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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55810346 No.55810346 [Reply] [Original]

Why do they straight up lie about inflation. I don’t understand it

>> No.55810352

inflating away my mortgage is a good thing

>> No.55810353
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It’s “good inflation” no need to worry!

>> No.55810402

Inflation is a good thing if you're rich. Nobody cares about the poor or average earner because the rich are the only ones with balls to take action or ignore laws.

>> No.55810430

Bad for wagies, good for asset owners.

>> No.55810511 [DELETED] 

>sloppily dressed
>covered in tattoos
>buying avocados

>> No.55810939

>Why do they lie
To win.

>> No.55811185 [DELETED] 

It's a part of the communist demoralization agenda. Participating and agreeing with obvious nontruths weakens your character and makes you further susceptible to other lies. If you still have a free mind you will see what I am telling you is the truth.
>biden has been the best president in history for the us economy, straight men can have gay sex, theres no such thing as biological gender, women can do everything a man can, white people are bad, black people are good, etc etc etc

>> No.55811217

If they didn't, it'd be three times as high, and then everyone would run out and buy everything "because of the inflation". Then people would want to see THAT higher inflation-number, they'd buy more, and so on.

>> No.55811296 [DELETED] 

>thanks to all of our policies
>this world just keeps getting more and more fucked for the average person
>we are going to make your life so fucking shitty you wont believe it
>"Here's why that's a *good thing*
how these people haven't been dragged into the streets and set on fire by now is the only wonder

>> No.55812836

because it's just theft with extra steps. if the normies figured this out they would riot.

>> No.55812858

Because normies believe this shit. Hell there are Reddit faggots on this board right now who have probably been brainwashed into believing this shit. All it takes is one article from an authority figure they blindly trust and they throw all reason out the window. You can even explain why they are wrong because they have more faith in their overlords than a human being in real life.

>> No.55812864

Go back to your containment board Pol incel

>> No.55812923

Bot? Shill? Newfags couldn't possibly have this gump.

>> No.55813340

>cia nigger detected

>> No.55814109

die in fire shills

>> No.55814309

I truly believe this. They are so brainwashed by reddit and other media outlets that they will blindly believe anything. It’s a shame. They will never be us no matter how hard they try like the person replying to you.

I don’t know what the solution is now. Is it crypto? Go all in again? Is it stocks now with all the redditors shilling bullshit? I just don’t know. All I know is my paycheck is $4k lower in inflation terms than in December. Thanks biden or whoever is running this shit.

>> No.55814361 [DELETED] 

>A pig
>In a cage
>On antibiotics

>> No.55814386 [DELETED] 
File: 239 KB, 800x1062, 1690933006776545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I hate this fucking country.
t. Just paid $5 for a fucking slice of microwave pizza since it was the only edible thing available at the only store currently open.

>> No.55814403
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>um, sweaty, here's why $10 gas is a good thing.

>> No.55814567 [DELETED] 

Buddy, It's under Capitalism

>> No.55814596

Yeah, you just won't be able to afford food. At least you'll have a roof over your head when you starve to death.

>> No.55814617

>print money
>give directly to multinational corporation

>> No.55814681 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 700x572, 1687990977961717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this country is capitalist, then I'm Bob Ross.

>> No.55814690 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 600x800, 124af4f41ed4076ef32a01c59f1654b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's actually this retarded

>> No.55814700 [DELETED] 

>that’s not REAL capitalism
Pretty ironic.

>> No.55814759 [DELETED] 

True. This country is fake capitalism. The country used to stand for trust busting, but has let big tech control thoughts for about 20 years. The scariest thing to think about is that most people’s opinions and thoughts are directly controlled by what google shows them (and by a lesser extent what the government want to show on Google)

>> No.55815829

>but but
professionals are at work here

>> No.55815888

>inflation goes negative
>inflation goes to high
There is no outcome that is good without a recession wiping out inflation

>> No.55815904

there's gotta be people out there that believe this shit.
but someone has to be the dredge of society, i guess.

>> No.55815944 [DELETED] 

Haha yea. They cannot accept that big finance is destorying the world and need a boogeyman.

>> No.55816029 [DELETED] 

Gender is a social construct, invented by a J*w, no less. what you mean is sex, which is biological.

>> No.55816071 [DELETED] 

Ritual humiliation. Communism/Khazar Kike ‘Judaism’ is based upon this. If you can get someone to deny and/or outright lie despite the fact that they are aware of the lie, then you can then control them.

>> No.55816087

This. I have very nice large building.
My business is in the tank but the amount I can sell the building for keeps going up.
I will eventually just check out if they keep this up too long.
Good luck guys.

>> No.55816416 [DELETED] 

He's right. We are post-democratic and post-capitalist.

>> No.55816825 [DELETED] 

It's hyper-libertarian-capitalist
>if you can't earn money starve to death on the street you little shit
for the poor, hyper-socialist
>don't worry if your bank fails bro we'll use the tax dollars to bail you out - you're too big to fail
for the rich.

>> No.55817170 [DELETED] 

>government giving preferential treatment to a specific class is libertarian
Do people these days just use words without knowing what they mean?

>> No.55817184 [DELETED] 

You can hear it when they say "our democracy"
It's not "ours" as in belonging to all the citizens of this country, it's "ours" as in "we (the jewish political oligarchy and mulatto sock puppets in office) control it, we own it and decide what to do, fuck you goyim"

>> No.55817199

>but but it may not be a bad thing
This is why we need AI journalists, less typos

>> No.55817649

Redditors are the main reason why internet message boards aside from 4chan are shit now. They just mindlessly gobble up propaganda all whilst positioning themselves as revolutionaries. You can’t discuss anything in genuine anymore, it’s just fall in line behind the narrative or you’re a Nazi.

>”Bidenomics is working! CNN said all Americans are making $100 an hour!”
>”Uhh their sampling methodology says they only sampled two finance bros in Manhattan and I personally know 5 people who just got laid off”
>”Stop believing your lying eyes, chud!”

I want to believe they’re not real people but I’ve been to enough nerd conventions to know they’re real.

>> No.55817658 [DELETED] 

>le socialism for the rich meme

Have you faggots actually researched what “too big to fail means?” Of course you didn’t. We just went through this shit with SVB earlier this year. A large bank collapsing would have catastrophic effects on the economy and ripple throughout the banking system

>> No.55818801


>> No.55818857

>inflation goes negative
two more weeks

>> No.55818871

Half of inflation is psychological. If you tell people inflation won’t be so bad they won’t panic about it and hike prices. In theory.

>> No.55819773 [DELETED] 

See >>55814386
I fucking hate neoliberal normie redditards so much it's unreal.

>> No.55819853 [DELETED] 

I don't even want to start a family anymore. I just want to be left alone.

>> No.55820145 [DELETED] 

>central banks control economy
western world is very communist

>> No.55820165

the only non-bots/shills itt

>> No.55820178
File: 52 KB, 630x222, images (2)~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55820183

Just rent your shed to someone in return for them farming your backyard.
This is unironically the future of the US.

>> No.55820187


>> No.55820190

What they likely mean is that inflation is going to go back down to the usual 2% and that's good because central bank targets and GDP growing from "economic activity".

>> No.55820194

This but unironically
Dying in a gutter is so undignified

>> No.55820205

>why they are shit
They dont even exist anymore except like maybe gamefaqs and stockwitz?
Fuck reddit, id rather be on dedicated forums than 4chan any day but that shit is dead

>> No.55822210

lmao half the thread deleted

>> No.55823924

Why not lie?

>> No.55823947

...until the inflating hoa fees result in your house being stolen by the karen cartel

>> No.55823952

>reddit faggots
that's just code for normies between the ages of like 15 and 35. and yeah i agree with you. these are the people who legitimately believe government statistics... as long as it's a left wing government.