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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55813794 No.55813794 [Reply] [Original]

No matter how many dollars I earn I will never have a house, what's the point?

>> No.55813800

There isn’t really a point to life desu

>> No.55813802
File: 81 KB, 735x407, pillow-fort-pepe-frog-no-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw when im a horrivle loser with now lifep

>> No.55813804
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Just take on the debt silly
get the mortgage

>> No.55813812

Why not just buy a house in a black neighborhood?

>> No.55813829
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I hope the zoomers gentrify the fuck out of all of their neighborhoods. those ungrateful little shits had it too good for too long

>> No.55813859

Why are we all so sad today especially?

>> No.55814705

Wait for your old folks to die so you can inherit one

Assuming theyre not retarded enough to sell it

>> No.55814783

Wait for the boomers to die, accumulate in the meantime

>> No.55815337
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the point is to try and have at least a purpose in life or a goal, honestly I don't even care if I make it or not, as much as I play duck race I know everyone will conspire to make me not have a house, and that's an interesting enough challenge

>> No.55815472

Im pretty sure if you make a certain amount of money you can buy a house.
Get this: you can even pay just 10% of the value up front and spend the next 30 years paying the rest of it off. You can even sell it for more than it was worth when you bought it before the term is up! Isnt that cool???

>> No.55816282

Just buy a bitcoin and you’ll be able to pick which ever property you want in approximately 4 years. Get a grip, OP. Realize the opportunity now.

If you save in fiat, you’ll never catch up

>> No.55816295

Well that's retarded. I'm pretty sure houses are sold in dollars so if you can accumulate enough you can buy a house. Stupid.

>> No.55816830
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Why is 10%+ of the catalog always
>hurr I'm priced out of homeownership durr
Threads these past couple weeks?
>pic rel
Stop choking on those big black pills, niggerlover

>> No.55816832

Bidenomics, should've just been a rich land owner.