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55814587 No.55814587 [Reply] [Original]

I got drunk again and dumped almost $4k into various shitcoins

How do I restrain myself and get into the habit of a moderate weekly DCA?

>> No.55814592

You made fun of me...
I'm sad and sick and poor you kinda had it coming I make shitposts because if people bully me bad things happen to them.
I'm like a punching bag except the world punches back for being a meanie beanie chicken wingy.

>> No.55814595

Go to an aa meeting.

>> No.55814598

Fuck you nigger

>> No.55814607

Sorry anon. I’m sitting on shitloads of cash. I should probably just buy treasuries or BTC but I always shoot for higher returns. I put about $10k into Kaspa already the past few weeks

>> No.55814619
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I forgive you.
Just pray I find some way to survive my shit situation and maybe your situation with improve as well.
Positive energy is better than negative energy that's easy to do.

>> No.55814649

How much you lose on Kaspa?

>> No.55814656

I’m still up. My first buy was around 2 cents

>> No.55814666
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I worked for a research company for crypto, I saw it shilled here at the start.
Looking at the chart I'd get the fuck off it's in for a pretty big drop.
This isn't financial advice.

This is financial advice, take all your money turn it into paladium then turn it into a gun and then you'll look pretty badass during the collapse.

>> No.55814674

It needs to shed $500m to fall back to 2 cents and if it does I’d probably throw another $2k into it. Very unlikely

>> No.55814685

I've seen worse in crypto, it's very high from ATH, assuming we don't bullrun it will crater, it could go higher from here but I wouldn't suspect much.

That being said I regret not getting it had a chance to get in very early but just assumed it was another jeet rugpull

>> No.55814710

Agreed. This.

you have a problem. get help. everyone should quit drinking by age 30. thank me later when you're an oldfag and still alive

>> No.55814727

I’m only 28 but thanks. I’ll stop drinking when the West gets better (it never will lol)

>> No.55814788
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You should unironically quit drinking, I stopped about 11-13 years ago I lost count, I've had a few drinks here and there but it has zero control over me now, never truly did but it just made me sicker over time.

It's good for your brain body and finances.

>> No.55814798

theres exchanges now that allow you to auto dca

>> No.55814916

I was drunk and burned 1 bil of shib to try and help before they added any kind of burning mechanism lole

>> No.55814922

That doesn’t even sound like a lot

>> No.55814946

It's about $11k right now

>> No.55815114

Uhh, how about you just grow up ? Start taking some responsibility and act like an adult ? If you think you're starting to snap out of being a child then you'll do what I do, which is I have my mumsie look after my money for me. If I've been a good boy then mumsie will give me some money that I can have fun time with. I've lost thousands of dollars on crypto so mumsie managing my money makes me feel safe. It's time to grow up and get your mumsie to manage your money like a proper adult

>> No.55815232

Kek wtf

>> No.55815376
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>I should probably just buy treasuries or BTC
if you had the chance and didn't take it, then you're fucking idiot
I try to squeeze as much as I can out of duck race to have a chance with the big boys, fighting for my life and you decide to fuck yourself? lmao

>> No.55817618
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If the game plan ain't clicking, switch up your strategy, anon. Why not stack up on bags that bring real-world value, like Peaq, Helium, and Iotex? They're weaving physical infrastructures in a decentralized manner. DePIN narrative is buzzing.

>> No.55818351

>Der Dämonenjude