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55807235 No.55807235 [Reply] [Original]

when will ethereum beat bitcoin im tired of waiting

>> No.55807268

At the end of the bull. But they won't be king.

>> No.55807295


>> No.55807535

... and thats how a new poo is created

>> No.55807598 [DELETED] 

If I was one of the original rapists I'd honestly be disgisted with the hospital staff that raped her....seriously
It's one thing to be raped by random assholes living in your area, that's a reasonable expectatiin of fear
But to be raped by those in a position of trust who are supposed to be caring for the girl and keeping her safe and healthy....you gotta go to SUPER-DUPER hell for that, not regular hell

>> No.55807607

I hope she goes home and her dad rapes her too
Go back faggot

>> No.55807610

If I was one of the original rapists I'd honestly be disgusted with the hospital staff that raped her....seriously
It's one thing to be raped by random assholes living in your area, that's a reasonable expectation of fear
But to be raped by those in a position of trust who are supposed to be caring for the girl and keeping her safe and healthy....you gotta go to SUPER-DUPER hell for that, not regular hell

>> No.55807662


>> No.55807707

I can't help but think Indians evolved such that rape was a cornerstone of their sexual selection strategy. Hence the men being so much more generally unattractive than the females.

At the right age, females will send off rape-me signals that drives the males crazy

>> No.55807718

Saaaar please do not post fake news about India saaaaarrr

>> No.55807797

>try to google the details to check if true
>hundreds of other gang rapes by doctors in india pollute the search results

why must they rape?

>> No.55807844
File: 3.00 MB, 960x540, pajeets.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55807860
File: 177 KB, 1052x900, 1652082730712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we're already not living in hell after reading the headline

>> No.55808235

ethereum is at likely to beat bitcoin as indians are to evolve into humans

>> No.55809058

I'm so glad I will be gone before Pajeets and Negroids fully take over white countries.

Thank the Lord.

>> No.55809184

it woudn't ever happen, anyway. at a certain point you just create a war and browns have never won a single one.

>> No.55809235

I love this webm. Here is some dumb bitch that, despite a bunch of people telling her that browns are subhuman trash, decides to go to the belly of the beast, expecting that it will be all peaceful with people meditating and shit, only to find that all those horrible racists were right. The smile fading from her face is a red pill being shoved down her throat.

>> No.55809274
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>> No.55809287

kek, that's moot crossdressing

>> No.55810647
File: 39 KB, 191x191, 1691595747624622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That fucking OP pic
Incredible stuff really. If India got nuked out of existence quite literally nothing in this world would change. Not a thing. I bet most government would realize it's completely gone in like 24 hours or more. Disgusting shithole.

>When will Ethereum beat Bitcoin I'm tired of waiting
It cannot. Remember, Bitcoin goes down, everything goes down, and viceversa. However more and more chains are homogenizing into Ethereum (Kava getting Cosmos interoperability with the Cosmos SDK + ERC-20 Smart contracts for example) so it *can* reach over half a Bitcoin long term, if more ecosystems keep kneeling to ETH. Bad for decentralization but good for the wallet.

>> No.55810687

She's loving the attention, though. She's smiling. "No you guysss no more photos stoppp hahaha".

>> No.55810692


>> No.55810696

India, most of latin america, most arab countries... Lots of filler in this world to be honest

>> No.55810702

You don't understand women - in reality she's dead inside by being swarmed by a mob of smelly pajeets who are likely going to attempt to rape her at some point

>> No.55810715
File: 8 KB, 257x196, 1691607389782269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bad for decentralization but good for the wallet.
And that's a good thing. Enough with this web3 "take back your privacy" narrative, it's all complete fucking bullshit that will never pan out. We are here to make money and if by that we must cut out roots then so be it.

>> No.55810728
File: 23 KB, 496x499, 1672355708594216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your so-called """ecosystem""" NEEDS ETH's cock to survive and there's nothing you can do about it. Now be a good boy and swallow it all with pride faggot

>> No.55810739
File: 203 KB, 784x1024, 1648234944796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death to kikes that keep flooding white countries with this trash

>> No.55810741

I'm guessing she's in some tourist-friendly location with plenty of police around so I doubt they'd try that, that only happens in the more subhuman suburbia parts in these countries. She can easily yell a few times to get the flies off of her. She likes it.

>> No.55810744

>pajeets can't even control themselves

>> No.55810749

most ecosystems need that eth cock to survive, though.

>> No.55810753

>implying there's ever any sort of "control" within these chaotic, mad max-ridden countries
I wish I were as naive and blissfully ignorant as you are

>> No.55810760

Not a single white person in that picture. Really makes you think

>> No.55810767

post hand + timestamp :)