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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55811502 No.55811502 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink's only real competition in the cross chain space is a complete fucking joke. All you retards harping on about "oh my god Chainlink took too long other apps are going to eat their lunch!!". Those other apps are defunct piles of shit held together by duct tape and VC funding. Once again Chainlink shows that they're the only people in this space that actually knows what the fuck they're doing.

>> No.55811524
File: 639 KB, 750x1334, B0020DAD-B09A-49C4-BE76-2D28D8E677D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah say bye bye to swift linkcel

>> No.55811540

It’s weird but I’m sensing you may actually be a Chainlink holder yourself

>> No.55811544
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>he thinks he can win against pic related
lol. lmao even

>> No.55811552

if layer 0 needs an oracle it's gonna use chainlink would it not? kek

>> No.55811565

you mean the free price feeds? sure, why not lol.

>> No.55811607

ChainLinks competitors are centralized exchanges though. Which ChainLink IS by the way, the only difference is that rather than basing cost in an ACTUAL currency like USD they just translate everything into Sirgaybucks.

>> No.55811612

>SWIFT is now fud but ONLY once they are partnering with Chainlink.
Lol remember when all the other cryptos would say they were going to work with SWIFT and now they all just talk badly about it.

>> No.55812012

>dumps 5% again

>> No.55812051


> why does btc always dump when link pumps?

Price is run by bots. Every altcoin tends to peak before bitcoin dumps. Additionally, every bagholder has this conspiracy about their shitcoin.

> then why isn't ccip or any other release pumping the price?

Because it isn't profitable at the moment. Institutional investors are very unimpressed with the current crypto landscape. Not that they don't see the potential, but a pricefeed for aave doesn't drop jaws.

> why does all this garbage in the top 20 perform better when they release nothing of value?

Because speculation drives hype, while chainlink's clearly shown their hand. Additionally, the main things left for chainlink speculation are negative. Such as how much super linear staking will decrease the token price or where the team dumps are being allocated.

> but chainlink has speculation with swift, iso2022 etc

Yes, however, that is years away. The majority of crypto holders do not have long time horizons and see the years of poor price performance. Also, a strong social media presence is needed to spread the hype.

> but link twitter is huge

It's more of an echo chamber inside of a large bubble. Anytime chainlink integrates with something in the concrete world, all the outside sees is a swarm of racist frog profiles; along with weird, creepy and blasphemous memes. This does more damage than one might think.

> what can be done then?

Unfortunately the vase has already been broken, so to speak. I suppose the best thing the link community could do is change their image from pepe to something more mainstream, especially for main spokesmen (CLG). Disparage the less sociable crowd from participating and contribute intellectual thoughts instead of the stale memes.

>> No.55812063


> Don't trash CLG he's a genius!!!

That might be true, however he has done irreparable damage to the brand by his blasphemous name and racist profile picture. Furthermore, CLG has a history of shilling rugpulls and various failed projects. As a person, CLG is great, but should create a new account and rebrand.

> should I just sell?

That's a personal question that mostly depends on your financial goals and patience. Chainlink does have a good foundation, but it will likely take years to reach a fraction of the communities insane price targets.

> well if they have a good foundation I'm guaranteed to make it

Not necessarily. Chainlink has a high likelihood of falling victim to the first mover disadvantage.

> what do you mean disadvantage? These new projects can't come close to the number of integrations

First mover disadvantage is due to them investing a high amount of capital to shift businesses over to using a new product. Because of this, a competitor can invest capital into developing a better product instead of luring in new users. For example, Facebook vs MySpace.

> won't the community be loyal since chainlink has funded their development?

In reality, businesses are typically unloyal and go with the best or cheapest option. You can even see various business turning their backs on chainlink while being funded by them. Will the overall industry stay loyal? Unlikely, but only time will tell.

>> No.55812188

Turns out no one needs to use cross chain, ccip is another solution looking for a problem

>> No.55812414

i know you're tripping over yourself to post your kekfuddie cope but this was already debunked in your thread here >>55811435
i don't know how many hours of your life you've wasted trying to unsuccessfully gaslight people but you're probably better off just killing yourself at this point

>> No.55812432


already shut down several times elsewhere - time to come up with a new pasta to spam friendo

>> No.55812453




>> No.55812720

Holy mother of Chainlink cope. Never invest in a company that badmouths another company. Reeks of insecurity that they are inferior

>> No.55812727

Bro you didn’t refute the argument how heavy are your bags?