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55816454 No.55816454 [Reply] [Original]

How did we go from money laundering index to and ETF. Should he have to reconcile those comments at least?

>> No.55816460

who cares what’s the point of this thread endless time wasting bullshit questions with no answers i hate you kikes

>> No.55816461
File: 568 KB, 1080x1705, Bitcoin is Good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should he have to reconcile those comments at least?



>> No.55816472

Disgusting kike.
BlackRock literally is ruinning the world and has the balls to talk (complain) about public concern ethics

>> No.55816477

they kept normies from making money
now they are either
>ready to let normies file in pumping their bags
>let normies file in to be exit liquidity

>> No.55816481

Sam getting locked up for kike antics = rally on Monday.

>> No.55816501

Will the price ever do another -80% to -85% drop again after Blackrock get in?

If so I guess its over for making it with bitcoin unless you currently have at least 21.

>> No.55816646

Fixed income assets need bitcoin, this is why Larry Fink did a 180. The next round is money printing will dwarf 2020.

>> No.55816647

well that was during a bear market and now we are in a bull market

>> No.55816657

Jan 2017 > December 2017 was a 1 year long bullrun, that post is from October 2017, 2 months before the bullrun came to a instant-crash.

>> No.55816659

Why do you care about what (((they))) say? Watch what they do retard

>> No.55816686

He's a kike that used his reputation to fud BTC so he could buy it for cheap. Probably illegal what he did, but he'll get away with it.

>> No.55816692

>How did we go from the jew showing one face then another the next day?
lurk moar

>> No.55816719

>sell now goyim, it is immoral to hold bitcoin.
>luckily for you, I have benevolently decided to buy it off you for the very realistic and reasonable price of 5k per BTC

>> No.55817005

You can't convince me that jews aren't evil conniving rats. I would literally take a bullet before I say the opposite.

>> No.55817739

It's sentiment analysis. Their bots spit out an endless stream of bullshit questions, we respond, they vpnfag responses to bait more questions, we respond, they get one step closer a GPT investment AI.

>> No.55817752

Anyone with half a braincell realizes bitcoin is used for money laundering. How come can you fucking be, lmao.

>> No.55817841
File: 148 KB, 191x733, Screenshot 2023-08-13 031904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blackrock has their buy orders at $12k

>> No.55817990

what brokerage is this from?

>> No.55818014

If you post like 20x the amount of gore the bots/vpn faggots will be forced to go elsewhere since it's all IP logged if they get seen looking at porn/gore they typically fuck off for a few weeks.

>> No.55818082

Challenge accepted. I'll bring the munitions, you spread plastic in the room.

>> No.55818143

You won't do a damn thing, shlomo.

>> No.55818290

So is artwork. So is the war in Ukraine. So is a lot of other stuff I won't even mention.

>> No.55818298


>> No.55819583
File: 132 KB, 2260x402, Screen Shot 2023-08-12 at 6.10.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think he knows about USD? lotta laundering going on there

>> No.55819639

>normies have utmost confidence in USD and think anyone warning about inflation is schizo
>BTC token not needed
>same stupid normies getting their shit pushed in by inflation
>realize BTC as a hedge against USD shitcoin
It's not hard to understand. Schizos always win.

>> No.55820239

Bitcoin is an easy trade, an absolute no brainer. I might be a little concerned if hashrate was down, but it's been going up since last year.

>> No.55820732

The entire thing by the air priests is desperation. There is nothing to monetize or collaterize anymore. Crapto is that epistemic communities last shot, if it fails, and it is going to fail it's game over. World war, the likely outcome, civil war, the moderately possible outcome or ordered world wide deflation, the least likely outcome

>> No.55820747

Dollar/euro is currently deflationary. The liquidity in the system is a fucking joke, and nobody with two braincells left is taking risk, while the collateralization and monetization options, be it population or asset xy run out. Crapto last shot destined to fail. It's over

>> No.55821717
File: 47 KB, 460x276, -2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't try to make rational sense of it. Its just a lesson in financial markets- there is no morality or truth. Only vehicles that make you money, or challenge your ability to make money.

BTC used to be a threat to BlackRock. Now with the ETF, it is an opportunity for BlackRock.

You cannot believe any of these carefully crafted statements (literally written by teams of people), only that the speaker is promoting their immediate self interest.

>> No.55821747

There is no demand. And whoever convinced lehma... Black rock and the other scammers to go for crapto etfs need to be fired same as the ones writing the advertising. They are incompetent