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File: 835 KB, 1486x1913, hg_karim_shot15_002033x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55817517 No.55817517 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck mortgages are up near 7% how are people affording houses.
Prices are detached from reality and wages. We are in a massive bubble but it's still churning along.

>> No.55817547


It's not dropping because people with low rates aren't selling. Low inventory.

>> No.55817552

>When will housing prices come down

>> No.55817643

They all have rich parents or grandparents buying houses for them. Everyone my age (late 20s) with a house was just given one. I make $170k a year in the midwest and housing is still almost unaffordable to not have to live around niggers in a shithole. Call me a fake demoralizing post or whatever but its true.

>> No.55817656
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whereas in Canada where many are on variable or "fixed" 5 year (so 20% per year have to refinance), prices are dropping and will continue to drop as more and more people are forced onto higher rates.

>> No.55817667
File: 1.00 MB, 1870x1401, 1690042211552683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1970: $0.5T
1980: $1.5T
2000: $4.5T
2020: $15T
2023 $20.8T

-MSPUS (Median Sales Price of Houses Sold for the United States)-
1970: $24k
1980: $64k
2000: $165k
2020: $329k
2023: $436k

r2: 0.98 (!!!!!!)

Houses aren't expensive, you've just been robbed blind for 50 years. Stop simping for your slavemaster little statists, as Greenspan correctly states, all we need to do is Short the Shitcoin, with BTC we finally have the technical means for practical grassroots capital flight from fiat, and the State can't do shit as it no longer has the memejuice to pull an FDR and criminalize the new gold.

>> No.55817671


God damn such a slow ass drop. Drop faster.

>> No.55817691
File: 627 KB, 1034x952, Screenshot 2023-08-11 at 11-54-22 The Not So Polite Truth Behind Canada's Collapsing Economy - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the banks are letting people tack on the extra interest owed to the end of the amortization period, thereby inhibiting forced selling.
Canada has essentially banned price discovery.
In the meantime the only other action taken by Trudeau is to push up immigration to put more pressure on housing stock.
Canadians no longer invest in businesses, instead they buy housing stock then rent it back to people who don't already own, "solving" the shortage they created.

>> No.55817718
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the nightmare rolls on, and with way higher income taxes, no healthcare, bad roads, underfunded schools, higher food prices and lower pay

>> No.55817755

They will never come down when you are importing 1 million immigrants a year yet only building 200,000 houses a year, and half the house are sold for renting.

>> No.55817769

people even boomers aren't stupid they know you can't print more land to build houses on, they will never sell, no matter how high the number is because even stupid normies and boomers have realized by now that fiat money is worthless paper, it would take 5-10 years without creating a single dollar through the fed or banks for people to regain trust in cash which we all know is impossible because this ponzi economy needs fresh fiat to pay back debt

8 mexicans will pool their savings and outbid you, jamal and jerome will get free housing and you will get nothing

ask yourself if you had a house or some land right now would you sell? and for what? what would you do with that money? there is your answer, the prices could oduble tomorrow and most people still wouldn't sell

>> No.55817777

Oh look another
>Woah is me, housing is fuckt

Get fukt. Sprinkle some spices on this thread

>> No.55817780
File: 216 KB, 2119x1415, GettyImages-1135562026-5da98392c39a42ea81e121916110e5f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems like Japan needs some diversity

>> No.55817830

>ids alwuys dose dam juice n' furignurs

>> No.55817914


>> No.55817919

good thing the boomer's kids market dump that shit and buy new cars

>> No.55817946

Ch ch ch checked

>> No.55818001
File: 39 KB, 1308x435, housing inventory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are in a bubble

Not a bubble. People bought with low rates and have mortgage payments they can afford.

There is an incentive for them to not pay off their mortgage, as they're sitting on rates that are lower than returns from treasury bills.

As a result, inventory is the lowest it's ever been. And you're not going to get people to sell.

>> No.55818017

Why are you trying to generate fomo over housing? Are you a boomer? Or are you a recently new homeowner trying to substantiate a terrible decision?

>> No.55818025
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>> No.55818049

When America collapses so probably 2 more weeks

>> No.55818251

The prices will never come down. That's it, game over, the boomers used covid to their full advantage and won. Time to pack up and move to another country or settle for a meth house in the middle of Appalachia.

>> No.55818304

Mostly two types of buyers now.
FOMO chasing idiots and straight cash buyers.
BUT a major factor is there are hardly any sellers. Demandis down, but supply is equally down so its just stagnant. Unless a major event happens it’s probably just gonna stay this way.

t. Realtor in East coast.

>> No.55818341

I live in a house with a 3.4% mortgage, not selling to get a 7.4% mortgage

>> No.55818368
File: 21 KB, 474x379, pepethumbsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Too many R selected mexicans and melanin rich americans. As white man your goal should be to find some slightly autistic/tomboy white girl and breed an army of gigachads and train them in combat while raising them in tents/unconventional housing like varg is doing. Then your descendants of nomadic crazy pale skins will raid and pillage the remaining R selected in 2200 america AD. ((housing)) is a literal spook.

>> No.55818424

> 'owns' a house
> loses job
> house repossessed
this dynamic hasn't disappeared

>> No.55818437
File: 136 KB, 1920x1200, Generation_timeline.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> are boomers going to cease to exist soon?

>> No.55818592

That's not a drop, that's barely a correction.

>> No.55818658

Markets can remain irrational for a very long time.

>> No.55818664
File: 102 KB, 1750x644, median household income.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loses job

You're betting on this line going down. Good luck.

>> No.55818791

I don't think it ever will because it's real, it can be used to get pass income, it's a limited resource and it's current situation is ideal for the people who are rich enough to get away with anything.

>> No.55818800

*passive income
it can also be used to give to their kids and stuff which inheritance is pretty much how people are guaranteed to succeed due to generational wealth.

>> No.55818835

>What the fuck mortgages are up near 7% how are people affording houses.
Yes? That's literally the point. Boomer faggots bought to many as investments so the fed is trying to crush demand.

>> No.55818844

We're simply going to have to reconquer the continent.
Next time we need to not let the jews in.

>> No.55819010
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We always let the jews into the ships that's why we still have problems even now. Sometimes i pity those who say they need to make it before they reach 30 because they are right. Most gen z right now won't ever, ever, reach the income necessary to sustain a household, much less buy a home or live the typical "american dream". If you see lots of anons throwing their wages to "X.COM" or the next shib is because they know if they can't make it now, they never will

>> No.55819013

The only people buying up houses are the ones sweeping up an entire street or a block to demolish single family homes into those weird cardboard apartments with bad plumbing, ofcourse everything painted grey and white.
I don't really think this situation is about singular groups of people, more like cooperate companies sweeping a basic human need as an investment. Blaming boomers and complain can only be done for so long, it gets boring.

>> No.55819046

Limited housing and increasing population = number goes up forever

400k houses will cost 1m in 15 years

>> No.55819079

Mass immigration + businesses being concentrated in single cities.
Everyday I have to wake up to go to work and pray I can stuff myself in the train and someone doesn't just die on the trains ahead of the journey, absolutely miserable out there.

>> No.55819090

I ought at 3.25, but I'm also out in the middle of fucking nowhere. Gotta do what you gotta do as a first timer owner.

>> No.55819178

Maybe buy an abandoned house, tear it down, and build a new one?

>> No.55819288

quit larping if you can't afford a 5 percent down payment in the midwest at your salary you've got a problem that has nothing to do with housing.

>> No.55819375

That reminds me. Some people speculate Greenspan was an accelerationist who wanted to destroy the fed system and return to a gold standard:


>> No.55819392

World population multiplied by a factor of like 5 in some hundred years. How much did the earth increase in size during that time?

>> No.55819543

Yes, unironically.

>> No.55819565

Very soon. Keep renting. Crash very soon, so keep paying rent. Any day now. Youre very smart for renting instead of buying now.

>> No.55819686
File: 23 KB, 730x575, seething rentoids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'm sure if you keep waiting and seething instead of buying somewhere cheaper, things will work out for you. (not)

>> No.55820203

have fun renting for the next decade waiting for a crash that never comes LOL

>> No.55820211

why are you responding emotionally instead of responding to the image/facts in his post? Renter mad things aren't crashing like le heckin big shorterino?

>> No.55820824

When ccp investor are forced to dump so their shitcoin doesn't hyperinflate when they try to stimulate themselves out of the shit to dump dollar to stabilize the yuan

>> No.55820876

What kind of shill campaign are you running?

You can go on FRED and see housing days in market is increasing YoY, not just seasonally, and conversely price per sqft is dumping seasonally and going to be dumping YoY this fall. Where are you shills from? Overstretched in debt chinks? With foreign us homes you can't sell? Lol

>> No.55822636

Anons who studied the last housing crash in 2008, roughly how long was there from the bottom of the crash until they started up the money printers, and will that happen this time around or are they going to use immigrants this time instead?

>> No.55823772

Once the vaxx maxxies start dropping dead in droves, vacant houses will become free like in Japan

>> No.55823791

in just two more weeks

>> No.55823799

That's was several months back.
Between now and then I know several Canadians who went from being unaware of FOMC meetings to keenly anticipating them, as their savings deplete despite no longer eating out.

>> No.55823830

They aren't, there is a housing shortage caused by people refusing to sell their houses because they don't want to take on a huge interest loan.

>> No.55823903

yep that heckin crasherino is coming in about two weeks, I'd reckon

>> No.55823975

i've lost faith in prices coming down. i plan on going back to school to be a nurse, so i can make $35-40/hour in a rural area where homes only cost $150k. that will go a lot further than my cucked $50/hour equivalent salary, in an area where homes cost $350-450k. it's unironically over for the vast majority of americans.

>> No.55824022

Never. Governments have to keep it inflated to keep the boomer votes flowing

>> No.55824060

unfortunately housing is a slow crash unlike stocks or crypto, etc.
From the top of 2007 - the "bottom" was about 2012/2013 , which was about 5/6 years and the "losses" were between 20-40% depending on markets (places like california lost 40% meanwhile dc lost only 10-20%) problem in this cycle is both the low interest everyone got in 2020-early 2022 and the crazy overbidding/cash offers/etc that prices rose 20-30% in just those two years so even a "crash" will just bring prices back to 2019 levels...

>> No.55824124

everything that is happening from 2008 to now is about the end of the boomer timeline.
We are deep into it now. Healthcare is failing in most western nations. This will accelerate. The support ratio will continue to shift. People will be asked to work more for less, and they will (and are) starting to refuse.

>> No.55824144

prices are down and smart people are buying while you wait.
when interestrates go down in few years they get 10x profit just by living in a house.

>> No.55824188

prices have barely changed from before rate rises, therefore they won't change much were rates to revert to zirp.
prices are set by available credit, biztards can't understand this.

>> No.55824493

sorry dude, those little dinky 1k sqft houses built in the 70s are now worth $300,000. thats just how it is and you need to get used to it

>> No.55824501

>people to sell
people dont own houses anymore
its all blackrock, chinks, and sand niggers from overseas
brandon needs to sign an executive order right now to make it illegal for non us born citizens to own even a centimeter of us land

>> No.55824509

> Ban foreigners buying land
It's how you mop up USD from your deficit
No recycling, no deficit

>> No.55824514

If all those companies will really buy any house, then housing development companies can just build unlimited houses til Blackrock becomes Bagrock. Heh.

>> No.55824519

thats whats been going on
they arent building new developments that people can afford
they are building expensive mcmansions to sell directly to blackrock to rent out

>> No.55824526

Megacorps are buying your residential real estate.
no one cares if plebwagies can't afford it, they still need to live somewhere and they will caugh up the money

>> No.55824528

Well eventually blackrock will either own two McMansions for every human being in America, or they’ll have to stop buying.

>> No.55824543

basically this
they keep saying no recession because the jobs market is hot yet they dont talk about how the average citizen needs to work, on average, 3.5 full time 40 hour a week jobs to afford a studio apartment in the middle of nowhere

>> No.55824574
File: 29 KB, 724x388, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandparents were factory workers who never had any kind of schooling, and bought a house in this location for $95,000 in 1985.

The median in their area is now $2,660,000

>> No.55824652

If I hadn’t bought a house pre covid I’d be living in a van. Why would any average joe slave away with a 60k income on a 400k starter home at 7% interest? Just live in a van and chill. My mortgage is $850 a month. I need a larger house but an upgrade is going to cost me over 2k a month. It’s beyond absurd. Many of these 400k homes were 150k just 10 years ago.

>> No.55824661

are you that stupid idiot who made the other thread about not being able to afford retirement?


>t. was gifted 100k down payment so I was able to buy a house (with mortgage)

>> No.55824732

>Dude just spend $300k to build a modern cardboard house bro.

>> No.55824811

>who never had any kind of schooling
they understood the bargain well enough
> free holidays and an easy life
> your kids and grandchildren are fucked
they signed on the line

>> No.55825247
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>boomers think their $150k home is actually worth $600k

>> No.55825273
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>> No.55825357

rich fucks have been accelearting unstable markets since covid. 2 years tops.

>> No.55825779

Not 10x but you're right.

>> No.55825789

Recession will handle everything. Unemployment leads to people losing their jobs forcing people to sell, banks will be unwilling to lend out mortgages unless you have a big deposit lowering the buyers on the market, homeowners that want to sell will be competing with other owners leading to a downward pressure in prices in order to sell.

>> No.55826144

current market doesn't have much in common with the housing market leading up to 2008, they aren't comparable beyond meme charting

>> No.55826357

Who’ll be unaffected by the recession ?

>> No.55826379
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do you honestly think that people who locked their mortgages in 2-3% interest rate will ever sell their homes? LMAO get real nigga. There's a demand for supply and a shortage in the inventory. My house that I bought a month ago already appreciated 3%, stay renting.

>> No.55826409

it will take a while, that's for sure. in the meantime, try to enjoy the free things in life: sunshine, family, chainlink price feeds

>> No.55826471

it took 2-3 three years for house prices to bottom out. the recession hasnt even started yet

>> No.55826990

how do you expect people to pay for their mortgage when they have no job, hope you didn't buy your home recently

>> No.55827010

I can't believe this actually makes sense to me now as. white male in 2023/2024. Fuckin crazy what this place does to you.

>> No.55827031

look at house prices in the last housing crash.
barely noticeable
high interest rates = high inflation = higher house prices soon.

>> No.55827243

I'm witnessing two thing happening in response to this. New homes are going up everywhere, and people are moving to cheaper locations.

>> No.55827264

Maybe for the down payment if you have a job to get the loan. Otherwise your looking at $100k to $250k for one of those finished vans.

>> No.55827301

How are those walkable cities doing you, chud? I drive 50miles to and from work. My house is only 350k.

>> No.55827344

This was all part of the globalist's plan
Make home ownership and entrepreneurialism impossible so that everyone has to rent and wage forever.
Couple that with their plan to enforce their farce of a carbon neutral future and the introduction of CBDCs, and you have billions of well behaved cattle that live in pods, work in pods, eat bugs, and most importantly, do what their told.

>> No.55827349


This time its different anon. In fact, high interest rates = high inflation = higher house prices soon.

See >>55827031

>> No.55827350

House prices aren't going up. It's the value of the dollar that's being inflated into the abyss

>> No.55827707

>what is a reverse mortgage
also most boomers aren't gonna die for another 20 years

>> No.55828202
File: 353 KB, 1901x1188, Generation_timeline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because fat retards don't have healthcare costs until right before they die!
Also *many* boomers will be dead in well under 20 years.
This entire timeline since 2008 is about the demographic shift biting. We are now well into the consequences of their actions.

>> No.55828373

that's where immigration comes in. These houses are gigantic. They're for multiple immigrant families rented out. Why do you think the federal government straight up refuses to secure the border?

>> No.55829705

According to the Vedas the Earth is effectively of infinite size. Even if it weren't, all shortages are artificial, effectively a reimagining of the Enclosure Act.