The Coin

I guess I will ape other 3k bucks and from there a conservative DCA if its going to be a slow way up anyways

>> No.55819236

News* not jews!

>> No.55819297

It’s not going to be a slow way up, it’s going to be flat for a long time and then violent when it happens

>> No.55819671

whats a realistic price target for RXD frens?

>> No.55819681

have about 130k RXD

>> No.55820059

20-100x from here

>> No.55820195

It’s just a fair launch disclaimer that serves as evidence that Radiant is not a security.

>> No.55820262

Why does @RadiantLayerOne so aggressively warn against CEX listings and speculation around the coin though? The disclaimer on the page shouldn't be enough?

>> No.55820329

because the SEC is out for blood

>> No.55820333
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I wouldn’t say it warns against listings. Any exchange is free to list it. It errs caution on price speculation to “investors”. Maybe the creator is a bit autistic about hammering home the not-a-security point. The community Twitter is more active and will retweet listings though, pic rel. Prominent members of the community also organised the raising of funds for the BKEX listing.

>> No.55821388

This sounds schyzo

If they weren't able to rule XRP and ETH securities, they won't be able to touch a fairly launched pow with a 10ft stick if they tried

>> No.55821748

that disclaimer has been there since before the ruling I think, but it makes sense just to leave it for a while to not get targeted early.
what are we thinking the sui/makeit stacks are, 200k/2m?

>> No.55822228

Is there any info on who created RXD? I get the whole decentralized thing but would be interesting to know. KAS has the same level of decentralization and we know they have a well respected dev team.
I bought a small bag. A fancy layer 1 not launched on a big exchange is well worth a shot anyway.

>> No.55822288

Market is starting to get saturated with random L1 protocols. I only consider buying cryptos that have a clear market that they are aiming for or just generally a reason to exist. I don't think blockchain tech jargon will carry a project anymore since there are already so many alternatives out there with decent tech AND a clear vision of what it is used for.

>> No.55822339

True, but it only takes one L1 coin to explode and lead the narrative, then every L1 with a little promise will follow, is not random that RXD pumps along with KAS.

>> No.55822431

The creator goes by the pseudonym Atoshi, he did one audio interview and then stepped out of the spotlight. There are rumours he is the one running the Radiant twitter account and that he’s still working on development in the background, though. Only a few people know for sure. Here’s the interview, it’s actually pretty kino (skip first 45 seconds)

>> No.55822543

Good find anon. The guy seems to be quite humble, doesn't make a promise but seems to say RXD has been put in to play and lets see where it goes which is fair enough.I think it's worth getting a bag but as the other anon reply said - there's a lot of Layer 1's with cool sounding tech. Time will tell.

>> No.55822693

kas is missing its ledger history prior to may 2022.
there's really no way to prove nothing malicious happened, or know what went down those 6 months before may 2022
even if they're honest, no proof is sketchy and we have to rely on their word.

>> No.55822700

kaspa was launched by daglabs who have a sketchy history. they own 3% of the supply publicly but in reality i think its more than that.

>> No.55822715
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45% of kas mined in the first 6 months, the same 6 months the node data got pruned kek

>> No.55822724

is this a sell signal, or will the market not care

>> No.55822751

This is likely because the community raised funds to get listed on some exchange in china, I forget the name, and the exchange got frozon or something and all the money was literally rugged. The irony is that they chose this exchange over mexc to avoid their shady shit, but then this happens.

>> No.55822760

I got a small bag and am considering adding to it, but man, pure community dev is so short on public updates of who is working on anything that you have to have alot of patience as a bagholder.

It feels like slow dipping my nutsack into a grease fryer waiting for any semblence of news.

>> No.55822798
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Do you think they'd care that an entity launches a coin, mines for 6 months during which 45% of the total supply is mined, then dissolves itself as a company, relinquishes any ties to kaspa and prunes those first 6 months of node history from the ledger?
Feel free to keep on riding the wave, maybe it will keep on going for a while, they do have a great marketing team, but inevitably it's going to come crashing to a bitter end.

>> No.55822861

Not sure. People might, but there are projects in the top 20 with bigger scandals.

>> No.55822943

Just imagine how much of the supply the now dissolved Daglabs really own. The timing of events just seems way too suspicious for me and if those suspicions turn out to be true then regardless of what the market thinks at some point there will be a huge dump and a new generation of bagholders born. If youre gonna ride the kas wave then just know when to get out.

>> No.55822973

Interesting. You dont figure that the Daglabs coins are already dumped? They would have a pretty impressive roi on current MC. If not, what pricepoint are they holding for?
Thanks for the info btw

>> No.55822998

This is fairly old news. TechLeaks is a well known fudder who sold early. When the missing 6 months were raised people began auditing it and have located some of the missing data.
Here's a link to a Youtube video of the guy involved in KAS at that time speaking about what happened at that time - from the 16.00 mark he addresses it directly, above -

Seems fairly legit to me, maybe I'm naive.

>> No.55823023

They will pull out something like going to a ridiculously absurd high during a generalized strong crypto bullrun and dump 95% but early buyers "still in profit" and defending their bags like Chainlink holders do. The ones who will rope will be the normies aping in at the literal top and secretly every early buyer will be seething if they didn't sell even if they are still "in profit"
Then some of them will wait fucking years for a bullrun only to find out it won't pump to half the price it went before, then it slowly bleeds and dies.

So yeah plenty of time to get out but I hope you manage to. If price gets ridiculous just abandon ship, don't get brainwashed by "new paradigm!"

>> No.55823296


>> No.55823588
File: 11 KB, 573x250, kaspagoals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my current plan. If I hit second goal it will be a huge succes.

>> No.55824814
File: 29 KB, 700x699, 1666198612135742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. he sounds like an extremely intelligent white / possible-asian-admixture man saying ALL the right things. could also be lowkey three-letter agency like bitcoin probably was. very promising.

>> No.55824859

TradeOgre my friend. best dex arounf for shit like this. nevermind the bad reviews, mos def fudders shitting on a good dex that's been around for a while. Most bad reviews are from retard traders that deposit on the wrong adress etc..

>> No.55824972

My only gripe with tradeogre is that I wish it'd have more shitcoins listed. Can't mine everything that's out there.

>> No.55824990

yeah thats true.

>> No.55825250

spoonfeed me on the supply. seems like the mc is sky-high already

>> No.55825371

the current market cap is only 22m...........

>> No.55825383

okay, invested 5 minutes of my precious time on this pos coin (piece of shit coin: devs mined large % on day 1. TG filled with buybots and jeets "buy now!!!". Git totally dead. lmao, good luck.

>> No.55825390

typical Kaspa baggie

>> No.55825844

this low of an iq is not even possible while still being able to access this website. 1.69/10 fud troll for more accumulation time

>> No.55827231

Lying retarded faggot