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File: 116 KB, 528x618, xc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55820781 No.55820781 [Reply] [Original]

why are women so cruel?

>> No.55820785

Dudes was a pussy people die big whoop

>> No.55820793

Kek it doesn't sound like she even really cares. It was more of an inconvenience for her

>> No.55820808

she doesnt. what kind of woman exploits her husband's suicide for reddit points?

>> No.55820817
File: 63 KB, 1024x428, 1659445332294222m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol it's obvious she doesn't give a shit. this is what a femoid thinks every time a sub-chad betabux ropes. restore the patriarchy and make women property

>> No.55820834

Modern american women are on ssris for large parts of their life or hormone altering birth control. Even when not on those things they grow up in a culture where the men treat them as princesses for existing and media tells them this is correct. They cannot give a fuck about you, which is why 'passport bros' are a thing, as women from literally any other country are marginally better than american women.

>> No.55820835

This? Want to take pressure off of husband? Get a job.

>> No.55820842

The LARP is revealed at the “church won’t help because suicide is a sin” part
Church would not punish her or the unborn child for her husbands action

>> No.55820848
File: 302 KB, 1125x1125, 1685847255902393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just stressed bro, that's why I pushed my husband to kys himself
>I'm going to give the baby up it's cool
>my next husband won't have to know about any of this shit hehe

>> No.55820851

>believing some fat hair tranny on reddit could ever get pregnant
This board is retarded

>> No.55820852

Yup this is why I hate reddit people larp and get money I put up the fact I got cancer and was banned not even kidding, hate that website more than anything it caters to beta s.oymen and troons/women.

>> No.55820870

I knew it was larp as soon as i read that too. I always believe this upvote farming stories are larps anyway.

>> No.55820883

idk aren't some protestant churches pretty extreme? u might be right though it could just be rage bait

>> No.55820897


Men only present 2 values to a woman: provision and protection.

So their thought matrix is based on attaining those things and once they are met, getting the man to provide greater levels of those things as time passes.

Everything we see on the surface about "love" is an elegant mask.

>> No.55820903
File: 561 KB, 1528x1113, 84BA57F7-2655-4F48-AD95-4332F34187C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ she posted on am I the asshole 15 days ago (before he killed himself) and it has more information to the story
>guy lost his previous wife and son in an accident similar
>already had anxiety got worse
>doesn’t wanna drive no matter what
>bitches at him to get a job
>he wants to help pay for the girl that killed herself on his truck
>wife bitches about this
meanwhile everyone in the comments is saying she’s not the asshole and all this shit. Also everyone is telling them how they can get free money, food stamps, he could probably get on disability and all this shit and she probably didn’t even try.
I hope this is just a huge larp, otherwise this is one of the biggest bitches ever and she’s definitely responsible for his suicide.

>> No.55820909


>> No.55820910

>he will be in my heart forever
>anyway any maaaales tryin get druuuunk my dms are OOOOOPEN

>> No.55820935

>everyone is telling them
Can you fucking zoomers stop this tranny shit?

>> No.55820949

>we have $100 to our name and no food

I mean when you're out of money you're out of money, you work or you die

>> No.55820956

why would she give up the child for adoption like the man didn't have any family that might want the kid?

>> No.55820977


>> No.55820981

Modern millennial women aren't even good about masking it, you have ugly fat chicks come on to you merely because you have a job and no debt looking to sponge off you.

>> No.55820993

She said that his family was ToXiC

>> No.55820997

women like criminals

>> No.55821002

Exhausted all his family's kindness? If real and not fake, I hope his boomer parents feel like shit for their son killing himself. But this sounds like another middle aged xiennial dude who was just abandoned by his shit parents and abandoned by his wife and abandoned by society. You're just a workhorse slave nigger for all the leeches around you looking to suck your blood and they only pretend to care when you leave permanently.

>> No.55821010

Why would boomers raise their own grandkid?

>> No.55821013

>unalives himself
why the fuck is she talking like a fuckin 7-year-old on roblox when her husband literally just died? holy fuck reddit turns people into deranged fuckin socio paths. and that lukewarm bottle water line is gay as fuck too. fucking stupid retard bitch animal.

>> No.55821020

>get help if you are struggling, please
>why didn't you attempt to help your husband with his mental health?
>ahhh no sweety, I am his wife, not his fucking therapist

>> No.55821036
File: 59 KB, 576x507, 1680564843022670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She is still blaming him, and complaining about him in her reddit post made after she drove him to take his own life

>> No.55821068

thank you kindly for bringing this r*ddit post to my attention on 4channel dot com - business and finance community.

>> No.55821110
File: 40 KB, 398x376, 1681055605797081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the true worth a modern western woman's """love"""

>> No.55821126

>>unalives himself
Also, I forgot to tell you. I sometimes waste time watching youtube videos, and from there I learned that now zoomers are using the word unalive to refer to someone dying, murders, etc. because youtube is restricting all video like fights, blood, and also scary words
It's an infantilization tactic to the max, and further dystopia, but that's why the ·unalive· thing

>> No.55821133

Sounds double plus good, no n-words.

>> No.55821150

Pure fiction. You guys gotta get better at spotting this shit.

>> No.55821178
File: 175 KB, 634x1214, 285273526178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protestants are probably some of the most compassionate when it comes to the topic of suicide. Catholics tend to take a much more hardline on such things, but even then I highly doubt that either denomination would turn away a pregnant widow just because her husband committed suicide. Especially considering how concerned God seems to be about the well being of orphans and widows in the Bible.

>Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
>James 1:27 NKJV

Like others have said, it could just be rage bait but who knows.

>> No.55821228

This is a larp post. But then again, it's Reddit so I'm only 99% sure.

>> No.55821260
File: 1011 KB, 2500x1667, 1689990867182141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the part about the church not helping at all is what makes me believe this is fake. It's just not real. A church of any denomination would offer help to a pregnant mother who is obviously a member due to the fact they got married there.
But Reddit can't respect religion so they take jabs any chance they get. This one-off little comment about the "no help Church" is what gives this away as a larp.
Fake, most definitely hell-bound, and gay.

>> No.55821303

He manifested the incident a second time because he couldn't overcome the negative emotions of his first accident.

This therapy failed to address the original issue.

>> No.55821368

The entire scenario was concocted in the mind of a deranged cross dresser. It never happened.

>> No.55821398

It's possible, however there is a possibility that something similar to this situation happened to someone else.
People carry over their past traumatic events from previous incarnations.
Something caused the initial event, which caused it a second time later.
In that case you also have to put the suicide back into the context of his other incarnations.

>> No.55821415

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the events in that story never took place. The whole thing was an elaborate hoax for reddit points.

>> No.55821420

kys op, imagine being low iq enough to fall for this. gold thing you'll never have any children

>> No.55821466

right, she's still speaking like a groomed tranny retard how she was programmed to for reddit likes even though her husband just died. absolutely no respect and she's a soulless retard that should kill herself too.

>> No.55821492

But can say for certain that something similar didn't happen to one in billions of lives on this planet?

It may be a lot more common than you think to carry over a curse or traumatic event from a past life.
Traumatic events keep being manifested into reality because the subconscious desires to face and resolve the problem.

>> No.55821531

If I went to Reddit I would go and congratulate her. All women are striving for this. It's called "the eternal boyfriend." When a woman successfully solves a man, which is what they are always trying to do, it typically just results in the guy's life being ruined, maybe she gets beaten or killed (they also love that), but when they're REALLY successful the guy kills himself. At that point she now has the most powerful weapon to wield on all future men she dates: the eternal boyfriend. What this allows her to do is at any moment she can redirect the spotlight in any circumstance back to her. If she dates a guy who displeases her in anyway, she can call upon her eternal boyfriend to berate the guy she's with. The guy might come home and find she put her kid in the oven or something and he's ready to call the cops so she goes "you don't get it YOU DON'T GET IT! This is my way of trying to deal with <insert eternal boyfriend's name here>'s death!" She can instantly claim victim status no matter how fucked up or out of line she acts. This woman hit the lottery that few women ever manage.

>> No.55821552

have some meds

>> No.55821559

You're a faggot with no life experience.

>> No.55821628

Dude this is less the wife and more the fact the guy ran over an innocent.

>> No.55821638

The story you are responding to was dreamed up bybthe trannies at reddit.

>> No.55821643

she dodged a bullet that faggot sounds like a pussy

>> No.55821646

the church being unsupportive gives it away but if it's true I'd put 90% of the blame on the car accident

>> No.55821653

he dodged 18 years with this shackle wife. he is at peace. she has to suffer now. good.

>> No.55821827

Stopped reading at "unalives".

>> No.55821840

This is literally how women's brains operate, also some gay men. Even Schopenhauer talked about this, men today have lost all common sense regarding women.

>> No.55821844

And the woman is wrong here?

She has a point, fucker needs to work

killing people with your truck is part of the job, i had it happen 2 times already because there are so many blindspots

>> No.55821861

Many incels itt, she didn't do anything wrong. How could she have known the dude was a weak loser who has a sook over some random he killed. Dude had a kid coming, selfish cunt left a clearly retarded women and a baby to fend for themselves.

>> No.55821878
File: 301 KB, 960x1280, 0xd0e94bf2466979b81d738c34058d4a6559c4d8be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stopped fucking women years ago, i found out cambodia has the best age of consent for Aardvarks on the planet. take the aardvark pill

>> No.55821900

I talked with a 35 yo single woman
She told me women in my generation have little or nothing to offer. They look good while still young and that’s it. Instead they expect the sea and its salt in return
This is the case for your pic. He’s waaay out of her league.
But this has probably been the case in the US for a while.
t. balkaner

>> No.55821908

>I talked with a 35 yo single woman
>She told me women in my generation have little or nothing to offer.

now read that again, slowly

>> No.55821911

>dms are open
His corpse ain't even dead yet and this fucking roastie is already looking for fresh dick

idk what an aardvark is but it can't be worse than white women

>> No.55821925

I know, I’m 26. We’ve known eachother from mutual friends for a while. I didn’t date her.
She was dealt a shit hand at life, she’s well aware of her shortcomings
The point of my post was to comment that the chick in the pic had all the reasons to feel bad about herself for not replying to the guy.

>> No.55821939

yeah but not all girls are retarded, some are really smart. The one im dating is very young, finished her education few years earlier than her peers, doesnt do social media and so on

>> No.55821981

Women are psychopaths. I looked up an old friend on FB. His profile was gone and I found his mum's. Scrolled back a long way and basically I could tell he'd killed himself a few years ago. She was posting stuff like links to "lawnmower parenting" articles when it was obvious the guy had actual physical health problems affecting his mental. Guy was in an awful place but her instinct was obviously to "push him", not find and resolve his problems. Anyway, I could tell he was gone and she started posting things like "mental health awareness month", "it's ok to not be ok", all that trash. Everyone knew he was not ok but they act like "oh wow, I wish he could have opened up about this".

>> No.55822027

Good for you anon, keep her
shit’s starting to go bad in the balkans
Usually women in my generation or a bit older have their shit together. Those that are actually good are already married.
I’m left either trying to get what’s left or go for a bit younger 20-23, which most are already indoctrinated with the same ideologies as in the west.

>> No.55822032

23yr is not a bit younger thats still old

get one thats 18

>> No.55822245

>you have to pay for the clean up, rental stay covered in gore indefinitely
>church no help cause suicide is sin

>> No.55822384

Not wrong. No money, behind on the bills and a kid coming in a month the dude needed to get his shit together.

>> No.55822414

in this case, the tranny OR promptoooor who made these posts is regressing to their earlier incarnation of being a lying fantasist piece of shit

>> No.55822457

We’ll said fren

>> No.55822518

They dont.
>t.raised by a single parent.
You're literally on your own since birth and guess what? The family wants less to do with you.

>> No.55822521

You either violated the rules or became antagonistic.

>> No.55822528

>she probably didn’t even try.
Americans frown on social programs.

>> No.55822530

Everyone on reddit was telling them is now transsexual? Holy fuck you guys are retarded.
Rent free.

>> No.55822532

>had it happen 2 times already
Jesus fuck.
And you guys really hate walkable cities?

>> No.55822534

>Unalives themselves

Lmfao. That's a troll right

>> No.55822539

>Dude left a baby to fend for itself.
FTFY, the lady will get all the help, the baby, if born a man, will get no help.

>> No.55822547

Dude weed.
Sex dolls.

>> No.55822591


>> No.55822597

Dead obvious it was fake at that part too. Perfect line for reddit upvotes

>> No.55822624

>caring about a woman stepping in front of his truck so much that you can't work for 7 months
Absolute pussy unworthy of living of ever having sex

Men used to kill each other and this was normal daily fare. Now they stunt themselves when they cause an accidental death.

Absolute scum.

>> No.55822637

>t. keyboard warrior

>> No.55822656

>lets hate on the woman with no restrains

>> No.55822667

men who fear death or conflict ARE NOT MEN IN THE BIOLOGICAL SENSE

this is why women find contemporary "men" deplorable. They are asexual eunuchs. To be able to initiate sex in a satisfactory manner you HAVE TO INITIATE CONFLICT AND NOT FEAR IT

>> No.55822675

>idk aren't some protestant churches pretty extreme?
Outside of some rare, hyper-specific denominations with like 5 people in them, there is basically no denomination of Christianity that would say that. Even groups like fundamentalist Catholics or JWs who take a hardline on suicide do not confer guilt onto you based on what a spouse does.

Either the story is made up or she's heavily spinning what the actual reason was (e.g. being a literally who showing up and demanding money).

>> No.55822688

This sounds like bullshit.
>suicide is a sin so the church won't help a pregnant mother scoop the father's brains out of the crib
stfu reddit fuck

>> No.55822703

It's a birthing person!

>> No.55822891

Normalfags tell you to have sex then do this

>> No.55822892

From that post he is happier dead, at least I would be.

>> No.55823047

For you. My family loved me.

>> No.55823210

Amerigolem “churches” may be some of the most brainrotted goypens around, but I can’t think of a single one aside from maybe Westboro that would actually turn down help to a pregnant widow.
This retarded shit right here is one of the reasons why I don’t bother bringing people closer.

>> No.55823258


its fake

>> No.55823323

Prove it faggot.

>> No.55823536


>> No.55823675

never be involved with women ever
thats the moral of the story here
at this point im pretty much convinced all women are actually jews or controlled by jews to ruin mens lives

>> No.55823789

I hate this retarded zoomer witticism.

>> No.55823839

the moral of the story is that it's fiction and propoganda and that the attempts to demoralize and separate the sexes is ceaseless and done on behalf of sexual predators who will never experience love and are incapable of understanding it and who wish to decrease the competition on one side and increase the ease on the other
everything on the internet is fake and gay you most of all

>> No.55823843

Only blacks, browns, and low-class whites know how to use them.

>> No.55823844

people posting about mental health awareness are the exact same kind of people who post ukrainian flags in the profile, or the flag of whatever country is the latest to suffer a terrorist attack etc

>> No.55824058

I don't want to defend retarded newspeak, but didn't they start using this word because suicide and related words were censored on TikTok (or maybe some other platform)?

>> No.55824085

I don't know the origin story but I associate it mostly with TikTok.

>> No.55824111

I’m pretty sure it’s actually to avoid the trigger word suicide. Usually there will be a trigger warning at the top of these posts.

>> No.55824269

>telling them

>> No.55824300

>Trigger word suicide
>Trigger word
Google literally any problem I have.
>Suicide Hotline
Someone’s trying to get me out of the game

>> No.55824318

Nothing on reddit is real. Every story pushes leftist talking points like therapy, feminism, get divorced, have casual sex, etc. It's literally all propaganda

>> No.55824365

He did the right thing

>> No.55824381
File: 562 KB, 1080x2004, Lmaaaaooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this guy who is always posting left wing bullshit on my city's sub. Turns out he's a literal cuck lololol

>> No.55824386

I thought women were just as capable as men? Why wasn't she able to maintain the family for a while? Men have been doing it since... well, since forever.

>> No.55824401

This is a made up story. If you fell for this you are too retarded to make it and should kys

>> No.55824428

You know now that’s he groomed her to be his perfect woman he could date her when she gets older. There’s literally nothing illegal about it. Bio-dads are the real cucks if you think about it.

>> No.55824438

Let me guess, she started a go fund me?

>> No.55824449

Prove that it's real.
This is why we hate Reddit. Fake stories for fake points.

>> No.55824452

Go ahead and slash your wrist bud!

>> No.55824477

but im happier never dealing with all the bullshit other people bring anymore
before you tinfoil hat post you should think what the means to the end is of your grand conspiracy theory

>> No.55824559

The whole church point makes it seem fake to me. I seriously cannot imagine what church community would not help her in this instance. Seems like an obligatory jab at religion for additional reddit points.

>> No.55824598

Americans are incredibly selfish, it’s a nation of narcissists and sociopaths.

>> No.55824641

Sounds like salty bio-dad talk to me. We just can’t stop winning step-bros.

>> No.55824901

the catholic church is the only one that ever took a hardline stance on suicide and even then it totally changed its tune all the way back in the 70's.

They allow suicide victims to have church funerals and be buried in catholic cemeteries.

Reddit propaganda LARP

>> No.55824909

>Now he is gone and it's not even the same.
No shit!?

>> No.55824942

The man is a pussy who can't even support his family because muh trauma. He did the right thing by killing himself, what a failure. She did nothing wrong.

>> No.55824982

This guy knows women psychopathy. Another good one - the g spot of being both a victim and attractive. Any time you see a woman complain about being cat called, have some weird guy at work ask her out, or have a ‘rape’ story (they all have one), it’s trying to accomplish two things:

1. She is letting those around her know how attractive she is. So attractive she can’t even walk down the street or to the fax machine at work without men bothering her. So attractive that men have to try and force themselves on her


2. She’s a victim of the patriarchy, or some other larger force. So please sympathize with her, let her cry about how difficult life is, and how hard it is to be her specifically

Sociopathic stuff

>> No.55824999

You will take heat for that post but you’re more or less correct. In the eyes of broader society if you’re a man who can’t work or do anything then you are already dead. All the guy in OP did was pull the trigger

>> No.55825109

>t. balkaner
it's that bad in the balkans too? I thought you guys were insulated from first world problems

>> No.55825201

>Kek it doesn't sound like she even really cares. It was more of an inconvenience for her
What else do you expect out of women?
As soon as the man stops being a useful Betabux he's just garbage, as good as if he never existed.

>I talked with a 35 yo single woman
>She told me women in my generation
Anon, it's not just you generation.
As >>55821908 said, read it slowly, again. And stop being an enabler of shitty female behaviour. You'll soon realize it's not new, the woman who was talking to you is herself complete garbage, she wants nothing besides Chad and she has nothing to offer to get it. Probably got fucked by dozens of guys when she was younger, but now...now, the other chicks are the useless whores, it's always the other chicks.

t. 36 y.o. single male anon.

>> No.55825354

"I", "I", "I", "I", "I", "me", "me", "me", "me".
She did say "we", but she clearly really meant "me".
Not a single time she mentioned anything about "him", other than "his" problems are annoying and inconveniencing "me".

Anyone who thinks this story isn't at least 50/50 between being completely real or a very believable fake doesn't really know women.

>> No.55825445

I don't know why anyone tolerates women anymore.

>> No.55825451

Catholics view suicide as a sin.

>> No.55825456

Just say you’re sorry afterwards and won’t do it again

>> No.55825476

the church backtracked on this like 40 years ago. Its a sin but everyone regrets it for a split second while they are dying and asks jesus for salvation

>> No.55825519
File: 39 KB, 293x404, why-so-basement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bio-dads are the real cucks if you think about it
If you want her, why would you let some trivial detail like that be in your way?

>> No.55825552
File: 175 KB, 1061x607, 1677467272383691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at this point im pretty much convinced all women are actually jews
The vaginal jew strikes again.

You better be a good ATM or she will get more stressed than you after you father dies and she decides how long it should take you to get out of depression.
As soon as you stop being useful to them, women will just drop you.

>> No.55825595
File: 28 KB, 480x480, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40+ yo man got depressed enough about his dad dying that he lost his job
Honestly embarrassing.

>> No.55825701

>but im happier never dealing with all the bullshit other people bring anymore
I don't care.
>before you tinfoil hat post you should think what the means to the end is of your grand conspiracy theory
It's not a conspiracy as no law has been broken. Demotivating people on the internet and tv is not only entirely legal, but highly profitable and it is a well-established advertising tactic that has consistent results spanning over a century.
Before you tell anons on the internet that you're "happier" you should consider the fact that you needed an audience to witness and believe the statement and thus your happiness is derived from the approval of, or sense of superiority over, others.
As for the end goal of such demotivational content, it is simply to push anons towards content consumption and/or degenerate gambling on shitcoins. Also to push them towards schizo propoganda narratives whose sole base is the dissatisfied and demotivated.
>tl;dr you are not happy and your opinion is a forgery and also homosexual

>> No.55825849

Stay at home dad would be awesome.

>> No.55825910

I can't tell if some of you are just being edgy or straight up sociopaths kek. Yeah guess what, if you're really close with your father losing him can be very hard. You don't know what else was going on in his life, maybe he was already feeling pretty depressed having to wage his life away, or because modern life is inherently depressing, and this sent him over the edge.

>> No.55825947

so? the woman didn't commit suicide

>> No.55825962

I’ve been conditioned by gta video games to run people over, this guy was a kwab

>> No.55826234

If it's real, one might hope that the family finds these posts. They might have a wrongful death case.

>> No.55826319

didnt read but the tldr seems to make sense for what your posts are yes, consider going outside

>> No.55826651

The church part stuck out to anons but judging from the posts I just figured she was never really a member of her local church so they might have turned her down for not being a part of the church.
>the church we had been to on and off, where we got married [years ago].
Maybe she showed up on Easter and Christmas. Maybe. But it doesn't sound like she was a part of the community at all. Her being a selfish cunt in every other part of this is absolutely like so many modern women.

>> No.55827296

>It was more of an inconvenience for her
Exactly. She's upset the situation leaves her in a position where she ready to get a new husband right away.

>> No.55827540

she did nothing wrong. he had to get his shit together and face his trauma, but he couldn't. so he killed himself.

In his defense, the spiritual teachings that could guide someone through that pain virtually no longer exist, at least not in the modern world. But ultimately, your feelings don't matter when you have a family to provide for. He could have processed his trauma through the right hand path of action, or the left hand path of contemplation. But he chose to run from his trauma instead, never facing it. And it consumed him alive.

>> No.55828140

> the spiritual teachings that could guide someone through that pain virtually no longer exist

expand on this, how do we go through the pain, how do we utilize right hand and left hand path?

>> No.55828159

Financially speaking, how does he recover from this?

I also counted 24 'I's before I gave up.

>> No.55828176

You either get a bunch of crystals and hippy shit and let machine elves into your mind or you start sacrificing live stock to some benevolent diety.
I guess at some point down the line once the demonic entities are mind raping you, you forget why you ever started this shit anyway and are in some senses, cured.

>> No.55828243

the right hand path is to achieve enlightenment through the path of action. to perform your duty regardless of your internal state, and dedicate the work not to yourself, but to a higher power, a higher calling.

The man could have fulfilled his duties as a father regardless of his fears, and dedicated the push through his suffering to his family.

The left hand path is to reach enlightenment through contemplation. In this case the path would be to confront your inner demons and face the pain of the thorn imbedded in your soul.

That man could have turned inwards and faced the death of his wife and child. Felt all the pain he needed to feel, accepted their loss, and let go of the pain he's held onto. Alternatively, facing the loss and pain of the woman who killed himself on his truck, accepting her death, and processing those emotions, by proxy would heal the original thorn stuck into him by the death of his wife and child.

There are many ways to the left hand path. I participated in active imagination though a guided hypnotherapy session, confronted the hurt child within me, and listened to what he had to say to me. I then told him what I needed him to hear from me, and healed the anxiety I clung to for years. Active imagination is a Jungian practice that allows oneself to communicate with the subconscious. By finding a middle ground with the subconscious, talking through the revelations and opinions it puts forward, one can integrate the subconscious and bring it in line with the ego. Of course, Jung was a bit of a mystic as well as a psychologist; perhaps it allows you to communicate with the mass subconscious as well, and draw new ideas and resolutions from the void.

The book Untethered Soul describes the Vedic practice of sitting in the seat of the consciousness. It trains you to observe your thoughts and emotions, pay them respect, and to let them go. If practiced long enough, you'll be able to process and let go of any thought or emotion

>> No.55828266

This is the fakest sounding story ever told.
Holy shit.
>unalives yourself
>no clear reason why he killed himself (oh boo hoo I saw someone die, now I have to die!)
>I'm pregnant and now I don't want the kid. Don't have kids!
>flippantly decides to not raise the kid just because your husband died (makes no fucking sense)

If you believed this for even one second, please leave and never come back. You're too stupid to participate in conversations and you're going to cause harm to others because someone might think you're being genuine when airing your stupid opinion.

>> No.55828275
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thank you for spending the time to distilling this knowledge, I will look into the book, and some videos on youtube.

>> No.55828315

>The church said no because suicide is a sin
I go to an actual church in real life and that's not how it works. Some part of this is a lie but idk how much. Maybe she made up the part about asking for help or maybe "she" made up the entire post.

>> No.55828331
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Just like a christCuck to write off true spiritual practices while never understanding his own rituals. Just because you perform the rituals (which you probably don't) doesn't make you pious or spiritual in any way. The deeper mysteries are always elusive to the christCuck as they lack the self awareness to explore it.

If you're interested in the Vedic practice of letting go of your pain and neurosis, Untethered Soul is an amazing translation of Eastern practice for the Western audience.

If you're interested in healing your emotional and subconscious state, Jungian psychology is the path. When you understand the underlying concept of symbolism and the subconscious, you will derive many answers to life from the metaphors of mythological stories.

>The Cry for Myth, by Rollo May
>Iron John, by Robert Bly
>Memories, Dreams, and Reflections, by Carl Jung
>Man and his Symbols, by Carl Jung

I plan to complete my work of understanding here by reading the myths collected by the Brother's Grimm. These "fairy tales" and similar myths like The Odyssey or the bible exist in the dreamscape, the subconscious mind, and there are many lessons to be learned. Taking the words of myth at face value, like most christCucks, is equivalent to an AI reading poetry; it sees the written word, but the underlying meaning is entirely lost as the AI has no way of processing the deep intuition embedded within.

>> No.55828333

I go to a reformed protestant church full of 7 kid homeschool families.
We've built entire houses for single atheist mothers, we don't not help people just because they're sinning. Only someone who has no idea what Christianity is would think we work that way.

>> No.55828360
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>> No.55828367

you want a great introduction and dissemination, this guy's channel is amazing:


He has the depth of understanding to explain the mythic and esoteric. And if it means nothing to you now, then that's perfectly fine, it just means it's not mean to reach you now. This information calls to you when you need it. You will eventually enter hell, the dark night of the soul. And these tools will become your sword and shield when it's time to slay your dragon.

>> No.55828374
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That second to last line,
>If anyone is in my area who wants to sit on the curb and drink lukewarm bottle water with a stranger, DM me
Absolute female moment, she's reaching out in hopes of some white knight in shining armor to milady her and pick her up off her feet.

>> No.55828392

Hippie mysticism is a really good gateway to self-induced schizophrenia. That and taking psychedelics.

>> No.55828457

can you please explain the different color horses again?
been struggling with things lately

>> No.55828470

Vedic is an older spiritual practice than christianity. It has stronger ties to the traditional teachings of the human spirit than Judeochristian practice will ever achieve.

The line of knowledge transfer from student to teacher was never broken in Vedic or Tao or Buddhism. But the line of knowledge transfer from ancient Western spiritual practices was dissolved with the rise of christianity, which is in essence a combination of Paganism and Judaism forced on the masses by Constantine.

The line of teachings from the Druids and Shaman was broken and will never recover in its original form.

>> No.55828512

Sure.. I'll rip something from a previous post

>Iron John is a mythic fable about a boy becoming a man. The boy meets Iron John, a wild man embodying the divine masculine. Iron John initiates him in the ways of manhood by injuring his finger and initiating him with a ritual. The boy fails the ritual and is sent into the world with the offering that he may call on Iron John at any time for aid.

>The boy continues his journey, and becomes 3 knights with the aid of Iron John. First the Wayward Red Knight, then the Idealistic White Knight, and finally the Spiritual Black Knight.

>As the Red Knight, he rides to war. As the White Knight, he champions his ideals. As the Black Knight, he is wounded in the leg, and becomes a man.

>Society tells men to become the Idealistic White Knight and distance themselves from the Wayward Red Knight. The boys who never become the Red Knight never experience their masculine aggression, never let it loose upon the world and feel the fight hardwired into their body. They become White Knights immediately, champion ideals such as feminism, race diversity, or faggotry, and are often SJWs.

>By rejecting the Red Knight, they are stuck as the White Knight and can never become the Black Knight. The Black Knight embodies the strengths of risk/violence, ideals, and the spirit. He accepts his wounds as initiation rituals that made him who he is today. He has a spirituality about him, and an understanding of becoming. The Black Knight is a man.

The takeaway is every cut and bruise you've received in your life, metaphorical or otherwise, has shaped who you are today; like a chisel to the stone forming the artistic work that is you.

The metaphor however, is important to your subconscious understanding, as it paints an image for your subconscious to integrate into itself. I recommend reading the actual book, or listening to it on youtube, and meditating on the story and what it means to your own personal experience.

>> No.55828528
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Husband sounds weak desu and wife sounds right to push him to do something. Imagine being a man and mopping around all day when you are physically fit. Pathetic desu.

Also, therapy doesnt do anything.

>> No.55828610

>g, and this sent him over the edge.
Every man alive has his father die dude. You cant collapse and let it take over. Especially after you wanted a "tradwife". If you want the trade wife then you better handle the trad husband.

>> No.55828620

>That man could have turned inwards and faced the death of his wife and child. Felt all the pain he needed to feel, accepted their loss, and let go of the pain he's held onto. Alternatively, facing the loss and pain of the woman who killed himself on his truck, accepting her death, and processing those emotions, by proxy would heal the original thorn stuck into him by the death of his wife and child.
Unironically every epic humans have written. The hero faces hardship and overcomes it after contemplation to work towards a higher calling.

>> No.55828632

how does the black knight deal with the pain?

>> No.55828646

>Unironically every epic humans have written.

We must learn to think in terms of myth again. That's the only way to unlock the wisdom of the ancient truths passed on from generation to generation. The level of psychological, spiritual, and subconscious truth contained in the fables of our ancestors is remarkable

>> No.55828665

The Black Knight finds meaning in the pain, as he recognizes that the pain is what shaped him into the Black Knight in the first place. A chisel to the stone, every strike shaping him into the man he is today. The Black Knight can never be if he never receives his wounds.

>> No.55828789

>We must learn to think in terms of myth again.
Yeah the words and values of our poo flinging ancestors truely are applicable to the atomic age.
You have opened my eyes.

>> No.55828834

That is the exact thought process of modern man and modern women. Those before us have nothing to teach us. Their knowledge and wisdom no longer have value because modern science has all the answers. And as society falls apart and the crises of meaning causes crime, suicide, and addiction to psychiatric meds, the modern individual has no answers to resolve the issues, even though they "know better" than the billions of lives that came before them.

>> No.55828873
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Anons should listen and ask this anon more questions.
>t. black knight.

>> No.55828904

>And as society falls apart and the crises of meaning causes crime, suicide, and addiction to psychiatric meds, the modern individual has no answers to resolve the issues, even though they "know better" than the billions of lives that came before them.
The Modern day is without precedent in history, our environment, surroundings and circumstances entirely artifical. The wisdom of the past was built for the past, the only way out is forward, not looking back

>> No.55828918

It's funny. If you actually read modern research like some of the stuff structural demographic theorists write it turns out religion is actually important and there's a good chance you can't have meaningful civilization at all without it.

>> No.55828934

I'm actually part jewish but also part eygptian and german just a mutt, I was raised christian and obviously have some influence by christianity although I've followed Buddhism and found myself more interested.

I myself would consider myself a shaman of sorts, or caretaker/christ consciousnesses type although Christianity in itself is highly flawed, maybe some points here and there like any religion but don't be fooled my beliefs are my own if anything.

>> No.55828940

Humans are still the same.
Computers, fertilizer, and engines don't change the fact that you have to have sex to have children and you have to have children (with similar genetics and culture) to carry the civilization into the future. In many ways they even make that harder.

>> No.55828943
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>Men used to kill each other and this was normal daily fare.
Complete meme, real history has been deleted by floods and gatekeepers. Warfare used to be a means to an end, once free energy was discovered humans transcended past the need for fighting each other because resources were no longer scare. Once the first sun betrayed us, only a greedy few held on to the free energy blueprints. Of course the gatekeepers love the first sun because it gave them the chance to do such a bad thing (first sun is Saturn). Mankind was always meant to finish its existence comfy. There is still a chance. Also, women are just fuckholes, they don't even need to organism for new humans to reproduce, even the lion snake in the sky suggest there pleasure is of no concern. You're a simp faggot, I bet the new sun will ""stunt"" on your lungs when you wake up under an ocean. pussy

>> No.55828952

this, every popular post on reddit is fucking fake as hell

>> No.55828968

If you were enlightened you wouldn't have this ego

>> No.55828972

I actually know this anon believe me he doesn't have any ego whatsoever.

>> No.55828977

Infact he's probably the only anon here without an ego, why I said ask more questions, he can give you answers you might seek.

>> No.55828996

Discord tranny confirmed. Enlightenment is a personal journey that doesn't end, to think you have the answers is to delude yourself. To tell others you do is to delude them. No one can speak the absolute truth.

>> No.55828999

>that you have to have sex to have children and you have to have children (with similar genetics and culture) to carry the civilization into the future.
Give it a few years
>In many ways they even make that harder.
Exactly, technology has radically affected our social sphere and capablities, that the old ways of thinking were 20 miles was a days travel and the possible mates were limited to the neaby village, simply don't hold up.

>> No.55829006

I know this post is real because a couple Christians I know have said they'd never commit suicide because it's a sin.

>> No.55829014

People also lived way closer together and had slaves to compensate for this. I'm not sure things have changed as much as people think they have.

>> No.55829015

Nobody has the answers he's literally saying that in his posts, he might have pointers, he might answer questions that you might not know, but nobody has the ultimate answer to life.

That's the whole point of his black knight analogy but you didn't read that
>discord tranny
hardly, not going to go into how we met but it wasn't discord.

>> No.55829071

>black knight analogy
>There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy

>> No.55829157

I never claimed to be enlightened, nor do I seek it. I have earthly desires and attachments, and I am okay with it. Thought enlightenment isn't the path for me, there are many aspects of ancient spiritual teachings that allows oneself personal growth and the mental/spiritual fortitude to overcome adversity.

Personally I feel enlightenment would cheapen the experience of life, and perhaps I am wrong about that, but it's not something I want for myself in the near future. Maybe if/when I'm old I might pursue it, but I do not seek enlightenment. Only a greater understanding of myself and, perhaps to pass on the tools I used to overcome my travels into hell.

>> No.55829177
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>> No.55829182
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I hope your weekend went well.

Sorry you know my autism see's people's intention and yours always glows bright to me.

Seriously though anons this man might be the most interesting man on /biz/ certainly in 2023 that I can guarantee.

>> No.55829193

My thoughts exactly LOL
0 remorse
>Yea now I have to clean up the mess
>I now have to be a single mother
>Let me put my child for adoption
>At least his job is paying for his funeral
>Then proceeds to virtue signal to show that's she's a good person

GOD giving the internet to women was the biggest fucking mistake ever.
Like sure all women think like this, but at least back then they weren't allowed to publicly be this retarded without the whole Village getting pissed off.
Now we have women's unhinged rants all over the Internet because of the anonymity of the internet.
Maybe jewden peterstein was right , and anonymous internet users are bad.

>> No.55829197

thanks bro, I appreciate your relatively high opinion of me, and I'm glad you got some use out of my ramblings, but I certainly do have an ego, I just.. have this need to understand this aspect of humanity, and further understand myself. But when I have something I believe is worthy of giving, I like to share it with the assholes that lurk here, as ultimately I come from them, and I am one of them.

There are many souls here stuck in hell. I just.. found the tools I needed to kill my dragon, and if I can do it, so can they

>> No.55829210

>and anonymous internet users are bad.
Places with no avatars or identity are the only ones free of virtue signaling women.

>> No.55829224
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We all fight with it, some slay it faster than others, you know me pretty well by now I still fight daily with mine and may never slay it but to give up is the losers way, I'll always be competitive no matter what my circumstances might be.
Things can seem hopeless god knows I know and you as well but without hopeless days there can't be those glorious little moments that make us appreciate life.

I'm an asshole as well
>as we well know
We all are, but we are a unique brand of asshole, we care too damn much even me who is probably one of the most hated anons here, but only because people lack understanding.

To me you have no ego, and that's because my ego is so hyper inflated when we speak I don't tend to see yours, we all have a certain degree of egotistical nature but when in comparison to the vast majority you've reigned yours in check, something I still struggle too often with.

>> No.55829227

Thanks brother. I am a simple wounded healer. And for some reason I want the best for anons on this subreddit.

>> No.55829255

You've got a ridiculously huge heart which rubbed off on this black hearted grey haired oldfaggot, I greatly appreciate you more than you'll probably ever truly know.

>> No.55829280

Haha okay, I remember you now. Good man, never surrender, but you already know that. Yeah I feel like I'm on the precipice of a deep understanding on my journey.. like I'm stealing fire from the Gods. Hopefully I'll find it, and if I do, I'll bring it back for the anons who need it.

Glad you exist anon, happy to see a kindred spirit

>> No.55829305
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I didn't want to be too obvious, I unfortunatly have the gift of sight, you'll get it anon I believe in you truly, you're on a path I wouldn't dare set upon, maybe in a different life.

I'm always happy to see you still swinging and not giving up the fight, god knows most days I want to but there's greater purposes to our existence that I am certain of.

I don't have the answers nobody does because of our self-limiters, but we can seemingly graze from the universe and get a little further a further.

This world is full of assholes it's what the world turns us into, but some of us spend time to try to dig the others out of that hole like you did with myself.

I can't ever forget that and you forever impacted the change in my life that ripples out daily.

Don't ever give up.

>> No.55829352

As callous as she sounds, she kinda does have a point. He needs to get out there and support his family.

I drive trains. Suicide by train is one of the most common methods of unaliving oneself in my country (no guns). We get five days of critical incident leave but after that it's on us to get back to work, if we don't, we don't get paid. Sounds like the therapy for the loss of his family the first time round didn't address his problems and it all compounded, because 99% of people in my industry who have wiped someone out will come back to work after their incident leave and not make a big deal out of. No point in dwelling over what you can not control.

>> No.55829355

>I can't ever forget that and you forever impacted the change in my life that ripples out daily.
There is not a higher compliment I can receive. Thanks for reminding me why I do this

>> No.55829375
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I wouldn't be typing here today if it weren't for you, that I can almost guarantee.

It's me that should be thanking you, not the other way around my fren, but you're welcome although again not my place to say such words.
I just don't want that light to flicker out, the world does it's hardest to eliminate the light because it's much more powerful than the dark.

>> No.55829405

>my church wont help a widow
>because my husband an hero'd
Reddit screencaps are lies without exception

>> No.55829414

It is a sin. Do you think the church doesn't help sinners or something?

>> No.55830100

Who defines sin?

>> No.55830921

>The man could have fulfilled his duties as a father regardless of his fears, and dedicated the push through his suffering to his family.
His wife was/is very clearly a complete cunt, as most women are, there was really not much to push him into action.
And at the time there was no other family and it seems she's pretty willing to just drop the kid somewhere and move on.
Yep, that's really the kind of woman who will inspire you to strive and sacrifice for her.

>> No.55831279
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I believe the point the anon was making is he had duties to fulfill and failed to do so.
>assuming this isn't a larp it's reddit so take it with a grain of salt.

The point being we are our own happiness or misery.
If you aren't prepared to play your part then don't pick that role.

>> No.55831982

the guy sounds like a fuck sõyboy. Who fucking kills themself over accidentally killing someone else. I mean it is sad but you move on, especially after 7 months.

>> No.55832072

>church and community not helping a pregnant widow

I'll support the husband here. She's lying or exaggerating for attention and if he's a trucker and she work(ed) full time in a salon, there's no way you're that poor unless you make some seriously bad decisions.
And fucking kudos for the Husband trying to help out the family of the victim. selflessness doesn't get rewarded often.